=========[ 96CDAkc.TXT BBS Systems in Canada with 9600 capability ]========= =========[ Please destroy all previous versions ]========== =========[ November 1993 ]========== WARNING/COURTESY: - Before calling an unfamiliar BBS please call the VOICE, during reasonable hours. People hate to be woken up on a voice line at 3AM by a screaming modem. - The numbers on this list have ** NOT ** been verified WHAT THIS IS: - 96CDA is a collection of numbers reported as belonging to Canadian BBSes with one or more lines supporting CONNECT speeds of 9600bps or higher. - 96CDA was originated and compiled by Ken Sukimoto, SysOp of the DownTown BBS in Los Angeles, (213) 484-0260, at his last issue date it was 422 numbers. In January 1993 it was brought to Canada so that it could grow, at his suggestion, where its name was changed. - The list is published on an irregular basis. - As of the 2/15/93 release, 96CDAxyz.ZIP will be the name of the archive containing 96CDAxyz.TXT where x is the letter for the month (Jan=A, Feb=B, L=DEC), y is the last number of the year (A=1, B=2, C=3) and z denotes the revision level for the month (initial release has no level, if there is an update for the month it with be 1 or 2) eg 96CDAbc.ZIP denotes listing for FEB/93 96CDAbc1.ZIP denotes the FEB/93 listing was revised during the same month and re-released due to an important error or a large number of changes. - As of Aug 1993 this list may be FREQ'd as 9600LIST. through Fido 1:259/212 Homestead & Knowledge Network 905-488-4812, running v.32bis - This list may be discontinued because the price of v32bis modems has dropped so much that they are becoming a more common standard. Also major boards are not distributing this list, so we are not being advised of any corrections or additions. WHAT THIS ISN'T: - This is not intended to be an advertising list. With the way BBS's change, there is no way I or anyone else could keep up with software/hardware changes, doorways added/deleted, specialties of the BBS and other features that make a BBS unique. This would also make 96CDA even larger than it currently is and just one more opportunity to be inaccurate. - Although it is the goal, 96CDA is not comprehensive. I am quite sure there are a lot of BBS's that have been omitted - rather than attempt to guess at BBS names/numbers/cities and modem types, I am depending on reliable sources to submit these missing BBS's and accurate information about them. COPYRIGHT AND DISTRIBUTION: - Since the content of 96CDA is for the most part public knowledge, no formal copyright for content is applied for. - Rather than legalese and restrictions, I request common courtesy in the distribution of 96CDA. - No fee should be charged for 96CDA other than normal system access requirements. This listing is FREEWARE but if you have contacted a bbs through it that you like, we would not turn down any donations. - We request that no ads or other FILES should be inserted in this archive. If your bbs inserts a zip comment that is acceptable. If you automaticaly insert an ad FILE into the archive we request that as a courtesy you send a copy of it, with a token donation, to Integrated Data Systems so that we have an idea of how far the list travels, and can make sure that your entry is correct. This file and its .DIZ are NOT to be modified. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: - 96CDA is dedicated to the SysOps who install high speed modems, enabling users to access systems at higher and higher speeds. It is also dedicated to these same users who motivated the SysOps to install these modems through their contributions; material, inspirational and otherwise. Resentment is passed on to manufacturers who generate their own standards. - 96CDA is also dedicated to all of us who pour more and more money into our systems, and hope one day to get enough in memberships to cover basic operating costs. It is NOT dedicated to the sponge and leach user who wants more and more for less. - Thanks go to the SysOps, Users and Administrators of all the mail networks for their help and the use of their networks to gather information for this list. NAMING CONVENTION & MISCELLANEA: - So that one BBS does not stand out over another, all UPPER case names have been converted to mixed case. - Please note: many systems listed are multi-line, or multi-node, and their inclusion on this list does not mean that dialing the number listed will get that particular set-up. If the BBS is multi-line and publishes multiple numbers we will list them all, but if they only publish one, and that number hunts that is all that will be listed. - Some BBSes charge for access, and reserve the high speed lines for paying or high speed users only. (The DownTown BBS is such an example). - The DownTown BBS is currently a 4 line MajorBBS system with access on your first call to download 96LIST which is the US listing of boards. - IDS Place BBS is currently a 2 line PcBoard system with both nodes being HST Dual 14.4. Our main purpose was file distribution, and we are a Canadian distributor for the Night Owls shareware CDs, and about 150 other titles. We a steering more towards mail with AccNet, City2City, EchoNet, CC2C. Full access is by payment only, but CDs can be ordered by logging on as ORDER CD with password of PLEASE. Updates to this list can be made by logging in as "9600 BBS" with password of "CANADA". (Excluding the " and .) All other users please use your real name and go through the registration procedure. This file will be a free download for all those who have registered. ABBREVIATIONS USED: Modem Type Legend CS1 = 9600 CompuCom CSP [CompuCom Champ] CS2 = 9600 CSP & 9600 v.32 [CompuCom Storm] CS3 = 9600 CSP & 14.4k v.32bis [CompuCom Star] DS = 14,400 HST & 9600 v.32 [US Robotics Dual Standard] DS2 = 14,400 HST & 14.4k v.32bis [US Robotics v.32bis Dual Standard] DS3 = 16,800 HST & 14.4k v.32bis [US Robotics 16.8k HST/v.32bis DS] DS3 = 16.8 HST/v.32bis/21.6 v.32terbo [US Robotics 16.8k HST/v.32bis DS] HST = 9600 or 14,400 bps HST [US Robotics HST] HST4 = 14,400 bps HST (if known) [US Robotics HST] HST6 = 16,800 bps HST (if known) [US Robotics HST] TB = Telebit PEP [Telebit Trailblazer] TB2 = Telebit PEP & v.32 [Telebit T-2500] ULT = 9600 Hayes V & 9600 v.32 [Hayes Ultra] ULT2 = 9600 Hayes V/14.4k v.32bis [Hayes Ultra 14400] VFC = 14.4k v.32bis/28.8 v.fast class Brands will vary VH = 9600 Hayes V Series [Hayes Express 96 V-series] V32 = 9600 CCITT v.32 Brands will vary V32A = 9600 CCITT v.32/12k v.32bis Brands will vary V32B = 14,400 CCITT v.32bis Brands will vary V32T = 19,200 AT&T v.32terbo Brands will vary ZYX = 14.4k v.32bis & 16.8 ZyXEL ZyXEL ZYX9 = 14.4k v.32bis & 19.2 ZyXEL ZyXEL 2400 = 2400 bps line for Multi-node 96LIST systems. UNK = Reported at 9600 or higher but type is unknown AREA CODES COVERED: 204 418 604 807 306 506 613 819 403 514 705 902 416 519 709 905 DISCLAIMERS: - Because these numbers have ** NOT ** been verified, the compiler of 96CDA will not be responsible for erroneous information. - Inclusion/exclusion of a BBS is NOT an endorsement/condemnation of the BBS. - Boards that are not 24 hr or are mail hubs only will not be listed. - Future editions will be expanded to include a brief description of the boards specialty as it is provided to us. Things like mail, or doors will not be itemized separately unless unusual. ERRORS, ADDITIONS, DELETIONS: - If you should find a number on the list that is NOT a modem number, please notify IDS Place BBS so it can be noted & removed from the next release. - If there is an error, or if a BBS updates/modifies modem(s), please contact IDS Place BBS. - If you are a SysOp, or user, and wish that a board to be included in the next release of 96CDA, please contact the IDS Place BBS with the applicable information. Leave the board info as a comment to sysop or fill in the Script or mail to the address below. Current copies of other bbs lists, and donations monetary donations gratefully accepted. - PLEASE NOTE: Effective November 1993 we are going to assume that any bbs that advertises their speed as 14.4, but does not say their modem type, is infact a V32bis. IDS Place BBS 416-252-1133 2 nodes USR HST Dual 14.4 operated by Integrated Data Systems 90 Twenty-Fifth St #7 Etobicoke ON Canada M8V 3P8 416-252-1132 voice/fax Distributor for Night Owls shareware CDs and 150+ other titles 4.5+ gig of files on-line Echoing AccNet, Echonet, City2City, XCity2City ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 96CDAkc.TXT Canadian BBS's Supporting 9600 bps CONNECT Rates Compiled and Distributed by: IDS Place BBS - Etobicoke ON 416-252-1133 FREQable through Fido Node 1:259/212 as 9600LIST. + means change since last time AC/Phone BBS Name City Prov Mdm Specialty --------|-------------------------|----------------|--|----|------------------- (204) Remember all numbers are unvalidated 222-1353 RoadRunner Winnipeg MB V32B 231-0143 Jazzland Winnipeg MB HST 233-0227 Schizophrenia 2 Winnipeg MB V32B 233-6406 Dozy's Den Winnipeg MB HST 239-5227 Distillery PortageLaPrairie MB V32 253-1342 Pokey's Place Winnipeg MB ULT 253-7928 Picayune2 Winnipeg MB V32B 253-9336 FEABLE Winnipeg MB V32B 253-9399 Essential Service Winnipeg MB V32B 255-4624 WEST Winnipeg MB V32B 256-6975 Eric Winnipeg MB V32B 257-3751 Stalker's Guild Winnipeg MB DS2 261-5966 Accellerated Data Winipeg MB HST 261-9353 Cannibal Cafe Winnipeg MB V32B 269-4343 Headboard International Winnipeg MB HST 269-6112 Network 23 Winnipeg MB HST 269-7373 Tech Talk Toll Winnipeg MB DS2 275-0687 Vagabond Winnipeg MB HST 275-1532 Network 23 Winnipeg MB DS2 275-3099 System 6626 Winnipeg MB DS2 275-7416 Parrot Winnipeg MB DS2 334-8800 Wpg PC Users Grp Winnipeg MB DS2 338-3423 The Land Winnipeg MB HST 452-3715 Spirit's World Winnipeg MB V32B 453-4318 Toad Hall Winnipeg MB V32B 478-9902 The Almighty Winnipeg MB V32B 483-2552 Just Another Souris MB V32B 483-3175 Mac Info Xchange Winnipeg MB DS2 488-1560 Culloden Winnipeg MB DS2 488-2384 Culloden Winnipeg MB V32B 489-9041 Hyman Industry Winnipeg MB HST 586-9647 City Morgue Winnipeg MB V32B 632-4749 Hyper Speed Winnipeg MB V32B 633-1011 Sound and Sight Winnipeg MB DS2 654-4768 Hermes ...... MB UNK 663-8490 Manitoba Software Winnipeg MB HST 663-9484 Back Room Winnipeg MB HST 663-9485 Man-Hub-4 Winnipeg MB HST 667-0899 Info Source Canada Winnipeg MB V32B 667-2132 Info Source Canada Winnipeg MB V32B 667-2316 Info Source Canada Winnipeg MB V32B 667-6243 Raven Winnipeg MB V32B 677-3396 Northstar Winnipeg MB V32B 694-9220 C-Com ...... MN 2400 697-0224 C-Com Winnipeg MN V32B 697-0145 Soul Asylum Winnipeg MB V32 697-3001 Amber Winnipeg MB HST 785-8518 Bowman's Winnipeg MB DS2 757-2728 Prairie Storm Intl Winnipeg MB V32B 772-7284 Cdn Computer Grp Winnipeg MB V32B 774-0247 Rick's Roadhouse Winnipeg MB DS2 775-1605 The Dark Winnipeg MB DS2 775-7079 Info XChange Winnipeg MB HST 776-7396 Northstar Winnipeg MB V32B 783-2693 KBS Underground Winnipeg MB V32B 783-3744 Leather & Lace Winnipeg MB V32B 832-9603 Cobalt's Haven Winnipeg MB HST2 837-3214 Aerospace Winnipeg MB CS1 837-7227 Hawklord Soft Tech Winnipeg MB V32B 837-9704 Polar Bear Heaven Winnipeg MB DS 857-3254 CompuTech Winnipeg MB DS2 857-4412 Distillery PortageLaPrairie MB HST 857-5927 CompuTech PortageLaPrairie MB DS2 885-6523 Shadowlands Winnipeg MB DS2 896-0459 Polar Bear Heaven Winnipeg MB HST 896-3906 Colbalt's Haven Winnipeg MB HST 896-4031 KEB System 1 Winnipeg MB UNK 897-0751 HHL Systems Winnipeg MB DS2 889-5202 Populous Winnipeg MB V32B 943-6507 Muddy Waters Comp Society Winnipeg MB DS2 943-6508 