TITLE: "Unrecoverable Application Error" Results Using a Power Field PRODUCT: Ami Pro 2.0 DATE: 13-Nov-1991 PROBLEM: The message "Unrecoverable Application Error, Terminating Current Application" results when quotes are not used and two text characters separated by a backslash (/) are used in the Query$ power field function. For example, Query$(A/A). SOLUTION: Text entered in the Query$ function should be surrounded by quotes. In the above example, the formula should have been entered as Query$("A/A"). Properly entering the quotes will generate the message A/A when the power field is updated. Modified Ami Pro files are available which will issue informational messages only (not a UAE) if text characters in the Query$ function are separated by a backslash without being enclosed in quotes. Contact Lotus Word Processing Division Customer Service at 404-256-2272 and request the modified Ami Pro files that eliminate a UAE when incorrect Query$ text is entered.