TITLE: PGUP Does Not Show Table Text PRODUCT: Ami Pro 2.0 DATE: 13-Nov-1991 PROBLEM: Using the Rows span pages table option, type text in a table cell on page one that extends through page 2. Insert enough rows before the current row so that the last row flows to page 3. Press PGUP until page 1 is reached. The text typed in the cell that spans 2 pages does not display. SOLUTION: In the above situation, place the insertion point in cell A1 of the table. Press PGDN then PGUP. The text in the spanned cell will be visible. Modified Ami Pro files are available which will correct this problem. Using the modified files, table text in spanned rows will always display with PGUP and PGDN. Contact Lotus Word Processing Division Customer Service at 404-256- 2272 and request the modified Ami Pro files that correctly show text in spanned columns.