Muddy Waters Comp Society Winnipeg MB DS2 943-6509 Muddy Waters Comp Society Winnipeg MB DS2 956-4997 Muddy Waters Comp Society Winnipeg MB HST 947-3010 PD RBBS-PC Winnipeg MB HST 957-7699 Defcon InfoSystems Winnipeg MB UNK (306) Remember all numbers are unvalidated 242-4783 Korner Saskatoon SK DS2 244-6936 Saskatoon Amiga Users Grp Saskatoon SK CS3 249-2352 TelePro Saskatoon SK HST 249-4108 Club EMS Calgary AB UNK 249-4115 Club EMS Calgary AB UNK 267-3220 SouthSide Coronach SK VH C prog 329-4705 Neon Empire Asquith SK HST 329-4787 Hobbit Hole Asquith SK HST 352-3434 Wedge Net Regina SK HST 352-7541 Connections Regina SK HST 352-9382 DLC-West Regina SK DS 352-9390 DLC-West Regina SK HST 372-4903 Technology Transfer Luseland SK DS3 372-4991 Technology Transfer Luseland SK DS3 374-3755 Grand Centra Stn Saskaton SK HST 374-5544 Ming Men Saskatoon SK DS2 374-8563 Sages Desk Saskatoon SK UNK 378-2699 Bullet'N Board Wiston SK HST 382-5746 Benden Weyr Saskatoon SK HST 384-0572 Northern Nights Saskatoon SK HST 384-5655 Eltrog's Saskatoon SK HST 384-7078 Padded Cell Saskatoon SK HST 384-7685 International Saskatoon SK DS 463-3117 Big Electric Cat Kindersley SK DS 477-2791 Aurora's Edge Saskatoon SK DS2 525-0807 Double Check Regina SK HST 545-0889 Bit Stop Regina SK HST 545-8163 Narthex Regina SK UNK 569-3183 BeekerBox Regina SK UNK 585-0298 Fernando's Retreat Regina SK HST 585-1958 DataForce Regina SK HST 586-1551 Polestar Regina SK HST 586-1939 IEEE South Sask. Regina SK V32 586-9490 Pool Hall Regina SK HST Games 634-9935 Power Station Estevan SK HST 664-2960 Shack Saskatoon SK HST 693-4620 Freeman's Brother Moose Jaw SK UNK 694-5412 Wally World Moose Jaw SK DS2 757-7278 Fact Regina SK UNK 764-0088 Computer Answers Prince Albert SK HST 777-2998 Scouts' Own Regina SK V32 777-4493 Regina Fido Regina SK DS 777-5370 Ganshirt At Home Regina SK DS 779-1237 TeeWunKay Regina SK DS 782-1355 Yorkton Area Opus Yorkton SK HST 782-2171 AutoSpecialties&GamesRoom Yorkton SK DS2 782-2978 Caverns Yorkton SK HST 782-6820 Hi-Res Yorkton SK HST 783-2680 Torkton Echo 1 Yorkton SK HST 786-6446 Haven Yorkton SK HST 789-7652 Green Zone Regina SK V32 789-8464 Xerox Service Regina SK DS 920-7239 Really Board Yellowknife NT DS 931-4536 Maverick 2 Saskatoon SK V32B 931-4600 Home of the UFO Saskatoon SK HST 934-1616 Home of the UFO Saskatoon SK HST 949-6032 USS Galifrey Regina SK DS2 949-6105 R.A.T. III Regina SK HST 949-8486 Ronchy's Pleasure Dome Regina SK CS1 955-0579 Enceladus Saskatonn SK HST 956-3240 Data Dump Saskatoon SK DS2 956-3383 Data Dump Saskatoon SK DS3 966-4857 U of S Computing Serv Saskatoon SK HST (403) Remember all numbers are unvalidated 226-0533 Daydreams at Nite Calgary AB HST 226-1157 Metronet Canada Calgary AB HST 228-9525 Student Exchange Calgary AB HST 230-4355 Intertech Calgary AB HST 235-3333 Squornshellous Zeta Calgary AB HST 237-8811 Calgary Nibble Calgary AB HST4 Paradox,exprt syst 238-3157 B & B Computing Calgary AB DS 241-0112 Calgary Spitfire Calgary AB CS3 242-7527 Calgary Message Line Calgary AB HST 243-9802 Proteus Calgary AB HST 244-4724 Calgary Message Line Calgary AB HST 245-3610 Bear Board! Calgary AB HST 246-4504 SunValley/Microlink Calgary AB HST 246-4674 Computer Connection Calgary AB DS 246-6354 SuperSpace Calgary AB HST 246-6943 The Keyboard Calgary AB DS2 247-3180 RJ's Byteline Calgary AB HST 247-6007 Badger's Hole Calgary AB HST 247-9553 Byte Bucket Calgary AB HST 249-5103 Boomers Calgary AB HST 249-6008 Cameo Gateway Line 1 Calgary AB HST 251-5540 Generations Calgary AB HST 253-0659 Mess Hall Calgary AB DS2 253-2447 Northern Cajun's Calgary AB V32 253-5996 ECS Net Calgary AB HST 253-6021 No Solutions Calgary AB UNK 254-1919 Amiga Online! Calgary AB V32 254-2395 Double Vision Calgary AB HST 255-4212 Surrounded by Cows Calgary AB HST 256-7019 Secret C Calgary AB HST 256-9673 New Order Node 2 Calgary AB HST 258-3762 Polar Calgary AB UNK 269-3507 Jokerz Wyld Calgary AB DS 271-2122 Calgary's CD-ROM Calgary AB UNK Address database 273-3503 Arcade Calgary AB DS 273-5697 Potpourri Calgary AB HST 273-7025 Squornshellous Zeta Calgary AB HST 277-4658 Resource Calgary AB DS 279-0532 Rocky Mountain Calgary AB UNK 280-4938 TechTalk Calgary AB HST 280-5837 Kelly CADD Calgary AB HST 280-9900 Gore & Daphetid Calgary AB HST 282-4459 Gypsy Calgary AB HST 282-5224 AMUC Express Calgary AB HST 283-1107 Foothills Ham Calgary AB HST4 Ham, Tandy 283-5261 Student Exchange Calgary AB HST 283-6245 MicroMax Calgary AB HST 284-0426 Ceti Alpha VI Calgary AB DS 285-7338 SOCS Calgary AB HST 286-6471 Badger's Hole Calgary AB HST Paid 288-5922 Micromax Calgary AB HST 289-1209 Tom and Jerrys Calgary AB V32B 291-9877 Urban Express Node 1 Calgary AB HST 293-5129 Boolean Board Calgary AB HST 293-5129 ESP Calgary AB HST 295-7088 Cameo Calgary AB DS 299-0460 PCalgary Calgary AB V32B 299-0469 PCalgary Calgary AB DS 299-9916 Logical Solutions Calgary AB HST 299-9917 Logical Solutions Calgary AB HST 327-9731 Terminal Lethbridge AB HST 343-3901 Blue Ridge BSB Red Deer AB HST 346-7530 Micro Express Red Deer AB HST 346-8537 Material Impact Red Deer AB HST 347-3262 DLG HST Red Deer AB DS2 347-3269 DLG V32 Red Deer AB V32 347-8214 Materiel Impact Red Deer AB HST 380-6556 Exchange Lethbridge AB UNK 380-6558 The Exchange Lethbridge AB CS1 381-3185 Lost Planet Lethbridge AB HST 381-8674 Red Eye Lethbridge AB HST 424-3258 Ten Forward Edmonton AB HST 424-5246 Gigabyte Connection Node2 Edmonton AB HST 425-5329 New Horizon HST Edmonton AB HST 425-5793 Hackers Haven St Albert AB HST 425-6895 Kuntry Edmonton AB HST 426-0796 Good Times BB Net Edmonton AB HST 428-8841 Electronic Zoot Edmonton AB HST 430-0402 Richard's Mail Box Edmonton AB HST 431-2082 William's Edmonton AB HST 432-0961 Micro Edmonton AB DS2 434-7555 Dynabyte Connection Edmonton AB UNK 437-1428 Through the Looking Glass Edmonton AB V32 438-7961 Paradigm Edmonton AB UNK 443-5612 Reflections Three Hills AB HST 443-5928 Reflections Three Hills AB HST 443-5929 Reflections Three Hills AB HST 449-6242 Interceptor Sherwood Park AB HST 452-2780 Munden's Bar Edmonton AB HST 456-4241 Freddy's Place Edmonton AB DS2 457-0125 Freddy's Place Edmonton AB DS2 457-0379 Rusty Barnacle Edmonton AB HST 457-1295 PC Online Edmonton AB UNK 457-5118 Paradise Island Edmonton AB UNK 458-9056 Hackers Haven Node 2 St Albert AB HST 459-1957 Hackers Haven St Albert AB DS2 460-8357 Addictions Calahoo AB HST 464-0139 TopFun TTBS 2 ..... AB CS1 464-5253 TopFun TTBS 3 ..... AB CS3 466-2013 Nirvana Edmonton AB HST 466-7613 Alberta On-Line Edmonton AB HST 469-5812 Job-Net Edmonton AB V32 471-6763 Alberta Express Edmonton AB HST 472-1796 SPQR Edmonton AB HST 473-6085 Capital City Edmonton AB HST 473-6936 Freddy's Place Edmonton AB DS2 474-5262 Satellite Edmonton AB HST 474-5579 Calanost RBBS-PC Edmonton AB V32 475-0027 Micro Chess Edmonton AB HST 475-9588 Outland Edmonton AB DS 476-9554 Druids Keep Edmonton AB HST 478-5492 Starlight Systems Edmonton AB V32B 479-3767 H.A.U. Edmonton AB V32B 479-4316 Alberta One Edmonton AB HST 481-4977 LifeLine Edmonton AB HST 483-1896 Info Corner Edmonton AB HST 483-2586 Megasoft Electonic Ex. Edmonton AB UNK 483-4637 Wolf Den BBS Edmonton AB CS1 484-9200 Amiga Devil Edmonton AB HST 486-5134 Gigabyte Connection Edmonton AB DS2 489-4250 Mach2/Vulcan OS/2 Systems Edmonton AB V32B 489-9135 Interior Castle Edmonton AB HST 526-6957 Lunatic Haven Medicine Hat AB HST 529-1460 Life Line Medicine Hat AB HST 529-1610 Praxis Society K12 Medicine Hat AB TB2 544-3611 MicroNet Connection Ralston AB DS2 546-3031 Ace Linden AB HST 547-0616 Inner City Calgary AB V32B 549-2284 Western Cda Data Link Stavely AB HST 569-0000 Farpoint Station Node 1 Calgary AB DS 639-2392 J&M Systems Cold Lake AB DS Programming 645-4761 Owlseye St Paul AB CS1 646-2035 Data Link Mail Robot Nanton AB HST 686-2550 Rascal Calgary AB HST 723-6025 Trade Wars Edson AB HST 743-1260 Twilight Zone Ft McMurray AB UNK 743-3578 Silver Bird Ft McMurray AB DS 743-4696 Terraplex CRLS Ft McMurray AB DS2 743-4696 Terraplex Spitfire Ft McMurray AB DS 743-5295 Cartier Park Ft McMurray AB HST 743-9330 NMD Maximus HST Ft McMurray AB DS 758-6283 Local Echo Coordinator Magrath AB UNK 789-4076 Trading Post ..... AB HST4 790-9504 Cache Ft McMurray AB DS 791-0372 NetherWorld MultiBoard Ft McMurray AB UNK 791-0803 Hotshot Ft McMurray AB V32 791-2003 Valhala Maximus Ft McMurray AB HST 791-2038 Westwood High Ft McMurray AB HST 791-5150 Whitehouse Spitfire Ft McMurray AB V32B 791-5527 Father MercrediHighSchool Ft McMurray AB DS2 791-6937 Arsenal of Freedom Ft McMurray AB DS2 873-8602 Artic Forum II Yellowknife AB VH 886-2042 Virtual Media Penhold AB V32 920-7239 Really Board Yellowknife NT HST 922-4266 HamBone Sherwood Park AB HST Ham radio 935-4382 BatCave File Line Calgary AB HST 948-3182 Serendip Airdrie AB HST 962-2772 Evergreen RBBS-PC Spruce Grove AB HST 962-5733 Phoenix Spruce Grove AB HST 963-0918 Deafy's First Post Office Stoney Plain AB HST 963-9999 Deafy's First Post Office Stony Plain AB HST 973-6311 Dream State Lancaster Park AB DS2 987-2388 Galiphrae Ft Saskatchewan AB TB2 998-1732 Slan Shack Ft Saskatchewan AB DS2 (416) Remember all numbers are unvalidated 213-6002 CRS Online Etobicoke ON DS3 213-6003 CRS Online Etobicoke ON UNK 221-3592 Pleides System Pleione North York ON HST 221-3611 DataTech Graphics Exchnge Toronto ON DS 221-8768 Total Board Toronto ON UNK 222-8162 Biff's Bar n'Grill Willowdale ON UNK 222-9644 Split Infinity Willowdale ON DS2 222-0474 Lansing Cross Roads North York ON DS3 222-3044 Split Infinity Willowdale ON HST 222-8366 Black Adder Willowdale ON V32B 225-2315 Pleiades System Atlas North York ON HST 225-8942 Super S.O.N.I.C. Willowdale ON HST Adlib. Soundblaster 226-0597 A-Club Willowdale ON UNK 226-9260 Rose Media Toronto ON TB2 229-2962 Digital Willowdale ON UNK Tech help 229-9990 Connection Willowdale ON UNK Adult 231-7663 Something Else Etobicoke ON UNK 231-9392 Phantasmagoria Toronto ON HST 231-9944 Amiga Blue International Toronto ON DS2 Latin,Acncien Grk 234-0805 Defcon Enterptrises Etobicoke ON UNK 235-0318 TAF Online ...... ON UNK Atari 236-3125 Something Else Etobicoke ON V32B 237-1010 Adults at Play ...... ON V32B Adult 240-1435 Cornerstone Scarborough ON UNK 240-8633 Iserve Scarborough ON UNK Repairs 241-1981 Westonia Weston ON DS3 Members only 241-9793 Westonia Weston ON DS3 242-2241 Homefries Weston ON UNK 244-8575 Graphix HideAway Downsview ON HST4 244-8699 Ikon View Downsview ON V32B 247-4939 Perfect ...... ON UNK Adult, windows 248-1525 Darkhorse Weston ON UNK 249-2030 C.D.I.S. ...... ON HST 252-1133 >>> IDS PLACE <<< >> ETOBICOKE << ON DS NightOwlsCD, 96CDA 252-3826 Street Fighter Toronto ON HST4 255-0058 Sports Connection ...... ON UNK 255-2164 Tomb of Horrors I ...... ON UNK 255-2165 Tomb of Horrors II ...... ON UNK 255-2484 The Hawks Nest ...... ON V32B 259-1596 Air Search & Rescue ...... ON UNK Aviation 260-4693 Day Dreamers ...... ON UNK 264-3028 Micro Stop III ...... ON UNK 265-3867 USS Proxima Scarborough ON UNK 265-8724 Scan Information Serv Toronto ON UNK 266-1881 CompuTek Scarborough ON HST 267-6559 Cloud 9 ...... ON UNK 270-8493 North Star ...... ON UNK 275-0278 Spinal Tap ...... ON UNK 281-3441 Intro to Insanity ...... ON UNK 282-8634 Techno Zone Toronto ON V32B 282-4629 Red Rocket Scarborough ON V32 282-8577 Temporal Rift Toronto ON HST 283-0114 Baudeville I Toronto ON DS2 283-0114 Baudeville Toronto ON DS2 283-4688 Net 250 NEC Toronto ON DS2 283-5924 Bloom Beacon Toronto ON UNK 283-6059 Baudeville II Toronto ON HST4 285-5444 K.E.B. System IV Scarborough ON V32B 