FBHFL SPLog An Advanced Ham LogBook Welcome. This is SPLog(Tm) V3.01, an Advanced Ham Radio Log Book by Alpha Business Software. This program is designed by the HAM for a discriminating Radio Amateur to help you maintain complete, accurate and error free station logbook. Every effort has been made to provide a bug-free software, but as with any program, there may be combinations of events which may cause a problem. If you have found a problem which you feel is caused by a software error, please call it to the attention of Alpha Business Software. w Help is context sensitive, which means, you can ask for it from anywhere within the SPLog by pressing the key. 8 To Close (exit) the help window press or . . The use of Microsoft(Tm) mouse is supported. 0 The top of the screen displays the menu bar. ` To access the menu system press , To navigate through menus use arrow keys. The bottom of the screen displays the status line with a list of most often used hot keys. ] The following files are required for the complete and proper performance of this program: - SPLOG.EXE - SPLOG.ICO (Optional) - SPLOG.CNF - SPLOG.PIF (Optional) - DXCC.LST - SPORDER.DOC (Optional) - QSLMGR.LST - SPHELP.HLP - SPLOG.DOC TNC Initialization Files. (Recommended, But Optional) - KAM.INI - MFJ1278.INI - PK232.INI - KPC.INI - TNC1.INI - TNC2.INI - MODEM.INI Sample Log File (Optional) - SAMPLE.SPL - SAMPLE.ZSU - SAMPLE.MEM - SAMPLE.CSU They are all provided with the distribution disk(s). C ABS is committed to improve and add features as requests mount. Related Topics : Menu Status Dialog Mouse Help Index Menu Bar The top of the screen displays a menu bar. * To activate the menu bar, press . E To activate menus and commands, press letter. \ For mouse users, place mouse cursor on the Highlighted letter and click the left button. G To move between menus, sub-menus, and commands, use the arrow keys. A To get help on a selected command, or dialog box, press . . To exit Help, menu, or submenu press . Short Cut Example: , takes you directly to the "Log" sub-menu. Use the arrow keys to select the desired command and press to execute it. The Clock: On the right side of the menu bar you will find a clock. By setting the UTC offset in the Option Switches Notes section of the menu bar, the clock will display the UTC time. If you do not enter the offset or enter 0 the clock will display the local time. (Providing the computer clock is set to local time). Status Bar The bottom line on the screen displays the status line with the list of the most often used hot keys. On the right side you can see a number. This number represents the total amount of free memory (In Bytes) that is available at any given time while running SPLog. If for some reason this number drops below 30,000 exit the program ( Press ) and start again. If the number remains below 30,000 unload your Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) programs. If the number continues to drop below 30,000 let us know as you may have a memory allocation error. Please include your call, name, address, telephone number, the amount of memory your system has, the autoexec.bat and config.sys files, and as much information about your system as you can. 1 Please forward all the relevant information to: Peter or Andy Pfeiffer Alpha Business Software Technical support: 63 Beaver Cr. (519) 756 Brantford, ON N3P 1T3 Canada Dialogue Box Navigation To navigate through dialog boxes: G 1. Press key to "jump" between fields, clusters and buttons, or r 2. Press < Alt + (Highlighted letter) > to directly access the field or button marked by the highlighted letter. 3. The ( ) or [X] in the dialog box, tells you that the feature is ON. If parentheses are empty ( ) or [ ] the feature is OFF. Cluster with ( ) gives you the possibility of selecting one function only. Futures marked [X] are check boxes and you can turn them ON or OFF using . Mouse SPLog provides full Microsoft(Tm) Mouse support. You can use the mouse anywhere within the program, providing the mouse is connected and the driver was resident (Loaded) before SPLog was executed. SPLOG < Alt-G > This is an about SPLOG system menu. It contains only three options: E About SPLog Message. Registration Dialog Box. Order Form. SPLOG About SPLog When you Select the "About SPLog" command from the "SPLog" menu bar, a box appears displaying the Software Name, Copyright, License, Version, and Company Name. Q To Exit the box, press , , , or click the [ OK ] button. SPLog Registration The Registration command takes you to the registration Dialog Box. Upon Registration you will receive a special Serial Number especially tailored to your call sign, program version, and you. Here is where you enter the information in order to unlock SPLog and Enter the registered mode of the program. t SPLog is NOT a Public Domain program and is NOT free. SPLog is copyright (c) 1990 1994 by Alpha Business Software. Protect your investment in this software by sending in a registration as soon as possible. If you've purchased this product directly from Alpha Business Software you are already registered and on file. If you've purchased this package from a different source, you can register by sending in your call, name, address, telephone number, type of your computer system, version of SPLog that you have, source and date of purchase to: Peter or Andy Pfeiffer Alpha Business Software Technical support: 63 Beaver Cr. (519) 756 Brantford, ON N3P 1T3 Canada SPLOG Order Form To print the order form: 6 1. Make sure that printer is ON and Ready. 2. Press key to access Menu Bar. 3. Select "SPLOG" option and press . 4. Select "Order Form" option and press . 5. Push the [ OK ] button. 6. Insert the 8.5 x 11 inch page into the printer, and press [ OK ] button. The computer will print the order form for the SPLog Software. q The SPLog automatically resumes control when done printing, or when entire order form is in the printer buffer. Log < Alt-L > Welcome to the Log menu. D The Log Menu contains commands that let you perform the following: Open File Create new log or select existing log. Append Add new log entries. Browse Scroll through the entire log. Browse Start Start Browse at a specific record number. Edit Record Change any log entry. Pack Remove deleted record(s). Merge Logs Merge two Logs together. Terminal - Enter SPLog Terminal Mode. Shell Exit Temporally exit to DOS. Exit Terminate the present session. Log Edit Record Only the Main Log Window allows the edit of any logbook record. One way to get there is to go through the Record Number dialog box. In there you will be asked for the record number of the record (log entry) you want to edit. * To access the Record Number Dialog Box: Press , or Press to access the menu bar. Select the "Log" Menu and press . Form the Log SubMenu, Select "Edit Record" and press . The Record Number dialog box appears. Type the Record Number in the "Number:" input line. Press [Search] Button, to start search. When the record is found, access is granted via the Main Window. Now that you have located the record, you are free to change the contents of any field. If you do, Remember to Save the new information by pressing the [ Save ] button. A Related topics: Call Search Date Search Log Open Log File The "Open Log File" command takes you to the Select File Dialog Box. In there you can swap the current (loaded) file with another log file located on the disk, or you can create a new one. , The "Select Log File" Dialog Box Contains: & An input line with a history list. % A Logbook and directory list box. 0 Three Buttons: [Help], [Open], and [Cancel]. E An information window displaying data about the selected Logbook. Log Append Log "Append Log" is used to add new records to the current log file. ) There are two ways of accessing append: ^ 1. Choose the "Append Log" option from the "Log" menu selection at the top of the screen, or O 2. Press hot key that is provided for your convenience and quick access. > When you execute this option, Append dialog box will appear. y Use key to navigate through fields. Use mouse or Alt - (Highlighted letter) to directly access the desired field. Log Browse < F4 > < F6 > This Function allows you to Quickly scroll through your Logbook entries. There are three ways of accessing Browse: t 1. Choose the "Browse Log" or the "Browse Start" option from the "Log" menu selection at the top of the screen, or M 2. Press hot key to quickly open the Browse window. ( Starting at #1 ) N 3. Press hot key and inform SPLog about the Browse Start Record Number. The only difference between "Browse Start" and "Browse Log" is that "Browse Start" will ask you for the Log Record Number from which to start the browse. Log Pack Log This feature will permanently remove all the "Flagged for deletion" records from your logbook. Be careful! = You will NOT be able to recover any of the deleted records. Log Merge Logs This one is simple. The only function performed here is a joining of two logs. The Primary (Main) log is the one currently selected. The secondary (Appended) log is the one whose name you specify in the "Secondary Merge File" Dialog box. The Secondary log is appended to the Main. Inside the "Secondary Log File" dialog box you are asked for the name and path of the logbook file that you want to merge with the current log. Remember! 1. Do not specify the extension. SPLog knows what to look for. U 2. You can NOT merge a logbook with itself, so don't specify the same logbook name. Log Packet Terminal < F8 > Just as the name implies, SPLog now provides an easy and simple Terminal subprogram. It is here to aid you with your com port device communication such as a TNC or a Modem. This Terminal subprogram does not care what is connected to a com port, and that alone is its power. For those of you who are not sure what this means, it gives SPLog the power to communicate with just about anything, providing the Com Port is configured correctly. 