THelpTopic Quick Start Welcome to ToolDriver, a window environment for organizing files and names using the ConVal FileXref and NameChanger text-mode utilities. M To put this help window away, press ESC. Then, to exit to DOS, press Alt-Q. ^ For more information on any highlighted topic, Tab to the highlighted field and press Enter: , using windows using non-help windows registering ToolDriver THelpTopic Help Window Navigation When viewing a help window, non-help keys are disabled. Press Esc when you're finished reading the help information. Now those keys will be active again. Since non-help keys are disabled you may not use the menu bar. See zoom or size/move for a instructions on how to zoom, resize or move a help window without the menu bar. In many help windows there are items highlighted (like above). To see more information on a highlighted topic, Tab to it and press Enter or double click on it. l When you have tabbed too far, use Shift-Tab to back tab or continue tabbing until you can select it again. Y If you are viewing a help window and want to go back to the previous one, press Alt-F1. THelpTopic Non-Help Window Navigation If you are viewing a help window, press Esc to exit help before trying to use the following non-help functions. k The menu bar is accessed by pressing F10 and then using the arrows, or by double clicking on a menu item. . To see product information, press Alt-Space. | All the other menu items may be quickly accessed by pressing Alt-Z, where Z is one of the highlighted letters on the menu. 7 For example, the "File" menu is pulled down by Alt-F. THelpTopic File viewer A file viewer views the contents of a text file. You can use the arrow keys to move about in the file. A file is loaded via the File Open menu item. a Up Move up one line Down Move down one line Right Move right one column Left Move left one column PgUp Move one page up PgDn Move one page down Home View right most column of the file End View left most column of the file Ctrl-PgUp View top of file Ctrl-PgDn View bottom of file. File viewers can be resized and moved using the Window menu. A The file viewer will view text files up to about 40K in length. THelpTopic File Types The ConVal tools know how to examine the following types of files: < Assembler .ASM make files .MAK BASIC .BAS ORACLE .INP .RPT .SQL batch files .BAT Pascal .PAS C and .C .H PL/I .PLI C++ .CPP .HPP REXX .REX COBOL .CBL .COB text files .TXT .DOC FORTRAN .FOR xBase .PRG Any other ASCII text files (e.g. documentation) may also be examined. THelpTopic Problems to be solved more FileXref addresses the following: S "Some of these source and documentation files are now obsolete - but which ones?" | "Before changing this I need to know everything impacted - even the documentation files, batch files, and test scenarios." R "If I just had a report to show me how all these files relate to one another..." THelpTopic Problems to be solved NameChanger addresses the following problems: g "I want to change my old programs to use my current naming style. But if I make just one mistake ..." "My software is selling well on the DOS platform. Now I want to port it to UNIX, VAX, MVS, etc. But my file names and external variables are all wrong." "My application is so well liked in my company another group wants to use it on a different machine. But my names collide with their existing systems there." (CICS, IMS) THelpTopic Input FileXref and NameChanger scan the various types of source files that make up your application. Your files can reside on a single subdirectory of a single disk or diskette or they can be in many subdirectories across several hard disks. 9 FileXref has menu options for you to define its inputs: G files examined, and the optional words cross referenced. NameChanger also has two menu items for inputs: 5 files changed, and names changed. THelpTopic Output FileXref produces cross reference reports or export files. It also creates a log of the processing done. NameChanger produces output files, one for each file selected. It, too, creates a log of the processing done. The output files are written to ToolDriver's WORK directory. THelpTopic (System) menu (Alt-Spacebar) The System menu appears on the far left of the menu bar and is represented by the symbol. ( When you pull down the menu, you see " Register Product Information THelpTopic Product Information When you choose the product information command, a help box appears, showing copyright and version data. G To close the box, press Esc, Space, or Enter, or click the OK button. THelpTopic File Open (F3) The Open command displays the View a File dialog box. In this dialog box you select the text file you want to browse with a file viewer. & The View File dialog box contains: an input box with a history list a list box to browse the directory the standard Cancel button Open action button an information panel that describes the selected file THelpTopic Name The Name input box is where you enter the name of the file to load, or the file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.*). THelpTopic Files FILENM01.PAS FILENM09.PAS FILENM02.PAS FILENM10.PAS FILENM03.PAS FILENM11.PAS FILENM04.PAS FILENM12.PAS FILENM05.PAS .. FILENM06.PAS \MOREXAMP FILENM07.PAS \TOURS FILENM08.PAS \ANSWERS.DIR The Files list box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. C:\TP\EXAMPLES\*.PAS HELLO.PAS 52 Jul 14,1990 12:00pm The File information panel shows the path name, file name, date, time, and size of the selected file. = None of the items on this information panel are selectable. THelpTopic [ Open ] The Open button opens a new Viewer window and places the selected file in that window. THelpTopic [ Print ] The Print button sends the selected text file to the printer. THelpTopic [ Cancel ] If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. M (Esc always cancels a dialog box, even if a Cancel button does not appear.) THelpTopic [ Open ] In the View a File dialog box, if you choose the Open button a new file viewer window is created. It places the selected file in that window. THelpTopic Help on the Change Directory dialog box The Change Directory dialog box consists of an input box, a list box, the standard OK and Help buttons, and two other buttons (Chdir and Revert). | Directory Name The Directory Name input box is where you type in the path of the new directory. Directory Tree Drives C:\ SOURCE INCLUDE The Directory Tree list box enables you to navigate directories by using the selecting bar and pressing Enter. If you're using the keyboard, press Enter to make the selected directory be the current directory, then choose OK or press Esc to exit the dialog box. + [Chdir ] The Chdir button changes the current directory once you've selected or typed in a directory name. + [Revert] The Revert button goes back to the previous directory, as long as you haven't yet exited the dialog box. THelpTopic Help on View a File Dialog Box The View a File dialog box contains an input box, a file list, a file information panel, the standard button Cancel, one other action button (Open), plus a history list that's attached to the Name inputbox. THelpTopic Help on Print a File Dialog Box The Print a File dialog box contains an input box, a file list, a file information panel, the standard button Cancel, one other action button (OK), plus a history list that's attached to the Name inputbox. THelpTopic Text Selection Text selection is used to identify text for various functions (cut, copy, paste, find, etc. ) USING A MOUSE: Move the mouse pointer to the start of the text to be selected. Hold down the left mouse button while dragging the mouse across the string or lines of data to be copied. The text will become highlighted as the mouse is dragged. @ Release the mouse button when all desired text is highlighted. USING THE KEYBOARD: : Move the cursor to the start of the text to be selected. Hold down the Shift key while using an arrow key to move the cursor across the string or lines of data to be copied. The text will highlight as the arrow key continues to be pressed. ; Release the keys when the text is completely highlighted. THelpTopic Contents Quick Start Problems solved Input Output ToolDriver NameChanger FileXref THelpTopic Index Page 1 of 8 next Tab to an index item and press Enter for help on that item. Getting Started Cascade, windows Change, Directory Close, window Copy, clipboard Cut, text, window Shell, starting THelpTopic Index Tab and Page 2 of 8 press Enter next Documentation Edit, Exit File, File, opening File, printing File, File, types handled utilities File, viewing previous page: Alt+F1 THelpTopic Index Tab and Page 3 of 8 press Enter next FileXref, FileXref, files, creating FileXref, viewing FileXref, FileXref, problems addressed FileXref, specification list, creating previous page: Alt+F1 THelpTopic Index Tab and Page 4 of 8 press Enter next Find, text, current window Help Help, window navigation Input, FileXref, files Input, FileXref, words Input, NameChanger, files Input, NameChanger, names Input, these Utilities Keyboard, selection Keys, moving around viewer previous page: Alt+F1 THelpTopic Index Tab and Page 5 of 8 press Enter next Mouse, selection Moving, window NameChanger, list, creating NameChanger, NameChanger, NameChanger, output files, viewing NameChanger, problems addressed NameChanger, symbol rename list, creating Next, window, going previous page: Alt+F1 THelpTopic Index Tab and Page 6 of 8 press Enter next Output, these Utilities Paste, text, window clipboard Previous, window, getting Print, Problems, addressed FileXref Problems, addressed NameChanger Quit Registering, printing registration previous page: Alt+F1 THelpTopic Index Tab and Page 7 of 8 press Enter next Replace, text, Search again, string Search, string Select, text, Show Clipboard Sizing window, System Tile, window ToolDriver, guide Version, software Window previous page: Alt+F1 THelpTopic Index Tab and Page 8 of 8 press Enter Window, getting Window, getting previous Window, close Window, organizing, cascade Window, organizing, Window, sizing moving Window, toggle Windows, windows, using Windows, help, using Word specification list, creating, FileXref previous page: Alt+F1 THelpTopic Register This window will print out an order form for registering this software. Registered users receive: the latest version of ToolDriver and a User's Guide phone support a 30 day money-back guarantee discounts on future software upgrades ToolDriver with support for memory above 640K - to 16 megabytes! THelpTopic NameChanger Edit NAMEC.SRL This window lets you create and edit the symbol rename list (SRL). This is the list of names to be changed, what they are to be changed to and whether or not the software should be sensitive to case in searching for a symbol. THelpTopic NameChanger Start Dialog This dialog allows you to select the directory for the output files produced by NameChanger. THelpTopic NameChanger View NAMEC.MSG This window lets you see the activity log of the NameChanger processing. It contains record counts and statistics. Use Viewer keys to navigate. & Representative output is shown here: ( NameChanger - Symbol Renaming Utility Version 2.02 Copyright 1991-1993 ConVal Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 02/28/93 20:07:36 Invoked with OUTDIR=D:\TOOLDRIV\WORK Message File opened as NAMEC.MSG. File Specification List opened as NAMEC.FSL. Symbol Rename List opened as NAMEC.SRL. (The default for items is CaseSensitive) Items in the Symbol Rename List: EMP_NM Employee_Name CaseInsensitive QOH QuantityOnHand Processing D:\TOOLDRIV\HISTORY.DOC Processing D:\TOOLDRIV\PACKLIST.DOC Processing D:\TOOLDRIV\README.DOC Processing D:\TOOLDRIV\REGISTER.DOC Symbol QOH was not found in any input file. File D:\TOOLDRIV\HISTORY.DOC : The output file was modified as requested. File D:\TOOLDRIV\PACKLIST.DOC : This file contained no symbols for renaming. The output file for it is identical. File D:\TOOLDRIV\README.DOC : This file contained no symbols for renaming. The output file for it is identical. File D:\TOOLDRIV\REGISTER.DOC : This file contained no symbols for renaming. The output file for it is identical. RECORD COUNTS File Specification List records READ: 25 Symbol Rename List records READ: 43 Characters READ from the input files: 14,772 Characters WRITTEN to output files: 14,779 Message records WRITTEN: 41 02/28/93 20:07:42 Note that only the HISTORY.DOC file had changes made. Also note that the symbol QOH was not found in any file. THelpTopic FileXref View FILEXREF.MSG This window lets you see the activity log of the FileXref processing. It contains record counts and statistics. Use Viewer keys to navigate. ' This is a sample of the FileXref log: ( FileXref - Cross Reference Utility Version 2.02 Copyright 1990-1993 ConVal Software, Inc. All rights reserved. 