285-9328 Conan's Den Scarborough ON HST 286-6191 EGSGate Toronto ON HST 286-6367 Adults I Scarborough ON HST Adult 286-7550 Adults 2 Scarborough ON UNK Adult 287-0935 CAP/Canada West Hill ON HST4 287-1836 Forbidden Zone Scarborough ON UNK Fantasy 288-1767 Magic Scarborough ON UNK Mac graphics 290-5330 Cat House Willowdale ON HST 293-0807 World Peace Scarborough ON HST 297-7256 Inner Courtyard ...... ON V32 297-8568 Telesis Systems Online ...... ON V32B 298-1487 Digitar Pexel Toronto ON UNK Graphics,raytrace 298-6427 EXX Toronto ON V32B Gifs 299-0459 Realm of Limbo Scarborough ON UNK 299+1012 Second Image Scarborough ON V32B 299+1164 Next Level Scarborough ON ZYX9 RA, OS2 support 299-4108 Test Pattern Scarborough ON HST 321-3598 Fast Data Computer Sys Scarborough ON UNK 321-5015 Bear Cave Agincourt ON V32B For gays 322-3874 Cantina Burlington ON UNK 322-7876 Zooids Burlington ON UNK 340-8014 Just Call Me Board Toronto ON V32B 348-9414 WebFido Toronto ON TB2 368-9955 Stained Glass Windows Toronto ON V32B 391-2542 Guest House Toronto ON DS Maximus support 395-4326 Lion's Den ...... ON UNK 396-4570 Woburn Scarborough ON UNK For students 397-6030 Direction 2000 Toronto ON UNK 398-3817 Double Cross Toronto ON UNK 398-2542 Neuron Toronto ON HST 398-5140 Lotterty Exchange Toronto ON UNK Lotteries 398-6720 Super Continental North York ON HST 412-7926 BBS Network Online Toronto ON DS3 422-3152 CyberSquid Toronto ON UNK 422-3835 Crystal Gryphon Toronto ON V32 RPG 422-4351 Telemax Toronto ON UNK 422-5723 AXAXA Toronto ON V32B 427-0268 CARES ...... ON UNK 428-2213 News Carrier ...... ON UNK 429-8251 Safety Shoppe ...... ON V32B 429-9985 Aneurysm ...... ON UNK 431+2750 Thunder Dome Toronto ON V32B 431-4529 NEXT Toronto ON DS2 Star Trek 439-0493 M31 ...... ON UNK 443-9164 Asylum Toronto ON DS 444-3129 Gateway Toronto ON V32B 444-7971 Support Group II Toronto ON UNK Business support 444-1901 Adult Text Toronto ON DS3 444-5673 Support Group Toronto ON UNK Support 444-6319 Techno Board Toronto ON UNK Games,sound 444-7358 Support Group I Toronto ON UNK Business support 447-9233 Spinning Disk Toronto ON UNK 457-3927 Novelty Amusements ...... ON DS3 462-0764 Millennium II Toronto ON HST 463-4501 Point of No Return Toronto ON HST 463-7263 A Feminist Place Toronto ON HST 463-9438 S&J Toronto ON UNK 465-5366 New Frontier Toronto ON UNK 465-7436 Artsy Fartsy Toronto ON UNK 465-4370 Keith Medcalf & Assoc Toronto ON HST 465-5366 Nuts and Bolts Toronto ON UNK 466-0363 Cowgirl's Rodeo Toronto ON V32B 466-2574 Cdn Computing Society Toronto ON DS3 466-8931 Leftover Hippies Toronto ON HST Mac, Atari 466-9110 Iron Dragon Toronto ON UNK 466-9343 Millennium III Toronto ON HST 469-0611 M.T.A.C. Toronto ON V32B 480-0147 One Less Car Toronto ON V32 481-4688 TCS-1 Toronto ON V32 481-6438 SysOp Inc. Toronto ON HST 481+7816 Hawk Eye Toronto ON V32B 481-9970 Broadcaster Toronto ON UNK 483-5604 Sixth Dimension Toronto ON HST 484-0607 Excalibur Toronto ON UNK 484-0549 SwitchBoard II Toronto ON TB 484-0607 Generic Toronto ON UNK 484-9454 Switchboard I Toronto ON HST 485-2182 Executioner ...... ON UNK 486-6546 War Board Toronto ON HST Games 487-1602 Career Board II Toronto ON UNK 487-1850 Career Board I Toronto ON UNK Jobs 487-2214 Net 250 SDS Toronto ON HST 487-5933 PC Flagship II Toronto ON HST 487-8094 Elxsi Toronto ON UNK 487-9093 Metastasio's Toronto ON V32B 489-6502 Cyberdyne Systems ...... ON UNK 490-1556 OK BBS Scarborough ON UNK 491-4179 Sistem Online Services Scarborough ON UNK 491-2286 Cesco Micro-Technologies Scarborough ON V32B 491-9249 Access-PC Scarborough ON V32B 492-5042 OS2 Support ...... ON UNK OS/2 support 492-6854 Last Refuge ...... ON V32B 494-6122 E-Mail Machine Toronto ON UNK 496-1629 Starsound Productions Scarborough ON V32 496-1776 Pleasure Palace Scarborough ON UNK Adult 497-3187 Compu Ad Toronto ON UNK Buy, Sell 498-4875 Servants Quarters Willowdale ON UNK Christian 498-5259 Seed Sowers Node 1 Willowdale ON V32B Christian 498-5962 Seed Sowers Node 2 Willowdale ON 2400 Christian 498-9903 Hong Kong Connection Willowdale ON UNK Chinese 499-0741 CompuNetwork Toronto ON HST 499-1393 Technoworld North York ON UNK 499-5892 F1 Help Toronto ON UNK Help new users 502-3611 Karico BS Toronto ON ZYX Business 503-2033 Bread Board Toronto ON 2400 503-9010 Bread Board Toronto ON HST4 Dif computer,ham 512-0791 Toronto's Condos Toronto ON UNK Condominiums 512-2251 BoxSoft Downsview ON HST 512-8558 Netrix King City ON DS2 512-8608 Mostly Harmless Willowdale ON DS2 531-2188 Karibu ...... ON UNK 531-9907 Kashmir ...... ON UNK 532-0456 Metro Vineyard Toronto ON HST 532-1784 Bits N'Bytes ...... ON UNK 534-0823 Tropical Paradise Toronto ON UNK 534-4979 Hawks Nest Toronto ON UNK 535-4983 Ticket Toronto ON UNK 535-7598 Matrix Toronto ON UNK For artists 536-0131 Cellar Toronto ON V32B 538-2496 Ship To Shore OIS Toronto ON V21 Saling 538-3107 Artful Applications Toronto ON UNK Clipper 538-7911 Abacus Toronto ON HST 538-9999 Virtual Village Toronto ON UNK 585-9013 Comptech Systems Toronto ON CS1 588-2964 Trap Line Toronto ON HST 588-3751 Profession Sysops Assoc Toronto ON UNK For sysops 588-3821 Job Search Toronto ON ZYX Jobs 588-9690 Job Search Toronto ON ZYX Jobs 601-1203 Striking Image And Sound Toronto ON HST 601-9112 Insomniacs' Guild Toronto ON UNK 603-9635 Planet X Toronto ON UNK 604-1221 Cam-Do Systems Group Toronto ON UNK Handicap info 604-3379 Cellar Toronto ON UNK PrideNet 614-1713 Total Indifference ...... ON UNK 614-9123 Page Fault North York ON HST 621-7430 Phosphoric Acid Etobicoke ON HST 622-1737 Graphics Hideaway Etobicoke ON UNK Gifs 622-1760 TBC Etobicoke ON UNK 622-2546 Game Master Etobicoke ON HST 630-8645 Bad Connection Downsview ON V32B 630-9198 Object Code Systems Downsview ON UNK 630-0607 Intoxicated Downsview ON HST 630-8645 Bad Connection Downsview ON UNK 631-6073 Amex Toronto ON HST 633-3969 Sam's Place/2 Downsview ON HST 634-1552 Connections Plus ...... ON UNK Adult 635-1400 Ikon View Downsview ON HST 636-0808 Tron I Downsview ON UNK 636-1709 Tron II Downsview ON HST 638-2728 Generation Gap Downsview ON HST 638-4794 Dits & Bits Thornhill ON HST 650-5411 Ability Online North York ON DS2 658-3505 Night Island Toronto ON V32B 658-3958 Gidget Info Systems Toronto ON V32B 658-6433 Circus Room Toronto ON UNK 658-8527 Dark Side Games Toronto ON V32B Online games 658-9000 Silver & Gold Online Toronto ON V32B 661-2875 Dark Angel Downsview ON UNK 661-4332 Green Iguana Downsview ON UNK 661-5426 Scruples! Downsview ON HST Adults 663-1103 Toronto Twilight Comm 5 ...... ON DS2 663-1527 Toronto Twilight Comm 6 ...... ON DS2 663-5751 Toronto Twilight Comm 7 ...... ON DS2 663-7010 Toronto Twilight Comm 3 ...... ON HST4 663-7644 Toronto Twilight Comm 1 ...... ON HST 663-7664 Toronto Twilight Comm 4 ...... ON HST4 663-8779 Toronto Twilight Comm 2 ...... ON HST4 663-2630 C.D.I.S. Downsview ON HST 663-4987 Dragons' Lair Downsview ON UNK 690-2464 Far Jewel Scarborough ON UNK 690-2809 Carnage! Scarborough ON V32 Apogee dist 691-0679 Club Insanity Toronto ON UNK Adult 691-2882 Castle Perilous Toronto ON HST4 691-7293 Zwitterion's Domain Toronto ON HST6 693-2994 Another BBS System? Toronto ON UNK 693-7108 Programmers Guild Toronto ON HST2 696-7924 Dog Byte Don Mills ON HST 698-7512 BizBase II Toronto ON UNK Business 698-9219 Presto Toronto ON UNK 698-0376 Hardcore Toronto ON V32B 698-7395 BizBase I Toronto ON DS Business 699-8718 Dragon's Lair Toronto ON UNK 699-2947 U.S.S Proxima Toronto ON HST 727-8080 Enigma ...... ON UNK 733-2780 Rose Media Toronto ON UNK 733-3172 Rose Media Toronto ON UNK 733-0894 Rose Media Toronto ON DS3 733-2087 Quasar Communications Willowdale ON UNK Windows 733-2285 Rose Media Toronto ON DS3 733-3493 Rose Media Toronto ON DS3 733-7645 Rose Media Toronto ON VH 733-9052 PC Connect North York ON DS 740-1839 Light Years Beyond ...... ON UNK 740-6234 Wishing Well ...... ON V32 741-7901 Boo-Boo & Schmootz's ...... ON UNK 743-8270 TIMB Wizard II Rexdale ON UNK 743-6703 TIBM Wizard I Rexdale ON HST Graphics,sound 743-8697 Detached Process Etobicoke ON HST 743-9187 Millennium II Etobicoke ON DS2 744-0070 Bob's Bored Rexdale ON DS2 744-2922 Regal Eagle ...... ON UNK Gif 744-4372 Lunatic Fringe Etobicoke ON HST 744-8884 Nemesis Toronto ON V32B 746-4706 Dragon Sky Etobicoke ON UNK 746-5643 Bytor Etobicoke ON UNK 748-6085 Computer Connection Toronto ON V32B 750-8847 PC Programmers Toronto ON UNK 750-9541 U.S.S Proxima Toronto ON HST 751-6337 CD Access Toronto ON UNK 752-4175 Data Soft Systems I Scarborough ON UNK Sales, adult 754-2443 Medieval Nights Scarborough ON V32B 754-2556 Clubhouse Scarborough ON UNK 754-7183 Brain Dead Scarborough ON V32B 756-4591 ATI Technology Scarborough ON UNK The manufacturer 757-8069 Intro/2 Reality ...... ON UNK 759-3757 Terminator Scarborough ON HST 762-0852 1000 BBS ...... ON UNK 763-5019 Smart Alec Toronto ON V32B 764-0906 Baudy Talk ...... ON UNK 766-1334 Many Coloured Land Toronto ON V32B 766-3342 Board Beyond Belief Toronto ON UNK Fido,Adult,Imex 766-6772 OCP Systems Toronto ON HST 769-0692 Underground Toronto ON UNK 769-3401 CompuNet Toronto ON DS2 769-4651 Midnight Express Toronto ON HST Business support 769-7113 PCSI Toronto ON V32B 769-7643 PCSI Node 3 Toronto ON 2400 769-8126 Piper's Pub Toronto ON UNK 769-8972 Clone Systems III Toronto ON HST 769-9785 PCSI Node 2 Toronto ONB V32B 770-1391 Adultlink Toronto ON HST4 778-4193 Structures Toronto ON DS3 Foxpro support 778-7334 Kaikatsu na Sakaba Toronto ON HST 778-9459 City Boys Studio Toronto ON DS 783-4684 TradeNet Toronto ON V32B Buy & Sell 787-2582 USS Intrepid ...... ON UNK Startrek 827-6284 Components ...... IN V32B 861-0972 Pinnacle ...... ON UNK Clipper 867-9663 RT Labs Toronto ON DS 920-4628 Anime World ...... ON UNK Japanese animation 921-1390 After Dark! Toronto ON V32B 921-2256 Gemini Toronto ON UNK 921-2731 TI Tower Toronto ON UNK TI99,Geneve,Adam 921-6366 Opticomm Toronto ON 2400 Chat, games 921-6638 Xenomiga Toronto ON HST 924-2552 Hard Disk Cafe Toronto ON HST 927-8361 Powertell Toronto ON UNK 928-0969 Online Sports Toronto ON V32B Sports 928-3339 Online Sports Toronto ON UNK Sports 932-2726 Computer Resources/2 Toronto ON DS3 944-8510 BoxSoft Downsview ON HST 944-8747 PC FlagShip Toronto ON HST 944-8748 PC Flag Ship Toronto ON HST 964-0766 CGL-Systems Toronto ON HST 964-6434 Saved By Technology Toronto ON UNK 966-2475 OptiComm Toronto ON UNK Chat, games 966-2675 Canadian Game Line Toronto ON HST 967-9243 SoftComp Systems Toronto ON UNK 968-6633 Stratus Electonics Toronto ON HST4 969-8717 Kintracers Toronto ON HST Geneaology 971-9263 Hoss & Stubby's Place Toronto ON ZYX Adult 972-0668 Rock Hard Toronto ON UNK 975-1813 Cat's Whisker Toronto ON V32 (418) Remember all numbers are unvalidated 285-3253 Newz Donnacona PQ HST 522-3442 CN/VIA Quebec PQ HST 522-7251 CN/VIA Node 2 Quebec PQ V32 523-3117 Square-Heads Quebec City PQ DS 623-5152 Images Charlesbourg PQ HST 623-5968 Gamma Charlesbourg PQ HST 626-0775 Multi-Media Beauport PQ HST 648-0691 Bab-O-Manie Node 2 Quebec PQ V32B 648-6621 Lab Quebec PQ HST 648-9590 Bab-O-Manie Node 1 Quebec PQ HST 651-2043 PCBabillard Ste Foy PQ V32 658-8126 InfoMiga Ste Foy PQ DS2 663-4312 Bab-O-Manie Beauport PQ DS 681-1997 Welcome Home Quebec PQ HST 682-0536 Popcorn Sillery PQ HST 682-8128 Medic Quebec PQ DS2 690-0276 Terra Comm Chicoutimi PQ HST 690-1424 Multicom Chicoutimi PQ V32 837-8405 USC Levis PQ V32B 877-6717 H-SDN Team Ste Foy PQ V32B (506) Remember all numbers are unvalidated 386-8843 Ship To Shore OIS Moncton NB V32B Sailing 422-2251 CFB Gagetown ComputerClub