2 The Terminal Program is Preconfigured as follow: v TNC: PK232 Com Port Speed: 4800 Baud. ComPort: Com1 Parity: None Data Bits: 8 Stop Bits: 1 This configuration should allow you to communicate with about 90% of commonly available communication devices. There is however a down side. Because the use and purpose of the SPLog Terminal subprogram has been left open, you MUST provide the communication and initialization commands for a given device. ie i: If you are using a TNC such as PK232 and wish to change the Host Mode, you have to manually type: HOST ON/OFF. ii: If you are using a modem you must manually enter all the commands such as: ATDT 1-(519)-756-5661 will Tone Dial the above number, or ATZ will initialize the Modem. Please refer to your communication device manual for details on command list/summary and initialization. There is however help. Upon the initial Terminal load, SPLog automatically sends an appropriate *.INI (initialization) file to the port. You can select the correct *.INI file by selecting your TNC type from the list located in the "Options | Terminal Setup" window. All the *.INI files have been designed to be of a straight Dos Text format, so you can use any Editor / Word Processor to enter or change all the initialization commands. Log Exit to Shell < F9 > With the DOS Shell command, you can temporarily leave SPLog environment to execute DOS functions, or run another program. G To reenter SPLog, type "EXIT" at the DOS prompt, and press < ENTER >. Log Exit SPLOG < Alt-X > The Exit command terminates present SPLog session. ALL files are properly saved and closed. REMEMBER !!! ALWAYS use this feature to QUIT SPLog. a NEVER shut down or reboot the computer with SPLog running. If you do, you may loose vital data. Search This option gives you an easy access to any individual record for viewing or editing. $ You can perform the Search using: Call Use call sign as a search key. Record Use record number as a search key. Date Use Date as a search key. Call The "Call" command displays the Call Search dialog box. ) To access the "Call Search" Dialog Box: Press < Alt C >, or Press < F10 > to access the menu bar. Select the "Search" on Menu bar and press < Enter >. Form the Search SubMenu, Select "Call" and press < Enter >. The Call Search dialog box appears. Type the Call Sign, partial Call Sign, or a Prefix in the "Call Sign:" input line. Press [ Search ] Button, to start search. When the record is found, access is granted via the Main Window. K Related topics: Search Record Number Search Search Record No The "Record Number" command displays the Record Number dialog box. To access the Record Number Dialog Box: Press < Alt R >, or Press < F10 > to access the menu bar. Select the "Search" on Menu bar and press < Enter >. Form the Search SubMenu, Select "Record No" and press < Enter >. The Record Number dialog box appears. Type the Record Number in the "Number:" input line. Press [ Search ] Button, to start search. If the record is found you are granted access via the Main Window. b Related topics: Search Search Browse Search By Date The "Date" command displays the Date Search dialog box. ' To access the Date Search Dialog Box: Press < Alt D >, or Press < F10 > to access the menu bar. Select the "Search" on Menu bar and press < Enter >. Form the Search SubMenu, Select "Date" and press < Enter >. The "Date Search" dialog box appears. Type the Date (mm/dd/yy) in the "Date:" input line. Press [ Search ] Button, to start search. If the record is found you are granted access via the Main Window. Related topics: Search Search Record Number Browse Browse Start No < F6 > SPLog wants to know at which point in your log file would you like to start the browse. For example: If you want to start browsing at a number 1,000 enter "1000" in the "Number" input line and then press the [ Search ] button. Summary < Alt The "Summary" Menu Option contains perhaps the most useful features among all the commands provided by SPLog. It will calculate and display many useful and interesting statistics about your current Log. Related topics: Log Summary Country WKD/CFM Continents WKD/CFM Zone Zone Band Mode Rebuild Summary Summary Log Summary The "Log Summary" command takes you to the Mode Select dialog box first. In there you are asked to chooses a mode for which all calculations are performed. Following you are taken to the Log Summary Window where all the results are displayed. The "Log Summary" window requires a large amount of computation, therefore the calculation may take few seconds, especially on the older and slower machines. ? The Log Summary Window is Band & Mode sensitive and contains: ~ The Country summary: Displays the number of Countries WKD and CFM on every band and mode. The Zone CQ summary: Displays the number of Zones CQ WKD and CFM on every band and mode. The Zone ITU summary: Displays the number of Zones ITU WKD and CFM on every band and mode. The Continent summary: Displays the number of Continents WKD and CFM on every band and mode. The QSOs summary: Displays the number of QSOs WKD and CFM on every band and mode. The Buttons: [ Print ] creates a hard copy of the present screen. [ Escape ] exits (closes) the log summary. [ Next Mode ] calculates and displays the same type of information for the next mode. Summary Country Data The "Country Data" Submenu is a gateway to yet another lair of related commands. G 1. The Country Statistics command, and 2. The Stations List command Summary Country Statistics The "Country Statistics" command takes you to the Country Prefix dialog box. In there you will be prompted for the call sign of the country whose statistics you wish to view. Once you've entered the correct prefix, press the [ Search ] button. If the appropriate country is found you will be taken to the "Country Data" Window where you can view the statistics. ' * The Country Data Window displays: The top line indicates the name of the selected country and a display status (WKD or CFM). ^ Shows the total number of QSOs WKD and CFM for the selected country on each Band and Mode. * The Buttons: [ Print ] creates a hard copy of the country data window. [ Escape ] exits (closes) the country data window. [ WKD/CFM ] toggles between Worked (WKD) and confirm (CFM) display. Related Topics: Log Summary WKD/CFM Continents WKD/CFM Zone Zone Band Mode Rebuild Summary Summary Stations List WKD/CFM The "Stations List" command takes you to the Call Sign dialog box. Here you are asked to enter the full or partial call of the station for which you wish to search. Once you've entered the call sign, press the [ Search ] button. If the appropriate much is found, the list of call signs matching the search criteria is displayed in the "Stations List" dialog Box. ! * The "Stations List" Window: Displays the list of all calls signs in your logbook starting with the partial or full call you have just entered. Unfolds in pages of 24 Calls at a time. * The Buttons: [ Print ] creates a hard copy of the stations list window. [ Escape ] exits (closes) the window. [ Search ] instructs the program to continue the search. The Call Search may take up to several minutes, especially for a very large log files (300,000 + Records), slow machines, or when using floppy drives. Related Topics: Log Summary WKD/CFM Continents WKD/CFM Zone Zone Band Mode Rebuild Summary Summary Continents WKD/CFM The "Continent WKD/CFM" command takes you first to the Mode Select dialog box. In there you will be asked to choose a mode. Following you are taken to the Continent Select dialog box, where you will be prompted for the continent name. Finally you are taken to the "Continent Window" where you can view the continent statistics. < The "Continent Window" is both Continent & Mode sensitive. a The top line indicates the continent abbreviation and mode that is currently active (selected). The Countries Summary: Displays the total number of Countries WKD and CFM for each Band, based on the Continent and Mode that you have just selected. The QSOs Summary: Displays the total number of QSOs WKD and CFM for each Band, based on the Continent and Mode that you have just selected. The Buttons: [Print] creates a hard copy of the continent window. [Escape] exits (closes) the continent window. Related Topics: Log Summary WKD/CFM Country WKD/CFM Zone Zone Band Mode Rebuild Summary Summary Zones CQ WKD/CFM The "Zone CQ" command takes you to the Mode Select dialog box first. In there you are asked for a mode. Afterwards you are taken to the Band Select dialog box where you will supply a band. Finally you are taken to the "Zone CQ" Window where you will see the Zone CQ statistics. w The Zone CQ Window is both Band & Mode sensitive and displays the total number of QSOs WKD and CFM for each Zone CQ. F The top line indicates the Band and Mode that is currently selected. The Buttons: [ Print ] creates a hard copy of the Zone CQ window. [ Escape ] exits (closes) the Zone CQ window. Related Topics: Log Summary WKD/CFM Country WKD/CFM Continent Zone Band Mode Rebuild Summary Summary Zones ITU WKD/CFM The "Zone ITU" command takes you first to the Mode Select dialog box. In there you are to choose a mode. Afterwards you are taken to the Band Select dialog box where you will supply a band. Finally you are taken to the "Zone ITU" Window where you will see the Zone ITU statistics. 4 The Zone ITU Window is both Band & Mode sensitive. E The top line displays the Band and Mode that is currently selected. The Zone ITU Window: Unfolds in three pages, 30 Zones ITU per page. Displays the total number of QSOs WKD and CFM for each Zone ITU, based on the Band and Mode that you have just selected. The Buttons: [ Print ] creates a hard copy of the Zone ITU window. [ Escape ] exits (closes) the Zone ITU window. [ Next 30 ] calculates and displays the next Zone ITU page ( 30 Zones ). Related Topics: Log Summary WKD/CFM Country WKD/CFM Continent Zone Band Mode Rebuild Summary Summary Band The "Band" command takes you to the Mode Select dialog box first, and then to the "Band Summary Window". = The top line indicates the Mode that is currently selected. The "Band" Summary: Displays the total number of contacts WKD and CFM on each Band, using the Mode that you have just chosen. The Buttons: [ Print ] creates a hard copy of the Band window. [ Escape ] exits (closes) the Band window. [ Next Mode ] calculates and displays the same information for the next Mode. Related Topics: Log Summary WKD/CFM Country WKD/CFM Continent Zone Zone Mode Rebuild Summary Summary Mode The "Mode" command takes you to the Band Select dialog box first, and then to the "Mode Summary Window". 