02/23/93 08:00:43 Message File opened as FILEXREF.MSG. File Specification List opened as FILEXREF.FSL. Word Specification List opened as FILEXREF.WSL Cross reference file opened as FILEXREF.XRF. Report file opened as FILEXREF.PRN. Processing Option is /PRNE. (The default for items below is Include and CaseSensitive) Items in the word specification list: COLUMN_NAME CaseInsensitive HELP CaseInsensitive Visual _Packed Exclude auto Exclude break Exclude case Exclude char Exclude const Exclude continue default do double else enum extern Exclude float Exclude for Exclude goto Exclude if Exclude int Exclude long Exclude re* register Exclude return Exclude short Exclude signed Exclude sizeof Exclude static Exclude struct Exclude switch Exclude typedef Exclude union Exclude unsigned Exclude void Exclude volatile Exclude while Exclude window Examining D:\TOOLDRIV\HISTORY.DOC Examining D:\TOOLDRIV\PACKLIST.DOC Examining D:\TOOLDRIV\README.DOC Examining D:\TOOLDRIV\REGISTER.DOC RECORD COUNTS File Specification List records READ: 25 Word Specification List records READ: 74 Characters READ from the input files: 14,626 Cross Reference Records written: 0 Report Records written: 67 Message records written: 69 02/23/93 08:00:47 THelpTopic FileXref View FILEXREF.XRF This window lets you see the cross reference export file created by FileXref. You may use the File Viewer keys to navigate. This file is in a "quote and comma" delimited format for importing into database software. THelpTopic FileXref View FILEXREF.PRN This window lets you view the report file created by FileXref. The report file contains two or three reports, one after the other. This is an ASCI print file, so you will see the character , a page break control code. Navigate using the File Viewer control keys. THelpTopic FileXref Edit FILEXREF.FSL This window lets you edit the list of files generated by ToolDriver. This will be used by FileXref as the list of files to be scanned and cross referenced. Navigate using the File Viewer control keys as well as those in the Edit and Search menus. NOTE: You may add any filename to this list as long as it names a text file. (If it will print properly on a printer.) Having FileXref cross reference other files will produce unpredictable results. THelpTopic NameChanger Edit NAMEC.FSL This window lets you view, and if necessary, edit the list of files to be processed by NameChanger. Navigate using the File Viewer control keys as well as those in the Edit menu. THelpTopic FileXref Edit FILEXREF.WSL This window lets you create and edit the word specification list. This is the list of words to appear in the optional word usage report. THelpTopic NameChanger Documentation The ToolDriver window environment integrates the use of NameChanger, the tool for managing naming conventions. You can define its inputs, run NameChanger and view the transformed files. ; See the NameChanger option for complete information. THelpTopic FileXref Documentation FileXref, the file and word cross referencing tool, is integrated into the ToolDriver window environment. Here it's easy to define inputs, do the cross referencing, and view or print the outputs. < See the FileXref option for full information on this. THelpTopic ToolDriver User's Guide Introduction Installing ToolDriver ToolDriver Basics Menus Options THelpTopic$ ToolDriver Introduction T o o l D r i v e r Version 2.02 User's Guide Organizing files and naming conventions / Professional Tools / for Software Developers and Consultants (R) Association of ConVal Software, Inc. Shareware o Professionals | MEMBER Copyright 1990-1993 ConVal Software, Inc. All rights reserved. This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products. ' Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at: C ASP Ombudsman 545 Grover Road Muskegon, MI 49442-9427 U.S.A. or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe MAIL to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536. The ombudsman may be contacted by FAX by sending to the ASP FAX number: (616) 788-2765. In communication with the ombudsman please include a telephone number and/or FAX if available. Preface ( Welcome to this user guide to ToolDriver. It describes how you can better organize your files and names. This information will be useful to anyone responsible for developing, managing, or maintaining application software. You will learn: A The value of understanding the relationships of source files. How planning your naming conventions can assist in debugging. How to uncover obsolete components. An easy way to change old programs to your current naming style. Organizing tricks that eliminate entire classes of problems. Characteristics of a well organized application. Ways to prevent unanticipated naming problems. Software applications require careful planning and thoughtful implementation. The information provided here will help you understand the detailed organization of your application and communicate that understanding to others, making your job much easier. 8 Introduction What's in ToolDriver? G An integrated environment for running the ConVal programming tools. FileXref - cross references your files and names. It reads text files and documents their use of other files and words you've selected. It works on many languages including C, C++, Pascal, COBOL, BAS, MASM, SQL, Fortran, and xBase. NameChanger - transforms names in the files associated with your application. Hardware and software requirements ToolDriver runs on machines with an 80286 or higher processor and running DOS 3.1 or higher. A hard disk and at least one floppy drive are also required to run ToolDriver. J ToolDriver supports (but does not require) any Windows-compatible mouse. n How to contact ConVal Software ConVal Software, Inc. 11607 E. Butter Creek Road Moorpark, CA 93021-2412 Sales and technical support: Monday - Friday Voice (805) 529-6847 9 AM - 5 PM Pacific Time Fax (805) 529-4314 CompuServe 72330,1621 The ToolDriver package Y Your ToolDriver package consists of a disk and a ToolDriver User's Guide (this manual). The disk contains all the programs and files you need to cross reference your disk files and make changes to your naming conventions. THelpTopic Installing ToolDriver Installing ToolDriver ( Users who downloaded ToolDriver from a BBS see README.DOC for installation instructions. The ToolDriver installation procedure will verify that you have enough space on your hard drive, create directories as needed and transfer files from your distribution diskette to your hard disk. It will let you print out the documentation and read pertinent information about ToolDriver. Its actions are self-explanatory; the following instructions tell you all you need to know. To install ToolDriver: x 1. Insert the installation disk into drive A. Type the following command, then press Enter. A:INSTALL 2. Press Enter at the installation screen. 3. Follow the prompts. 4. At the end of installation, you may want to add this line to your CONFIG.SYS file: FILES=20 Running ToolDriver Once you've installed ToolDriver, and if you're anxious to get up and running, change to the TOOLDRIV directory (if you didn't pick another name yourself), type TD and press Enter. Otherwise, continue reading this documentation to see what you can do with ToolDriver. THelpTopic ToolDriver Basics ToolDriver Basics ( The ToolDriver platform for organizing files and names was developed using Borland's Turbo Vision for C++. It has everything you need to setup, run, view and print output from cross referencing as well as name-changing functions. It provides: multiple resizable windows that can be moved mouse support and dialog boxes cut, paste, and copy commands using a clipboard a small, fast editor for preparing and revising input files online Help quick access to other programs and back again The following topics provide more information n starting exiting ToolDriver interface using dialog boxes communicate ToolDriver THelpTopic Starting ToolDriver Starting ToolDriver | To start ToolDriver, go to the ToolDriver directory ( C:\TOOLDRIV by default ), type TD and press Enter at the DOS prompt. Exiting ToolDriver ) There are two ways to leave ToolDriver: Choose File Quit to leave ToolDriver completely; you have to type TD again to reenter it. You'll be prompted to save your work before exiting, if you haven't already done so. Use F3 to save. Choose File DOS Shell to shell out from ToolDriver to enter commands at the DOS command line. When you're ready to return to ToolDriver, type EXIT at the command line and press Enter. You will be able to resume work just as you left it. THelpTopic The User Interface The User Interface ToolDriver has three visible objects: a menu bar at the top of the screen, a window area in the middle, and a status line at the bottom of the screen. If you are already familiar with the Borland IDE interface, then you may want to go directly to cross referencing (FileXref) and changing names (NameChanger). THelpTopic The menu bar and menus The menu bar and menus The menu bar is your primary access to all the commands on the menu. It is always visible except when you're viewing your program's output or transferring to another program. ' See hot keys) for keyboard shortcuts. : Here is how you choose menu commands using the keyboard: I 1. Press F10. This makes the menu bar active. The next thing you type + will relate to items on the menu bar. 2. Use the left and right arrow keys to select the menu you want to display. Then press Enter. As a shortcut for this step, you can just press the highlighted letter of the menu title. For example, when the menu bar is active press N to move to and display the NameChanger menu. A third way of doing this step is to hold down the Alt key and then press a highlighted letter from the menu bar titles (such as Alt+N) to display the menu you want. 3. Use the up and down arrows now to select a command from the menu displayed. At this point ToolDriver either carries out the command or displays a dialog box. : There are two ways to choose menu commands with a mouse: E 1. Click the desired menu title to display the menu and click the $ desired command from the menu. 2. Or, drag straight from the menu title down to the menu command. Release the mouse button on the command you want. (If you change your mind, just drag off the menu and no command will be chosen.) Some menus and menu commands are unavailable when it would make no sense to choose them. THelpTopic Hot Keys There are keyboard shortcuts (or hot keys) for accessing bar, choosing commands, editing, online help and window management. THelpTopic General Hot Keys Hot Key Menu command Function F1 Help Displays a context-sensitive help screen F2 File View Brings up a dialog box for viewing a file F4 Window Close Closes the active window F5 Window Zoom Toggles the active window's size F10 (none) Takes you to the menu bar THelpTopic Menu Hot Keys Hot Key Menu Function Alt+Spacebar Takes you to the (Product Info) menu Alt+E Edit Takes you to the Edit menu Alt+F File Takes you to the File menu Alt+H Help Takes you to the Help menu Alt+N NameChanger Takes you to the NameChanger menu Alt+S Search Takes you to the Search menu Alt+W Window Takes you to the Window menu Alt+X FileXref Takes you to the FileXref menu THelpTopic Editing Hot Keys Hot Key Command Function Ctrl+Ins Edit Copy Copies selected text to the clipboard Shift+Del Edit Cut Places selected text in the clipboard, deletes selected text Shift+Ins Edit Paste Pastes text from the clipboard into the active window Ctrl+Del Edit Clear Removes selected text from a window, but doesn't put it in the clipboard Ctrl+L Search Search Again Repeats last find or replace F3 File Save Saves the file in the active edit window THelpTopic Window Management Hot Keys Hot Key Menu command Function Alt+n (none) Displays window n, where n is the number of the window you want to see F4 Window Close Closes the active window F5 Window Zoom Toggles the size of the active window Ctrl+F5 Window Size/Move Changes the size or position of the active window F6 Window Next Makes the next window the active one Shift+F6 Window Previous Makes the prior window the active one THelpTopic Online Help Hot Keys Hot Key Function F1 Opens a context-sensitive help screen Alt+F1 Displays the previous help screen THelpTopic Working with Windows Working with windows Most of what you see and do in ToolDriver happens in a window. A window is a screen area that you can open, close, move, resize, zoom, tile, and overlap. You can have many windows open in ToolDriver, but only one window can be active at any time. Any menu command you choose or text you type generally applies only to the active window. You can easily spot the active window - it's the one with the double-lined border around it. The active window always has a close box, a zoom box, and scroll bars. If your windows are overlapping, the active window is always on top of all the others. S There are several types of windows, but most of them have these things in common: W a title a close scroll a zoom a window number (1 to 9) An edit window also displays the current line and column numbers in the lower left corner. If you've modified your file, an asterisk (*) appears to the left of the column and line numbers. THelpTopic The title bar contains the name of the window Click the Click on the zoom box close box to to either enlarge or quickly close shrink the window the window Window Title The first 9 open windows have a window number. Use Alt and n to make window n active Use a mouse to scroll the contents of the window Drag any corner to make windows larger or smaller. A quick reference is provided to summarize the use of windows. THelpTopic The close box of a window is the box in the upper left corner. Click this box to quickly close the window. (Or choose Window Close.) The help windows are considered temporary. You can close them by pressing Esc. THelpTopic The title bar, the topmost horizontal bar of a window, contains the name of the window and the window number. Double-clicking the title bar zooms the window. You can also drag the title bar to move the window around. THelpTopic The zoom box of a window appears in the upper right corner. If the icon in that corner is an up arrow (), you can click the arrow to enlarge the window to the largest possible size. If the icon is a double-headed arrow (), the window is already at its maximum size. In that case, clicking it returns the window to its previous size. To zoom a window from the keyboard, choose Window Zoom. THelpTopic The first nine windows you open in ToolDriver have a window number in the upper right border. You can make a window active (and bring it to the top) by pressing Alt and the window number. For example if the FileXref output report window is window number 4 and it's behind other windows, then Alt+4 brings it to the top so it's fully visible. THelpTopic Scroll bars are horizontal or vertical bars that look like this: ? Scroll bars show you where you are in relation to what you're viewing. You use these bars with a mouse to scroll the contents