===================================================================== TITLE: Assault Three/Five/SixBuildThree/Six/TEN FILE NAME: assault3.map/assault5.map/ass6b4.map/assault6.map/assten.map AUTHOR: PinkyMouz (Jamye RJ Hansen) E MAIL ADDRESS: hansenjr@ucsu.colorado.edu MISC AUTHOR INFO: I was a student attending C.U. at Boulder in Colorado, now I just live in Boulder. This is my first map attempt. DESCRIPTION: My most popular .map file. I got the idea for this level from the original "assault" that was NOT made by your's truly. Assault 1 had some great ideas, that being that it would be great to design a level that would make people on TEN stop running around aimlessly trying to avoid getting hit. This level installs fear that you will get snipped at, or worse yet that you will run into a diabolical tripbomb trap. The only way to survive is to settle down, dig in, and get defensive. Of course, the assault series is solely designed to be a TEAM game (at LEAST 2 on 2) which is why the props in the map do not fire. As most of you know that play on TEN, lag is evil, and those guns gave lag a chance to come out and rear it's ugly head. The premise of the assault series is that of World War I. This was trench warfare...hardly any movement, save the back and forth flux of armies retaking and losing ground again. I have tried everything in my power to keep the assault series tied to this idea. There are no advanced weapons in the game such as the devistator, and no equipment that would not have been around then, such as a jetpack. Some have mentioned that leaving these items out limits the assault series in play-ability, others agree with me that putting these items in would kill the ideal of a WWI simulator. ADDITIONAL CREDITS TO: The man with the original PLAN for assault Shogun. Others I What to thanks are somehow included in this map. Find all their Names! ============================================================================= *PLAY INFO* EPISODE AND LEVEL: Ment to replace e1l1.map for TEN, or IPX network play. SINGLE PLAY: Not app. DUKEMATCH LEVEL: Team level. DIFFUCLTY SETTINGS:Not app. *CONSTUCTION* BASE: Tank, and bases originaly from Shogun's assault.map, later everything is redrawn. EDITORS USED: 3DRelm's Build Editor KNOWN BUGS: There are NO known bugs in the oficial releases of any Assault.map This map is dedicated to StateFarm, that little hole that made to play Duke in the Lab until my eyes bugged out. Enjoy it man! =)