3 The top line indicates the Band that is selected. The Mode Summary: Displays the total number of contacts WKD and CFM for each Mode, based on the Band that you have just selected. The Buttons: [ Print ] creates a hard copy of the Mode window. [ Escape ] exits (closes) the Mode window. [ Next Band ] calculates and displays the same information for the next Band. Related Topics: Log Summary WKD/CFM Country WKD/CFM Continent Zone Zone Band Rebuild Summary Summary Rebuild Log Summary This feature is here to provides you with the possibility of recreating your logbook summary. Use this feature if: The logbook summary file(s) has been lost or deleted, The logbook summary file(s) is incomplete or inaccessible, The summary information appears to be incorrect, You have changed the Band Setup, You have changed the Mode Setup, You have added new DXCC country. ( Use discretion ). When using this feature, BE CAREFUL. The old summary will be lost, and the program may ask several questions. Your answers will determine the accuracy of your new summary. Correct responses are very important. Awards < Alt-A > Most of the awards are locked out. Only upon registration you will receive a key (Serial Number) which will unlock all the features for you. f Related topics: DX Century WKD States Sort Country Awards DX Century Club The "DX Century Club" command acts just like a gateway and takes you to the DXCC Submenu, where you can request something a bit more specific. The valid choices are: "Worked All Countries, Europe, Africa, Asia, North America, Oceania, and South America". When you have made your selection you will be taken to the Mode Select dialog box, and then to the Country List Window. q Related Topics: WKD States Award Sort Country Awards Worked ALL .... The "Worked ALL ...." command takes you to the Mode Select dialog box first, and then to the "Country List" Window. In there you will view the country list based on the mode that you have just selected. . The "Country List" Window is Mode sensitive. The top line displays the continent and mode that you have just chosen, along with the total number of countries worked (WKD) and confirmed (CFM) based upon the choices. The Country List Window: Displays the list of Countries WKD and CFM on every band. Unfolds in pages of 15 countries at a time. W = Country Worked, C = Country Confirmed. The Buttons: [ Print ] creates a hard copy of the entire country list. [ Escape ] exits (closes) the country list window. [ Next Page ] displays the next 15 Countries WKD/CFM. As soon as you have 100 or more countries CFM, on any Band and Mode: Press the [ Print ] button and print out the list. Complete and send in an application for the DXCC membership to ARRL. Awards WKD All States 1. The "Worked All States" command takes you to the Analyze May take few minutes message dialog box. This Dialog box is nothing more than just a confirmation of your intent to continue with the "Worked all states" option as well as a warning that the log analyzing process may take few minutes. Basically, the bigger the log you are analyzing, or the slower your computer is, the longer this process will take. (On IBM 286 8 MHz (Slow), the process of analyzing 2,000 entries takes approximately 20 seconds, On IBM 386 25 MHz, the process of analyzing 4,000 entries takes approximately 10 seconds). 2. Upon completion of the analyzing process you are taken to the Mode Select dialog box. In there you are asked to select mode for which the "Worked All States" Award is displayed. 3. Following you will arrive at the Worked States Window. Here you will view the Us State list based on the mode that you have just selected. B 4. You can repeat the last two steps (2 & 3) for all your modes. ~ The two numbers on the top line indicate the total number of states worked (WKD) and confirmed (CFM) for the selected Mode. * The "US State List" Window: Displays the list of states WKD and CFM on every band. Unfolds in pages of 10 states at a time. W = Worked State, C = Confirmed State. * The Buttons: [ Print ] creates a hard copy of the entire state list. [ Escape ] exits (closes) the state list window. [ Next Page ] displays the next 10 states WKD/CFM. Related Topics: DX Country Awards Sort Country List This Command does exactly what its name implies. Namely, it takes the DX Country List that is displayed in the "DX Country Club" window, and sorts it in the alphabetical order. That's all. Print < Alt-P > The "Print" Menu selection contains commands that will let you Print the current Logbook, QSL Cards, and Labels. ? SPLog allows you to print the logbook records, using either: Z 1. The 80 characters (8.5") Short format or 2. The 132 characters (14") Long format. The format switch is located in the "Options Printer Setup" menu. * Short (80 character) Display contains: QSO No, Date, Station Call, Time, Mode, Freq, His RST, My RST, Name, QTH, QSL Send, QSL Receive, Remark ( If any ). Long ( 132 Character ) Display contains: 80 Character display QSL Via, State, County, Country, Zone CQ, Zone ITU. If you choose to keep your log in a 3-ring binder, few QSO numbers may be lost due to the holes, since the numbers appear on the leftmost edge of the page. Most modern printers will let you shift the paper position to the left far enough to account for the holes. Please do so if you feel those numbers are important. / The following "Print" options are available: p Log Prints the log. QSL Creates and prints the QSL cards. Labels Creates and prints the Labels. Print LogBook The Print-Logbook takes you to the Print LogBook submenu. > The "Print LogBook" submenu contains the following commands: ? Range - print log from record Number to Record Number CFM QSOs - print confirmed QSOs only Not CFM QSOs - print not confirmed QSOs only Selected QSOs - print selected records only By Band - print separate logbook for each Band By Mode - print separate logbook for each Mode Related Topics: Print Options Explained Print QSL Cards Print Labels Print QSL Cards The "QSL Cards" command takes you to the "QSL Print" submenu. _ Once the cards are printed, all you have to do is, cut them apart and mail to the QSL bureau. * * Remember: Use thicker stock of paper. The "QSL Print" submenu contains the following commands: Range - print QSL cards for selected log range CFM QSOs - print QSL cards for confirmed QSOs only Not CFM QSOs - print QSL cards for not confirmed QSOs only Selected QSOs - print QSL cards for selected QSOs only Related Topics: Print Options Explained Print Log Print Labels Print Label The "Labels" command takes you to the "Label Print" submenu. ' The SPLog is preset to use standard (3 1/2" x .9") plain label. It is possible to use a label that will exceed .9" in height. If you do so, enter the label height in the "Printer Setup" dialog box. If the label exceeds the standard .9", the text will be centered to accommodate the new height. It is recommended that you print one label only at first, until the label stock is properly adjusted (aligned) on the printer to accept the text. Once the printer is properly aligned, you may proceed and print a long series of labels. = The "Label Print" submenu contains the following commands: Range - print labels for selected log range CFM QSOs - print labels for confirmed QSOs only Not CFM QSOs - print labels for not confirmed QSOs only Selected QSOs - print labels for selected records only Related Topics: Print Options Explained Print Log Print QSL Cards Print Choices 1. Range. By selecting "Range", you are instructing SPLog to print whole, or part of the logbook. To enter Range: 1. Press < Tab > once to enter the "Start No:" field. 2. Enter the Beginning record number. 3. Press < Tab > again to enter the "End No:" field. 4. Enter the Ending record number. 5. Press [ Accept ] button to accept the Range and continue. 6. Press [ Escape ] to exit or (close) the dialog box. For Example: * To print range of log entries from 1254 to 1300: Enter 1254 as the Lower Print Limit, Enter 1300 as the Upper Print Limit. Press [ Accept ] button. 46 QSOs will be printed. The information line "Range is 1 to ######" indicates the Maximum Number of QSOs that can be printed (Is currently present in your logbook). 2. CFM (Confirmed) QSOs. This selection tell the program to print Confirmed contacts only. The search scope is the entire log. $ 3. Not CFM (Not Confirmed) QSOs. This selection tell the program to print NOT Confirmed contacts only. The search scope is the entire log. 4. Selected QSOs. This option takes you to the "QSO Number Selection" dialog box. Once there you are given a choice of selecting up to nine QSO numbers at the time. Once the numbers are entered, the program will attempt to access those records. If the records exist, SPLog will print the corresponding logbook entries. To enter QSO Number(s): 1. Press < Tab > once to enter the "QSO # 1" field. 2. Enter First log record number. 3. Press < Tab > again to enter the "QSO # 2" field. 4. Enter Second log record number. 5. Press < Tab > again to enter the "QSO # 3" field. 6. Enter Third log record number. 7. Repeat the last two steps (5 and 6) for all the remaining fields if required. NOT all 9 fields have to be filled at any given time, and the record numbers can be entered in any order or sequence, not necessarily ascending or descending. 8. When ready press the [ Accept ] button to accept the numbers and start printing or, [ Escape ] button to exit (close) the dialog box. No action is taken. 5. By Band. ( Log-Book Print Only ) This selection instructs SPLog to print the entire logbook, one band at a time. ( 6. By Mode. ( Log-Book Print Only ) This selection instructs SPLog to print the entire logbook, one Mode at a time. Options < Alt-O > The "Options" Menu item contains commands that will collect all the information required for the proper operation and better customization of the SPLOG program. Related topics: Personal Collects all your personal information. Switches Notes - Flips the main SPLog switches. Printer Collects all the information that are required by the printer. Terminal Setup - Collects data for Terminal configuration. Band Setup Customizes Bands. Mode Setup Customizes Modes. Time Reset Resets the system time and date. Bearing Performs a bearing calculation. Country Adds a new country to the DXCC list. Options Personal This window collects all your personal and preference data. This information is then used to better customize SPLog. You can use mouse or Alt - (Highlighted letter) hot key method to directly access the desired field, press any button or select any feature. Personal: All you do here, is enter your continuously changing private information. Field Name Data to Enter F. Name Your first name L. Name Your last name Street Your street address City Your City Zip Code Your zip (postal) code State/Prov Your State or Province Grid Sq Your Grid Square Country Your Country County Your County The Buttons: [ Save ] creates a permanent (all sessions) copy of the "Personal information" and then exits (closes) the window. [ OK ] creates a temporary (this session Only) copy of the "Personal information" and then exits (closes) the window. Options Switches and Notes This window is designed to gather custom information SPLog needs. Geographical Co ordinate: Latitude Format -- DEG.DEC -- ie. 43.15 means 43 and 15/100 North. ie. 43.15 means 43 and 15/100 South. Longitude Format -- DEG.DEC -- ie. 80.17 means 80 and 17/100 West. ie. 80.17 means 80 and 17/100 East. Distance measure: Please indicate your favorite point to point distance measure. The passible settings are: - Miles, Kilometers or Nautical Miles. 