of the window. Click the arrow at either end to scroll one line at a time. (Keep the mouse button pressed to scroll continuously.) You can click the shaded area to either side of the scroll box to scroll a page at a time. Finally, you can drag the scroll box to any spot on the bar to quickly move to a spot in the window relative to the position of the scroll box. You can drag any corner to make a window larger or smaller. To resize from the keyboard, choose Size/Move from the Window menu. Press Enter when finished to get out of the sizing/moving mode. THelpTopic This is a quick reference for using windows in ToolDriver. Note that you don't need a mouse to perform these actions - a keyboard works fine too. To do this Use one of these techniques Open a file viewer Choose File View to open a file and scroll it in a window. Open other windows Choose the desired window from the Window menu. Close a window Choose Close from the Window menu or click the close box of the window or Press F4. Activate a window Click anywhere in the window, or Press Alt plus the window number (1 to 9), or Choose Window Next (F6 is the hot key) to step through the windows in the order you created them, or Choose Window Previous (Shift+F6 is the hot key) to step through the windows in the reverse of the order you created them. Move an active window Drag its title bar. Or choose Window Size/Move and use the arrow keys to place the window where you want it, then press Enter. Resize the active Drag any corner. Or choose Window Size/Move and window press Shift while you use the arrow keys to resize the window, then press Enter. Zoom the active Click the zoom box in the upper right corner of window the window, or Double-click the window's title bar, or Choose Window Zoom (F5 is the hot key) THelpTopic The status line The status line 8 The status line appears at the bottom of the screen to b remind you of basic keystrokes and shortcuts (or hot keys) applicable in the active window. let you use the mouse to click on a command to perform the action instead of choosing the action from the menu or pressing the shortcut keystroke. Here is what the status line looks like: ToolDriver F1 Help F2 View F4 Close F5 Zoom F10 Menu Where Id is the serial number of your registered software. THelpTopic Working with Dialogs Dialog boxes 8 A menu command with an ellipsis (...) after it leads to a dialog box. Dialog boxes offer a convenient way to view and set multiple options. When you're making settings in dialog boxes, you work with five basic types of onscreen controls: action buttons, radio buttons, check boxes, input boxes, and list boxes. THelpTopic Action buttons OK Cancel Above are two action buttons, OK and Cancel. If you choose OK, the choices in the dialog box are accepted; if you choose Cancel, nothing changes, no action takes place, and the dialog box is put away. Choose Help to open a Help window about this dialog box. Esc is always a keyboard shortcut for Cancel (even if no Cancel button appears). If you're using a mouse, click the dialog-box button you want. When you're using the keyboard, press Alt and the highlighted letter of a command to activate it. For example Alt+C selects the Cancel button because the C in Cancel is highlighted. Press Tab or Shift+Tab to move forward or back from one item to another in a dialog box. Each element is highlighted when it becomes active. In this dialog box, OK is the default button, which means you need only press Enter to choose the button. (On monochrome systems, arrows indicate the default; on color monitors, default buttons are highlighted.) Be aware that tabbing to a button makes that button the default. THelpTopic Radio Buttons and check boxes Radio Buttons Check Boxes ( ) Option 1 ( ) Option A ( ) Option 2 (X) Option B ( ) Option 3 ( ) Option C (X) Option D Radio buttons are like car-radio buttons. They come in groups, and only one radio button in the group can be on at any one time. To choose a radio button, click it or its text. From the keyboard, select Alt and the highlighted letter, or press Tab until the group is highlighted, and then use the arrow keys to choose a particular radio button. Press Tab or Shift+Tab again to leave the group with the new radio button chosen. Check boxes differ from radio buttons in that you can have any number of check boxes checked at any time. When you select a check box, an X appears in it to show you it's on. An empty box indicates it's off. To change the status of a check box, click it or its text, press Tab until the check box is highlighted and then press Spacebar, or select Alt plus the highlighted letter. If several check boxes apply to a topic, they appear as a group. In that case, tabbing moves to the group. Once the group is selected, use the arrow keys to select the item you want, and then press Spacebar to check or uncheck it. On monochrome monitors, the active check box or group of check boxes will have a chevron symbol ( ) to the left and right. When you press Tab, the chevrons move to the next group of check boxes or radio buttons. THelpTopic Input boxes and list boxes h Input boxes let you type in text. Most basic text-editing keys work in the text box (for example, arrow keys, Home, End, and Ins). If you continue to type once you reach the end of the box, the contents automatically scroll. If there's more text than shows in the box, arrowheads appear at the end ( and ). You can click the arrowheads to scroll or drag the text. If you need to enter control characters (such as ^L or ^M) in the input box, then prefix the character with a ^P. So, for example, to enter ^M into the input box, hold down the Ctrl key and press PM. (This capability is useful for search strings.) If an input box has a down-arrow icon to its right, there is an associated history list. Click the icon to display the list. You'll find text you typed the last few times you used the input box. Press Enter to choose an item from this list. The Find box, for example, has such a history list, which keeps track of the text you searched for previously. Try choosing a previous search string. You can also edit an entry in the history list. Press Esc to exit from the history list without making a selection. A final component of many dialog boxes is a list box, which lets you scroll through and select from variable-length lists (often file names) without leaving a dialog box. You make a list box active by clicking it or by choosing the highlighted letter of the list title (or press Tab until it's highlighted). Once a list box is displayed, you can use the scroll box to move through the list or press the up and down arrows from the keyboard. THelpTopic Menus and Options Menus and options reference ( The ToolDriver menu contains the following items. Z Next to some of the menu option descriptions you'll see keyboard shortcuts, or hot keys. l System File Edit Search FileXref NameChanger Window Help THelpTopic System Menu (System) menu Alt+Spacebar menu appears on the far left of the menu bar. Alt+Spacebar is the fastest way to get there. When you pull down the menu (by using the down arrow) you see two commands, Register and Product Information. Register Choose Register to print a ToolDriver Registration form. A file print dialog will be presented, with the file REGISTER.DOC selected. Just press Enter to print the registration form. Product Information Product Information menu command displays the version of ToolDriver you are running. The same information displays when you initially bring up ToolDriver. Put this information away by pressing Enter. THelpTopic File (Alt-F) File menu Alt+F The file menu lets you open and view files in a file viewer window. It also lets you print files, change the working directory, shell to DOS and exit the ToolDriver environment. ' There are five options in this menu - : View Print Change Directory Shell Quit THelpTopic File View View F2 The File View command displays a file-selection dialog box for you to select a text file to open in a file viewer window. Here is what the box looks like: The View a File dialog box View a File Name *.* Open Files CRE8FSL.EXE FILEXREF.WSL Cancel FILELIST.EXE FILEXREF.XRF FILEXREF.BAK HISTORY.DOC FILEXREF.EXE NAMEC.EXE FILEXREF.FEI NAMEC.FSL FILEXREF.FSL NAMEC.MSG FILEXREF.MSG NAMEC.SRL FILEXREF.PRN \WORK C:\TOOLDRIV\*.* FILEXREF.PRN 133153 Jun 01,1993 09:15a The dialog box contains an input box, a file list, buttons labeled Open and Cancel, and an information panel that describes the selected file. Now you can do any of these actions: ` Type in a full file name and choose Open. Open loads the file into a file viewer window. Type in a file name with wildcards, which filters the file list to match your specifications. Press down arrow to choose a file specification from a history list of file specifications you've entered earlier. View the contents of different directories by selecting a directory name in the file list. The input box lets you enter a file name explicitly or enter a file name with standard DOS wildcards (* and ?) to filter the names appearing in the history list box. If you enter the entire name and press Enter, ToolDriver opens it for viewing. If you press when the cursor is blinking in the input box, a history list drops down below the box. This list displays the last 15 file names or file name masks you've entered. Choose a name from the list by double-clicking it or selecting it with the arrow keys and pressing Enter. Once you've typed in or selected the file you want, choose the Open button (choose Cancel if you change your mind). You can also just press Enter once the file is selected, or you can double-click the file name in the file list. A The file viewer will view text files up to about 40K in length. Using the file list box The File list box displays all file names in the current directory that match the specifications in the input box, displays the parent directory, and displays all subdirectories. Click the list box or press Tab until the list box name is highlighted. You can now press to select a filename and then press Enter to open it. You can also double-click any file name in the box to open it. You might have to scroll the box to see all the names. If you have more than one panel of names, you can also use the left and right arrows. The file information panel at the bottom of the View a file dialog box displays path name, file name, date, time and size of the file you've selected in the list box. As you scroll through the list box, the panel is updated for each file. THelpTopic File Print Print The File Print command displays a file-selection dialog box for you to select a text file to be printed. It looks and functions like the File View command except that the output will be routed to your printer instead of a file viewer. THelpTopic File Change Dir Change Dir = The File Change Dir command lets you specify a drive and a directory to make current. The current directory is the one ToolDriver uses for viewing and printing files. Note that FileXref and NameChanger will always reset the current directory to the ToolDriver installation directory where its control files reside. : Here is what the Change Directory dialog box looks like: ! The Change Directory dialog box Change Directory Directory Name C:\TOOLDRIV Directory Tree Drives OK C:\ TOOLDRIV Chdir WORK Revert There are two ways to change directories: M Type in the path of the new directory in the input box and press Enter Choose the directory you want in the directory tree (if you're using the keyboard, press Enter to make it the current directory), then choose OK or press Esc. If you choose the OK button, your changes are made and the dialog box is closed. If you choose the Chdir button, the Directory Tree list box changes to the selected directory and displays the subdirectories of the currently highlighted directory (pressing Enter or double- clicking on that entry gives you the same result). If you change your mind about the directory you've picked and you want to go back to the previous one (and you've yet to exit the dialog box), choose the Revert button. THelpTopic File DOS Shell DOS Shell The File DOS Shell command lets you temporarily exit ToolDriver to enter a DOS command or program. To return to ToolDriver, type EXIT and press Enter. Don't install any TSR programs (like SideKick) or print a file with the DOS print command while you've shelled to DOS, because memory may be misallocated. THelpTopic File Quit (Alt-Q) Quit Alt+Q The File Quit command exits ToolDriver and removes it from memory. If you have made any changes you haven't saved, ToolDriver asks if you want to save them before exiting. Use F3 to save. THelpTopic Edit Edit menu Alt+E The Edit menu lets you cut, copy, and paste text in edit windows. You can also open a Clipboard window to view or edit its contents. Use this option is edit the list of file extensions to be considered. > File extensions Copy Paste Show Clipboard These options are only active when an edit window is open. Edit windows are opened by the first two FileXref and NameChanger menu items. 