Duke Nukem 3D .MAP Authoring Template V1.0 ============================================================== Title:Polaris Personnel R&R Sector Filename: Polaris.map Author : Henry Durrant This is my first completed map It plays well with single player and is designed to be a co-op map . Description: This is the Rest and Relaxation area of the Polaris Moon Base . Additional credits: to no-one and especialy not to the people who wrote the bloody BUILD instructions ============================================================== *Play Info* Episode and Level : Ep2 Lvl 7.5 (imbetween 7 and 8 ) Single player: Yes Co-op : Yes Duke match : No Difficulty : ?! *Construction* New level completely from scratch! Known Bugs: Lady Bird , Cricket , Grasshopper , spider .... Comments: Watch Out Early On! Enjoy!