1. Press until you enter the "Distance In" selection cluster. 2. Use or arrow keys to select (turn on) the feature. UTC OffSet: Here you tell the SPLog how many hours is your local time before or behind the UTC Time. [ ie. +4:00 means UTC + 4 = Local Time ie. 4:00 means UTC 4 = Local Time If your computer time is set to UTC, enter "0:00" or blank " " for the UTC Time Offset. Auto Log: Here You can turn ON/OFF the automatic (real time) Date and/or Time logging. If the feature is ON, the Date and/or Time is taken from the computer clock. If the feature is Off, the Date and/or Time is taken from the last logbook entry. The feature is On if "X" appears between the brackets "[X]" The feature is Off if Blank " " appears between the brackets "[ ]" Note: If your Date and/or Time is incorrect, check the UTC Offset. If the offset is ok, reset the system Date and/or Time. You can do that in the Time Reset dialog box, which is located in the Options menu selection, or you can do this from the DOS prompt. The Buttons: [ Save ] creates a permanent (all sessions) copy of the "Switches and Notes" and then exits (closes) the window. [ OK ] creates a temporary (this session Only) copy of the "Switches and Notes" and then exits (closes) the window. Options Printer Setup The "Printer Setup" Window collects all your printer related data. This information is used to better interface with your printer. Printer Cluster: Lets you select your printer or one that your printer can emulate. Port Cluster: Asks for the port where your printer is connected. If you don't know, the safest bet is LPT1 (Parallel Port No 1, 25 Pin). The majority of printers are connected there (default). Paper width cluster: Informs SPLog about the paper width capabilities of your printer. a 80 characters for 8.5 inch paper (21.6 cm). 132 characters for 14 inch paper (35.6 cm). Paper Feed cluster: Informs the program about the type of paper feed that you prefer. The two possibilities are : G 1. Continuous Nonstop, or 2. Page Feed One page at a time. Lines per Page Field: Here you tell the program how many lines will fit on a single printer page. Label Height: Informs SPLog about the Height (in inches) of the labels you are currently using. J Confirming QSO With: VE3NPL Minimum Date UTC MHz 2x RST 0.9 inch Height 27 May 92 22:18 14.025 CW 599 Pse QSL 73 Message Line Here Confirming QSO With: VE3NPL Minimum Date UTC MHz 2x RST 0.9 inch Height 27 May 92 22:18 14.025 CW 599 Tnx QSL 73 Message Line Here - - Minimum 3.5 inch Width Message Line: Enter personalized message (Up to 20 Characters long) to be printed on every QSL Card or on every Label. Related topics: Personal Collects all your personal information. Switches Notes - Flips the main SPLog switches. Terminal Setup - Collects data for Terminal configuration. Band Setup Customizes Bands. Mode Setup Customizes Modes. Time Reset Resets the system time and date. Bearing Performs a bearing calculation. Add Country Adds a new country to the DXCC list. Options Terminal Setup The "Terminal Setup" menu command takes you to the Com Port and Terminal setup dialog box. SPLog needs this information to properly interface with your communication device such as a TNC. $ Here SPLog collects the following: - TNC Type: Default: RS232 You have a choice of up to 7 different communication devices: PK232, KAM, TNC1, TNC2, MFJ1278, KPC, and MODEM. W SPLog uses this information, to send the appropriate initialization file to your TNC. r ie.: If you choose KPC SPLog sends the KPC.INI file to the TNC when the terminal mode is first initiated. All the *.INI files have a simple straight Dos Text format, so you can freely and easily customize all of them to your personal needs. You can use just about any editor or word processor on the market to accomplish the task, just remember the format of the *.INI file must remain "Dos Text". If the *.INI file is not found, SPLog will display a warning. You can create the file in the same manner as if you ware to edit the file. Just remember to add the INI extension. The First line in all of the *.INI files is ignored by SPLog. - Com Port Speed: Default: 4800 You have a choice of up to 7 different speeds: 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, and 38400, but the last two have remained untested. - Com Port: Default: Com 1 SPLog provides support for the standard four com ports (Com1-4). Although most of the time only the first two are used. SPLog also assumes the standard IBM port addresses: 3F8, 2F8, 3E8, 2E8. as well as the standard com port interrupts: 4, 3, 4, 3. So your computer must me 100% IBM Compatible. 1 Parity: Default: N - None SPLog provides support for the following options: < N - None, E - Even, O - Odd, M,1 - Mark S,0 - Space. Data Bits: Default: 8 There is support for both the 7 and 8 data bits formats. ) Stop Bits: Default: 1 There is support for both the 1 and 2 stop bits formats. + Local Echo: Default: Off Gives you the capability to locally echo all the key strokes typed by you. + Add Line Feed: Default: Off Provides you with the ability to add the line feed character to the CR ( Return/Enter) key. , XON/XOFF Flow Control: Default: Off; This feature is not supported as yet, but it is provided here with the future in mind. , CTS/RTS Flow Control: Default: Off; This feature is not supported as yet, but it is provided here with the future in mind. { This above configuration should allow you to communicate with about 90% of all commonly available communication devices. The Buttons: [ Save ] creates a permanent (all sessions) copy of the "Com Port" and then exits (closes) the window. [ OK ] creates a temporary (this session Only) copy of the "Com Port" and then exits (closes) the window. Related topics: Personal Collects all your personal information. Switches Notes - Flips the main SPLog switches. Band Setup Customizes Bands. Mode Setup Customizes Modes. Time Reset Resets the system time and date. Bearing Performs a bearing calculation. Add Country Adds a new country to the DXCC list. Options Bend Setup SPLog provides full support for up to 13 Bands, and the "Band Setup" Window collects data for those bands, but Wait that's Not ALL, every single Log file that you open (create) could be configured for entirely different band set, so the absolute band configuration is unlimited. ie.: If you have 3 Log files each configured with a different band set, you are actually accounting and using 13+13+13 = 39 different bands. Underneath is a detailed account on how the band window works. Band: Here you should enter the Band number. ie. 160, 80, 40, 6. Band Lower Limit: Here you enter the Band Lower Limit. ie. For 80 M Band the Lower Limit is 3.500 MHz Band Upper Limit: Here you enter the Band Upper Limit. ie. For 80 M Band the Upper Limit is 4.000 MHz For the U.S. or Canadian Band Plan, refer to Appendix A in the Manual. The Satellite Use: The last two fields (M and N) are designed for satellites, but you can enter regular bands instead if you so desire. 5 If you have decided to go with satellites, enter: Band Name Lower Limit Upper Limit SAM or SMA A A SBM or SMB B B SJM or SMJ J J SKM or SMK K K The letter A, B, J, K, etc. correspond to appropriate satellite mode. % SAM or SMA means Satellite Mode A. Remember: When you append satellite QSO, enter the Satellite Mode Letter in the "Frequency" field. Remember: If you change the Band setup, your Log Summary may no longer be accurate, and you may have to recreate it. You can do that by executing the Rebuild Summary in the Summary Menu selection. Related topics: Personal Collects all your personal information. Switches Notes - Flips the main SPLog switches. Printer Collects all the information that are required by the printer. Terminal Setup - Collects data for Terminal configuration. Mode Setup Customizes Modes. Time Reset Resets the system time and date. Bearing Performs a bearing calculation. Country Adds a new country to the DXCC list. Options Mode Setup SPLog provides full support for up to 6 Modes, and the "Mode Setup" Window collects data for those Modes, but Wait that's Not ALL, every single Log file that you open could be configured for entirely different mode set, so the absolute mode configuration is unlimited. ie.: If you have 3 Log files each configured with a different mode set, you are actually using 6+6+6 = 18 different bands. The Mode name can not exceed 4 characters in length. S This program is preset with the following modes and corresponding signal reports: Mode RST Default SSB CW 599 RTTY 599 PCK 599 AM FM Remember: if you change the Mode setup, your Log Summary may no longer be accurate, and you may have to recreate it. You can do that by executing the Rebuild Summary in the Summary Menu selection. Related topics: Personal Collects all your personal information. Switches Notes - Flips the main SPLog switches. Set Printer Collects all the information that are required by the printer. Terminal Setup - Collects data for Terminal configuration. Band Setup Customizes Modes. Time Reset Resets the system time and date. Bearing Performs a bearing calculation. Add Country Adds a new country to the DXCC list. Options Time & Date Reset The "Time & Date Reset" Window sets or resets your computer Time and Date. Upon entry, the clock at the top right corner automatically resets to local time. When you leave (close) the window, the