0 A file edit window is presented in four cases: w after processing the FileXref Files dialog (This allows you to modify the list of files to be cross referenced.) after choosing the FileXref Words command (This allows you to modify a lis of words to be cross referenced.) (You do not need to list the names of any files here - they are automatically cross referenced.) after processing the NameChanger Files dialog (This allows you to modify the list of files to be name-changed.) after choosing the NameChanger Names command (This allows you to specify the names to be changed and what they are to be changed to.) (Names may be file names; variable names; i.e. any complete symbol) Before you can use most of the commands on the edit menu, you need to know about selecting text (because most editor actions apply to selected text). Selecting text means highlighting it. You can select text either with keyboard commands or with a mouse; the principle is the same even though the actions are different. From the keyboard > Press Shift while pressing any key that moves the cursor. Using a mouse To select text with a mouse, drag the mouse pointer over the desired text If you need to continue the selection past a window's edge, just drag off the side and the window automatically scrolls. To select a single word, double-click it. To extend or reduce the selection, Shift-click anywhere in the document (that is, hold Shift and click). Once you've selected text, the Cut and Copy commands in the Edit menu become available. The Clipboard is the magic behind cutting and pasting. It's a special window that holds text you cut or copied, so you can paste it elsewhere. The Clipboard works in close concert with the commands in the Edit menu. THelpTopic File Extensions This option displays a file editor for the list of file extensions to be considered for file cross referencing and name changing. THelpTopic Edit Cut Shift+Del The Cut option allows you to move text from the active window to the clipboard. You may then use Paste to copy that text to another (or the same) window. Using a mouse: A Select the text to be Cut. Then click on Edit, followed by Cut. Using the keyboard: 4 Select the text to be Cut. Then press Shift-Del. The text will be removed from the active window and will be available in the clipboard THelpTopic Edit Copy Copy Ctrl+Ins The Copy option allows you to copy text from the active window to the clipboard. You may then use Paste to copy that text to another (or the same) edit window. Using a mouse: E Select the text to be copied. Then click on Edit, followed by Copy. Using the keyboard: 4 Select the text to be copied. Then press Ctrl-Ins. ] The text will remain as is in the active window and will also be available in the clipboard The Edit Copy command leaves the selected text intact but places an exact copy of it in the Clipboard. You can then paste that text into any edit window by choosing Paste. THelpTopic Edit Paste Paste Shift+Ins [ The Paste option alows you to copy text from the clipboard to the the active edit window. Using a mouse: q Move the cursor to the point where you wish to insert the clipboard text. Then click on Edit followed by Paste. Using the keyboard: X Move the cursor to the place you want to put the clipboard text. Then press Shift-Ins. h The text will be inserted into the active window at that point and will remain as is in the clipboard. The Edit Paste command inserts from the Clipboard into the current edit window at the cursor position. The text that is pasted is the currently marked block in the Clipboard window. THelpTopic Edit Show Clipboard Show Clipboard The Show Clipboard option opens a window and displays the current contents of the clipboard. These contents can, themselves be edited. T Click on Edit, then Show Clipboard or press Alt-E, then S to activate this option. The Edit Show Clipboard command opens the Clipboard window, which stores the text you cut and copy from other windows. The text that's currently selected (highlighted) is the text ToolDriver uses when you choose Paste. You can think of the Clipboard window as a history list of your cuts and copies. You can edit the Clipboard so that the text you paste is precisely the text you want. ToolDriver uses whatever text is selected in the Clipboard when you choose Paste. The Clipboard window is just like other edit windows; you can move it, resize it, and scroll and edit its contents. The only difference you'll find in the Clipboard window is when you choose to cut or copy text. When you select text in the Clipboard window and choose Cut or Copy, the selected text immediately appears at the bottom of the window. (Remember, any text you cut or copy is appended to the end of the Clipboard and highlighted - so you can paste it later. THelpTopic Search Search menu Alt+S C The Search menu lets you search and replace text in edit windows. It has three options - Find Replace Find Again THelpTopic Search Find Find Ctrl+Q+F The Search Find command displays the Find Text dialog box, which lets you type in the text you want to search for and set options that affect the search. The Find Text dialog box Find Text Text to Find aardvark Options (X) Case Sensitive ( ) Whole words only OK Cancel The Find Text dialog box contains several buttons and check boxes: Check the Case Sensitive box if (X) Case sensitive you do want ToolDriver to differentiate uppercase from lowercase. Check the Whole words Only box if ( ) Whole words only you want ToolDriver to search for whole words only. (that is, the string must have punctuation or space characters on both sides) THelpTopic Search Replace Replace Ctrl+Q+A a The Replace option allows you to transform occurances of a selected string with another string. - Following is the dialog for replacing text. The Replace Text dialog box S Replace Text Text to Find aardvark New text platypus Options (X) Case Sensitive ( ) Whole words only ( ) Prompt on replace ( ) Replace all OK Cancel The Replace Text dialog box contains several radio buttons and check boxes - many of which are identical to the Find Text dialog box, discussed previously. An additional checkbox, Prompt on Replace, controls whether you want to be prompted for each change. Enter the search string and the replacement string in the input boxes and choose OK to begin the search or Cancel to not do it. If you want to enter a string you used previously, press to show a history list to choose from. If ToolDriver finds the specified text and Prompt on Replace is on, it asks you if you want to make the replacement. If you choose OK, it will find and replace the first instance of the search item. THelpTopic Search Search Again Search Again Ctrl+L The Search Search Again command repeats the last Find or Replace command. All settings you made in the last dialog box used (Find or Replace) remain in effect when you choose Search Again. THelpTopic FileXref FileXref Alt+X The FileXref menu item is the place to go when you want to see how your text files relate to one another. It is also where you can find the global usage of words (data names, function names, language verbs, etc.) throughout your source and documentation files (any text files). l The menu item is named FileXref since it uses the ConVal FILEXREF.EXE program to do the cross referencing. 1 There are four supporting options on this menu: j Files cross reference Words cross reference Start cross referencing View output THelpTopic FileXref Files Files to cross reference This is where you identify which files you want cross referenced. You do this by creating a list of those file names. A dialog box is used for this. THelpTopic FileXref Files Dialog The files dialog is used to find out how you want to define the files to be cross referenced. q Files to be cross referenced [X] Generate a file list for me using the directory tree starting with: C:\PROJECT1 OK Cancel If you check the check box and enter a directory name (as above) or drive (like C:), then a list will be prepared for you. It will be written to file FILEXREF.FSL (File Specification List). The list will include files in the directory entered and in its subdirectories and their subdirectories (the directory tree). In any case you will be presented with an edit window for this file. So the content of the file edit window will be what was just generated if you checked the check box, or it will be as delivered on the installation disk, or as most recently edited by you. F Following are representative entries in the file specification list: | C:\PROJECT1\SOURCE\SAMPLE01.C C:\PROJECT1\SOURCE\SAMPLE02.C C:\PROJECT1\INCLUDE\MYSAMP.H D:\PROJECT1\DOCS\OVERVIEW.DOC Start each line in colum one and press Enter for each line. ] Press F3 to save your changes or F4 to close the window (this will cause a prompt to save). NOTE: The editor works with files up to 64K. This will handle hundreds of file names. If your application is larger than this we assume you have an editor! Drop out of ToolDriver, edit the list with that editor, and return to ToolDriver to do the cross referencing. THelpTopic FileXref Words Words to cross reference K This menu option allows you to identify additional words ( other than the file names defined above) to be cross referenced. You can list words to be included and words to be excluded. You can also specify where you want the searching to be case sensitive and where it doesn't matter. (The default for searching is case sensitive) : What do we mean by "word"? We mean that which is inbetween white space. White space is here loosely defined to be those characters which are NOT used to form symbols in a source language. You will see a complete example below. You can also identify a set of words to be included where they share a common prefix. All of these are communicated to ToolDriver via a "word specification list" file named FILEXREF.WSL. This file contains three types of lines: H 1. Comment lines have "--' in the first two columns. Comments may be " placed anywhere in the file. 2. Option lines have "++" in the first two columns. Options are toggles. E They may be placed anywhere. Four toggle options are supported: CaseSensitive Be sensitive to case when searching for the words that follow. (this is the default) CaseInsensitiveIgnore the case when searching for the words that follow. Include Include the following words in the search list. (This is the default) Exclude Exclude the following words from the search list so that they do not appear on cross reference reports. Excluded items will automatically marked as case sensitive. The use of "*" is not supported for excluded words. 3. Word specification lines have a single word surrounded by white space. M Note that word phrases are not cross referenced, just individual words. When you select the "Words to cross reference" option, ToolDriver will provide a file edit window for you to define your word cross referencing needs. The starter file provided with ToolDriver is shown below: -- This is the word specification list used by the cross rererence -- utility. For more information, see the end of this file. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ++Include The "++" option lines toggle options. -- The next entry calls for cross referencing of all words starting -- with "re". Case sensitive compares for this type of entry is -- automatic. This "word prefix" format is not valid with the exclude -- --- option. re* ++CaseSensitive Visual window ++CaseInsensitive COLUMN_NAME HELP ++Exclude The following entries exclude the C language keywords. -- Change this list to those words you don't want cross -- referenced. Excluded names are automatically treated -- as case sensitive. _Packed auto break case char const continue default do double else enum extern float for goto if int long register return short signed sizeof static struct switch typedef union unsigned void volatile while The control file above directs the cross reference process to include all words starting with "re", and the specific words "Visual" and "window". These three searches are to be case sensitive. It also calls for cross referencing the words "COLUMN_NAME" and "HELP", regardless of case. Finally it provides a list of words is to be excluded. This will cause the words "register" and "return" to be excluded from the output. THelpTopic FileXref Start Start cross referencing Once you've set up the list of files to be examined and (optionally) the words to search for, select this menu item to have a cross referencing dialog. THelpTopic The FileXref start dialog lets you define the type of output you'd like and whether you want to cross reference a list of words in addition to the filenames. Cross reference files (and words) Type of output Optional output ) Extended reports [ ] Cross reference words ( ) Condensed reports ( ) File Parts List OK Cancel ( ) Export file Four types of output are available. The extended report format displays the full file specification (drive, path, file name and extension). The condensed report format displays file names only, without the path or file extension. It packs the most information in the smallest number of pages. The file parts report is like an indented parts list explosion (bill of materials). Export file format provides a means for you to take the cross reference information and use it with other software (e.g. a database program). 3 If you choose to cross reference words (by typing w or pressing the space bar when the cursor is on "Cross reference words"), the words you picked for inclusion and exclusion will be used. Otherwise the list of words will be ignored. This option is also ignored when processing the file parts list report. l Use File Print to print file FILEXREF.PRN, the report file. Note: The reports require 132 print positions. 