Oromocto NB HST 432-9410 Heart Of Gold Sussex NB UNK 451-1406 KDS Fredericton NB CSP 453-0620 Northern Connection Fredericton NB HST 453-2147 Newbed Fredericton NB V32 453-7158 Newbed Fredericton NB UNK 634-8483 Pegasus Saint John NB HST 635-1964 Atlantic Access Saint John NB HST 636-9117 Mad Scientist Saint John NB UNK 642-2787 Headhunter's Saint John NB CS1 684-2368 Eagle II Dalhousie NB HST 739-9762 Compubbs Fredericton NB V32 849-4927 Blitter End Saint John NB HST 849-6506 Supernal Saint John NB HST 849-7511 Programmer's Corner Saint John NB CSP (514) Remember all numbers are unvalidated 252-7871 Le Courrier St Lambert PQ DS 253-8649 Soft-Stuff BBS Line 1 ...... PQ V32 255-6627 No Way Out St Leonard PQ HST 259-6440 B.E.C.A.Q. (Forwarding) Montreal PQ UNK 259-8856 Infocas Montreal PQ HST 264-4375 FoneHome Huntingdon PQ HST 273-8487 Quantum Zone Montreal PQ DS 276-4630 Informatique Montreal Montreal PQ HST 277-9201 Aaxiss Montreal PQ HST 278-1963 TechnoBytes Montreal PQ V32B 279-5145 Stat! Montreal PQ V32 Emerg med 281-5594 Shack a JP Montreal PQ UNK 282-0752 Mainline Montreal PQ V32B 285-6401 Universite de Quebec Montreal PQ V32 286-1796 Star Montreal PQ HST 299-2288 Astro BBS Club HenryVille PQ V32B 325-5793 Carthage Montreal PQ DS2 326-8363 Totoche Montreal-Nord PQ V32B 327-3406 Simple Solutions St Leonard PQ HST 327-3881 Car Enterprise Montreal PQ V32B 329-4651 Athanasia Montreal PQ UNK Amiga 336-3919 Cheers! Montreal PQ UNK 336-4343 Courrier Montreal PQ HST 336-5224 Fun House Node 1 Montreal PQ UNK 336-8881 Fun House Node 2 Montreal PQ UNK 338-1193 7th Illusion Montreal PQ HST 341-4943 InfoDoc Montreal PQ DS 342-0759 Quantum Zone Montreal PQ HST 343-5362 Ghost Land Montreal PQ UNK 344-0577 InfoDoc Montreal PQ DS 345-8654 !? Montreal PQ UNK 347-5983 Rambab Montreal PQ HST 355-9237 Mini-Bank OnLine Montreal PQ VH 358-4566 Pier-Chant Montreal PQ V32 364-2937 Juxtaposition Montreal PQ DS2 366-4556 Enchanted Realm Montreal PQ UNK 372-8653 Le Club Farnham PQ UNK 376-0721 L'Albatros! Montreal PQ HST 381-1971 Shaolin Temple ...... PQ UNK 383-1567 Le Relais Montreal PQ VH 383-6828 Relais Node 2 Montreal PQ V32 385-3537 Amiga Intuition ...... PQ V32B Amiga 387-9631 C.I.M. Repentigny PQ DS2 388-2782 Door Montreal PQ DS2 388-8049 Logix Innovation Node 2 ...... PQ UNK 389-5146 Direct Connect Montreal PQ VH IBM,Amiga,Atari 389-6352 Direct Connect Montreal PQ VH IBM,Amiga,Atari 421-0285 B.E.C.A.Q. Montreal PQ V32 PQ Club Amiga 424-4709 Carved on Chrome Montreal PQ HST Amiga 425-2276 Pro Ile Perrot PQ HST 430-6791 M&M Sftwre Yale Montreal PQ V32 431-5287 AmigaByte Bellefeuille PQ UNK 432-2953 Silicone Place Lafontaine PQ HST 433-1105 InfoData Bellefeuille PQ DS 434-2501 Razor's Edge Node 1 Montreal PQ HST 434-9948 Amiga Power Montreal PQ HST 435-2650 Soft-Stuff Node 2 Montreal PQ UNK 435-7121 BBS Sans Nom Node 1 Montreal PQ DS2 438-3234 Marc Champagne Blainville PQ HST 438-8024 QUE-LOG St Jerome PQ V32 444-0495 L'Oncle George Laprairie PQ CSP 444-5757 ShareWare Inc. Lapraire PQ V32B 444-8796 Vortex Montreal PQ UNK Ansi group 455-0403 Marty's ...... PK UNK 447-5198 Rive-Sud South-Shore Chambly PQ DS2 448-4651 L'Antre d'Eux SBE Longueuil PQ HST 455-0403 Marty's Montreal PQ UNK 457-5582 New Connections Baie D'Urfe PQ UNK 462-9285 Java ...... PQ UNK 463-4014 CD Connection Node 1 ...... PQ V32B 463-4781 Sylvester ...... PQ UNK 463-4885 Imagination Node 2 ...... PQ UNK Amiga 466-1977 CompuComm Montreal PQ ULT 466-2819 CompuComm Brossard PQ ULT 466-9637 Evening Shade Montreal PQ V32 468-3753 Data Easy Access Longueuil PQ UNK 473-9357 Qwerty Montreal PQ DS2 486-0519 Input Montreal Montreal PQ HST 486-1683 Input Montreal Montreal PQ HST 486-8959 Quebec Online Montreal PQ HST Mac,PC 487-7086 GlobalNet HQ ...... PQ V32 521-6061 Info Montreal PQ V32B 521-9710 Test Bench Montreal PQ HST 525-4420 Bab! SBE Node 1 Montreal PQ UNK 525-5173 Bab! SBE Node 2 Montreal PQ UNK 525-5364 Le Pirate Laval PQ HST 527-9924 Alley Cat Node 1 Montreal PQ V32 527-9946 Electric Ladyland Node 1 Montreal PQ UNK Gif only 528-5205 LINQ Node 4 Montreal PQ DS2 528-7023 Netherworld Montreal PQ V32 528-9563 A.S.B.B.S. Montreal PQ V32B 565-6180 S/N 0184-4A18 Lafontaine PQ V32B 582-4949 Coffee Shop Repentigny PQ DS 582-5895 Coffee Shop Repentigny PQ TB2 587-5520 S.I.T.E. Contrecoeur PQ DS 587-5772 S.I.T.E. Contrecoeur PQ DS 587-8397 S.I.T.E. Contrecoeur PQ ULT 595-1406 Avent 386 Lasalle PQ UNK 595-5068 ODN Junction Lasalle PQ V32B 595-9113 Avent 386 Lasalle PQ TB 620-3281 Trial By Fire Montreal PQ UNK 622-2727 Babillard Mario Bros! Laval PQ V32 622-9914 Babillard Electronique Laval PQ ULT 624-5651 VE2MMM Amateur Radio Pierrefonds PQ V32 624-6319 SurfSide Resort Pierrefonds PQ UNK 626-5434 Wizard's Lair ...... PQ V32B 628-4362 PitStop Int. Racing Fabreville PQ DS2 630-5923 Tony's Madhouse Montreal PQ HST 631-0009 Summer Montreal PQ V32B 631-7421 Quantum Zone Montreal PQ UNK 632-5556 Igloo Station Montreal PQ DS 633-9041 On-Line Access Montreal PQ 2400 633-9196 On-Line Access Montreal PQ V32B 633-9196 Online II Access Montreal PQ V32 634-8814 Compu-Link Lachine PQ V32 636-1951 InSight Montreal PQ V32 640-3057 AMnet Montreal PQ HST 641-9521 C.O.P. Montreal PQ DS2 647-3096 Skull Island Longueuil PQ HST 648-7836 Tangerine Dream Montreal PQ DS 651-4264 Mad Jap Montreal PQ DS2 651-8480 Pixel II Langueuil PQ HST 654-7218 C.I.M. Repentigny PQ DS2 655-5808 Les Simpsons Boucherville PQ DS 656-1533 Rocket's Brossard PQ UNK 657-1102 Sexy Shop ...... PQ UNK 658-8231 TeleTrade Chambly PQ DS 659-5010 Zuma HQ Node 2 Montreal PQ V32B 659-6235 Equalizer Montreal PQ UNK 659-6848 Mercenary's Star Montreal PQ UNK 659-9802 Zuma St Philippe PQ HST 661-0791 ComNet Laval. PQ UNK Amiga 661-1625 S.P.P.R.L.B.L. Laval PQ HST 661-6127 ComNet Laval PQ UNK 664-4239 Optima VideoGraph Montreal PQ UNK 666-7889 Devil's Island ...... PQ UNK 667-5969 Club Meg Montreal PQ UNK 668-2479 Sonic Orgasmatron Laval PQ HST 670-4300 Sylvester Montreal PQ DS2 670-5428 Escape Longueuil PQ HST 671-7925 Le Labo Greenfield Park PQ HST 672-3986 Ferret's Byte Montreal PQ V32 683-1947 Rocker's Domain Montreal PQ UNK 683-4505 Jailhouse Montreal PQ UNK 683-6978 For Those About to Rock Montreal PQ UNK 683-6729 XON/XOFF Node 1 Montreal PQ V32 684-4658 Mike's Place Pierrefonds PQ V32 684-4922 Ozzie's Place Roxborough PQ UNK 684-7500 Contact Plus! Montreal PQ V32 685-1152 XON/XOFF Info System Montreal PQ HST 686-1547 Junior Laval PQ DS 686-1547 Junior Laval PQ HST 687-3339 Pirate Montreal PQ DS 687-9586 Arcane Laval PQ HST 689-3628 Max Headroom Node 2 Laval PQ UNK 689-7112 Max Headroom Laval PQ UNK 689-9337 Alstonia Laval PQ TB2 691-6055 No Carrier Montreal PQ HST 692-3216 Micropro Montreal PQ HST 694-1828 Micro Dial Node 1 Montreal PQ ULT 694-3786 Micro Dial Node 2 Montreal PQ ULT 696-1849 Vineyard Exchange DollarddesOrmeauxPQ VH 696-4209 911 BBS Line 2 ...... PQ UNK 696-5707 Little Shop of Errors Pierrefonds PQ UNK 696-9695 911 BBS Line 1 ...... PQ UNK 722-8987 Vette St Michel PQ DS 723-5321 Domtar Alternative Montreal PQ V32B 728-1247 Babillard Radio Amateur Montreal PQ HST 733-5786 Powerphone Montreal PQ HST 735-4370 Operation Promethius Montreal PQ V32 735-7340 Operation Promethius Montreal PQ V32B 735-5769 Virus Free Montreal PQ DS2 738-3664 Altitude Montreal PQ HST 739-1893 Babillard RPix BBS Node 3 Montreal PQ UNK Adult 739-8012 Babillard RPix Node 1 Montreal PQ V32 739-9549 Babillard RPix Node 2 Montreal PQ V32 744-8017 Temples of Syrinx Montreal PQ V32 746-7521 TracyOpus Tracy PQ HST 747-6088 Hammer's Dungeon ...... PQ UNK 748-5673 Rigel St Laurent PQ V32 761-0358 Ashanome Montreal PQ V32 762-4253 1st Choice Montreal PQ V32 762-6541 Programmer's Quest Montreal PQ V32 765-8743 AMnet Pte aux Trembles PQ HST 766-3653 Mac a Mac Verdun PQ HST 768-1986 Not Just Genealogy BBS Verdun PQ V32B 769-1905 My Place! Montreal PQ UNK 769-5023 Brian's Bbs Montreal PQ V32 769-7254 Money Markets Verdun PQ V32 769-7546 S.S.S.F.F.F. Montreal PQ CS2 842-0900 Le Courrier Montreal PQ HST 842-4690 Blue Moon Montreal PQ HST 844-2746 MicroMania! YBBS W.H.Q. Montreal PQ V32 847-7545 Temps Reel Montreal PQ UNK 847-7548 Temps Reel Montreal PQ V32 858-0346 Froot Loop BBS Node 2 ...... PQ UNK 922-6084 SBE Le Nouveau Enr St Amable PQ V32 923-9842 Saturn Node 1 Montreal PQ UNK 933-8490 PComm Daemon Montreal PQ HST 935-1652 Mac-Link Montreal PQ DS 937-7451 Ab.'s Place Montreal PQ V32 937-9984 Electronic Image Montreal PQ DS 944-9961 Coffee Shop Repentigny PQ DS 948-0132 Fast File System Montreal PQ DS2 955-3500 IDC TCXL Montreal Support Montreal PQ HST 956-7751 Adric's CF Node 1 Montreal PQ V32 962-4410 Black Hold Montreal PQ HST 964-1227 L'Ecumeur Terrebonne PQ V32B 964-1500 L'Ecumeur Node 2 Terrebonnw PQ UNK 965-7295 Powerland Montreal PQ V32 968-1709 LogiNord Montreal PQ V32B 975-0671 DiaLaval Montreal PQ V32 (519) Remember all numbers are unvalidated 250-0675 Vision Talk Network LaSalle ON V32 250-8414 Great Lakes Central NEC Windsor ON HST 255-9272 Samm's Addiction Windsor ON V32 256-1020 CzarLand Windsor ON HST 256-8717 Professional Thinkers Windsor ON UNK Adult gif 264-2919 Rib N'Rail Mount Brydges ON UNK 271-2232 Wellser World Stratford ON UNK 271-7221 Montgomery Tech Stratford ON HST4 273-4435 Matrix Stratford ONDS2 273-5607 Chans Land Stratford ON V32 273-7668 Five Guys Stratford ON HST 291-1791 Baby Byrd's Nest Listowel ON UNK 332-0241 Late Night Diversions Sarnia ON DS 332+0638 Meglomania Sarnia ON V32B 336-5863 PowerNet Sarnia ON UNK 352-7010 SW Connect Chatham ON UNK 352-8191 Fast Doors Chatham ON DS2 352-9666 Fast Doors Chatham ON DS2 354-7679 Computer House Chatham ON HST 357-3615 Stravomula Beta Wingham ON UNK 371-5856 Owen Sound On Line SVC Owen Sound ON CS1 372-0708 Providence On-Line Syst Owen Sound ON V32 383-6337 Spilled Toxins Sarnia ON V32 421-1940 Cubic Woodstock ON UNK 426-2880 Net 245 NEC Simcoe ON V32 426-7816 Anchor Simcoe ON UNK 428-9287 Travel Info Net Simcoe ON V32 428-9287 Tobacco Net Simcoe ON V32 433-0002 K&C Enterprises 2 London ON HST6 436-6282 Crystal Marine Chatham ON HST 439-2851 Uplink International 1 London ON HST 442-6449 Electric Knights Paris ON V32B Chess 453-3147 Compu-Enterprise Ntwrk ...... ON UNK 453-7179 Compu-Enterprise Ntwrk ...... ON 2400 455-3853 HMCS Bluenose London ON UNK 455-4860 LonComm Multi London ON DS3 455-6555 HMCS Bluenose London ON UNK 455-9462 Greyfriars Bobby London ON UNK 457-0065 Software Online London ON UNK 457-2986 Computer Odyssey London ON HST 561-0757 Ravenloft ...... ON V32B 469-3028 Hayley's Comment Innerkip ON UNK 469-3173 Hayley's Comment Woodstock ON UNK 472-9173 Microcosmic London ON V32B 472-9174 MicroCosmic London ON CS1 473-1208 Star Net Media London ON DS 473-1942 Star Net Media London ON VH 473-1947 Star Net Media London ON DS 473-5685 Data Tech London ON UNK 473-6721 PC Power Contact London ON V32B 473-8001 Data Tech London ON V32B 539-0523 Wildlife Information Woodstock ON UNK 539-2741 Shag's Desk Woodstock ON HST 539-7383 The Empire Woodstock ON HST 570-3159 And Justice For All Kitchener ON UNK 570-4132 ShareWare Connection Kitchener ON HST 570-4176 Ex-Libris Wellesley ON DS 570-4718 Digital Spectrum 2 Kitchener ON V32B 570-9125 Digital Spectrum 1 Kitchener ON 2400 571-7568 CD-Rom Kitchener ON UNK 571-8337 Magna Kitchener ON UNK 571-8929 Amiga Darkside Kitchener ON HST Members only 576-1863 PlexNet Systems Kitchener ON UNK 576-4528 Project Genesis Kitchener ON UNK 576-6294 Solace Kitchener ON UNK 576-6311 Bakers Field 2 Kitchener ON UNK Members only 576-7998 Bakers Field 1 Kitchener ON UNK 578-6675 Twilight Zone Kitchener ON UNK 