v1.1 ================================================================== Title : The Assault on Duke Fortress Filename : fortduke.map Author : Lynn Anderson Email address : lynn@overlord.edp.net Description : Them damn aliens have taken control of your small castle hide-away. They won't live to regret it! Originally, this level started out as something totally different, and things just kept changing (go figure). This is my first level so it probably took a little longer than is should of. There are a few things I would like to change yet, but that will have to wait until I get time. Additional credits : Thanks to Ryan (HawkEye{DW}) and Rocky for play testing. ================================================================== * Play Info * Episode and Level # : Just play it! Single Player : Yes Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes Difficulty setting : None New graphics : No New sounds : No New music : No Demos replaced : No * Construction * Base : From scratch Editor used : Build Known bugs : Let me know if you find any bugs, or have any suggestions. * Where to find * If you're reading this, you already know. ================================================================== Changes since v1.0 * Placed the power switch in a new location. * Lightened up the halls (a bit too dark.) ==================================================================