3 When you select condensed reports, the following: l Condensed File Cross Reference Report, Condensed Word Usage Report, and List of Unreferenced Files will be written to file FILEXREF.PRN. & Choosing extended reports will cause j Extended File Cross Reference Report, Extended Word Usage Report, and List of Unreferenced Files to be written to file FILEXREF.PRN. D Choosing file parts list will produce output on file FILEXREF.PRN. < an indented, setback ordered report on file FLEXREF.PRN. Picking export files will create [ cross reference data on file FILEXREF.XRF, and unused file data on file FILEXREF.FEI THelpTopic Condensed Reports C The condensed style of reports identify files by their filename alone, without the drive, path, and file extension. Below is a condensed file cross reference report. The center column lists every file examined, sorted by file name. To the left are the files that reference it and to the right are those that it refereces. , The Condensed File Cross Reference Report 09/19/92 FileXref CONDENSED FILE CROSS REFERENCE REPORT Page 1 LIST OF REFERENCING FILES FILENAME LIST OF REFERENCED FILES ---------------------------- ======== ---------------------------- - FILEXRF - PACKLIST TOOLDRIV - HISTORY - - NAMECHNG - README - PACKLIST - HISTORY README REGISTER TOOLDRIV NAMECHNG PACKLIST TOOLDRIV - README - PACKLIST TOOLDRIV - REGISTER - PACKLIST - TOOLDRIV - HISTORY README REGISTER *** End of report M The optional condensed word usage report shows each word (and word prefix) requested, and the files that reference them. ! The Condensed Word Usage Report 09/19/92 05:33:38 FileXref CONDENSED WORD USAGE REPORT Page 1 WORD IS REFERENCED BY FILENAME(S): -------------------------- --------------------------------------- However FILEXRF Hungarian NAMECHNG I FILEXRF HISTORY NAMECHNG README REGISTER TOOLDRIV IBM NAMECHNG TOOLDRIV IBM-compatible TOOLDRIV IBMPRO HISTORY ID NAMECHNG IDE TOOLDRIV IMS NAMECHNG INCLUDE FILEXRF NAMECHNG TOOLDRIV *** End of report M Below we see a list of files that were referenced by no other files. So this list will contain top level components (and old obsolete components) of the application. ' The List of Unreferenced Files Report 09/19/92 05:33:39 FileXref LIST OF UNREFERENCED FILES Page 1 FILENAME TYPE PATH -------- --- ------------------------- FILEXRF DOC C:\TOOLDRIV\ NAMECHNG DOC C:\TOOLDRIV\ PACKLIST DOC C:\TOOLDRIV\ *** End of report M THelpTopic Extended Reports The extended report style identifies files with their full file specification. If your filenames alone are not unique, then this report style may be more useful to you. * The Extended File Cross Reference Report 09/19/92 05:37:40 EXTENDED FILE CROSS REFERENCE REPORT Page 1 FILE SPECIFICATION - REFERS TO: FILE SPECIFICATION - REFERS TO: FILENAME -------------------------- --------------------------------- -------- - C:\TOOLDRIV\FILEXRF.DOC - C:\TOOLDRIV\PACKLIST.DOC - C:\TOOLDRIV\HISTORY.DOC - C:\TOOLDRIV\TOOLDRIV.DOC - - - C:\TOOLDRIV\NAMECHNG.DOC - README - C:\TOOLDRIV\PACKLIST.DOC - HISTORY - - README - - REGISTER - - TOOLDRIV C:\TOOLDRIV\NAMECHNG.DOC - C:\TOOLDRIV\README.DOC - C:\TOOLDRIV\PACKLIST.DOC - - C:\TOOLDRIV\TOOLDRIV.DOC - - C:\TOOLDRIV\PACKLIST.DOC - C:\TOOLDRIV\REGISTER.DOC - C:\TOOLDRIV\TOOLDRIV.DOC - - C:\TOOLDRIV\PACKLIST.DOC - C:\TOOLDRIV\TOOLDRIV.DOC - HISTORY - - README - - REGISTER *** End of report M The Extended Word Usage Report 09/19/92 05:33:38 FileXref EXTENDED WORD USAGE REPORT Page 1 WORD IS REFERENCED BY FILENAME(S): -------------------- ------------------------------------------ However C:\TOOLDRIV\FILEXRF.DOC Hungarian C:\TOOLDRIV\NAMECHNG.DOC I C:\TOOLDRIV\FILEXRF.DOC C:\TOOLDRIV\HISTORY.DOC C:\TOOLDRIV\NAMECHNG.DOC C:\TOOLDRIV\README.DOC C:\TOOLDRIV\REGISTER.DOC C:\TOOLDRIV\TOOLDRIV.DOC IBM C:\TOOLDRIV\NAMECHNG.DOC *** End of report M THelpTopic Export files The quote and comma delimited export files are provided so you can import cross reference information into your software for custom processing and reporting. File FILEXREF.XRF is used for the cross reference export data. It contains a symbol in the first column. The second column contains the referencing file's file specification. The last column has seven flags. The following table defines the meaning of these flags. Export file flags 1234567 ------- The symbol in the first column is: 1...... a filename. .1..... a whole word. ..1.... a word prefix. ...1... an expansion of a word prefix. ....1.. The symbol was referenced. .....1. The symbol was marked for inclusion. ......1 The search needs to be case sensitive. The following shows typical data in the cross reference export data file. The first row shows that the symbol"HISTORY" was referenced by a file named PACKLIST.DOC. The flags for this symbol tell that it is a file, that it was referenced (every entry in this file will be so marked), and that it was marked for inclusion. (All files are automatically marked for inclusion by default. ! The Cross reference export data : "COLUMN_NAME","C:\TOOLDRIV\HISTORY.DOC","0100110" "HELP","C:\TOOLDRIV\HISTORY.DOC","0100110" "HELP","C:\TOOLDRIV\PACKLIST.DOC","0100110" "HELP","C:\TOOLDRIV\README.DOC","0100110" "HISTORY","C:\TOOLDRIV\PACKLIST.DOC","1000110" "PACKLIST","","1000010" "README","C:\TOOLDRIV\PACKLIST.DOC","1000110" "REGISTER","C:\TOOLDRIV\PACKLIST.DOC","1000110" "Visual","","0100011" "re","C:\TOOLDRIV\HISTORY.DOC","0011111" "re","C:\TOOLDRIV\PACKLIST.DOC","0011111" "re","C:\TOOLDRIV\README.DOC","0011111" "re","C:\TOOLDRIV\REGISTER.DOC","0011111" "reads","C:\TOOLDRIV\HISTORY.DOC","0001111" "receive","C:\TOOLDRIV\REGISTER.DOC","0001111" "record","C:\TOOLDRIV\HISTORY.DOC","0001111" "records","C:\TOOLDRIV\HISTORY.DOC","0001111" "reference","C:\TOOLDRIV\README.DOC","0001111" "referenced","C:\TOOLDRIV\HISTORY.DOC","0001111" "referenced","C:\TOOLDRIV\PACKLIST.DOC","0001111" "references","C:\TOOLDRIV\HISTORY.DOC","0001111" "referencing","C:\TOOLDRIV\HISTORY.DOC","0001111" "referencing","C:\TOOLDRIV\PACKLIST.DOC","0001111" "reflects","C:\TOOLDRIV\HISTORY.DOC","0001111" "registered","C:\TOOLDRIV\PACKLIST.DOC","0001111" "registered","C:\TOOLDRIV\README.DOC","0001111" "registered","C:\TOOLDRIV\REGISTER.DOC","0001111" "registration","C:\TOOLDRIV\PACKLIST.DOC","0001111" "relationships","C:\TOOLDRIV\REGISTER.DOC","0001111" "released","C:\TOOLDRIV\HISTORY.DOC","0001111" "renaming","C:\TOOLDRIV\HISTORY.DOC","0001111" "report","C:\TOOLDRIV\HISTORY.DOC","0001111" "reports","C:\TOOLDRIV\HISTORY.DOC","0001111" "reports","C:\TOOLDRIV\README.DOC","0001111" "require","C:\TOOLDRIV\HISTORY.DOC","0001111" "required","C:\TOOLDRIV\README.DOC","0001111" "required","C:\TOOLDRIV\REGISTER.DOC","0001111" "requirements","C:\TOOLDRIV\README.DOC","0001111" "requirements","C:\TOOLDRIV\REGISTER.DOC","0001111" "residents","C:\TOOLDRIV\REGISTER.DOC","0001111" "returning","C:\TOOLDRIV\HISTORY.DOC","0001111" "rexx","C:\TOOLDRIV\HISTORY.DOC","0001111" "window","C:\TOOLDRIV\README.DOC","0100111" : THelpTopic File Parts List n The file parts list report starts with each file which is an end item (is not referenced by any other). The complete tree of references to other file names is shown with indenting, setback codes and line item numbers. Circular references (loops) are identified when found with the notation "Circular: 2345", where 2345 is the earlier item in the same setback path. j After a file has been exploded once, later references to it will point back to the first explosion by using the notation "Ref: 1234", where 1234 is the line item number where it was first exploded. With this option you may use the SBC input box to control the number of setback levels to be listed (the default is 50). The following is a sample of the output: The File Parts List Report 06/09/93 11:18:03 FileXref Indented File Parts List Page 1 Ref# SBC Filename Type Path --- -------- ---- -------------------- 1 0 COLORSEL CPP D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\SOURCE\ 2 1 COLORSEL H D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\INCLUDE\ 3 1 GRP CPP D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\SOURCE\ 4 2 TGROUP CPP D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\SOURCE\ 5 3 GRP CPP D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\SOURCE\ Circular: 3 6 3 NEW CPP D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\SOURCE\ 7 4 TV H D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\INCLUDE\ 8 5 APP H D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\INCLUDE\ 9 5 BUFFERS H D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\INCLUDE\ 10 5 CONFIG H D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\INCLUDE\ 11 5 DIALOGS H D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\INCLUDE\ 12 5 DRAWBUF H D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\INCLUDE\ 13 5 EDITORS H D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\INCLUDE\ 14 5 MENUS H D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\INCLUDE\ 15 5 OBJECTS H D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\INCLUDE\ 16 5 RESOURCE H D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\INCLUDE\ 17 5 SYSTEM H D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\INCLUDE\ 18 5 TKEYS H D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\INCLUDE\ 19 5 TTYPES H D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\INCLUDE\ 20 5 TVOBJS H D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\INCLUDE\ 21 5 UTIL H D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\INCLUDE\ 22 5 VIEWS H D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\INCLUDE\ 23 3 TEVENT CPP D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\SOURCE\ 24 4 TMOUSE CPP D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\SOURCE\ 25 5 TV H D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\INCLUDE\ Ref: 7 26 4 TSCREEN CPP D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\SOURCE\ 27 5 TV H D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\INCLUDE\ Ref: 7 28 4 TV H D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\INCLUDE\ Ref: 7 29 3 TPOINT CPP D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\SOURCE\ 30 4 TV H D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\INCLUDE\ Ref: 7 31 3 TV H D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\INCLUDE\ Ref: 7 32 3 TVIEW CPP D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\SOURCE\ 33 4 MAPCOLOR CPP D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\SOURCE\ 34 5 TV H D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\INCLUDE\ Ref: 7 35 5 TVIEW CPP D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\SOURCE\ Circular: 32 36 4 NEW CPP D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\SOURCE\ Ref: 6 37 4 PALETTE CPP D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\SOURCE\ 38 5 NEW CPP D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\SOURCE\ Ref: 6 39 5 TV H D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\INCLUDE\ Ref: 7 40 4 TEVENT CPP D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\SOURCE\ Ref: 23 41 4 TOBJECT CPP D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\SOURCE\ 42 5 TV H D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\INCLUDE\ Ref: 7 43 4 TPOINT CPP D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\SOURCE\ Ref: 29 44 4 TV H D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\INCLUDE\ Ref: 7 45 2 TV H D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\INCLUDE\ Ref: 7 46 2 TVIEW CPP D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\SOURCE\ Ref: 32 47 1 NEW CPP D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\SOURCE\ Ref: 6 48 1 NEWSTR CPP D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\SOURCE\ 49 2 NEW CPP D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\SOURCE\ Ref: 6 50 2 TV H D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\INCLUDE\ Ref: 7 51 1 TBUTTON CPP D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\SOURCE\ 52 2 NEW CPP D:\BORLANDC\TVISION\SOURCE\ Ref: 6 THelpTopic FileXref View View the output log ? This command gives you a file viewer window to browse the messages about the cross referencing. These document the scope of the run (files and words specified, options, and record counts). You can use File Print to get a hardcopy of this output log to file with the reports. The name of the log file is FILEXREF.MSG. THelpTopic NameChanger NameChanger menu Alt+N N Use the NameChanger menu whenever you want to go back and make your naming conventions consistent across your application(s). You might decide to do this after each revision level is complete to keep order. And, now that you have such a tool, you may want to go back to some older code you're still maintaining and clean it up, too. You will also want to use the NameChanger menu when you have successful code on one platform and want to port it to another. Download non-DOS code to your PC, do the renaming, and recompile on DOS. Or, do renaming, upload to a non-DOS platform and recompile there. 