578-7814 Eye of the Dragon Kitchener ON V32B 578-9314 K-W Amateur Radio Kitchener ON HST Ham radio,geneology 579-8645 Slaughter House Kitchener ON UNK 579-9939 Platinum Express Kitchener ON UNK 579-9940 Platinum Express Kitchener ON 2400 595-4950 Kingdoms of the West Milverton ON V32 595-8296 Byrd's Nest Milverton ON UNK 621-0561 Cambridge Micro I Cambridge ON UNK 621-3753 Abyss II Cambridge ON UNK 621-8484 United Systems Cambridge ON UNK 622-5236 Sprint Cambridge ON UNK 622-8404 Abyss Cambridge ON UNK 624-0239 Cambridge Micro 2 Cambridge ON UNK 624-1114 Cheers Cambridge ON V32B 627-4961 Petra Wallaceburg ON HST 633-2374 Home Base Node 1 St Thomas ON DS2 633-6357 Cubic St Thomas ON HST 633-7253 Home Base St Thomas ON DS 633-8264 Cubic St Thomas ON V32B 633-9073 Home Base Node 2 St Thomas ON DS2 633-9169 On-line II Node 1 St Thomas ON V32B 637-1649 Home Base St Thomas ON CS3 645-6667 K&C Enterprises 1 London ON 2400 648-2886 BBS 42 Bresleau ON UNK 648-3239 Share Time 2 Bresleau ON UNK 650-2989 Compu-Dawn Cambridge ON HST 651-0674 Flight Control Cambridge ON HST 651-2408 Canada Remote Online Cambridge ON UNK 653-7677 Dakin 1 RA Support Cambridge ON DS 654-9657 Hillside Systems Cambridge ON V32B 656-2274 Ex-Libris Wellesley ON UNK 657-3270 On-Line Syst Cda London ON DS2 657-7485 On-Line Syst Cda London ON V32B 657-7564 On-Line Syst Cda London ON HST 658-0069 RGB Computing Guelph ON UNK 658-0308 DarkStar Cambridge ON HST 658-0311 City Limits Cambridge ON HST 658-2173 RGB Computing Cambridge ON V32B 658-2365 City Limits Cambridge ON DS 658-6280 Shadow's Lair Cambridge ON UNK 658+9570 Aquilon Cambridge ON V32B 658+9583 Aquilon Cambridge ON V32B 658+9585 Aquilon Cambridge ON V32B 658+9589 Aquilon Cambridge ON V32 660-6033 Cybernetic Interlink London ON V32B 664-3835 Mega_Net Canada St Jacobs ON UNK 672-7661 Armadillo Help London ON VH 673-5283 Acer's London ON HST 675-1047 Uplink International 1 London ON HST 676+7368 Oblivion Blenheim ON V32B 679-5747 Observatory ...... ON UNK Astonomy 681-3113 Canadian-Micro London ON HST 686-5203 MTV Online ...... ON UNK 686-9768 MTV Online ...... ON UNK 688-3211 Data Zone Tillsonburg ON CS1 725-0508 Empire Kitchener ON V32B 725-1138 Herring Choker's Kitchener ON UNK 725-3597 Pirates Cove 1 KItchener ON UNK 725-4400 System EX-10 Cda Waterloo ON HST 725-4792 T.H.U.G.G. Kitchener ON UNK 725-7506 Pirates Cove 2 Kitchener ON 2400 734-6239 Southwest Music Node 1 LaSalle ON DS3 735-0496 Never Never Land Windsor ON DS2 Amiga, IBM 735-1504 NorthStar Windsor ON HST 735-2197 Cyberspace Too Windsor ON V32B 735-8974 NorthStar Windsor ON HST 736+3659 Essex Wildcat! ...... ON HST4 742-8575 Sentinel II Kitchener ON HST 742-8909 Gulukzac Tales Kitchener ON UNK 743-5445 Starship Enterprise Kitchener ON UNK 744-3267 Midnight Special Kitchener ON UNK 744-5386 Volcano Kitchener ON UNK 744-9339 Insane Asylum Kitchener ON UNK 745-5635 Starship Enterprise Kitchener ON UNK Star Trek 747-5808 Mempix Waterloo ON DS 748-9081 Atlantis Automotive Kitchener ON UNK 748-9231 Viper's Lair Kitchener ON UNK 748-9763 Spicer Customer Support Kitchener ON VH 749-1206 Super Kitchener ON UNK 753-5672 Eclectic Data Brantford ON VH 759-8065 BeenWare Brantford ON V32 766+4288 Difference Engine Guelph ON VH Power BBS support 767-0594 Lion's Den Guelph ON HST 767-1419 Spark-5 Guelph ON HST 767-1755 Alpha Central Guelph ON HST 776-4614 Canadian Telecomm Centre Essex ON HST 776-4903 Canadian Telecomm Centre Essex ON HST 787-7035 Catch 22 ..... ON UNK 821-1673 Square Heads Guelph ON UNK 821-6180 Hillside Systems 2 Guelph ON 2400 821-6389 Hillside Systems 1 Guelph ON 2400 821-7261 Scottsdale Guelph ON DS3 821-7309 Hillside Systems 3 Guelph ON V32 821-7648 Hillside Systems 4 Guelph ON HST 821-8893 Synergy Guelph ON B32B 822-0896 ACME Guelph ON HST 822-7117 Top Gun II Guelph ON HST 823-5898 Fergies Guelph ON DS3 823-8501 Chaos Guelph ON HST Private 823-9820 BBS 42 Node 2 Guelph ON UNK 824-2161 Devils Pulpit Guelph ON HST 824-3912 RGB Computing Guelph ON 2400 824-3997 RGB Computing Guelph ON HST 824-3999 RGB Computing Guelph ON HST 824-6860 BBS 42 Node 1 Guelph ON V32B 836-6261 Scottsdale 2 Guelph ON 2400 837-1288 Northern LIghts Guelph ON UNK 837-2164 Scottsdale Guelph ON DS2 837-2207 D.C.S. Systems Guelph ON DS 842-7039 ...... Tillsonburg ON DS 846-2901 Telespirit 1 Elora ON 2400 Amiga 846-2902 Telespirit 2 Elora ON 2400 Amiga 846+8578 Telespirit 2 Elora ON V32B Amiga 853-1508 UFP Acton ON V32 862-2306 River Spills Corunna ON V32B 862-5663 Mandate Systems Corunna ON ZYX 882-3165 Transference Sarnia ON HST 884-1663 Robot Visions Kitchener ON UNK 884-2103 Watcom Technical Support Waterloo ON HST 885-1483 Space Age Computers Kitchener ON UNK sales 888-6614 Crazy Train 1 Kitchener ON UNK 888-9976 SuperTech KItchener ON V32B 893-0795 Double Deuce Kitchener ON DS 893-3410 Digital Network Kitchner ON UNK 895-2395 Hangman's Kitchener ON V32B 925-0025 Ambassador Shelburne ON V32B 925-0724 Ambassador Shelburne ON V32B 925-2642 Ambassador Shelburne ON UNK 940-0007 Knightec Orangeville ON UNK 944-4498 Future Windsor ON HST 944-5315 Route 66 Windsor ON HST 948-2211 Private Cosmos Windsor ON UNK 948-3144 Programmer's Emporium Windsor ON V32B 969-6580 Unlimited Maidstone ON V32B 972-1315 Dead End Windsor ON V32B 973-7340 SouthWest Connect Windsor ON DS 973-9330 Windsor Download Windsor ON HST 974-1342 The Giant's Castle Windsor ON V32B 974-5188 Windsor Footnote Windsor ON UNK 974-6829 Briter Windsor ON DS 977-0410 Staff Room Windsor ON DS 977-5509 Footnote Windsor ON DS 978-1871 High Class LaSalle ON VH 978-2225 Dimension X LaSalle ON V32B 979-1876 Practical Windsor ON V32B 979-1921 Loboland Windsor ON HST (604) Remember all numbers are unvalidated 222-0836 Antics Vancouver BC HST 222-1663 Stealth Bandit Vancouver BC HST 222-5507 B.C. Research Corp Vancouver BC HST 241-9109 National Conscience Richmond BC UNK 241-9643 Micromax Richmond BC HST 242-3398 KB'S Tumbler Ridge BC HST4 244-0178 Ammonia Avenue Richmond BC HST 244-8009 Nibble's Roost Richmond BC HST 245-2202 Abyss Nanaimo BC UNK 249-5889 Grapevine Demo Bbs Quesnel BC V32B 251-3564 Bindery Vancouver BC HST 251-9678 Enjoy The Silence Vancouver BC HST 253-5385 Antics Vancouver BC HST 261-2347 Cage Vancouver BC HST 264-0091 Basic'ly Puppy 2 Surrey BC HST 264-0099 Basic'ly Surrey BC HST 266-7754 Wits' End Vancouver BC DS2 270-6475 Airspace Richmond BC HST 271-1082 Commodore Computer Club Richmond BC HST 271-2860 Shadow Richmond BC HST 272-5068 Knightmare Richmond BC HST 272-9847 QuickSilver Richmond BC HST 273-1864 Grey Havens Richmond BC DS 273-5013 CBC Support Richmond BC HST 273-5588 Idle Task Richmond BC HST 274-4657 Fantasia Richmond BC HST 275-0748 DataNet/Mansion North Richmond BC HST 275-0835 Idle Task Steveston BC HST 275-3462 Convergence Spline Richmond BC DS 275-6883 BBS Council Richmond BC UNK 277-9940 Doppler/Deep Cove Richmond BC HST 279-8510 AE Electronics Richmond BC UNK 291-0800 Computer Dynamics North Vancouver BC HST 321-1646 Red Point BBS Vancouver BC B32 321-3068 Peace and Silence 3 Vancouver BC V32 321-6901 Sin City Node 2 Vancouver BC V32 321-9925 Sin City Node 1 Vancouver BC HST 321-9982 Sin City Vancouver BC DS 322-6088 Peace and Silence 1 Vancouver BC DS 327-1098 Boogie Woogie Vancouver BC DS 327-7590 Edge of Perception Vancouver BC DS 327-7869 Karaoke Vancouver BC HST 327-8423 Wai's Vancouver BC V32 327-9494 Castle Arrgh! Vancouver BC V32B 334-0938 Village Green Courtenay BC HST 334-3809 Wizard's Warren Merville BC HST 338-1188 Asylum Courtenay BC V32 338-5034 All Night Node 2 Courtenay BC V32 338-8441 All Night Courtenay BC V32 339-0006 Isle of Lucy Comox BC DS2 339-9805 Guild Comox BC V32B 357-9942 Salmon Sliding Saloon Salmo BC V32B 361-9053 Earthshine Victoria BC V32 365-0080 Big Edge Robson BC DS2 365-2426 Rumour Mill Robson BC BC HST 365-8086 Gordon World Trade Castlegar BC HST 370-1761 Bush Whackers Victoria BC UNK 370-1765 Bush-Whacker's Victoria BC DS2 370-2660 White Rabbit Victoria BC HST 374-6012 DaTaCoRp Kamloops BC HST 374-9697 Lost City Kamloops BC DS2 376-0324 Crystal Palace Kamloops BC HST 376-2842 WhiteZone Kamloops BC UNK 378-9613 Uplink Lower Nicola BC UNK 380-3055 Wild Wild West Victoria BC DS2 380-4030 Island Liberal Victoria BC V32B 380-6399 TCL VI Victoria BC HST 381-7787 Stinky's Emporium Victoria BC V32B 383-0948 TCL Victoria BC HST 383-7681 SARBC HQ Victoria BC DS3 Srch rescue 384-3911 Victoria Online Victoria BC V32 388-9543 Weird Radio Victoria BC HST 390-1091 ISIG Support Nanaimo BC HST 430-8910 Fortress Vancouver BC V32 431-3981 BattleMech Node 1 Burnaby BC HST 431-6260 Sita and the Ring Burnaby BC V32B 433-7315 PCS North Vancouver BC HST 434-3665 Terra Firma Vancouver BC HST 442-2386 Sunshine Valley Grand Forks BC V32B 451-0092 Random Access Burnaby BC V32 451-0638 Gameplayer Burnaby BC DS2 462-7622 Ebenezer Christian Mission BC HST 463-9532 A Difficult Point Maple Ridge BC HST 464-0231 Corner Store Coquitlam BC V32A 465-2114 Programmers' WorkshopWest Maple Ridge BC V32A 474-4107 Wagner's Paradise Cowichan Bay BC UNK 474-7299 Great White North Victoria BC V32A 477-0954 Forbidden Night Castle Victoria BC HST 477-2608 Particle Board Victoria BC V32B 477-4508 Mohave Desert Victoria BC DS2 477-7542 Borealis Weyr Victoria BC V32A 485-2978 CoffeeMug Powell River BC DS 485-7301 Discovery Passage Powell River BC HST 495-5333 XTC Osoyoos BC HST 521-1836 Ziggy's Playground New Westminster BC HST 522-7578 John's Bar & Grill New Westminster BC HST 525-2898 tHe eXpErImEnTaL PrOjEcT! Coquitlam BC TB 525-3385 William's New Westminster BC HST 533-1867 Bear Garden Langley BC HST 533-9727 Terminal Entry Langley BC V32A 535-8069 SoundingBoard Surrey BC V32A 535-9826 Tunnel-Vision Node 1 White Rock BC HST 535-9846 Tunnel Vision Node 2 White Rock BC V32 536-0831 Kiwi-Land Surrey BC HST 536-5889 Deep Cove Surrey BC HST 536-6548 Oatbin White Rock BC HST 540-7071 Gay Exchange Burnaby BC V32 540-9596 Ship to Shore OIS New Westminster BC HST Sailing 542-8920 Continuum Vernon BC V32B 542-9658 Wiseman's Realm Vernon BCUNK 545-9430 AE Electronics Vernon BC V32 546-2705 Star Valley Armstrong BC V32B 562-3632 CNC Remote Systems Prince George BC HST 563-2469 Hidden Hideaway Prince George BC HST 564-5564 Mag-Net Prince George BC UNK 572-0386 Sector 604 Surrey BC HST 572-9323 Nitro Fire! Surrey BC HST 574-1523 U.S.S. Nexus Cloverdale BC V32A 574-7438 SoundingBoard Cloverdale BC HST 582-1915 Tunnel-Vision White Rock BC HST 582-5474 Happy Geek Surrey BC V32 582-6452 Kelly CADD Surrey BC V32A 582-6453 Kelly CADD Surrey BC TB 582-6551 Arts Access Surrey BC UNK 582-6941 Realms Surrey BC V32A 583-9580 Milo's Meadow Surrey BC V32A 842-6634 Virtual Insanity Hazelton BC V32B 584-9811 Basic'ly Surrey BC HST 585-0680 Delta-80 Delta BC HST 588-4888 Split Infinity Surrey BC HST 588-7277 Discovery Surrey BC HST 589-6852 Basic'ly Puppy Surrey BC HST 589-8561 Basic'ly Manager Surrey BC HST 589-8562 Basic'ly Paging Surrey BC HST 591-8208 T-Board Delta BC HST 594-3799 DataNet Richmond BC HST 595-0727 White Widow Victoria BC DS 595-4407 Quantum Leap Victoria BC DS2 595-6234 City Bytes PCBoard Victoria BC HST4 595-8489 Quantum Leap Node 2 Victoria BC V32B 596-9205 Caramilk Secret Delta BC HST 597-4425 Bill's Place Surrey BC HST 598-1546 Plywood PC Victoria BC DS 598-9644 Conclave of the Rose Victoria BC UNK 599-4451 Touchbase Delta BC V32A 624-6085 Tobbs Prince Rupert BC DS3 624-6664 Tobbs Prince Rupert BC DS3 624-9490 Kwinitsa Station Prince Rupert BC HST 635-2184 Sasquatch Terrace BC HST 635-2406 Nighthawk Terrace BC HST4 655-3349 Phoenix (Amiga) Sidney