What's New in Stickies! 2.1 * Autoexec notes! Autoexec notes in your active set will automatically run all their links when Stickies! runs. * Friendlier hidden note support! Stickies! now tells you on its About box how many notes are in your active set and how many of them are hidden. Also, Stickies! will make visible any note that has been hidden for more than 10 days. * Friendlier alarm settings! The alarm time setting now has an AM/PM button, eliminating the need for 24-hour format times. * E-mail support for bundles! If you tell Stickies! to e-mail a note that has links as an attached document, it will now ask you if you want to send the note as a plain export file or a bundle. This feature makes it easier than ever to send your work to other Stickies! users. * Better usability! This version adds several small features to Stickies! that will make it more enjoyable to use. There are now browse buttons on the link configuration dialog, help items on the main and note menus for the mouse and keyboard shortcut topics, a separate icon for instant access to the file cabinet, plus other minor changes. * Better resource awareness! We've received reports from users that their Windows systems were running out of resources before they hit their Stickies! active set was full. We've reduced the active set limit from 45 notes to 30. If your pre-v2.1 active set contains more than 30 notes, Stickies! v2.1 will load the first 30 notes and save the rest to a Stickies! export file so they will not be lost when you shut down Stickies! or Windows. See FIXES.TXT for a history of fixed bugs.