1 This command invokes a DOS program - NAMEC.EXE. NameChanger writes its output files to its subdirectory WORK. It is recommended that you keep this directory empty between renamings. That will allow you to perform the following steps until you have the transform rules exactly as you want them: 1. refine the list of files NameChanger Files 2. refine the transform rules NameChanger Names 3. run NameChanger NameChanger Start 4. examine the output files NameChanger THelpTopic NameChanger Files Files to process \ This is where you identify the files to be processed by NameChanger. A dialog box is used. THelpTopic The NameChanger files dialog lets you select how you want to define the files to be name-changed. q Files with names to be changed [X] Generate a file list for me using the directory: C:\PROJECT1 OK Cancel If you check the check box and enter a directory (as above) or drive (like C:), then a list will be prepared for you. It will be written to file NAMEC.FSL (File Specification List). The list will include only those files in the directory entered. In any case you will be presented with an edit window for this file. So the content of the file edit window will be what was just generated if you checked the check box, or it will be as delivered on the installation disk, or as most recently edited by you. 3 Typical lines in this file (NAMEC.FSL) look like: V 255 C:\PROJECT1\TST01.CPP V 255 C:\PROJECT1\TST02.CPP V 255 C:\PROJECT1\TST03.CPP F 80 C:\PROJECT2\REPORT01.COB F 80 C:\PROJECT2\REPORT02.COB Each line describes one file. The first column defines whether the lines in the file must all be the same length. Code F (fixed) or V (variable). The second column tells the maximum length for an output record (or actual in the case of fixed length records). The last column gives the file specification. The file format code ( F or V) must begin in the first column of the line. One or more spaces separate the columns. Press Enter after each line. ] Press F3 to save your changes or F4 to close the window (this will cause a prompt to save). NOTE: The editor can work with files to 64K. This will handle hundreds of file names. If your application is larger than this we assume you have an editor! Drop out of ToolDriver, edit the list with that editor, and return to ToolDriver to change names. THelpTopic NameChanger Names Names to be changed When you want to define the names to be changed, choose this menu option. A file editor window will be displayed so you can add one line for each name change. ( -- This is a symbol rename list used by ToolDriver's NameChanger -- utility. ++CaseInsensitive EMP_NM Employee_Name ++CaseSensitive QOH QuantityOnHand This file contains three types of lines: 6 1. A comment line has "--' in the first two columns. L 2. An option line has "++' in the first two columns followed immediately by one of these options: CaseSensitive - start case sensitivity CaseInsensitive - start ignoring case 3. A symbol remapping line has two symbols surrounded by white space. The first symbol will be replaced by the second one. Note that NameChanger just transforms individual symbols, not partial symbols or multiple symbols. The controls above tell NameChanger to transform the complete symbol "EMP_NM" to "EMPLOYEE_NM" everywhere it's found, independently of the case used. # The chart below shows the effect: ( Old Symbol New Symbol emp_nm EMPLOYEE_NAME Emp_nm EMPLOYEE_NAME EMP_NM EMPLOYEE_NAME EMP_NM2 --- no change --- P_emp_nm_2 --- no change --- It also specifies that the complete symbol "QOH" is to be changed to "QuantityOnHand", but only where the case matches exactly. % The following shows what this does: ( Old Symbol New Symbol qoh --- no change --- QOH QuantityOnHand aqohb --- no change --- THelpTopic NameChanger Start Start name changing w After you've defined the files and names to be changed, select the "Start name changing" dialog. It looks like this: Change names NOTE: Output files will be written to this directory: C:\TOOLDRIV\WORK [ ] Delete prior output OK Cancel Whenever you do name changing, the output files will be written to a ToolDriver's subdirectory named WORK. This is the WORK directory's only purpose. Your files will never be rewritten in place! If you are rerunning a name changing task, no work will be performed if any output file already exists on the ToolDriver WORK subdirectory. To delete ALL files in the ToolDriver WORK directory, check the checkbox. As a final precaution, you will be asked to confirm the deletion, when the process starts. This is a reminder to move our prior ouput to a permanent home in another directory before renaming other projects. When the changing of names is complete, you will be presented with a file viewer window to browse a log of the renamming activity. This file is NAMEC.MSG. THelpTopic NameChanger View View the output files Select this option to inspect the results of your name changing. The following dialog lets you select a file on the ToolDriver WORK directory (where NameChanger places its output). , The View the name-changed files dialog box View a File Name *.* Open Files FILEXREF.PRN TST01.C Cancel FILEXREF.DOC TST02.CPP HISTORY.DOC TST03.H NAMECHNG.DOC TST04.PAS PACKLIST.DOC ..\ REGISTER.DOC TOOLDRIV.DOC C:\TOOLDRIV\WORK\*.* FILEXREF.PRN 88722 May 18,1993 08:25a See the View file dialog description for a review of using this dialog. THelpTopic Window (Alt-W) Window menu Alt+W ` The Window menu contains commands to close, move and perform other window-management commands. Most of the windows in this program have all the standard window elements, including scroll bars, a close box, and zoom icons. ! The Window-management commands Size/Move Zoom Tile Cascade Next Previous Close THelpTopic Window Size/Move (Ctrl-F5) Size/Move Ctrl+F5 J Choose this command to change the size or position of the active window. When you choose this command, the active window moves in response to the arrow keys. When the window is where you want, press Enter. You can also move a window by dragging its title bar. If you press Shift while you use the arrow keys, you can change the size of the window. When it's the size you want, press Enter. If a window has a resize corner, you can drag that corner or any other corner to resize it. THelpTopic Window Zoom (F5) Zoom F5 Choose Zoom to resize the active window to the maximum size. If the window is already zoomed, you can choose this command to restore it to its previous size. { You can also double-click anywhere on the window's title bar (except where an icon appears) to zoom or unzoom the window. THelpTopic Window Tile Tile O Choose Window Tile to arrange all your open windows like tiles on the screen. L Tiled Windows THelpTopic Window Cascade Cascade Choose Window Cascade to stack all file viewers on the desktop. A Cascaded Windows Choose Window Cascade to stack all open windows so the top of each (with its window number) shows. THelpTopic Window Next Next F6 Choose Window Next to make the next window active and visible. Using F6 repeatedly will cycle forward through the windows on the desktop. THelpTopic Window Previous Previous Shift+F6 ~ Choose Window Previous to make the prior window active and visible, or to cycle backward through the windows on the desktop. THelpTopic Window Close (F4) Close F4 * Choose Close to close the active window. h You can also click the Close box in the upper left corner to close a window. Or press function key F4. THelpTopic Help Help menu Alt+H The help menu gives you access to online help in a special window. The help text contains all of the ToolDriver User's Guide and more. There is help information on virtually all aspects of the ToolDriver environment. To open a Help window, do one of these actions: a Press F1 at any time (including from any dialog box or when any menu command is selected). Click Help on the status line. The exception to this is when your're already in a help screen. To close the Help window, press Esc, click the close box, or choose window Close. Help windows must be closed to do work on non-help windows. S Help screens often contain keywords (highlighted text) that you can choose to get more information. Press Tab to move to any keyword; press Enter to get more detailed help. (As an alternative, move the cursor to the highlighted keyword and press Enter.) With a mouse, you can double-click any keyword to open the Help text for that item. When you're in a detailed help screen (you got there from another help screen by selecting a keyword) and you want to go back to the previous help, press Alt+F1. By doing this repeatedly you can back-track to the original help screen where you selected the first keyword. ( There are two items in the help menu - Contents Index See the Contents menu item for a high level overview from which you may browse successively lower levels of detail by tabing to highlighted topics and pressing Enter (or clicking on them). j The Index menu item presents an alphabetically ordered list of items which index key concepts and words. THelpTopic Contents Contents The Help Contents command opens the Help window with the main table of contents displayed. From this window, you can branch to other parts of the help system. By browsing the Contents option and tabbing to subtopics you will get a top-down presentation of the functions and facilities in FileXref and NameChanger with ToolDriver. THelpTopic Index Index j The Help Index command displays an alphabetical list of items discussed in the ToolDriver documentation. Tab to the item you want and press Enter, or Tab to the "next page" keyword and press Enter to see the next page of keywords. 5 Use Alt+F1 to get back to the previous help screen. THelpIndexx ]he help system. By browsing the Contents option and tabbing to subtopics you will get a top-down presentation of the functions and facilities in FileXref and NameChanger with ToolDriver. THelpTopic Index Index j The Help Index command displays an alphabetical list of items discussed in the ToolDriver documentation. Tab to the item you want and press Enter, or Tab to the "next page" keyword and press Enter to see the next page of keywords. 5 Use Alt+F1 to get back to the previous help screen. THelpIndexx A final component of many dialog boxes is a list box, which lets you scroll through and select from variable-length lists (often file names) without leaving a dialog box. If a blinking cursor appears in the list box and you know what you're looking for, you can type the word (or the first few letters of the word) and ToolDriver will search for it. You make a list box active by clicking it or by choosing the highlighted letter of the list title (or press Tab until it's highlighted). Once a list box is displayed, you can use the scroll box to move through the list or press the up and down arrows from the keyboard. ) SECTION 4: Menus and options reference ( This section provides a reference to each ToolDriver menu option. It's arranged in the order that the menus appear on the screen. For information on starting and exiting ToolDriver, and general information on how the user interface works, see Section 1. l Next to some of the menu option descriptions in this reference you'll see keyboard shortcuts, or hot keys. (System) menu Alt+Spacebar The menu appears on the far left of the menu bar. Alt+Spacebar is the fastest way to get there. When you pull down the menu (by using the down arrow) you see two commands, Register and Product Information. Register Choose Register to print a ToolDriver Registration form. A file print dialog will be presented, with the file REGISTER.DOC selected. Just press enter to print the registration form. Product Information The Product Information menu command displays the version of ToolDriver you are running. The same information displays when you initially bring up ToolDriver. Put this information away by pressing enter. File menu Alt+F The file menu lets you open and view files in a file viewer window. It also lets you print files, change the working directory, shell to DOS and exit the ToolDriver environment. Page 21 View F2 The File View command displays a file-selection dialog box for you to select a text file to open in a file viewer window. Here is what the box looks like: " Figure 2: View a File dialog box View a File Name *.* Open Files CRE8FSL.EXE FILEXREF.WSL Cancel FILELIST.EXE FILEXREF.XRF FILEXREF.BAK HISTORY.DOC FILEXREF.EXE NAMEC.EXE FILEXREF.FEI NAMEC.FSL FILEXREF.FSL NAMEC.MSG FILEXREF.MSG NAMEC.SRL FILEXREF.RPT \WORK C:\TOOLDRIV\*.* FILEXREF.RPT 133153 Sep 01,1992 09:15a The dialog box contains an input box, a file list, buttons labeled, Open and Cancel, and an information panel that describes the selected file. Now you can do any of these actions: _ Type in a full file name and choose Open. Open loads the file into a fil viewer window. Type in a file name with wildcards, which filters the file list to match your specifications. Press to choose a file specification from a history list of file specifications you've entered earlier. View the contents of different directories by selecting a directory name in the file list. The input box lets you enter a file name explicitly or enter a file name with standard DOS wildcards (* and ?) to filter the names appearing in the history list box. If you enter the entire name and press enter, ToolDriver opens it for viewing. " If you press when the cursor is blinking in the input box, a history list drops down below 22 the box. This list displays the last 15 file names or file name masks you've entered. Choose a name from the list by double-clicking it or selecting it with the arrow keys and pressing Enter. Once you've typed in or selected the file you want, choose the Open button (choose Cancel if you change your mind). You can also just press Enter once the file is selected, or you can double-click the file name in the file list. / Using the file list box The File list box displays all file names in the current directory that match the specifications in the input box, displays the parent directory, and displays all subdirectories. Click the list box or press Tab until the list box name is highlighted. You can now press to select a filename and then press Enter to open it. You can also double-click any file name in the box to open it. You might have to scroll the box to see all the names. If you have more than one panel of names, you can also use the left and right arrows. The file information panel at the bottom of the View a file dialog box displays path name, file name, date, time and size of the file you've selected in the list box. As you scroll through the list box, the panel is updated for each file. Print The File Print command displays a file-selection dialog box for you to select a text file to be printed. It looks and functions like the File View command except that the output will be routed to your printer instead of a file viewer. H Change Dir The File Change Dir command lets you specify a drive and a directory to make current. The current directory is the one ToolDriver uses for viewing and printing files. Note that FileXref and NameChanger will always reset the current directory to the ToolDriver installation directory where its control files reside. ; Here is what the Change Directory dialog box looks like: Page 23 Figure 3: Change Directory dialog box Change Directory Directory Name C:\TOOLDRIV Directory Tree Drives OK C:\ TOOLDRIV Chdir WORK Revert There are two ways to change directories: J Type in the path of the new directory in the input box and press Enter Choose the directory you want in the directory tree (if you're using the keyboard, press Enter to make it the current directory), then choose OK o press Esc. If you choose the OK button, your changes are made and the dialog box is closed. If you choose the Chdir button, the Directory Tree list box changes to the selected directory and displays the subdirectories of the currently highlighted directory (pressing Enter or double- clicking on that entry gives you the same result). If you change your mind about the directory you've picked and you want to go back to the previous one (and you've yet to exit the dialog box), choose the Revert button. Running commands under the FileXref and NameChanger menus automatically changes the directory to the ToolDriver installation directory where their program and help files reside. DOS Shell The File DOS Shell command lets you temporarily exit ToolDriver to enter a DOS command or program. To return to ToolDriver, type EXIT and press Enter. Don't install any TSR programs (like SideKick) or print a file with the DOS print command while you've shelled to DOS, because memory may be misallocated. Page 24 Quit Alt+Q The File Quit command exits ToolDriver and removes it from memory. If you have made any changes you haven't saved, ToolDriver asks if you want to save them before exiting. Edit menu Alt+E The Edit menu lets you cut, copy, and paste text in edit windows. You can also open a Clipboard window to view or edit its contents. An edit window is only created by ToolDriver, to support the creation and modification of input files used by the FileXref and NameChanger utilities. Edit (and Search) menu commands are disabled otherwise. 