BC DS2 655-4616 MSG Overdrive Sidney BC V32A 669-0079 Couver's Modem Line Vancouver BC HST 675-2828 Dungeon Salmon Arm BC UNK 681-3667 Lambda Speaks Vancouver BC DS2 681-5223 Butch's Vancouver BC UNK 681-6644 PCS North Vancouver BC HST 682-0620 Maria & Derek's Vancouver BC V32A 682-0914 PC-Workshop Vancouver BC HST 683-0421 Kitsilano Vancouver BC HST 683-2144 Homo-File Vancouver BC HST 687-0913 PC-Workshop Vancouver BC V32 693-5522 Time Warp Systems Genelle BC TB2 721-2713 FireWeed Victoria BC HST4 722-2701 Link Nanaimo BC V32A 722-3604 Lost City Cedar BC HST 722-3934 Destiny Knight Node 1 Nanaimo BC V32A 726-2234 Safe Harbour Ucluelet BC HST 726-2616 Slimey Ucluelet BC HST 727-2267 IMARCO Network Victoria BC HST Education 727-3873 Smell Of Bacon II Victoria BC HST 727-6779 Southern Cross Victoria BC HST Neutical,Sci-fi 732-3320 Computer Clinic Vancouver BC HST 732-4446 1040 MIDI & Music Vancouver BC DS2 732-8877 Ed-Net Vancouver BC HST 733-6432 Infinite Dreams Vancouver BC DS2 734-5800 Cardz Vancouver BC HST 736-0303 Kitsilano Vancouver BC DS 736-2197 Shoreline Mission BC HST 736-6310 FreeBoard Vancouver BC V32B 738-2445 Dial-A-File Vancouver BC HST 738-5888 Dial-A-File Vancouver BC HST 743-1482 Knight's Castle Shawnigan Lake BC V32A 743-3955 Over the Hill Cobble Hill BC HST4 748-1170 Totem City Duncan BC HST 748-2533 Wayne's World Duncan BC V32A 752-2914 Crystal Cave Qualicum Beach BC HST 752-5249 Shangri-La Node 1 Qualicum Beach BC HST 752-5259 Shangri-La Node 2 Qualicum BC HST 753-1145 Express Node 1 Nanaimo BC V32A 753-2257 Brass Bed Nanaimo BC V32 754-6773 Minute Man Nanaimo BC HST 754-7886 Not Applicable Nanaimo BC HST 754-8278 City Dump Nanaimo BC V32A 754-8935 MegaByte Nanaimo BC HST 754-8936 MegaByte Nanaimo BC HST 754-9449 GreenSeen Nanaimo BC HST 756-0595 MtArrowsmithAdventistSchl Coombs BC HST 756-1521 North Island Echo Coord Nanaimo BC HST 756-1524 Patch Nanaimo BC HST 756-2549 Undercover Nanaimo BC DS2 756-3177 Square Hole Nanaimo BC HST 756-4304 Net 351 Mail Slave Nanaimo BC DS2 756-9354 Paradise BCPA Nanaimo BC HST 756-9715 Alien's Nanaimo BC HST 758-2710 Nuclear Warzone Nanaimo BC V32A 758-8084 Excalibur Nanaimo BC V32A 758-8157 District 400 Coordinator Nanaimo BC HST 762-6239 New Era Kelowna BC V32A 763-6101 DynaByte Connection Kelowna BC DS2 763-6449 Parity Error Kelowna BC V32A 764-4672 Grape-Vine Kelowna BC DS 766-5659 Master-Mail Winfield BC HST 768-3278 Polish Connection Westbank BC DS 782-9126 SETnet North Dawson Creek BC DS 785-7098 Prime Ft St John BC V32A 785-7263 Quiet Saturday Ft St John BC HST 785-7688 Points-North Ft St John BC DS 785-7926 Quiet Saturday Ft St John BC DS 785-8598 Powerline Ft Saint John BC HST 785-9512 Peace Country Computers Ft St John BC HST 792-1194 Black Tower Chilliwack BC V32A 792-5844 Farside Chilliwack BC HST 795-0013 Colin's Chilliwack BC HST 822-2488 BoZoNet Vancouver BC HST 824-5514 Lost World ...... BC UNK 826-6607 Ebenezer Christian Mission BC HST 836-7446 Copper Island Mara BC HST 842-5212 Theophilus New Hazelton BC HST 842-6634 Virtual Insanity Hazelton BC V32B Tribbs support 853-3282 Northern Lights Surrey BC DS 855-6873 Owl & PussyCat Clearbrook BC HST 855-6874 TimeLords Clearbrook BC HST 856-0739 TimeLords Mt Lehman BC CS1 856-7118 K9 Academy Aldergrove BC V32 872-3052 Polish Firing Squad Vancouver BC HST 873-1778 Fellowship House Vancouver BC DS 873-6625 Signet Netlink Burnaby BC HST 873-8664 Fellowship House Vancouver BC HST 874-3645 Program Xchange Vancouver BC V32A 888-5152 Northern Lights Langley BC HST 888-6124 Morning Star Langley BC UNK 898-3008 Attic Squamish BC V32B 929-7473 Polish Firing Squad Vancouver BC DS 932-6231 Sea to Sky Whistler BC HST 936-6609 MS-DOS Connection Coquitlam BC HST 939-2060 Vancouver Wildcat! Coquitlam BC HST 939-4857 Phantom Port Moody BC HST 939-7156 Blah Board Port Moody BC HST 940-0895 VapourWare Ladner BC HST 940-2366 UniVault Delta BC UNK 940-9511 Pirate Pete's Ladner BC DS 942-0947 PCCC Coquitlam BC UNK 942-2939 Gemini Port Coquitlam BC V32A 942-5371 Mithral Hall Port Coquitlam BC V32 943-2894 Drag-Net ...... BC CS1 944-6479 Sound Stage Port Coquitlam BC HST 946-5815 Gadgets Delta BC HST 946-5815 Gadgets Delta BC DS 946-6868 Chain ReacTion Delta BC HST 948-0272 Hogs Hollow Tsawwassen BC HST 948-0275 Home Hardware! Tsawwassen BC DS2 949-9692 Lamp Lighter ...... BC CS1 955-8174 Shuswap Opus Celista BC HST 962-5971 Exchange Prince George BC HST 962-8328 Game One Prince George BC DS32A 962-9401 Golden Kingdom Prince George BC HST 964-0780 Grey Crypt Prince George BC HST 980-7257 SilverStar North Vancouver BC V32 980-9078 Canyon Heights North Vancouver BC HST 983-6966 Phoenix Express "Windows" North Vancouver BC V32B 984-6036 2nd Data Circuit Vancouver BC HST 984-6158 Moya-Star Fantasy Vancouver BC HST 984-6969 3rd Data Circuit Vancouver BC HST 985-3420 Computer Dynamics North Vancouver BC HST 986-4713 Yakety-Shak North Vancouver BC DS2 986-8791 WildThing North Vancouver BC HST 988-4755 MainFrame North Vancouver BC V32 992-2162 Welcome Mat Quesnel BC HST 992-2781 Rusty Pipeline Quesnel BC V32A (613) Remember all numbers are unvalidated 224-4480 Code Conjurers 1 Nepean ON HST 224-4505 Fantasy Nepean ON V32A 224-9276 Code Conjurers 2 Nepean ON TB 225-3916 Twilight Zone Ottawa ON HST 228-0112 Neighbour's Ottawa ON HST 228-0539 Tern Solution Group Ottawa ON HST 230-1439 Bald Mountain Enterprises Ottawa ON HST,HST 230-5307 C.R.I.M.E. Ottawa ON HST,HST 231-5635 Death from Above Ottawa ON CS1 233-1474 Jungle Ottawa ON HST 233-2603 FedNet Public Access Syst Ottawa ON HST,HST 233-4386 Canada's Capital Ottawa ON HST4 233-4544 Phantom Systems Ottawa ON UNK 233-4774 Canada's Capital Ottawa ON VH 236-1232 Bytown Ottawa ON UNK 236-1481 Merlin Systems Ottawa ON V32A 236-2115 Gates Ottawa ON HST,HST 236-4519 Boisterous II Ottawa ON V32A 237-0647 Bob's Place Ottawa ON HST 247+9190 Star Commnad Ottawa ON V32B 257-4276 Quasar Carleton Place ON UNK 259-2347 Wayne's World Lanark ON V32A 259-2626 Bear's Den Lanark ON HST,HST 264-0445 Lunnie Binn Perth ON HST 264-2675 Jester's Court Perth ON DS2 264-8513 Reptile Ranch Perth ON HST 264-9093 Certa Cito Perth ON HST 264-9231 Reptile Ranch Perth ON HST 264-9254 Tay Monster Perth ON HST,HST 273-3892 Westport News Westport ON HST 278-2989 Fred's Place McDonald's Crnrs ON HST 283-4827 Lester's Hideaway Smith's Falls ON V32A 332-3479 Bitmap Bancroft ON UNK Sierra support 342-0475 Misfit Manor Brockville ON HST 345-0486 Maxwell's Argentum Hammer Brockville ON HST 345-6334 Data Realm Brockville ON HST 345-6979 Silicon Blizzard Brockville ON V32A 345-7151 Palameno Palace ...... ON CS1 353-6495 Observatory Inverary ON V32B 376-6397 Dark Tower ...... ON V32B 384-0080 Eagle's Nest II Kingston ON 2400 384-0436 Eagle's Nest I Kingston ON V32B 384+0738 Softstone Systems Kingston ON ZYX9 384-7073 Jankins Computers Kingston ON UNK 389-8315 Fowl Weather Post I Kingston ON V32B 389-9107 Apocalypse Kingston ON HST 389-9876 Nightmare Systems Kingston ON HST 394-0403 Viking's Cove 5 Trenton ON UNK 394-0685 Viking's Cove 1 Trenton ON 2400 394-4434 Viking's Cove 4 Trenton ON V32B 394-5919 Viking's Cove 3 Trenton ON V32B 395-0417 DoubleK Systems Stirling ON V32B 445-3841 Phoenix Russell ON HST 446-1334 Night Owls Rockland ON HST 446-1550 Covert Operations Rockland ON HST 446-6234 BitByters Rockland ON HST 446-7270 Styx Ottawa ON HST 521-0648 Jammy's Amiga Corner Ottawa ON V32A 523-0077 Tentacles Ottawa ON DS2 523-6844 Piece of Mind Ottawa ON DS2 523-9816 Street Ottawa ON CS1 526-5360 Surf City Ottawa ON DS2 526-5975 Sarcastic Cow Gloucester ON HST 531-0909 Communications Unlimited Kingston ON DS 531-0910 Communications Unlimited Kingston ON TB 534-2887 Wales Villag Ingleside ON V32 537-8344 Tron Ingleside ON HST4 537-8865 Tron Ingleside ON 2400 541-0836 Crazy Banana Kingston ON HST 542-4413 Magrathea System Kingston ON V32B 542-5110 Alternative Lifestyles Kingston ON HST 542-5741 Forge 3 Kingston ON 2400 542-9237 New Dimensions Kingston ON 2400 542-9499 Static Dependant Kingston ON HST 544-2176 Sandbox Kingston ON 2400 544-6448 Forge 1 Kingston ON V32B 544-7787 Forge 2 Kingston ON V32B 545-1374 Cauchemar Island Kingston ON HST 545-9148 TypeCast Kingston ON DS3 546-6403 StarBurst Services Kingston ON DS3 546-6604 Playtime II Kingston ON HST 546-6604 Playtime Kingston ON V32B 546-8884 Forge 8 Kingston ON 2400 547-2479 Challenged I Kingston ON V32B 547-3005 Forge 4 Kingston ON 2400 547-3747 Forge 6 Kingston ON 2400 547-4539 Edge Kingston ON DS3 547-4772 Forge 5 Kingston ON 2400 547-5871 Forge 7 Kingston ON 2400 548-1838 Nightmare Systems B Kingston ON 2400 548-3162 Queen's Kingston ON 2400 548-3295 Nightmare Systems A Kingston ON DS3 548-3344 CrossRoads Kingston ON HST 548-3691 DRL Kingston ON DS3 548-7328 Queen's Kingston ON 1200 548-7744 CrossRoads Kingston ON HST 548-8258 Queen's Kingston ON UNK 549+1038 Salterton Node 2 Kingston ON ZYX 549-3650 Bullpen IV Kingston ON DS3 549-5168 Bullpen Kingston ON V32B 549+6986 Salterton Node 1 Kingston ON V32B 549-7926 Baroque Kingston ON UNK 563-7164 Lochness Ottawa ON HST 567-3297 Board of Authority Ottawa ON HST 567-6425 Liftoff! Ottawa ON V32A 567-6831 Death From Above Ottawa ON CSP 569-0290 Hell On A Disk Ottawa ON CS2 584-4959 Joe's Deep River ON DS 592-6977 Leather and Lace Kanata ON HST 592-6977 Zombie Hub Kanata ON DS 592-8703 RoboBoard Help Kanata ON V32A 592-8943 Kanatarama Kanata ON V32 592-9054 Procrastinator's Kanata ON HST 623-6833 Bugsy's Place Arnprior ON HST 634+2531 Solitudes Kingston ON V32B RA support 634-3058 Fowl Weather Post II Kingston ON DS3 687-4680 19th Hole Petawawa ON HST 687-6047 End of the Line Petawawa ON HST 692-2699 HeartBeat Manotick ON DS2 721-0319 Naughty Bitz Node II Nepean ON HST 722-0489 Locutory Ottawa ON HST 722-2794 Heaven Sent Ottawa ON HST 722-7801 Merlin Systems Ottawa ON HST 723+4743 C.N.R.T ...... ON V32B 723-8526 Golden Odyssey Nepean ON HST 724-3282 Hazardous Waste Ottawa ON VH 724-9926 CARE Canada Ottawa ON V32A 725-1673 Big Bang Ottawa ON HST 725-3787 Local Pub Ottawa ON HST 726-1916 Nitefiler Nepean ON CS2 726+9258 Bullpen Ottawa ON DS3 728-4122 Mother's Board Ottawa ON CS1 728-9871 Snafu Nepean ON V32A 729-9451 No Files Ottawa ON HST 732-4661 Pembroke Pembroke ON HST 733-5820 Talking To A Wall Ottawa ON HST 736-1002 Command Post Ottawa ON HST 736-1481 Cerianthus Ottawa ON CS3 736-5005 House Of The Holy Ottawa ON V32A 736-8658 Smokey's Playground Ottawa ON V32A 737-0758 EntreNet-Q Ottawa ON HST 737-2091 On The Edge Ottawa ON V32A 737-3902 Circus Ottawa ON DS2 738-1361 Diplomacy Haven Ottawa ON DS 738-1793 Source Code Central Ottawa ON DS 738-2150 Cause Cheap Is How I Feel Ottawa ON HST 738-3847 Great Shark Hunt Gloucester ON HST 739-7401 Ned's Opus Ottawa ON HST 739-8634 NorthStar Ottawa ON DS2 739-9220 Knight Tripper's Ottawa ON V32A 739-9772 QuBE Ottawa ON V32A 741-6160 Just Another Ottawa ON HST 744-4262 GusherBabe's Spot Ottawa ON DS2 744-5281 East End Ottawa ON HST 744-5750 Akasha's BubbleBath&Magic Ottawa ON HST 745-5411 Clown's Corner Gloucester ON DS2 746-9391 Super-Net Gloucester ON HST 747-1718 Midi Distribution Network Ottawa ON HST 747-7682 Digitized Reality Ottawa ON HST 748-9873 OOPS Line Gloucester ON V32 761-1361 ISIS HQ Ottawa ON TB2 761-7803 Dream Land Ottawa ON HST 789-6236 Train of Thought Ottawa ON V32A 798-0671 Neural Communications Ltd Ottawa ON V32 820-0324 Electronic Encounters Ottawa ON HST 820-2624 MacUniverse Orleans ON HST 820-4350 REU Ottawa ON HST 824-0059 Role-Player's Haven Orleans ON HST 824-0280 Role-Player's Haven Orleans ON HST 825-3748 Hole In The