clock will automatically adjust itself to accommodate for the UTC off set. The Time field: 8 The following table indicates the Time field format. Time Enter 1:03 AM 01:03 10:34 AM 10:34 4:47 PM 16:47 11:39 PM 23:39 Remember, Always enter the local time. If SPLog is Configured correctly, it already knows your UTC Off set The Date field: Here, you should enter the local date. The format is: DD/MM/YYYY. . ie. For January 23, 1993 enter 23/01/1993 The Buttons: [ Reset ] After you have done entering the Time and Date, this button instructs the program to reset the system Time and/or Date and then exit the dialog box. [ Escape] exits (closes) the "Time & Date Reset" dialog box without any change. Related topics: Personal Collects all your personal information. Switches Notes - Flips the main SPLog switches. Set Printer Collects all the information that are required by the printer. Terminal Setup - Collects data for Terminal configuration. Mode Setup Customizes Modes. Band Setup Customizes Bands. Bearing Performs a bearing calculation. Add Country Adds a new country to the DXCC list. Option Bearing Points Entry The "Bearing" command takes you to the "Bearing Points Entry" Dialog Box. This dialog box collects all the necessary data for the great circle Distance, Bearing and Grid Square calculation. Points Name fields: The only purpose of those two fields is to provide clarity. All you do, is assign Names for the two points. Y ie. Pt #1 is Toronto Pt #2 is New York ie. Pt #1 is VE3NPL Pt #2 is SP9FLY The Latitude and Longitude format: Latitude Format -- DEG.DEC -- ie. 43.15 means 43 and 15/100 North. ie. 43.15 means 43 and 15/100 South. Longitude Format -- DEG.DEC -- ie. 80.17 means 80 and 17/100 West. ie. 80.17 means 80 and 17/100 East. The Buttons: [ Accept ] Instructs the program to perform all the necessary calculation and display the results. [ Escape ] exits (closes) the "Bearing Points Entry" window. If you have pressed the [Accept] button, and if all the necessary information is present (entered) you are taken to the "Distance & Bearing" window. There you will see the Short/Long Path Bearing and Distance Between the two points, as well as a grid square for the second point. Since this information is computed based on the data entered in the "Bearing Point Entry" dialog box it is important for the information to be correct and accurate. Related topics: Bearing Display Bearing Calculation Result window. Personal Collects all your personal information. Switches Notes - Flips the main SPLog switches. Set Printer Collects all the information that are required by the printer. Terminal Setup - Collects data for Terminal configuration. Band Setup Customizes Bands. Mode Setup Customizes Modes. Time Reset Resets the system time and date. Add Country Adds a new country to the DXCC list. Options Add DXCC Country The "Add DXCC Country" Dialog Box collects all the new country data. This information is then used to update your DXCC List. The country list used by this program is build according to the "Table of Allocation of the International Call Sign Series" as issued by the International Telecommunication Union / ie: AA00 ALZZ = United States of America. This means that every combination of letters and numbers between AA00 and ALZZ is assigned to the USA. * Another example: 3Z00 3ZZZ = Poland. This means that every combination of letters and numbers between 3Z00 and 3ZZZ is assigned to Poland. Country Definition: Although 3 characters are enough to describe a country, there are instances when a 4th character is required. For example: VP2E VP2E Anguilla VP2M VP2M Montserrat VP2V VP2V British Virgin Is. That is why this program is using the 4 character prefix system. 8 How to add a new country to the DXCC country list? Lets say: A New Country "Andy's Land" has been created and assign prefixes from "VO30" to "VO3Z". It lies in North America. Its Zone ITU number is 9. Its Zone CQ number is 5. The Latitude is 50.00, and the Longitude is 62.50. Field Name Enter Description From Prefix VO30 Lower Prefix Limit To Prefix VO3Z Upper Prefix Limit Country Name Andy's Land Name of the New Country Continent NA North America (Continent short form) Zone ITU 09 Zone ITU for the new country Zone CQ 05 Zone CQ for the new country Latitude 50.00 Latitude for the center of this country, or Capital City, or for the major HAM population. Longitude 62.50 Longitude for the center of this country, or Capital City, or for the major HAM population. Note: To find the correct Latitude and Longitude, use an ATLAS, or a GOOD Map. ( The Latitude and Longitude format: Latitude Format -- DEG.DEC -- ie. 43.15 means 43 and 15/100 North. ie. 43.15 means 43 and 15/100 South. Longitude Format -- DEG.DEC -- ie. 80.17 means 80 and 17/100 West. ie. 80.17 means 80 and 17/100 East. It is extremely important that the format of the DXCC country file does not change even slightly. If you decide to add a new country or edit an old one, make sure the country name is spelled exactly the same as in some other instance, and that no blanks are added to the name. It is recommended that you contact Alpha Business Software for the updates to the DXCC Country List. Remember! Always make a backup before editing the DXCC country file. Better safe than sorry!, and you never know when something might go WRONG!! Alpha Business Software strives to make its products error free. If you find an error in the DXCC list, please let us know, so that other users may benefit from your efforts. Related topics: Personal Collects all your personal information. Switches Notes - Flips the main SPLog switches. Printer Collects all the information that are required by the printer. Terminal Setup - Collects data for Terminal configuration. Band Setup Customizes Bands. Mode Setup Customizes Modes. Time Reset Resets the system time and date. Bearing Performs a bearing calculation. Using Help < Alt Use help as follows: To get help at any time or on any part of SPLog, press < F1 >. To remove help information from the screen, press < ESC >, < F3 > or click the left mouse button on the square [ ] at the top left corner. To scroll help information, press PgDn, PgUp, Arrow Keys or place the mouse cursor on the vertical or horizontal scroll bar press left button and drag it. To enlarge help window click left mouse button at the [ ] in the top right corner of the help window. In the Help window, use hyperlinks (Colored text) to display information about related topics. All related topics are hyperlinks Hyperlinks can be identified by different text color. The < TAB > key moves the focus from one hyperlink to the next. To display the information hyperlinks refers to: press the < TAB > key until the desired hyperlink is selected, then press < ENTER > or position the mouse cursor anywhere on the hyperlink and click the left mouse button twice. Registration SPLog is NOT a Public Domain program and is NOT free. SPLog is copyright (c) 1990 1994 by Alpha Business Software. Protect your investment in this software by sending in a registration as soon as possible. If you've purchased this product directly from Alpha Business Software you are already registered and on file. If you've purchased this package from a different source, you can register by sending in your call, name, address, telephone number, type of your computer system, version of SPLog that you have, source and date of purchase to: Alpha Business Software Technical support: 63 Beaver Cr. (519) 756 Brantford, ON Please ask for N3P 1T3 Peter or Andy VE3NPL. Canada Registering provides several benefits: You will receive a Unique Serial Number especially tailored to you. This Number will unlock the full power of SPLog, and allow you to keep an unlimited log. The size of the Log will be limited only by the amount of space available on the hard drive. We can deal with your questions and problems more quickly when you telephone for product support because we will already have your name and information about your system on file. A We can notify you of enhancements, upgrades and new products. f You have the opportunity to tell us what would you like to see in future versions of this product. D Full product support is limited to properly registered packages. SPLog UnRegistered SPLog was designed to run in two modes: @ 1. Shareware (UnRegistered), and 2. Full (Registered). Those two modes have been incorporated for both Yours and Alpha Business Software protection. Yours from purchasing a program whose features, attributes, and capabilities are not fully known, and ours from software pirating. When running in the Shareware (Unregistered) mode, several key features are made inaccessible. Upon Registration you will receive a special key (Personal Serial Number) which will unlock the full potential of SPLog. D If you can see this screen, You are running in the Shareware Mode. ? You can register by completing and sending in the Order form. Browse < F4 > To Close the Browse window click on the [ ] or press key. 0 To move the Browse window around the screen: Place the mouse cursor on the top window line, click and hold the left mouse button. Drag the window to the desired location and release the button. ~ Clicking and dragging the mouse on the Horizontal or Vertical scroll bar allows you to quickly scroll through the records. ` Double clicking on a given logbook line will load that record into the Main Log Edit window. = The following keyboard keys can be used within this option: Up Move up one line Down Move down one line Right Move right one column Left Move left one column PgUp Move one page up PgDn Move one page down Home View left most column of the log End View right most column of the log Ctrl-PgUp View beginning of log Ctrl-PgDn View end of log Ctrl-Right Move right half page Ctrl-Left Move left half page Select Log File Selecting the "Open Log File" sub-menu from the "Log" menu takes you here to the "Select Log File" dialog box. Here you can swap the current (loaded) Log with another logbook, or create a new one. Whatever Logbook you specify or create will become the current (working) Log for which all the SPLog functions and commands operate on. The Log which was in use before, is saved to the disk, and will not be altered in any way until it is made current again. Pressing the [ Cancel ] button, or key while in the "Select Log File" dialog box will return control to the SPLog