Duke Nukem 3D .MAP Authoring Template v1.0 ================================================================ Title :Stoneman Filename :stoneman.zip Author :Stonemann Email Address :billcoll@cris.com Misc. Author Info :Author of stoneman.wad and co-author of The_egg.wad for DOOM2 Description :Some shit I threw together forthahelluvit Additional Credits to :3D Realms for da game , and All my freaky D'match partners on TEN . Those that I consider to be the shit < whether cuz they kickkass at Duke or cuz they just plain kick-ass! > I list below MrBonus Feyd Rards Mcbain DaD Zozimov Phazer Lazer Darkhelmet Strwrsnut RocketBoy TaskyM nosox PinkyMouz and newcummer .... MikeyJ ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # :New Map Single Player :no (only to check it out) DukeMatch Level :yes Difficulty Settings :no * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Build Known Bugs : None whatsoever * Where to get this MAP file * hopefully on TEN,s Filefactory soon otherwise email me Ending Notes :I can usually be found on TEN