$=features to come N=New feature !=known bugs #=bug fixed +=ideas %=facts --------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.5b --------------------------------------------------------------------------- N - Now Kickstarter can hold 1100 maps instead of 900, Kickstarter will automaticly convert your old data file to the new data file. # - Fixed a bug that could make some trouble with the maps above 800. # - There was a little bug in the page display, it's gone too. % - I haven't forgot the chatroom... this version was made by request. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.4b --------------------------------------------------------------------------- N - Now you can press DEL to delete a map, it will delete the .map file and if there's a .txt file with the map, it will also be deleted. # - Cleaned up the docs a bit. # - Sometimes Kickstarter told there was one more map page then there really was, and if you tried to look at the page it would go nuts, this is fixed now. + - Many have asked if I could improve the modem game, by making a chatroom so the players can stay online, I will look into this.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.3b --------------------------------------------------------------------------- N - If there are no maps in the dir you have defined as your map dir, kickstarter will tell you, and where you should change the path to a new dir (kick.bat line 17). N - Now it is possible to return to "the map chooser menu" once you have entered "the netgame menu, Modem menu, or Serial menu" by pressing ESC. # - Fixed a little bug that sometimes could display a wrong map size. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.2b --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # - It was impossible to use another dir then MAP/ before, this is now fixed, you can also use DN3D's maindir now. # - When you had fewer then 47 maps there was a little bug, fixed now. % - This program works in a Win95 dos session. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.1b --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ - Be able to delete a map by pressing the 'Delete' key. $ - Once entered the netgame,modem,serial menu it should be possible to return to main menu/map chooser. + - Maybe be able to choose between different directories. + - Option to show a picture of the highlighted map. % - By now the map data can only increase, this will be corrected, when the delete a map function is included. % - Only the first 200 lines of the .txt files will be displayed. but who writes more the 200 lines of map description anyway. % - Can hold up to 900 maps. (both files and map data). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Things I have not tested which would be great if someone would test and give me some feedback if it works ok. - Serial game - Modem game - Netgame with more then 4 players.