Wall Ottawa ON DS 825-5922 IOCTALP Nepean ON HST 828-0033 Twilight Zone 1 Ottawa ON HST 828-2008 My Very Own Bbs Nepean ON HST 828-7854 Heavy Metal Nepean ON HST 829-0282 AFI Communications Nepean ON HST 829-1209 Pandora's Box Ottawa ON HST 829-1479 Computer Business-Centr Ottawa ON HST 829+8022 Midnight Nose Bashers Ottawa ON V32B 830-0706 TLOTC Orleans ON V32A 830-2802 Poutine? What is Poutine? Orleans ON V32A 830-5391 Channel 23 Orleans ON DS 830-9217 Channel 23 Orleans ON HST 830-9262 REZ-TEK Online Orleans ON V32A 830-9933 Graphics Zone Orleans ON CS1 831-0632 Wayne's World Ottawa ON DS 831-1510 Family Research Kanata ON HST 831-1973 Heart of Gold ...... ON V32B 831-7408 Neural Communications Ltd Ottawa ON V32 832-0642 Tube Tester Ottawa ON UNK 833-0672 Liar's Club Cumberland ON CS1 834-8021 Land Of Ill Repute Orleans ON HST 836-3878 Garry's Hot Air Kanata ON V32 836-4789 Grace and Danger Stittsville ON CS1 836-7667 Icky's Plaza Kanata ON HST 837-0413 Sam's Place Gloucester ON V32A 837-4296 Rock'n Roll Heaven ...... ON UNK 837-9906 Xak Tsaroth Orleans ON HST 936-8820 Hart Connection Cornwall ON DS 938-5000 DataCom System Cornwall ON DS 938-5498 DataCom System Cornwall ON DS 957-1977 BCH Ottawa ON HST 965-2161 Detention Barracks Trenton ON V32 969-1855 Viking's Cove 2 Trenton ON 2400 965-2191 Detention Barracks Trenton ON HST 969-0111 Direct Connect Belleville ON HST 990-3776 PWC Air BBS Ottawa ON DS2 (705) Remember all numbers are unvalidated 248-2089 Handy Tandy Echo Bay ON DS2 292-6271 Digital Music Domain Bridgenorth ON HST 322-0649 Huronia Dynamo Penetang ON V32A 322-2643 Some Guy's Basement Phelpston ON V32A 322-9607 Tele-Exchange II Phelpston ON TB2 322-9660 Health Prof Elmvale ON DS2 324-9281 Animal House Lindsay ON HST 327-7629 Encode Online Orillia ON HST 328-2632 Faraday On-Line Lindsay ON HST 424-0383 Galaxian Borden ON HST 424-1747 Terminal Velocity Borden ON DS 424-5198 Amiga Zone Borden ON HST 426-7240 BCBCS Beaverton ON HST 429-6036 C.A.R.E. #1 Wasaga Beach ON HST 435-0669 Land of Paranor ...... ON DS 456-4053 Hemispheres I Cookstown ON V32 456-4306 Hemispheres II Cookstown ON V32 472-2592 Keep North Bay ON HST 472-9693 Net 225 Echo Coord North Bay ON HST 494-8538 Dungeon North Bay ON DS2 494-9329 Near North Net North Bay ON DS2 494-9566 Matrix North Bay ON V32A 497-0262 Cool Capture Vector North Bay ON V32 497-7886 Midnight Express North Bay ON V32A 527-4029 Shockwave Midland ON V32A 549-4098 Huronia Dynamo Penetang ON HST 560-1930 Patrick's Corner Sudbury ON V32 560-6171 Madison Avenue Sudbury ON HST 566-7530 Crystal Cavern Sudbury ON HST 645-2109 Midnight Software Bracebridge ON DS2 645-4618 Dtronix Bracebridge ON UNK 652-6496 ...... ...... ON DS 682-4423 Jailhouse Copper Cliff ON HST 682-4961 Jailhouse Copper Cliff ON DS2 687-9333 Mod-M Gravenhust ON HST 693-0038 Bendyn Weyr Garson ON HST 693-1879 Rick's Retreat 1 Sudbury ON HST 693-4426 Rick's Retreat Sudbury ON HST 722-5615 After Hours Club Barrie ON HST 722-5615 South Barrie Area Hub Barrie ON V32A 722-8194 Twilight Zone Barrie ON HST 725-1406 Satan's Playhouse Barrie ON HST 725-1568 Diamond Exchange Barrie ON V32 728-0571 Ian's Barrie ON HST 728-5815 Twilight Zone Barrie ON DS 734-0725 Blazing Hell Barrie ON HST 739-0768 Interstellar Overdrive Barrie ON HST 741-2382 Obsessive Behaviour Peterborough ON V32 741-2528 Obsessive Behaviour Peterborough ON ZYX 741-5669 Download Dungeon Peterborough ON V32 742-1056 Yak Yak Peterborough ON ZYX 742-5585 Obsessive Behaviour 2 Peterborough ON V32 742-9322 Download Dungeon Peterborough ON HST 745-3786 Emerald City 2 Peterborough ON V32B 745-6371 Emerald City 1 Peterborough ON DS3 745-7743 Fleming 1 Peterborough ON V32B 745-8167 Fleming 2 Peterborough ON V32B 745-9753 Altra Graphics Peterborough ON V32B 748-0023 KCC Peterborough ON HST4 749-2256 Fun House Peterborough ON V32B 749-2345 Download Dungeon 2 Peterborough ON V32B 749-3233 Download Dungeon 1 Peterborough ON V32B 749-3475 Gator's Peterborough ON HST 749-5538 Fleming Peterborough ON HST 749-9632 Download Dungeon 3 Peterborough ON V32B 759-2843 Northern Edge Sault Ste Marie ON HST 759-8576 Blue Orb Sault Ste Marie ON DS 776-1316 Burnt Muffin North Bay ON V32 776-2898 Burnt Muffin North Bay ON HST 786-1543 System Creations Brantford ON UNK 786-8079 In-side In-fo Brantford ON DS 799-6918 Kawarthra Link Peterborough ON V32B 799-6969 World of Weird Peterborough ON V32B 876-1737 Interfacers Peterborough ON V32B 876-7014 Late Night Peterborough ON V32B 942-8370 DogStar Node 1 Sault Ste Marie ON HST 945-1393 SuperSoft Sault Ste Marie ON HST 945-7894 Piper's Exchange Sault Ste Marie ON HST 945-7979 Neutral Zone Sault Ste Marie ON HST 946-5743 High Velocity Sault Ste Marie ON HST 946-5928 2M Sault Ste Marie ON HST 949-1137 Collosus Sault Ste Marie ON HST 949-6521 Labyrinth Sault Ste Marie ON DS (709) Remember all numbers are unvalidated 466-3903 Shadow PcBoard Clarenville NF DS 489-4758 FoxNet Grand Falls NF VH 489-6018 Foxnet Grand Falls NF UNK Simpleware supprt 579-2666 Data Hut St Johns NF HST 596-4536 Cheyennes Carbonear NF V32 834-1420 Alternate Reality St Johns NF V32 895-3942 NewsOnLine St Johns NF DS3 Netwrk/programing (807) Remember all numbers are unvalidated 329-5892 Synergist Nakina ON V32A 345+5522 OnLine Now Thunder Bay ON DS3 468-8226 Central RBBS Kenora ON DS2 622-5305 ...... Thunder Bay ON V32B 767-9687 Wolf's Den Thunder Bay ON HST (819) Remember all numbers are unvalidated 243-7179 Synapse Gatineau PQ HST 281-2201 Infocomm Buckingham PQ ULT 372-1219 Innvatron Trois Rivieres PQ DS 372-1644 Ansi Palace Trois Rivieres PQ V32 373-9682 Innovatron Trois Rivieres PQ HST 455-2780 FourFold Symmetry Breckenridge QC V32A 459-2882 Up The Line Wakefield PQ HST 478-4919 ServPlus Drumondville PQ HST 561-5268 Synapse Gatineau PQ HST 561-6745 Synapse Gatineau PQ HST 563-6327 DataMAX Sherbrooke PQ CS1 568-7013 Game Room Gatineau PQ HST 595-2801 Brainstorm Hull PQ DS 595-4917 La Jungle Hull PQ HST 671-4222 VIPS18 Gatineau PQ HST 682-5400 DomTech Aylmer PQ DS 684-6187 Gaia/Galaxia Aylemr PQ V32B 685-9046 Multi Vision Aylmer PQ HST 689-5465 Gil's PC Chapeau PQ DS 752-6565 Connect 2001 Victoriaville PQ HST 770-5163 SuperByte'386 Hull PQ HST4 772-2952 R&D Hull PQ HST 772-9277 R&D Hull PQ DS2 775-4371 SuperByte'386 Hull PQ DS 776-0557 Burst Mode Hull PQ V32A 776-3903 Le Village Normandie Hull PQ HST 778-0811 D.M.'s Connection Hull PQ DS2 778-3856 R&D Hull PQ HST 820-0590 FmmHOST Sherbrooke PQ HST 822-4312 Ulysses Opus Sherbrooke PQ HST 829-1937 Arctic Desert Lennoxville PQ HST 846-4539 My-Bbs Bromptonville PQ HST 953-7546 CIDAfido Hull PQ HST 953-8207 Cdn Int Dev Agency Hull PQ DS Multilingual 956-5440 ICP Hull PQ HST (902) Remember all numbers are unvalidated 425-1164 Great White North Dartmouth NS DS 434-7290 Wild Blue Westphal NS V32A 434-7823 Great White North Dartmouth NS DS 435-3009 The Coffee Clutch Dartmouth NS DS2 445-5661 Insomnia Halifax NS HST 457-9450 Rush Halifax NS V32B 461-1339 Programmer's Hole Halifax NS HST 464-3571 Three Seas Dartmouth NS HST 465-4618 Halifax Wildcat Halifax NS HST 466-4898 Open Modem Halifax NS V32 466-6941 Open Modem Halifax NS DS2 467-3031 Bear River ...... NS DS3 479-0716 East Coast Halifax NS HST4 564-5197 Compu Link 2000 Sydney NS HST 662-4081 Colchester CompClub Rmte ...... NS CS1 679-2258 Teds Rbbs Coldbrook NS HST 829-2277 Grey Madder Dartmouth NS V32A 835-0747 Open Modem Halifax NS DS 857-1721 Tumbleweed Hubbards NS V32A 860+2464 Drywell Halifax NS V32B 864-0215 Quintessence Sackville NS ZYX 864-5394 Bill's Board Node 1 Lwr Sackville NS DS3 Adult 864-8193 Bill's Board Node 2 Lwr Sackville NS DS Adult 865-7679 Brooks Halifax NS DS 868-2475 VE1EI Sambro NS DS 883+1034 Bonhead's Paradise Elmsdale NS DS2 (905) Remember all numbers are unvalidated 270-8493 North Star Mississauga ON UNK Online games 271-3617 Ark Port Credit ON HST4 Christian 272-4067 Homestead & Knowledge Net Mississauga ON V32B Wicca >>>FREQlist<< 273-6300 TPUG Mississauga ON UNK 274-0354 Heavy Horses Mississauga ON HST Clubs,entertainmnt 274-1225 Turbo Board Support Mississauga ON DS2 274-2268 Alpha Regulus Mississauga ON UNK 275-0278 Spinal Tap Mississauga ON UNK 275+5338 Standard Mississauga ON V32B 275-8049 Amiga World Mississauga ON V32 276-0552 Sonic Interzone Mississauga ON HST 277-1508 Wiseguy's Mississauga ON UNK 278+2771 Jurassic Park Mississauga ON V32B 279-0907 KickStart Mississauga ON UNK 279-4794 Playroom Mississauga ON UNK 318-0939 Xternal Functions Hamilton ON DS2 318-6046 CRS Online Hamilton ON UNK 332-4127 Aardvark Burlington ON DS2 332-6200 Flight Deck Burlington ON UNK 332-9207 Node Burlington ON UNK 333-5133 Asylum ...... ON UNK 336-1236 Tron II Burlington ON UNK 338-0568 Annex Oakville ON HST 338-5891 Get Smart Oakville ON HST 338-7229 OTB Communications Oakville ON 2400 338-7754 Crypt Oakville ON UNK 342-3734 Phantom Baltimore ON DS IBM,CBM,Amiga 342-3766 Phantom Baltimore ON ULT2 IBM,CBM,Amiga 342-5573 Phantom Baltimore ON VH IBM,CBM,Amiga 355+5494 Pathways Online ...... ON V32B Recovery 356-3970 Poverty Hill Niagara Falls ON V32B 358-0895 Burning Wolf Niagara Falls ON HST 358-5908 Electric Blue Niagara Falls ON HST 372-2809 AQ Cobourg ON HST 382-3446 Niagara South Hub Ridgeway ON DS2 383-6638 Renzo's Roost Hamilton ON HST 385-4904 Alliance Computers Hamilton ON HST 385-9610 Green House Hamilton ON HST 387-0932 Xternal Functions Hamilton ON HST 387-5507 Tobacco Road Hamilton ON HST 404-2681 Norse Pole Oshawa ON HST 415-8360 Midnight Darkness ...... ON UNK 420-4176 Fourth Dimension Pickering ON VH 420-0234 C Drive Toronto ON HST4 420-0363 Pickering BBS Pickering ON V32B 420+6572 Test Pattern Pickering ON HST4 420-9380 Rainbow Bridge Pickering ON UNK 427-0268 RCSA ...... ON HST 428-3568 Ontario Police Journal Ajax ON HST 428-8746 Star Trek Ajax ON HST 429-8251 Safety Shoppe ...... ON V32B 430-2337 Quantum Leap Whitby ON UNK 430-9181 Pononon Info Exchange Whitby ON UNK 432-1691 Cdn Data Communications Oshawa ON HST 432-3596 Golden Horseshoe Oshawa ON HST 433-4765 Sparky's Oshawa ON V32B 433-8923 Assembly Line Bowmanville ON UNK 434-5833 Connection HST! Oshawa ON DS2 436-0195 Motor City Sftwre Node 2 Oshawa ON HST 436-2606 Daily Planet Oshawa ON HST 436-6509 Daily Planet Oshawa ON UNK Amiga 450-3388 Black Stallion Brampton ON UUK Adult 450-7942 Warped Minds Brampton ON HST 450-8030 Northern Brampton ON UNK 452-0408 Dream Board Brampton ON HST 452-0926 Telly Brampton ON UNK 452-8304 Hot Nights Brampton ON UNK 453-3090 Tantric Sex Brampton ON UNK Adu;t 453-3920 Ted's Place Brampton ON UNK 453-7432 Tantric Sex Brampton ON UNK Adult 453-8856 Night Sider Central 1 Brampton ON UNK 455-0574 Clone Systems Brampton ON HST 455-4843 CMIX Toronto ON HST 455-6575 CMIX Toronto ON DS Subscriber line 456-1918 Coleition ...... ON UNK IBM/Amiga 457-0020 9600 RPM Node 1 ...... ON UNK 457-6489 International ...... ON V32B 458-2260 Virtual Chaos Brampton ON V32B 458-7393 Homestead Knowlege Net Brampton ON 2400 Wicca, Podnet Hub 458-4812 >> Homestead Knowledge << Brampton ON V32B FREQ FIDO 1:259/212 458-5820 Digital Schoolhouse Brampton ON UNK 459-6259 UFO Intelligence Ntwrk Brampton ON DS UFOs 465-7163 Infinite ...... ON UNK 468-2046 Stages NiagaraOnLake ON HST 471-5213 Servant's Quarters Markham ON HST4 Christian 471-5229 Pete's Place Markham ON UNK 471-7932 Servant's Quarters Markham ON UNK Christian 472-4266 Pandora's Box Markham ON UNK 472-4702 Carlo Technologies Markham ON DS2 472-5358 Oh! Zone Markham ON UNK 472-9092 GCS Enterprise Markham ON HST4 474-1632 Cerebral Excursion ...... ON UNK 475-3074 House of