My name is Dave Rhodes. In September 1988 my car was repossessed and the bill collectors were hounding me like you wouldn't believe. I was laid off and my unemployment checks had run out. The only escape I had from the pressure of failure was my Apple computer and my modem. I longed to turn my advocation into my vocation. This January 1989 my family and I went on a ten day cruise tothe tropics. I bought a Lincoln Town Car for CASH in February 1989. I am currently building a home on the West Coast of Florida, with a private pool, boat slip, and a beautiful view of the bay from my breakfast table and patio. I will never have to workagain. Today I am RICH. I have earned over $400,000.00 (Four Hundred Thousand Dollars!!) to date and will become a millionaire within 4 or 5 months. Anyone can do the same. This moneymaking program works perfectly every time, 100% of the time. I have NEVER failed to earn $50,000.00 or more whenever I wanted. Best of all you never have to leave home except to go to your mailbox or post office. In October 1988, I received a letter in the mail telling me how I could earn $50,000 or more whenever I wanted. I was naturally very skeptical and threw the letter on the desk next to my computer. It's funny though, when you are desperate, backed into a corner, your mind does crazy things. I spent a frustrating day looking through the want ads for a job with a future. The pickings were sparse at best. That night I tried to unwind by booting up my Apple computer and calling several bulletin boards. I read several of the message posts and than glanced at the letter next to the computer. All at once it came to me, I now had the key to my dreams. I realized that with the power of the computer I could expand and enhance this money making formula into the most unbelievable cash flow generator that has ever been created. I substituted the computer bulletin boards in place of the post office and electronically did by computer what others were doing 100% by mail. Now only a few letters are mailed manually. Most of the hard work is speedily downloaded to other bulletin boards throughout the world. If you believe that someday you deserve that lucky break that you have waited for all your life, simply follow the easy instrucions below. Your dreams will come true. Sincerely yours, Dave Rhodes INSTRUCTIONS Follow these instructions EXACTLY and in 20 to 60 days you will have received well over $50,000.00 cash, all yours. This program has remained successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants. Please continue its success by carefully adhering to the instructions. Welcome to the world of Mail Order! This little business is a little different than most mail order houses. Your product is not tangible, but rather a service. You are in the business of developing mailing lists. Many large corporations are happy to pay big bucks for quality lists. (The money made from selling the mailing lists are secondary to the income which is made from people like yourself requesting that they be included in that list.) 1) Immediately mail $1.00 to the first 5 names listed below starting at number 1 through number 5. Send cash only please (total investment $5.00). Enclose a note with each letter stating: "Please add my name to your mailing list." (This is a legitimate service that you are requesting and you are paying $1.00 for this service). 2) Remove the name that appears number 1 on the list. Move the other 9 names up one position. (Number 2 will become number 1 and number 3 will become number 2, etc.) Place your name, address, and zip code in the number 10 position. 3) Post the new letter with your name in the number 10 position into 10 (Ten) separate bulletin boards in the message base or to the file section. Call the file FASTCASH.TXT 4) Within 60 days you will receive over $50,000.00 in CASH. Keep a copy of this file for yourself so that you can use it again and again whenever you need money. As soon as you post (or mail out) these letters you are automatically in the mail order business and people are sending you $1.00 to be placed on your mailing list. This list can than be rented to a list broker that can be found in the Yellow Pages for additional income on a regular basis. The list will become more valuable as it grows in size. This service is perfectly legal. If you have any doubts, refer to Title 18, Sec. 1302 & 1341 of the postal lottery laws. NOTE: Make sure you retain EVERY Name and Address sent to you, either on computer or hard copy, but do not discard the names and notes they send you. This is PROOF that you are truly providing a service and should the IRS or some other Government Agency question you, you can provide them with this proof! REMEMBER: As each post is downloaded and the instructions carefully followed, five members will be reimbursed for their participation as a List Developer with one dollar each. Your name will move up the list geometrically so that when your name reaches the number five position you will be receiving thousands of dollars in cash! 1. Donald Craig 1528 Wheeler St. Vincennes, IN 47591 2. Kent Craig 1003 