environment, and the logbook file that was in use before this command was executed will remain as the current (working) logbook file. Logbook file names are defined by the user. The only limitation on file names are the restrictions imposed by DOS. File name can be no longer than 8 characters. SPLog automatically adds the ".SPL" file extension at the end of the log name. Creating logbook files is easy. Just type the name of the logbook in the "Name" input line, that's all. SPLog will take care of the rest. + ie: VE3NPL, MYLOG, LOGBOOK, LOG92 etc. Loading an existing log is just as easy. It can be accomplished in one of the two ways: ^ 1. Simply retype the name of the Logbook file in the "Name" input line and press , or q 2. Press once to enter "Files" window. Using the arrow keys select the desired Logbook and press . If your Logbook is on a separate diskette, or in a different directory, just type the drive letter and/or the path to where the logbook is located in the "Name" input line, and as always, press . * "Name" field Meaning ie: B:\ < Enter > Logbook files are on drive B, C:\LOGS\ < Enter > Logbook is on drive C, in the subdirectory LOGS. Main Log Window The Main Log Window collects and/or provides comprehensive information about your contact. Highlighted letters are short cut keys. Use mouse or Alt + (Highlighted letter) hot key method to directly access the desired field, press any button or select any feature. Six Fields (Call, Mode, Freq, Date, QSL S and QSL R ) are the core of SPLog. Their function, actions and format are outlined below. If you make a mistake, use left or right arrow keys to move within the field, and < Del > or < Ins > keys to correct the mistake. The Call Sign Field: Z 1. A DIGIT (0..9) OR '/' MUST appear within the first three characters of the Call Sign. ; 2. CALL sign MUST be at least three characters in length. " 3. Blank ' ' can not be present. VE3NPL Will be read as Canada. VE3/SP9FLY Will be read as Canada. SP/VE3NPL Will be read as Poland. VE3NPL/SP Will be read as Canada. (Don't use this format if you want Poland) If those three conditions are not satisfied the program will generate an ERROR message. Incorrect Call Sign Examples: SPVE3NPL Will create an ERROR message. Rule 1. SP VE3NPL Will create an ERROR message. Rule 1, 3. SP\VE3NPL Will create an ERROR message. Rule 1. SP-VE3NPL Will create an ERROR message. Rule 1. I9 Will create an ERROR message. Rule 2, 3. The Mode Field: ` The Mode Setup dialog box in the Options menu has to be completed before this field will work. ) ie Enter: CW, SSB, AM, RTTY ... The Freq (Frequency) Field: ] For this field to work, you have to complete the Band Setup dialog box in the Options menu. / Don't forget the DOT (.) between MHz and KHz. ] ie. 1.834 for 160 M Band 14.025 for 20 M Band 28.495 for 10 M Band etc. If you are working with satellites, enter: K A for Mode A (2 M up/10 M down) or B for Mode B (.70 M up/2 M down) in to frequency field. Additional satellite modes are available, providing the band setup is configured to accommodate those modes. The "Date" Field: (mm/dd/yy) can be either correct or empty. If date is not provided the program will default to 00/00/00, which is understood as empty. If you are running SPLog in its real-time mode, the Date and Time is taken from the system. This feature can be turned ON or OFF using the auto Date & Time option in the Option Switches Notes dialog box. The "QSL S" (QSL Send) and "QSL R" (QSL Received) fields can be in one of two logical states, either 'Y' (Yes) or 'N' (No). If anything else is entered the program will automatically assume the 'N' (No) answer. It is important to enter 'Y' in the "QSL R" field as soon as you receive the QSL card. It is based on this field that SPLog can tell how many countries you have confirmed, as well as perform other statistics and calculations. The Input Lines: Field Name Type Length Enter Call Character 13 Call Sign Mode Character 4 Mode Freq Numeric 7 Frequency Name Character 10 First Name Time Character 5 Start Time Date Date 8 Contact Date QTH Character 15 City QVia Character 8 QSL Manager HRst Numeric 3 His RST MRst Numeric 3 My RST QS Logical 1 QSL Sand QR Logical 1 QSL Received Sate Character 3 State or Province Country Character 21 Country County Character 15 County Awards Character 20 QSL Award Line Remark Character 80 Memo Line The Band/Mode Information Subwindow: AllBand/Mode: New Country New Zone CQ New Zone ITU Band/Mode: New Country New Zone CQ New Zone ITU The first line (AllBand/Mode) will fill or partially fill if and only if the currently entered station is a New Country, New Zone CQ or New Zone ITU on ALL BANDS AND ALL MODES. The second line (Band/Mode) will fill or partially fill if and only if the worked station is a New Country, New Zone CQ or New Zone ITU on the currently used BAND and MODE. 2 The Band Information Subwindow. Mode Country B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 _ _ C _ _ _ _ _ _ W _ _ N This window displays the Bands crossection information based upon the current country and mode. A C - Confirmed; W - Worked; N - New Contact (Current Log Record) underneath a band means that you have performed the above with the current country and using the current mode. The Dupe Information Subwindow. Dupe QSO No. ######## Date mm/dd/yy Freq ###.### Mode RTTY The Dupe subwindow displays information about the last contact (if any) with the current call sign. If an old contact exists (within the last 2000 log entries) its record number, date, freq, and mode will appear within this window. If it doesn't, "NON" will appear instead of the record number. L To view the dupe record press [Dupe] button at the bottom of the screen. T To exit dupe record press [Dupe] or [Escape] button at the bottom of the screen. > The Zone CQ Map Subwindow. Band/Mode 1 2 3 4 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 _____N________W______________C__________ The Zone CQ Subwindow displays all Zones information based on the Band and Mode you're currently working on. A C - Confirmed; W - Worked; N - New Contact (Current Log Record) underneath a zone means that you have performed the above with that Zone on the current Band and Mode. V To view the Zone ITU summary, execute the "Summary Zone ITU" option on menu bar. The Country, Zone information Subwindow. Continent Country Name Zone CQ ## Zone ITU ## Bearing ### Deg. ###### Mi The Country window locates and displays information about the country of the current call. The Country, Continent, Zone CQ, ITU, Bearing and Distance details are displayed for your information and convenience. The distance can be measured in Kilometers, Miles, and Nautical Miles. To set your preference access the "Options | Switches and Notes" menu selection. - Special Append / Main LogBook Window Keys: W The Arrow and Page keys will allow you to quickly scroll through the LogBook entries: Arrow Up - go Up 1 record; Arrow Down - go Down 1 record; PgUp - go Up 100 records; PgDn - go Down 100 records. The Buttons: [ Save ] Saves log entry to the current log file. [Delete] Deletes log entry from the current log file. The deleted record is just flagged as deleted, just in case you change your mind. Only by executing the Log option of the menu bar the deleted record(s) are permanently removed from the Logbook. [ Dupe ] View the duplicate QSO. (If any) [Escape] Exits this window. No action is taken. Append window resumes control, ready for next log entry. Search By Call < Alt Criteria Definition for Call Sign Search. Click mouse here to close the window. Call Search Key board users press or . Call: Enter Call Sign, Partial Call Sign, or Prefix you want to find. ie. VE3NPL or VE3 [Escape] [Search] - - Search Button. Press this button to Start Call Search, or place the mouse Cursor over, and click left button. Escape Button. Press this button to exit the dialog box, or place the mouse cursor over, and click left button. This "Call Search" feature looks through your entire log for the requested record. If the appropriate match is located, the complete record is displayed on the Main Window. If you want to locate the next match, Press [Escape] in the "Main Log Window", and then the [Search] button in the "Call Search" Window. Note: The Call Search may take up to several minutes, especially for a very large log files (300,000+ Records), slow machines, or when using floppy drives. f Related topics: Search Record Number Search Browse Search By Record Number Log Edit Record < Alt-R > Criteria Definition for Record Number Search. Click mouse here to close the window. Record No Key board users press , . Number: Enter Record Number to find. ie. 12 or 19982 Range is 1 to ### [Escape] [Search] - - Search Button. Press This button if you want to start record number search, or place the mouse cursor over, and click the left button. Escape Button. Press this button to exit this dialog box, or place the mouse cursor over, and click left button. If the appropriate match is found, the complete record is displayed on the Main Window. c Related topics: Search Search Browse Search By Date < Alt Criteria Definition for Date Search. Click mouse here to close the window. Date Search Key board users press or . Date: Enter Date you want to find. mm/dd/yy ie. 12/30/92 [Escape] [Search] - - Search Button. Press This button if you want to start Date Search, or place the mouse cursor over, and click left button. Escape Button. Press this button to exit this dialog box, or place the mouse cursor over, and click left button. The "Date Search" feature looks through your entire log for the requested date. If the appropriate match is located, the complete record will be displayed on the Main Window. If you want to locate the next match, Press [ Escape ] in the "Main Log Window", and then the [ Search ] button in the "Date Search" Window. Note: The Date Search may take up to several minutes, especially for a very large log files (300,000+ Records), slow machines, or when using floppy drives. k Related topics: Search Search Record Number Browse Band Select Select Band for other calculations. To select Band: 1. Press < Tab > once to enter the Band selection cluster. 2. Use < Up > or < Dwn > arrow keys to select the desired Band. 3. Press [ Accept ] button to accept the selection and continue. 