0 A file edit window is presented in four cases: z after processing the FileXref Generate dialog (This allows you to modify the list of files to be cross referenced.) after choosing the FileXref Edit command (This allows you to modify a lis of words to be cross referenced.) (You do not need to list the names of any files here - they are automatically cross referenced.) after processing the NameChanger Generate dialog (This allows you to modify the list of files to be name-changed.) after choosing the NameChanger Edit command (This allows you to specify the names to be changed and what they are to be changed to.) (Names may b file names; variable names; i.e. any complete symbol) Before you can use most of the commands on the edit menu, you need to know about selecting text (because most editor actions apply to selected text). Selecting text means highlighting it. You can select text either with keyboard commands or with a mouse; the principle is the same even though the actions are different. From the keyboard = Press Shift while pressing any key that moves the cursor. Using a mouse To select text with a mouse, drag the mouse pointer over the desired text If you need to continue the selection past a window's edge, just drag off the side and the window automatically scrolls. To select a single word, double-click it. Page 25 To extend or reduce the selection, Shift-click anywhere in the document (that is, hold Shift and click). Once you've selected text, the Cut and Copy commands in the Edit menu become available. The Clipboard is the magic behind cutting and pasting. It's a special window that holds text you cut or copied, so you can paste it elsewhere. The Clipboard works in close concert with the commands in the Edit menu. 9 Here's an explanation of each command in the Edit menu. G Cut Shift+Del The Edit Cut command removes the selected text from your document and places the text in the Clipboard. You can then paste that text into any other document (or somewhere else in the same document) by choosing Paste. The text remains selected in the Clipboard so that you can paste the same text many times. Copy Ctrl+Ins The Edit Copy command leaves the selected text intact but places an exact copy of it in the Clipboard. You can then paste that text into any other document by choosing Paste. Paste Shift+Ins The Edit Paste command inserts from the Clipboard into the current edit window at the cursor position. The text that is pasted is the currently marked block in the Clipboard window. Show Clipboard The Edit Show Clipboard command opens the Clipboard window, which stores the text you cut and copy from other windows. The text that's currently selected (highlighted) is the text ToolDriver uses when you choose Paste. You can think of the Clipboard window as a history list of your cuts and copies. You can edit the Clipboard so that the text you paste is precisely the text you want. ToolDriver uses whatever text is selected in the Clipboard when you choose Paste. The Clipboard window is just like other edit windows; you can move it, resize it, and scroll and edit its contents. The only difference you'll find in the Clipboard window is when you choose to cut or copy text. When you select text in the Clipboard window and choose Cut or Copy, the selected text immediately appears at the bottom of the window. (Remember, any text you cut or copy is appended to the end of the Clipboard and highlighted - so you can paste it later. Page 26 Search menu Alt+S The Search menu lets you search and replace text in edit windows. Find Ctrl+Q+F The Search Find command displays the Find Text dialog box, which lets you type in the text you want to search for and set options that affect the search. $ Figure 4: The Find Text dialog box Find Text Text to Find Options (X) Case Sensitive ( ) Whole words only OK Cancel The Find Text dialog box contains several buttons and check boxes: Check the Case Sensitive box if (X) Case sensitive you do want ToolDriver to differentiate uppercase from lowercase. Check the Whole words Only box if ( ) Whole words only you want ToolDriver to search for whole words only. (that is, the string must have punctuation or space characters on both sides) Page 27 Replace Ctrl+Q+A Following is the dialog for replacing text. ' Figure 5: The Replace Text dialog box Replace Text Text to Find New Text Options (X) Case Sensitive ( ) Whole words only ( ) Prompt on replace ( ) Replace all OK Cancel The Replace Text dialog box contains several radio buttons and check boxes - many of which are identical to the Find Text dialog box, discussed previously. An additional checkbox, Prompt on Replace, controls whether you want to be prompted for each change. Enter the search string and the replacement string in the input boxes and choose OK to begin the search or Cancel to not do it. If you want to enter a string you used previously, press to show a history list to choose from. If ToolDriver finds the specified text and Prompt on Replace is on, it asks you if you want to make the replacement. If you choose OK, it will find and replace the first instance of the search item. Search Again Ctrl+L The Search Search Again command repeats the last Find or Replace command. All settings you made in the last dialog box used (Find or Replace) remain in effect when you choose Search Again. Page 28 FileXref Alt+X The FileXref menu item is the place to go when you want to see how your text files relate to one another. It is also where you can find the global usage of words (data names, function names, language verbs, etc.) throughout your source and documentation files (any text files). The menu item is named FileXref since it uses the ConVal FILEXREF.EXE program to do the cross referencing. This program may also be used independently of the ToolDriver environment (see the separate FileXref User's Guide) 1 There are four supporting options on this menu: j Files to cross reference Words to cross reference Start cross referencing View the output log Files to cross reference This is where you identify which files you want cross referenced. You do this by creating a list of those file names. The dialog box you use looks like this: $ Figure 6: Files to cross reference q Files to be cross referenced [X] Generate a file list for me using the directory tree starting with: C:\PROJECT1 OK Cancel If you check the check box and enter a directory (as above) or drive (like C:), then a list will be prepared for you. It will be written to file FILEXREF.FSL (File Specification List). The list will include files in the directory entered and in its subdirectories and their subdirectories (the directory tree). In any case you will be presented with an edit window for this file. So the content of the file edit window will be what was just generated if you checked the check box, or it will be as delivered on the installation disk, or as most recently edited by you. Page 29 Following are representative entries in the file specification list: x C:\PROJECT1\SOURCE\SAMPLE01.C C:\PROJECT1\SOURCE\SAMPLE02.C C:\PROJECT1\INCLUDE\MYSAMP.H D:\PROJECT1\DOCS\OVERVIEW.DOC = Start each line in colum one and press Enter for each line. ] Press F3 to save your changes or F4 to close the window (this will cause a prompt to save). NOTE: The editor's capability is limited to 64K. This will handle several thousand file names. If your application is larger than this we assume you have an editor! Drop out of ToolDriver, edit the list with that editor, and return to ToolDriver to do the cross referencing. Words to cross reference ToolDriver, as installed, provides a starter file of words to cross reference. This file is named FILEXREF.WSL (Word Specification List). When you first select this option you will see the starter list. It contains entries like ! I re* X return X break The I/X means to Include or eXclude. The entry I re* asks that words starting with the characters re be included in the word usage report. The entry X return says to exclude the word "return". (The starter list exclude the C keywords. The last entry shown is not required (break does not start with "re"). However, it is not considered an error. This allows you to keep a list of words to be excluded (like language keywords) regardless of the words you are currently including. Start cross referencing Once you've set up the list of files to be examined and (optionally) the words to search for, select this menu item to initiate cross referencing. Page 30 This is what the associated dialog looks like: , Figure 7: The Cross reference files dialog Y Cross reference files ( and words) Type of output Optional output ( ) Condensed reports [ ] Cross reference words ( ) Extended reports ( ) Export file OK Cancel Three types of output are available. The condensed report format displays file names only, without the path or file extension. It packs the most information in the smallest number of pages. The extended report format displays the full file specification (drive, path, file name and extension). Export file format provides a means for you to take the cross reference information and use it with other software (e.g. a database program). If you choose to cross reference words (by typing w or pressing the space bar when the cursor is on "Cross reference words"), the words you picked for inclusion and exclusion will be used. Otherwise the list of words will be ignored. l Use File Print to print file FILEXREF.RPT, the report file. Note: The reports require 132 print positions. 4 When you select condensed reports, the following: m Condensed File Cross Reference Report, Condensed Word Usage Report, and List of Unreferenced Files will be written to file FILEXREF.RPT. & Choosing extended reports will cause j Extended File Cross Reference Report, Extended Word Usage Report, and List of Unreferenced Files to be written to file FILEXREF.RPT. Page 31 Picking export files will create [ cross reference data on file FILEXREF.XRF, and unused file data on file FILEXREF.FEI Condensed Reports The condensed style of reports identify files by their filename alone, without the drive, path, and file extension. Figure 8 shows a condensed file cross reference report. The center column lists every file examined, sorted by file name. To the left are the files that reference it and to the right are those that it refereces. 2 Figure 8: Condensed File Cross Reference Report M 09/19/92 FileXref CONDENSED FILE CROSS REFERENCE REPORT Page 1 LIST OF REFERENCING FILES FILENAME LIST OF REFERENCED FILES ---------------------------- ======== ------------------------------- - FILEXRF - PACKLIST TOOLDRIV - HISTORY - - NAMECHNG - README - PACKLIST - HISTORY README REGISTER TOOLDRIV NAMECHNG PACKLIST TOOLDRIV - README - PACKLIST TOOLDRIV - REGISTER - PACKLIST - TOOLDRIV - HISTORY README REGISTER In Figure 9 you see the optional condensed word usage report. This shows each word (and word prefix) requested, and the files that reference them. ( Figure 9: Condensed Word Usage Report E 09/19/92 05:33:38 FileXref CONDENSED WORD USAGE REPORT Page 1 WORD IS REFERENCED BY FILENAME(S): ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- However FILEXRF Hungarian NAMECHNG I FILEXRF HISTORY NAMECHNG README REGISTE TOOLDRIV IBM NAMECHNG TOOLDRIV IBM-compatible TOOLDRIV IBMPRO HISTORY ID NAMECHNG IDE TOOLDRIV IMS NAMECHNG INCLUDE FILEXRF NAMECHNG TOOLDRIV Page 32 In figure 10 we see a list of files that were referenced by no other files. So this list will contain top level components (and old obsolete components) of the application. ' Figure 10: List of Unreferenced Files L 09/19/92 05:33:39 FileXref LIST OF UNREFERENCED FILES Page FILENAME TYPE PATH -------- --- ------------------------- FILEXRF DOC C:\TOOLDRIV\ NAMECHNG DOC C:\TOOLDRIV\ PACKLIST DOC C:\TOOLDRIV\ Extended Reports The extended report style identifies files with their full file specification. If your filenames alone are not unique, then this report style may be more useful to you. 2 Figure 11: Extended File Cross Reference Report M 09/19/92 05:37:40 EXTENDED FILE CROSS REFERENCE REPORT Page FILE SPECIFICATION - REFERS TO: FILE SPECIFICATION - REFERS TO: FILENAME -------------------------- --------------------------------- -------- - C:\TOOLDRIV\FILEXRF.DOC - C:\TOOLDRIV\PACKLIST.DOC - C:\TOOLDRIV\HISTORY.DOC - C:\TOOLDRIV\TOOLDRIV.DOC - - - C:\TOOLDRIV\NAMECHNG.DOC - README - C:\TOOLDRIV\PACKLIST.DOC - HISTORY - - README - - REGISTER - - TOOLDRIV C:\TOOLDRIV\NAMECHNG.DOC - C:\TOOLDRIV\README.DOC - C:\TOOLDRIV\PACKLIST.DOC - - C:\TOOLDRIV\TOOLDRIV.DOC - - C:\TOOLDRIV\PACKLIST.DOC - C:\TOOLDRIV\REGISTER.DOC - C:\TOOLDRIV\TOOLDRIV.DOC - - C:\TOOLDRIV\PACKLIST.DOC - C:\TOOLDRIV\TOOLDRIV.DOC - HISTORY - - README - - REGISTER Page 33 Figure 12: Extended Word Usage Report D 09/19/92 