N. 14th. St. Vincennes, IN 47591 3. Ken Sebren 327 Owen Boone Rd. Brandon, MS 39042 4. Mike Bell 9 Roxie St. Brandon, MS 39043 5. Mike Ghicas 55 Wagon Wheel Trail Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 6. Jon Snell P.O. box 101 Ravena, NY 12143 7. Dan McBain 2238 14th st Troy, NY 12180 8. Zach Berke 156 Pepper Ave. Burlingame, CA 94010 9. Justin Caton 475 Marlowe st. Palo Alto, CA 94301 10. Daryl Castillo 6047 W. Fullerton Ave. Chicago, IL 60639 The following letters were written by participating members in this program. Hello, everyone! I've been thinking about this for a week. I've decided to try it, but not blindly. I researched a few things that I'll share withyou: 1 - Title 18, Chapter 61 (Lotteries), Sec. 1302 is "Mailing lottery tickets or related matter". 2 - Title 18, Chapter 63 (Mail Fraud), Sec. 1341 is "Frauds and Swindles". 3 - To the best of my interpretation (and I am not a lawyer, so research it yourself, too!), this is not a lottery, nor a fraud, as long as your list is made and sold as a business. 4 - There IS a market for accurate lists for "Mail List Brokers", and they CAN be found in the "Yellow Pages". I found many, spoke with one, and they are interested in buying my list! 5 - A list of names by themselves would be worthless. You need the interests of the people. Even if only one interest is stated, you need to supply your broker with an accurate list. Therefore, I've modified this file with a small questionnaire at the end that would be quick and useful for anyone that really wants to runa business. If this system will make you $50,000 or more, your personal interests are not too much to give to 5 people. Please send this questionnaire with your $1.00 fee to make this worth whilefor everyone. Good Luck! Carl Sagerquist - Sysop "Antelope Valley Aviator" (805) 723- 6908 To Whom It May Concern: About six months ago I received the enclosed post in letterform. I ignored it. I received about five more of the same letter within the next two weeks. I ignored them also. Of course, I was tempted to follow through and dreamed of making thousands, but I was convinced it was just another gimmick and could not possibly work. I was wrong! About three weeks later I saw this same letter posted on a local bulletin board in Montreal. I liked the idea of giving it a try with my computer. I didn't expect much because I figured, if other people were as skeptical as I, they wouldn't be too quick to part with Five dollars. But, I buy lottery tickets weekly in my province and have nothing to show for it but ticket stubs. This week I decided to look at this as my weekly lottery purchase. I addressed the envelopes and mailed out one dollar in each envelope as directed. Two weeks went by and I didn't receive anything in the mail. The fourth week rolled around and I couldn't believewhat happened! I can't say I received $50,000, but it was definitely well over $35,000! For the first time in ten years, I got out of debt. It was great! Of course, it didn't take me long to go through my earnings so I am using this excellent opportunity once again. Follow the instructions and get ready to enjoy. Please send a copy of this letter along with the enclosed letter so together we can convince people who are skeptical that it really works! Good Luck, Charles Kust St Agathe Que. Another letter: I tried a similar program in which the cost was $5.00 per response. In that one the return was about 3%. Since I did not have a modem I sent out letters regular mail. I created mailing labels with Appleworks and printed the labels on pressure sensitive tape. The first mailing that I used the $1.00 dollar per response approach I started to get return mail in just over one week! I sent out 200 letters instead of 100 that is required if you use the mail instead of the bulletin boards. Additionally, I included as many friends, relatives, classmates, that I could think of in order to encourage their participation if they happened to recognize my name, so my percentage of gain was higher. I am trying again with 500 letters to see if I surpass the $141,000 of the last time. You just won't believe it until you try. Best Wishes, Mark Garner Dallas Texas Additional Notes: This system works equally well if mailed out manually. Mind you it takes more effort to hand address the envelopes and the costgoes up proportionately to cover the postage and envelopes. You must also photo copy the instructions, cross out the name in number one position, write in your name in the number ten slot and change the rest of the numbers accordingly. (It might be neater to use white out or paste over the names.) In order to achieve the same results you must send out the $1.00 dollar to the first five names and then send out another 100 letters with copies of the program enclosed. It has been suggested not to put a return address on the outside of the envelope in order to encourage the recipient to open it. The return will approximate that then received from the posts listed on the bulletin boards. My name is Steve Prester. As you may have noticed I'm the ninth name on this list, so I do not have a rags-to- riches story to tell here. However, I did make a phone call to the 2nd name on this list, Ernest Goyette. Did he have a rags to riches story to tell? Not exactly, but then I found out that he did not follow the instructions precisely. You see, Ernest lost faith in the program before he had finished following instructions. He uploaded this file on one BBS, which happens to operated by Darryl McGinnis, the3rd name on this list. Ernest told me that he has received $92.00to date (1/6/90). I realize this is far from the $50,000 promised at the first of this file, yet one must keep two things in mind: 1. $92.00 is almost 10 times his initial investment, and it only took about an hour of his time (there's nothing to lose). 