4. Press [ Escape ] to exit (close) the Band select dialog box. Mode Select Select Mode for other calculations. To select Mode: 1. Press < Tab > once to enter the Mode selection cluster. 2. Use < Up > or < Dwn > arrow keys to select the desired Mode. 3. Press [ Accept ] button to accept the selection and continue. 4. Press [ Escape ] to exit (close) the Mode select dialog box. Continent And Mode Select Select Continent for other calculations. To select Continent: 1. Press < Tab > once to enter the Continent selection cluster. 2. Use < Up > or < Dwn > arrow keys to select the Continent. 3. Press [ Accept ] button to accept the selections and continue. 4. Press [ Escape ] to exit (close) the Continent and Mode select dialog box. Related topic: Continents WAS Print Options Welcome to the "WAS Print Option" selection dialog box. The "Was Print Options" are: ( ) US States List Window Prints the Worked All States List. ( ) CFM U.S. State Records Prints a single Logbook record for EACH CONFIRMED STATE. Buttons: [ Escape ] Cancels the Print command. [ Print ] Proceeds with the selected option. How to select "WAS Print Option"?: 1. Press < Tab > once to enter the "Print Options" selection cluster. 2. Use < Up > or < Dwn > arrow keys to select the desired Option. 3. Press [ Print ] button to accept the selection and continue. 4. Press [ Escape ] to exit (close) the "Print Option" dialog box. Print Range Selection ( All Print Menu Options ) Use this selection if you are planning to print whole, or part of logbook. Q Here you can specify what part of the logbook would you like to print? (Range). To enter a Range: 1. Press once to enter the "Start No:" field. 2. Enter the Lower Print Limit. 3. Press again to enter the "End No:" field. 4. Enter the Upper Print Limit. 5. Press [ OK ] button to accept the Range and continue. 6. Press [Escape] to exit (close) the dialog box. For Example: To print records from No. 1254 to 1300. Enter 1254 as the Lower Print Limit, Enter 1300 as the Upper Print Limit. Press [ OK ] button. 46 QSOs will be printed. The information line "Range is 1 to ######" indicates the Maximum Number of QSOs that can be printed (Is currently present in your logbook). Print Selected QSOs ( All Print Menu Options ) Here you are given a choice of selecting up to nine QSO numbers at the time. Once the numbers are entered, the program will attempt to access those records. If the records exist, SPLog will print the corresponding logbook entries. To enter QSO Number(s): 1. Press once to enter the "QSO # 1" field. 2. Enter first number. 3. Press again to enter the "QSO # 2" field. 4. Enter Second number. 5. Press again to enter the "QSO # 3" field. 6. Enter Third number. And so on. 7. Repeat the last two steps (5 and 6) for all the remaining fields. You do not have to fill all 9 fields. The log record numbers can be in an arbitrary sequence, not necessarily ascending or descending. 8. Press [ OK ] button to accept the Selection and start printing. Please Make sure the paper is in the printer or the labels are set. 9. Press [Escape] to exit (close) the dialog box. Distance & Bearing Welcome to the "Distance & Bearing" information window. This window displays the results of the Short/Long Path Bearing and Distance Between the two points, as well as a grid square for the second point. Since this information is computed based on the data entered in the Bearing Point Entry dialog box it is very important for this information to be correct. The Buttons: [ Print ] creates a hard copy of all the information displayed by the "Distance & Bearing" window and then exits the window. [ Escape ] exits (closes) the "Distance & Bearing" window. US Frequency Allocation Chart For Up to Date Frequency Allocation Chart refer to the current FCC Rule Book. The following Frequency Charts are to be used as guide lines only. Any changes, updates or remarks please send to: Alpha Business Software ~ ** Geographical and power restrictions apply to these bands. See The FCC Rule Book for information about your specific area. , = CW, RTTY, DIGI DATA = CW only = CW and SSB 160 Meters E,A,G 1.800 1.900 2.000 MHz Amateur station operating at 1.900 - 2.000 KHz must not cause harmful interference to the radiolocation service and are afforded no protection from radiolocation operations. 80 Meters 3.675 3.725 3.525 3.850 3.775 N,T 3.500 3.750 4.000 MHz 40 Meters 7.100 7.150 7.025 7.225 N,T G * A * E * 7.000 7.150 7.300 MHz * Phone operation is allowed on 7.075 - 7.100 MHz in Puerto Rico, US Virgin Is. and areas of the Caribbean south of 20 deg. north latitude; and in Hawaii and areas near ITU Region 3, including Alaska. 30 Meters E,A,G 10.100 10.150 MHz Maximum power on 30 Meters is 200 W PEP output. Amateurs must avoid interference to the fixed service outside US. , 20 Meters 14.025 14.150 14.225 14.175 N,T 14.000 14.150 14.350 MHz 17 Meters E,A,G 18.068 18.110 18.168 MHz 15 Meters 21.100 21.200 21.025 21.300 21.225 N,T 21.000 21.200 21.450 MHz 12 Meters E,A,G 24.890 24.930 24.990 MHz 10 Meters 28.100 28.500 N,T E,A,G 28.000 28.300 29.700 MHz Novices and Technicians are limited to 200 W PEP output on 10 Meters. 6 Meters 50.1 E,A,G,T 50.0 54.0 MHz 2 Meters 144.1 E,A,G,T 144.0 148.0 MHz 1.25 Meters 222.1 223.91 N E,A,G,T 222.0 225.0 MHz Novices are limited to 25 W PEP output from 222.1 to 223.91 MHz ! 70 Centimeters ** E,A,G,T 420.0 450.0 MHz 33 Centimeters ** E,A,G,T 902.0 928.0 MHz 23 Centimeters ** 1270 1295 N E,A,G,T 1240 1300 MHz Novices are limited to 5 W PEP output from 1270 to 1295 MHz. Country, Continent and Zone Select There are instances when the same Prefix is assign to several countries: ie: VP8 Falkland Is. VP8 South Georgia. VP8 South Orkney Is. VP8 South Sandwich Is. VP8 South Shetland Is. OR a Country contains several zones CQ/ITU: ie: U.S.A or Canada. OR Continent border goes through a country ie: Turkey lies in EU and AS If you encounter such instance, this window provides you with the option of selecting the appropriate combination. i If you make a mistake, and select the wrong Country, Continent or Zone, don't worry you can correct it. / To change the Country, Continent, or Zone: 1. Locate the incorrect record. 2. Change the Call sign (or just the Prefix) to a different Country and save the record. 3. Locate the same record again. 4. Reenter the original call sign and save the it. 5. The Program will then query for the correct Country, Continent or Zone. 6. Select the appropriate combination and press the [Accept] button. Related Topics: Call Use call sign as a search key. Record Use record number as a search key. Date Use Date as a search key. Browse Edit Record Continents abbreviation AF Africa AN Antarctica AS Asia EU Europe NA North America OC Oceania SA South America US State List ALABAMA AK ALASKA ARIZONA AR ARKANSAS CALIFORNIA CO COLORADO CONNECTICUT DE DELAWARE FLORIDA GA GEORGIA HAWAII ID IDAHO ILLINOIS IN INDIANA IOWA KS KANSAS KENTUCKY LA LOUISIANA MAINE MD MARYLAND MASSACHUSETTS MI MICHIGAN MINNESOTA MS MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI MT MONTANA NEBRASKA NV NEVADA NEW HAMPSHIRE NJ NEW JERSEY NEW MEXICO NY NEW YORK NORTH CAROLINA ND NORTH DAKOTA OHIO OK OKLAHOMA OREGON PA PENNSYLVANIA RHODE ISLAND SC SOUTH CAROLINA SOUTH DAKOTA TN TENNESSEE TEXAS UT UTAH VERMONT VA VIRGINIA WASHINGTON WV WEST VIRGINIA WISCONSIN WY WYOMING Registration Complete This is an information message indicating that you have just successfully completed the registration process. The Full potential of SPLog is now Unlocked. Warning Registration Number Mis-Match This is a warning message indicating that the Call Sign, and/or the Serial Number you have just entered, does NOT match internal SPLog records. Verify both the "Call Sign" and the "Serial Number". Check and make sure that there are NO trailing blanks (' ') at the end of each one, as well as make sure that both ware issued by Alpha Business Software for the version of SPLog that you have. If all of the above are correct, and you are a registered user, contact Alpha Business Software, so that we may reverify the integrity of your Serial Number. u SPLog is NOT a Public Domain program and is NOT free. SPLog is copyright (c) 1990 1994 by Alpha Business Software. C Protect your investment in this software by sending in a registration as soon as possible. If you've purchased this product directly from Alpha Business Software you are already registered and on file. If you've purchased this package from a different source, you can register by completing and sending in the order form. Configuration File Not Found This is a warning massage indicating that the SPLog.CNF file could not be located. Reasons: The SPLOG.CNF file has been deleted (Erased). The SPLOG.CNF file has been accidentally renamed. The SPLOG.CNF file is not in the same directory as the main program. The program will continue with Default values. % To create new configuration file: Select the "Options" menu selection and press [ Enter ]. Execute the "Personal" command. Fill in the Dialog Box and than press [ Save ] button. Execute the "Switches and Notes" command. Fill in the Dialog Box and than press [ Save ] button. Execute the "Printer Setup" command. Fill in the Dialog Box and than press [ Save ] button. Execute the "Terminal Setup" command. Fill in the Dialog Box and than press [ Save ] button. Execute the "Band Setup" command. Fill in the Dialog Box and than press [ Save ] button. Execute the "Mode Setup" command. Fill in the Dialog Box and than press [ Save ] button. To restore Your Configuration File, copy the SPLOG.CNF File from the backup diskette. j To copy the Original SPLOG.CNF file, exit the SPLog < ALT-X > and at the Dos Prompt (C:\ or A:\) Type: , Copy A:\SPLOG.CNF C:\SPLOG\SPLOG.CNF or Copy B:\SPLOG.CNF C:\PATH\SPLOG.CNF Manager File Not Found This is a warning massage indicating that the QSLMGR.LST file could not be located. Reasons: The QSLMGR.LST file has been deleted (Erased). The QSLMGR.LST file has been accidentally renamed. The QSLMGR.LST file is not in the same directory as the main program. The program will continue, but No QSL Manager would be found until a new QSLMGR.LST file is created. U To restore Your QSL Manager List, copy the QSLMGR.LST file from backup diskette. k To copy the Original QSLMGR.LST file, exit the SPLog < ALT-X > and at the Dos Prompt (C:\ or A:\) Type: . Copy A:\QSLMGR.LST C:\SPLOG\QSLMGR.LST or Copy B:\QSLMGR.LST C:\PATH\QSLMGR.LST Country List Not Found This is a