S H O O T I N G B R I C K P R O D U C T I O N S PO Box 549 Moss Beach, CA 94038 Voice: 415/728-3104 M-F 9am to 5pm (Pacific) Fax: 415/728-0244 (Anytime) ___________________________________________________________________ SetDRAW Registration Order Form ! ! ! ! P L E A S E P R I N T C L E A R L Y ! ! ! ! First Name____________________ Last Name___________________________ Company Name_______________________________ Title__________________ Street Address_______________________________________ Suite________ City_______________________ State____ Zip__________ Country________ Phone(_____)_______-______________ Fax(_____)_______-______________ Where did you get SetDRAW from?_____________________________________ Comments?___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Enter Control Number SetDRAW displayed: |__|__|__|__|-|__|__|__|__| First site is $25(US) $ 25.00 Every additional site is $5(US) $ (California residents add CA state sales tax $1.85) $ ___________ Total $ Enclosed (Check one) Check__ Cash__ Money Order__ Visa__ MCard__ Card # |__|__|__|__| - |__|__|__|__| - |__|__|__|__| - |__|__|__|__| Expiration Date ____/_____ Name as it appears on card__________________________________________ Signature___________________________________________________________ Orders are processed within one business day of receipt. You may fax this form to SBP with Visa/MasterCard Orders. For Cash/Check/MO orders, please Mail to the above address.