2. This program works mathematically on an exponential scale. In other words, for every one BBS that this file is uploaded onto, it should spread to at least ten other BBS's and possibly a whole lot more. So, if Ernest had uploaded his file on all ten BBS's, he should have at least gotten a hundred-fold of what he has, which would be $9200.00. Not bad for a few hours work and a $6.25 investment (including postage). Finally, I would like to exhort those who become involved in this program to maintain its integrity by being honest. It is the only way that it can possibly pay off. In other words, be sure to enter your name at the bottom of the list and not in one of the top five positions (actually this would be robbing yourself since it is while your name is in the lower positions that it gets multiplied exponentially over hundreds of BBS's). And, of course, send your $1.00 off to the first five names. As I write this I have not made a penny (because I have not uploaded this yet), but I thought you might like to hear from someone at the bottom of the list, instead of someone claiming rags-to- riches. I hope such is true, and I'm sure it will be if we all stick with it. The potential is definitely here! Hi, My name is Tom Collier, and I am also a little skeptical of this. However, I do have 5 dollars. If I lose anything. That will be all. But I do have a lot to gain. So here I go. I'm also a SYSOP of the ALL - NIGHTER BBS in Long Beach, CA. 213-421-5591 Hello Everyone, I have just started this process myself so I can't say whether it is a good system yet; however for the small price it takes to invest in this how can I possibly go wrong! I just hope that whomever reads this after me keeps the integrity of the idea going strong by supporting the listmakers that have preceded me. Thanks for listening, and good luck and much money in the future! J. E. Another believer: I just got this info and I really think it's going to work. I am going to try it now. Please help this process by remaining honest. That's the only way it's going to work. Thank you and good luck on your quest to the BIG BUCK$. E. Wong Hi, I am going for it. (Go for Your DREAM) A Small investment and who knows how many (BIG BUCKS) you might make!. SYSOP Dan Bocek (AMERICAN P.C.H. CONNECTION) 213-539-9389. This just might be it! If you are like me, you are probably pretty doubtful about this scheme. So was I at first. After thinking about it, I realized that I have been wasting a lot more than $5.00 EACH WEEK just playing the Lotto. So far, the Lotto has been a waste, so this week I'll give this a shot. If everybody who gets this letter does the same, IT WILL WORK!! - a lot more than you can say for playing the lottery... DAN NELSON, Sysop of The Cerritos Micro Data BBS - (310) 924-4642 DATA FORM Name___________________________________ Date____________________ Address_____________________________________________________ City/State/Zip______________________________________________ Dear _______________________, Please place my name on your mailing list. The following isa list of my interests. I've included the $1.00 fee. Thank you. _________________________ Signature INTERESTS (Circle all applicable subjects) ==================================================== Accounting Gambling Animals Gardening Archaeology History Art Hunting Astrology Investments Astronomy Law Automotive Medical Aviation Masonry Body Building Mercenary Boating Meteorology Books Military Business Money Camping Music Carpentry Nature Chemistry Outer Space Children Photography Comedy Politics Computers Printing Construction Programming Cosmetology Real Estate Crime Psychology Collecting Radio CB/HAM Crafts Religion Cooking Science Fiction Crossword Puzzles Surveying Dance Sewing Drugs Sexual Economics Skiing Education Sports Electronics Stereo Engineering Sweepstakes Exercise Taxes Farming Theology Fashion Travel Firearms Video/TV/VCR Fishing Volunteer Activities Food War Games Wine Optional data: ============== Age:______________Astrological Sign:____________________ Marital Status:_________Religion:_______________________ Occupation:_____________________________________________ Children & ages:________________________________________ Annual Income (approx):_________________________________ Own Home(y/n):__________ Rent(y/n):_____________________ Other:__________________________________________________