warning massage indicating that the DXCC.LST file could not be located. Reasons: The DXCC.LST file has been deleted (Erased). The DXCC.LST file has been accidentally renamed. The DXCC.LST file is not in the same directory as the main program. The program will continue, but No Country will be found until a new DXCC.LST file is created. W To restore Your DXCC Country List, copy the DXCC.LST File from the backup diskette. i To copy the original DXCC.LST file, exit the SPLog < ALT-X > and at the Dos Prompt (C:\ or A:\) Type: ) Copy A:\DXCC.LST C:\SPLOG\DXCC.LST or Copy B:\DXCC.LST C:\PATH\DXCC.LST Invalid SPLog V3.0 File This is an Error massage indicating that you are attempting one of the following: L 1. Open ( Access ) a file that is not a proper SPLog V3.0 Logbook File, or P 2. You are trying to enter the SPLog without selecting or creating a Log File. v Proper Logbook file MUST be specified. You will not be allowed to continue if the appropriate file is not selected. No Pack Space This Error massage tells you, that there isn't enough room on your disk to perform the "Pack Log" file command. No Dupe Record This is a Warning massage indicating that there are no Duplicate QSOs found for the current call sign within the last 2,000 logbook entries. Call Search Record not found. This is a Warning massage indicating that there are no more records matching the Call search. Record Search Search scope out of range. This is a Warning massage indicating that the record number you are trying to access (looking for) is out of the Logbook range. Date Search Record not found. This is a Warning massage indicating that there are no more records matching the Date search. Country Not Found This is a Warning massage indicating that there are no Countries matching your search in the current logbook Summary. Please Insert Page This is an Informative massage reminding you to insert new printer paper page, and to make sure the printer is on and ready. Disk Read/Write Error This is an error massage telling you the an error has occurred during a disk read or write operation. The most common problem that will cause this error is "Disk full" or "Drive Bay Open". Check and make sure that it is closed and that you have enough room on the data disk. Safety Pool Reached SPLog has a built in safety feature that constantly checks the total amount of conventional memory available. If you are here, it means that something has gone a little wrong and you have just reached the memory safety pool (Dropped below the 30k minimum allowable free memory). Upon dialog exit SPLog will terminate the current session. If the session is not terminated, SPLog may crash, and if that happens, you may loose part of your logbook or summary. The most common cause of this problem are TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) programs. Unload ALL of them, and reload SPLog. You should be fine now. Analyze Log This is a query massage asking whether you want to continue and analyze your logbook, or quit without proceeding any further. 6 The process of analyzing the log may take up to several minutes, depending on the size of your logbook, speed of your computer, and the speed of your hard drive, so don't worry if nothing happens. The program IS working. Your drive indicator light should occasionally LIT-UP while this process is continuing. Quit WKD All States This is a massage asking whether you want to quit the WKD All States award or stay and continue viewing your WAS windows. If you Quit, the next time you select the "WKD All States" award option, your logbook will have to be re-analyzed. Because the analyzing process may take up to several minutes it is quicker to stay until you are done with the award. No State Found This is a Warning massage indicating that there are no US States found matching the summary search. Translate Program Not Found This is a warning massage indicating that the TRANSLAT.EXE program could not be located. Reasons: The TRANSLAT.EXE program has been deleted (Erased). The TRANSLAT.EXE program has been accidentally renamed. The TRANSLAT.EXE program is not in the same directory as the main program. To copy the TRANSLAT.EXE program, exit the SPLog < ALT-X > and at the Dos Prompt (C:\ or A:\) Type: 1 Copy A:\TRANSLAT.EXE C:\SPLOG\TRANSLAT.EXE or Copy B:\TRANSLAT.EXE C:\PATH\TRANSLAT.EXE No Space on Drive To Merge Logbooks This is an Error massage indicating that there isn't enough room on your disk to perform the "Merge Logs" command. Unable To Perform Merge This is an Error massage indicating that the "Merge" command could not be performed or an error has occurred while performing merge. Invalid Port Number You have specified a COM port that is either not found or is out of range. No Hardware For Port You have specified a port number that does not exist. i.e.: you have specified port 4 (COM4) but your computer has only one COM port (COM1). UnKnown Port Error An UnKnown Error has occurred while attempting to access your com port. Your computer could have become unstable so please check your system. Incomplete LogBook Record You are attempting to save an incomplete Log Entry. Six Fields (Call, Mode, Freq, Date, QSL S and QSL R ) are the core of SPLog. Their function and actions are outlined below. The Call Sign Field: Z 1. A DIGIT (0..9) OR '/' MUST appear within the first three characters of the Call Sign. ; 2. CALL sign MUST be at least three characters in length. " 3. Blank ' ' can not be present. VE3NPL Will be read as Canada. VE3/SP9FLY Will be read as Canada. SP/VE3NPL Will be read as Poland. VE3NPL/SP Will be read as Canada. (Don't use this format if you want Poland) If those three conditions are not satisfied the program will generate an ERROR message. Incorrect Call Sign Examples: SPVE3NPL Will create an ERROR message. Rule 1. SP VE3NPL Will create an ERROR message. Rule 1, 3. SP\VE3NPL Will create an ERROR message. Rule 1. SP-VE3NPL Will create an ERROR message. Rule 1. I9 Will create an ERROR message. Rule 2, 3. The Mode Field: ` The Mode Setup dialog box in the Options menu has to be completed before this field will work. ) ie Enter: CW, SSB, AM, RTTY ... The Freq (Frequency) Field: ] For this field to work, you have to complete the Band Setup dialog box in the Options menu. / Don't forget the DOT (.) between MHz and KHz. ] ie. 1.834 for 160 M Band 14.025 for 20 M Band 28.495 for 10 M Band etc. If you are working with satellites, enter: K A for Mode A (2 M up/10 M down) or B for Mode B (.70 M up/2 M down) in to frequency field. Additional satellite modes are available, providing the band setup is configured to accommodate those modes. The "Date" Field: (mm/dd/yy) can be either correct or empty. If date is not provided the program will default to 00/00/00, which is understood as empty. If you are running SPLog in its real-time mode, the Date and Time is taken from the system. This feature can be turned ON or OFF using the auto Date & Time option in the Option Switches dialog box. The "QSL S" (QSL Send) and "QSL R" (QSL Received) fields can be in one of two logical states, either 'Y' (Yes) or 'N' (No). If anything else is entered the program will automatically assume the 'N' (No) answer. It is important to enter 'Y' in the "QSL R" field as soon as you receive the QSL card. It is based on this field that SPLog can tell how many countries you have confirmed, as well as perform other statistics and calculations. Call Sign Error 1. A DIGIT (0..9) OR '/' MUST appear within the first three characters of the Call Sign. ; 2. CALL sign MUST be at least three characters in length. " 3. Blank ' ' can not be present. VE3NPL Will be read as Canada. VE3/SP9FLY Will be read as Canada. SP/VE3NPL Will be read as Poland. VE3NPL/SP Will be read as Canada. (Don't use this format if you want Poland) If those three conditions are not satisfied the program will generate an ERROR message. Incorrect Call Sign Examples: SPVE3NPL Will create an ERROR message. Rule 1. SP VE3NPL Will create an ERROR message. Rule 1, 3. SP\VE3NPL Will create an ERROR message. Rule 1. SP-VE3NPL Will create an ERROR message. Rule 1. I9 Will create an ERROR message. Rule 2, 3. Mode Error The Mode Setup dialog box in the Options menu has to be completed before this field will work. % ie Enter: CW, SSB, AM, RTTY ... Frequency Error For this field to work, you have to complete the Band Setup dialog box in the Options menu. / Don't forget the DOT (.) between MHz and KHz. ] ie. 1.834 for 160 M Band 14.025 for 20 M Band 28.495 for 10 M Band etc. If you are working with satellites, enter: K A for Mode A (2 M up/10 M down) or B for Mode B (.70 M up/2 M down) in to frequency field. Additional satellite modes are available, providing the band setup is configured to accommodate those modes. Date Error The "Date" Field: (mm/dd/yy) can be either correct or empty. If date is not provided the program will default to 00/00/00, which is understood as empty. If you are running SPLog in its real-time mode, the Date and Time is taken from the system. This feature can be turned ON or OFF using the auto Date & Time option in the Option Switches dialog box. Time Error You are attempting to enter/save an invalid time field value. i.e.: 1. Valid Hour is 0..24. Anything else will generate an error. 2. Valid Minute is 0..60. Anything else will generate an error. Index Help To access any hyperlink in the Index list: R Press < TAB > key until the desired hyperlink is found and press < Enter >, or Use the PgUp, PgDn, or Arrow keys until the desired hyperlink is located and then position the mouse cursor anywhere on the hyperlink and click the left button twice. INDEX To get help on a particular topic: R Press < TAB > key until the desired hyperlink is found and press < Enter >, or Use the PgUp, PgDn, or Arrow keys until the desired hyperlink is located and then position the mouse cursor anywhere on the hyperlink and click the left button twice. About SPLog Dialog. Append Band Setup Band Summary Bearing Browse Browse Start Call Country WKD/CFM Continents WKD/CFM Continent Continent Select Country, Continent select Date Dialogue Edit Record Exit Labels Summary Mode Setup Mode Summary Menu Bar Mouse Open Order Form. Print Choices Pack Personal Information Print Log Print Log Range Print Log for Selected Range Rebuild Summary Record Selected Search Record Number Search Printer Shell Status Switches Notes Terminal State Zone Zone