05:33:38 FileXref EXTENDED WORD USAGE REPORT Page 1 WORD IS REFERENCED BY FILENAME(S): -------------------- ------------------------------------------ However C:\TOOLDRIV\FILEXRF.DOC Hungarian C:\TOOLDRIV\NAMECHNG.DOC I C:\TOOLDRIV\FILEXRF.DOC C:\TOOLDRIV\HISTORY.DOC C:\TOOLDRIV\NAMECHNG.DOC C:\TOOLDRIV\README.DOC C:\TOOLDRIV\REGISTER.DOC C:\TOOLDRIV\TOOLDRIV.DOC IBM C:\TOOLDRIV\NAMECHNG.DOC --------------------- ------------------------------------------ Export files The quote and comma delimited export files (see Figure 13) are provided so you can import them into your software. You can then further process the data and/or produce custom reports of your own design. File FILEXREF.XRF is used for the cross reference export data. It contains a symbol in the first column. The second column contains the referencing file's file specification. The last column has six flags. Their meaning is shown in the table following. Table 7: Export file flags 123456 ------ The symbol in the first column is: 1..... a filename. .1.... a whole word. ..1... a word prefix. ...1.. an expansion of a word prefix. ....1. The symbol was referenced. .....1 The symbol was marked for inclusion. The following shows typical data in the cross reference export data file. The first row shows that the symbol"HISTORY" was referenced by a file named PACKLIST.DOC. The flags for this symbol tell that it is a file, that it was referenced (every entry in this file will be so marked), and that it was marked for inclusion. (All files are automatically marked for inclusion by default. Page 34 Figure 13: Cross reference export data "HISTORY","C:\TOOLDRIV\PACKLIST.DOC","100011" "HISTORY","C:\TOOLDRIV\TOOLDRIV.DOC","100011" "README","C:\TOOLDRIV\NAMECHNG.DOC","100011" "README","C:\TOOLDRIV\PACKLIST.DOC","100011" "README","C:\TOOLDRIV\TOOLDRIV.DOC","100011" "REGISTER","C:\TOOLDRIV\PACKLIST.DOC","100011" "REGISTER","C:\TOOLDRIV\TOOLDRIV.DOC","100011" "TOOLDRIV","C:\TOOLDRIV\PACKLIST.DOC","100011" "re*","C:\TOOLDRIV\FILEXRF.DOC","001101" "re*","C:\TOOLDRIV\HISTORY.DOC","001101" "re*","C:\TOOLDRIV\NAMECHNG.DOC","001101" "re*","C:\TOOLDRIV\README.DOC","001101" "re*","C:\TOOLDRIV\REGISTER.DOC","001101" "re*","C:\TOOLDRIV\TOOLDRIV.DOC","001101" "reach","C:\TOOLDRIV\TOOLDRIV.DOC","000101" "read","C:\TOOLDRIV\FILEXRF.DOC","000101" "read","C:\TOOLDRIV\NAMECHNG.DOC","000101" The next figure, shows the export data for unreferenced files. None of these files was referenced by any other file examined. + Figure 14: Unreferenced files export data o "C:\TOOLDRIV\FILEXRF.DOC","100001" "C:\TOOLDRIV\NAMECHNG.DOC","100001" "C:\TOOLDRIV\PACKLIST.DOC","100001" View the output log This command gives you a file viewer window to browse the messages about the cross referencing. These document the scope of the run (files and words specified, options, and record counts). You can use File Print to get a hardcopy of this output log to file with the reports. The name of the log file is FILEXREF.MSG. d NameChanger menu Alt+N Use the NameChanger menu whenever you want to go back and make your naming conventions consistent across your application(s). You might decide to do this after each revision level is complete to keep order. And, now that you have such a tool, you may want to go back to some older code you're still maintaining and clean it up too. You will also want to use the NameChanger menu when you have successful code on one platform and want to port it to another. Download non-DOS code to your PC, do the renaming, and recompile on DOS. Or, do renaming, upload to a non-DOS platform and recompile there. This command invokes a DOS program - NAMEC.EXE. For information on using this directly from a DOS command line, see the separate NameChanger User's Guide. Page 35 Files to process This is where you identify the files to be processed by NameChanger. The dialog box you use looks like this: % Figure 15: NameChanger Files dialog q Files with names to be changed [X] Generate a file list for me using the directory: C:\PROJECT1 OK Cancel If you check the check box and enter a directory (as above) or drive (like C:), then a list will be prepared for you. It will be written to file NAMEC.FSL (File Specification List). The list will include only those files in the directory entered. In any case you will be presented with an edit window for this file. So the content of the file edit window will be what was just generated if you checked the check box, or it will be as delivered on the installation disk, or as most recently edited by you. 3 Typical lines in this file (NAMEC.FSL) look like: V 255 C:\PROJECT1\TST01.CPP V 255 C:\PROJECT1\TST02.CPP V 255 C:\PROJECT1\TST03.CPP F 80 C:\PROJECT2\REPORT01.COB F 80 C:\PROJECT2\REPORT02.COB k Each line defines one file. It defines whether the file is fixed length (F) or variable length (V), the maximum length for an output record (or actual in the case of fixed length records), and the file specification. The file format code ( F or V) must begin in the first column of the line. One or more spaces separate the columns. Press Enter after each line. ] Press F3 to save your changes or F4 to close the window (this will cause a prompt to save). NOTE: The editor's capability is limited to 64K. This will handle several thousand file names. If your application is larger than this we assume you have an editor! Drop out of ToolDriver, edit the list with that editor, and return to ToolDriver to change names. Page 36 Names to be changed This is where you define the names you want to be changed. A file editor window will be displayed so you can add one line for each name change. To change "cat", "Cat", and "CAT" to "Dog", type I cat Dog That's all there is to it - The letter "I" tells the program to be Insensitive to case. Type one or more spaces after the case sensitivity code, start typing the old word, type one or more spaces, type the new word exactly as it is to appear, then press Enter. o To change "Alpha" to "Beta" , while leaving "ALPHA" (and "AlPhA") unchanged, the entry should look like this: S Alpha Beta This change will be Sensitive to the case of the old name. It will not alter the word alpha unless the case of each letter matches exactly. The case sensitivity code (I or S) must start in the first column of each line. When you've entered all the names to be changed, press F3 to save the file, and then F4 to close the file editor window. It will be saves as filename NAMEC.SRL (Symbol Rename List). Start name changing After you've defined the files and names to be changed, select the "Start name changing" dialog. It looks like this: $ Figure 16: The Change names dialog Change names NOTE: Output files will be written to this directory: C:\TOOLDRIV\WORK [ ] Delete prior output OK Cancel Whenever you do name changing, the output files will be written to a ToolDriver's subdirectory named WORK. This is the WORK directory's only purpose. Your files will never be rewritten in place! If you are rerunning a name changing task, no work will be performed if any output Page 37 file already exists on the ToolDriver WORK subdirectory. To delete ALL files in the working directory, check the checkbox. As a final precaution, you will be asked to confirm the deletion, when the process starts. This is a reminder to move our prior ouput to a permanent home in another directory before renaming other projects. When the changing of names is complete, you will be presented with a file viewer window to browse a log of the renamming activity. This file is NAMEC.MSG. View the output files Select this option to inspect the results of your name changing. The following dialog lets you select a file on the ToolDriver working directory (where NameChanger places its output). 3 Figure 17: View the name-changed files dialog box View a File Name *.* Open Files FILEXREF.RPT TST01.C Cancel FILEXREF.DOC TST02.CPP HISTORY.DOC TST03.H NAMECHNG.DOC TST04.PAS PACKLIST.DOC ..\ REGISTER.DOC TOOLDRIV.DOC C:\TOOLDRIV\WORK\*.* FILEXREF.RPT 88722 Sep 18,1992 08:25a See the "View a file" dialog description on page 21 for a review of using this dialog. Window menu Alt+W The Window menu contains window-management commands. Most of the windows you open from this menu have all the standard window elements like scroll bars, a close box, and zoom boxes. Refer to page 15 for information on these elements and how to use them. Page 38 Size/Move Ctrl+F5 Choose Window Size/Move to change the size or position of the active window. When you choose this command, the active window moves in response to the arrow keys. When the window is where you want, press Enter. You can also move a window by dragging its title bar. If you press shift while you use the arrow keys, you can change the size of the window. When it's the size you want, press enter. If a window has a resize corner, you can drag that corner or any other corner to resize it. ) Zoom F5 Choose Window Zoom to resize the active window to the maximum size. If the window is already zoomed, you can choose this command again to restore it to its previous size. You can also double-click anywhere on the top line (except where an icon appears) of a window to zoom or unzoom it. T Tile Choose Window Tile to arrange all your open windows like tiles on the screen. l Cascade Choose Window Cascade to stack all open windows so the top of each (with its window number) shows. I Next F6 Choose Window Next to make the next window active and visible. Y Previous Shift+F6 Choose Window Previous to make the prior window active and visible. 5 Close F4 To close the current window, press F4. Page 39 Help menu Alt+H The help menu gives you access to online help in a special window. There is help information on virtually all aspects of the ToolDriver environment. To open a Help window, do one of these actions: a Press F1 at any time (including from any dialog box or when any menu command is selected). Click Help on the status line. To close the Help window, press Esc, click the close box, or choose Window Close. You can keep the Help window onscreen while you work in another window unless you pressed F1. S Help screens often contain keywords (highlighted text) that you can choose to get more information. Press Tab to move to any keyword; press Enter to get more detailed help. (As an alternative, move the cursor to the highlighted keyword and press Enter.) With a mouse, you can double-click any keyword to open the Help text for that item. When you're in a detailed help screen (you got there from another help screen by selecting a keyword) and you want to go back to the previous help, press Alt+F1. By doing this repeatedly you can back-track to the original help screen where you selected the first keyword. Contents The Help Contents command opens the Help window with the main table of contents displayed. From this window, you can branch to any other part of the help system. You can get help on Help by pressing F1 when the Help window is active. You can also reach this screen by clicking Help on the status line. Index The Help Index command displays a full list of Help keywords (the special highlighted text in Help screens that let you quickly move to a related screen). These are arranged in alphabetical order. Tab to the item you want and press Enter, or Tab to the "next page" keyword and press Enter to see the next page of keywords. 7 Use Alt+F1 to get back to the previous help screen. Page 40 INDEX ( File export, file cross reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 export, selecting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 export, unreferenced files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 list, for cross referencing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 list, for name changing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 FILEXREF.EXE the cross reference tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 FILEXREF.FEI the unreferenced files export file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 FILEXREF.FSL the file specification list for FileXref . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 FILEXREF.MSG the cross reference activity log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 FILEXREF.RPT the cross reference report file. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 the cross reference report file for FileXref . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 FILEXREF.WSL file of words to be cross referenced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 FILEXREF.XRF the cross reference export file. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31, 33 Hot keys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m 13 of cross referencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 of name changing activity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Name list for name changing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 NAMEC.EXE the name-changing tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 NAMEC.FSL file of file names to be name-changed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 NAMEC.MSG file containing a log of the renamming process . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Page 41 NAMEC.SRL file of symbol renamming rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 report condensed file cross reference, example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 condensed word usage, example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 creating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 extended file cross reference, sample. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 extended word usage, sample. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 list of unreferenced files, sample . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 selecting the type of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Word list for cross referencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 End of User Guide for ToolDriver THelpIndexZ