Death ...... ON UNK 476-1046 Showcom Online Georgina ON V32B 476-3599 Easy Living ...... ON UNK 476-6571 Physical Graffiti ...... ON UNK 476-9172 Labyrinth ...... ON UNK 477-0579 Syndicate Markham ON HST 477-8030 Surround Sound Unionville ON UNK Sound,adult 479-4935 Starlight Markham ON UNK 507-2439 Data Project Mississauga ON UNK 507-4916 Zentronics Mississauga ON UNK 508-7089 Richmond Hill Local I Richmond Hill ON UNK 508-1081 Northern Courier Online Richmond Hill ON DS3 508-1855 Data Courier On-line Richmond Hill ON V32B 508-4292 Optel Richmond Hill ON HST Programing,graphic 508-4295 Optel Richmond Hill ON DS2 Tech sprt, animat 508-4444 SI Richmond Hill ON UNK Gif, music 508-5948 Digital Forest Richmond Hill ON UNK 508-6082 Optel Richmond Hill ON TB2 C prog 508-6930 Cage Richmond Hill ON V32B Adult 513-0071 Foundation Markham ON UNK Adult 521-8669 Absolute Reality Hamilton ON HST 522-2379 Programmer's Guild Hamilton ON DS 522-8243 North Ender Hamilton ON HST 523-8462 Treasure Island ...... ON V32B 525-7616 Programmer's Guild Hamilton ON HST 527-0066 Psycho Hamilton ON DS2 527-0575 Info Express HQ Canada Stoney Creek ON HST 527-1771 SDF-1:Macross Hamilton ON HST4 527-8027 Creative ArtsBase Hamilton ON V32B 528-0635 Gatehouse Hamilton ON DS3 528-0636 Gatehouse Hamilton ON DS3 529-7569 Renzo's Roost Hamilton ON HST 542-8174 Halton/Peel Network Mississauga ON DS2 544-5006 Blades Revenge ....... ON UNK 545-1920 Well of Souls Hamilton ON DS2 545-2204 Computer Junction Hamilton ON HST 545-5789 Villa Gryphus Hamilton ON HST 545-8541 1st Wave Hamilton ON HST 546-0206 Crucial Taunt Hamilton ON HST 546-0582 Xenon Orbital Station 4 Hamilton ON HST 547-0058 DyMaxion Hamilton ON UNK 547-4088 Rapidware Developments Hamilton ON HST 548-6842 1st Wave Hamilton ON HST 549-2473 MutherBoard Hamilton ON HST 549-5160 2nd Wave Hamilton ON V32B 549-7895 Compu Ad Hamilton ON UNK Buy and sell 549-7980 Hyborian Hamilton ON HST 563-1464 Country Roads Beamsville ON HST 566-8518 Lava Rock ...... ON UNK 566-9479 Camelot ...... ON UNK 566-4754 Dungeon ...... ON HST4 567-4542 DTP Resource Centre Mississauga ON UNK DTP support 567-5768 Rip In Time Mississauga ON V32 568-5294 Total Access Mississauga ON DS6 571-6052 Seventh Dimension Oshawa ON V32B 571-4407 Odyssey Systems Oshawa ON HST 571-6965 Assassins' Grove Oshawa ON HST 572-2307 OSH Exchange ...... ON UNK Health safety 574-5380 Tardis Stoney Creek ON HST 574-6517 Waiting Room Hamilton ON V32B 575-5363 Rose Media Hamilton ON HST4 575-7742 Whirlwind Hamilton ON HST 575-9011 Toilet Seat Hamilton ON HST 579-3256 Motor City Software Oshawa ON DS2 579-5606 South West Corners Oshawa ON 2400 579-6302 Alpha City Oshawa ON DS2 579-6318 Motor City Oshawa ON HST 579-6539 South West Corner Oshawa ON V32 607-3584 Public Domain Linkage ...... ON UNK 607-0985 9600 RPM Mississauga ON DS3 607-5803 Christian Bible ...... ON UNK 607-6570 SuperTest ...... ON UNK Hardware support 607-7866 Neutral Zone ...... ON V32B 607-8157 Realms of Vision ...... ON V32B 615-8190 Enterprises NCC-1701D Mississauga ON UNK 615-8530 Ten-Forward Mississauga ON UNK Star Trek 619-1944 Crowded House Pickering ON UNK 623-5148 ComPro Systems 1 Bowmanville ON HST 623-6664 Software Exchange Bowmanville ON UNK 623-7059 Software Exchange Bowmanville ON HST 624-3455 CanCom Online ...... ON DS2 625-3812 Info Access ...... ON UNK 625-5194 Info Access ...... ON UNK 625-7659 Info Access ...... ON UNK 628-8571 Fubar Dundas ON V32 629-7271 1000 BBS Toeonto ON UNK 629-7273 1000 BBS Toronto ON HST 629-7353 1000 BBS Toronto ON V32 639-1607 Squeeker Burlington ON HST 639-9406 Terminal One Burlington ON HST 640-1664 Data Storm Stouffville ON UNK 640-3501 Foxwood! Stouffville ON HST 642-5015 Heavier Metal Stouffville ON UNK 642-1644 Wizard's Tower Stouffville ON HST 646-0263 Town Crier St Catharines ON HST 646-2235 Compu Ad Niagara ...... ON UNK Buy and sell 646-3660 GT Express St Catharines ON HST 646-5567 Little Guy St Catharines ON HST 648-5079 Right Stuff Ancaster ON HST 648-9951 Programmer's Coalition Ancaster ON V32B 658+8018 Night Island Toronto ON V32B Adult 660-0859 Cool Cats Thornhill ON UNK 660-7835 Active Waste Party Ntwrk Toronto ON UNK 662-2193 Data Warehouse Stoney Creek ON HST 662-6424 Alternative Stoney Creek ON HST 664-7248 Info Express HQ Canada Stoney Creek ON HST 666-4896 Durham Board Whitby ON V32 666-8374 Dark Side Whitby ON UNK 666-8935 Stee's BBS Whitby ON ULT 666-9390 Penalty Box Whitby ON UNK 668-7309 LASCO Community Whitby ON TB2 681-6585 Computer Corner Burlington ON HST 681-8238 Electrified ...... ON UNK 681-8244 Bluz Zone Burlington ON HST 682-1123 Hogan's Alley IV St Catharines ON HST 682-9472 Never Neverland St Catharines ON HST 683-3733 Toronto Pro-Net II Ajax ON HST Mac, PC 684-4687 Cutting Edge St Catharines ON V32 684-6206 Mostly Harmless St Catharines ON HST 684-7710 Doctor on Board St Catharines ON HST 686-7078 Eastern Connection ...... ON UNK 686-9297 Ajax Shuttle ...... ON V32B 687-1989 Construction Site St Catharines ON V32B 713-4079 Showcom Online Aurora ON V32B 722-4266 Slave Pit II Markham ON UNK 724+5359 Futuretron Online Scvs Markham ON V32B 724+5360 Futuretron Online Scvs Markham ON V32B 724+7491 Futuretron Online Scvs Markham ON V32B 724+7493 Futuretron Online Scvs Markham ON V32B 724+8249 Futuretron Online Scvs Markham ON V32B 725-1586 Imperial Rome Oshawa ON DS2 725-5521 Compudata Systems Oshawa ON HST 725-5550 Shadow! Toronto ON DS2 726-1827 CAP ...... ON DS 729-4630 Eagle Swing Pass Beeton ON V32B 732-0770 Knight's Chamber's Welland ON V32B 732-3685 Imperial Terran Traders Welland ON HST 737-0547 Richmond Hill Local II Richmond Hill ON UNK 737-4639 Encounter I Richmond Hill ON UNK 737-6133 Encounter II Richmond Hill ON UNK 737-9965 Encounter II Richmond Hill ON UNK 737-8472 Yorkshire Rose Richmond Hill ON HST 737-9889 Yorkshire Richmond Hill ON HST 738-9832 Polymathic Group Toronto ON UNK 738-1918 Polymathic Group Toronto ON UNK Accounting,business 738-8115 Cyberspace Concord ON HST 764-0108 Connection ...... ON UNK Chat, adult 764-0906 Baudy Talk Thornhill ON V32 770-1391 Adultlink Richmond Hill ON UNK Adult oriented 770-4119 Celestial Blis Richmond Hill ON HST6 770-7339 Extrasoft Unlimited Richmond Hill ON 2400 OnlineServ,RContrl 770-7350 Extrasoft Unlimited Richmond Hill ON HST 770-9048 Celestial Bliss Richmond Hill ON UNK 773-6109 CAP/Analysis Support Richmond Hill ON DS Program support 775-4246 Gateway Bond Head ON DS 790-2151 Midi Exchange Bramalea ON DS Midi,music,film 790-9311 Project X Bramalea ON HST6 Ham 791-9801 Cdn Elect Pub. Info Brampton ON HST DTP 792-3904 Primax/BusinessWrldOnline Brampton ON HST 792-7247 Bible, Dr Who Brampton ON DS3 Bible, Dr Who 792-7890 Project X Brampton ON HST6 Ham 792-8955 Project X (CellularMNP10) Brampton ON HST6 Ham, packet 794-1291 Aftermath ...... ON UNK 796+1400 Club Cave Brampton ON DS4 796-2931 Midnight Magic ...... ON DS3 Amiga 798-1522 CyberSynetics Rexdale ON DS 803-8785 F.U.N. ...... ON UNK Adult 819-8450 DTP Resource Centre II Mississauga ON UNK 819-8177 Gallant Villa Mississauga ON V32 820-4392 Realms of Insanity Mississauga ON UNK- 820-7273 Forbidden Knights Mississauga ON DS2 821-3334 Get Smart ...... ON UNK 821-4471 Eternal Darkness Toronto ON UNK 821-2522 University Hell Toronto ON UNK 822-4974 MasNet Software Mississauga ON HST 823-0556 Back Board Systems I Mississauga ON HST 823-4521 Colour Dragon VI Mississauga ON HST 823-5239 New Beginning Mississauga ON UNK Addictions, AA 824-0540 Amiga World Online Mississauga ON HST 824-3035 Programmers Guild Misssissauga ON V32B 824-4557 Searchlight Mississauga ON UNK Gifs 824-4731 Programmers Guild Misssissauga ON HST2 824-6417 Amiga World Online Mississauga ON V32 824-6509 Amiga World Online Mississauga ON V32 825-8653 Access Media Line 2 Oakville ON 2400 825-9291 Programmers Guild Mississauga ON HST2 827-0704 Amateur Radio Oakville ON HST 827-6284 Components Oakville ON V32B 827-7371 Access Media Line 1 Oakville ON V32B Private line 828-6803 Mike's Gamesroom Mississauga ON V32 829-4097 Geofuel Geoscience Oakville ON UNK Ecology 830-2244 Showcom Online Newmarket ON V32B 830-4207 Bottom Line Newmarket ON UNK 830-9463 Bottom Line Newmarket ON UNK 831-6102 House of Comments Pickering ON HST 832-4660 Batteries Not Included 2 Maple ON HST 835-8770 Inner Sanctum Port Colborne ON V32B 836-8172 Technical Difficulties ...... ON UNK 836-8914 Upper Canada ...... ON UNK 837-2149 Digital Data Pickering ON UNK 837-0927 Net 250 SE NEC Pickering ON HST 838-3676 Terpsichore's Inspiration ...... ON HST Music BBS 840-2005 Blue Moon ...... ON V32B 841-8197 Mix Aurora ON HST6 841-5343 Great Barrier Aurora ON UNK 841-6490 Listening Post Aurora ON V32 Ham radio 841-8197 The Mix Aurora ON UNK 842-4565 MCS Node 1 Milton ON HST 843-3385 SLC Toronto ON HST 843-9100 SLC Toronto ON DS3 843-9720 SLC Brampton ON UNK 844-2483 OTB Communications Oakville ON UNK 845-7868 Genesis Toronto ON UNK 846-4683 Canadian Investor Premium Toronto ON UNK 846-6618 Syndicate Toronto ON V32B 846-9153 PowerNet Toronto ON UNK 847-7143 Access Media Line 2 Oakville ON HST6 Private line 847-8901 Access Media Line 2 Oakville ON V32B Private line 849-9602 Bob's Basement Oakville ON UNK 849-1159 STAO's BBS Oakville ON HST Science 853-1641 Direct Access ...... ON UNK 853-5720 Computer Dreamworld ...... ON UNK 855-5464 Mace's Place ...... ON UNK 855-3509 Slave's Den ...... ON V32B 858-8488 Sol 3 Toronto ON UNK 871-7231 East Shore Fort Erie ON V32 875-4345 MCS Node 1 Milton ON HST 878-5203 Genesis Milton ON UNK 878-5935 MCS Node 2 Milton ON 2400 881-7936 Battle Toad ...... ON UNK 881-8557 Universal Multi-Club ...... ON UNK 882-2146 Magic Kibngdom Thornhill ON UNK 882-2172 Open Windows Thornhill ON UNK Windows 882-5525 Bits & Bits Thornhill ON HST 882-6280 Pipeline Canada 1 Thornhill ON HST 882-8861 Connection Thornhill ON UNK Chat. adult 884-5699 Control Board II Richmond Hill ON UNK 884-5665 ProMicro Richmond Hill ON UNK 886-6734 Out House Thornhill ON UNK 889-3395 Carnage Toronto ON V32A 889-8318 Dreamscape Thornhill ON HST Adult gif 890-2531 Test Pattern I Mississauga ON DS3 890-4545 Test Pattern II Mississauga ON V32B 894-2503 PrimeDirective Ridgeway ON HST 895-0852 Dark Rift ...... ON UNK 896-1446 PSI-Wordpro Mississauga ON UNK 896-3282 Data Project ...... ON UNK Windows 897-1451 Second Foundation MIssissauga ON UNK 897-7609 Shadow Systems ...... ON V32B 897-0439 Final Destiny Mississauga ON UNK Games,RPG 897-7244 Dark Knights Mississauga ON UNK 897-7609 Shadow Systems ...... ON UNK 898-0271 Panic Zone Toronto ON UNK 898-0556 Data-Link Toronto ON V32B 898-2443 Bill Board Toronto ON UNK 898-3373 Syruss System II Newmarket ON V32B 898-4826 Scott's Basement Newmarket ON HST 935-6628 Idiot Savant St Catharines ON V32B 937-1631 Namug St Catherines ON UNK 937-1907 Doctor on Board St Catharines ON HST 937-2291 Second Opinion Node 3 St Catharines ON HST 939-2574 JoJac Bbs 1 Kettleby ON HST 940+9140 Futuretron Online Scvs Markham ON V32B 945-4705 High-Density Grimsby ON HST 945-6131 Acropolis Grimsby ON HST 946-1690 World Peace ...... ON UNK 949-1587 Beasley's Den Mississauga ON V32A 949-9437 Alien Archives! Mississauga ON DS2 984-4076 Air Waves EzyCom St Catharines ON HST 984-4335 Nirvana Systems St Catharines ON DS2 984-6647 2nd Class Super St Catharines ON DS2 984-6991 InfoTech Online St Catharines ON HST 988-3922 WallyWorld St Catharines ON HST --------|-------------------------|----------------|--|----|------------------- AC/Phone BBS Name City Prov Mdm Specialty + means change since last time End of File - 2092 listings