TITLE: "System Error Divide By Zero Error" Results During Printing PRODUCT: Ami Pro 2.0 DATE: 12-Nov-1991 PROBLEM: The message "System Error Divide By Zero Error" appears shortly after issuing a File / Print command in Ami Pro. SOLUTION: The above error may be caused by having a space after the TEMP variable directory name. For example, the AUTOEXEC.BAT may have a line such as SET TEMP=C:\TEMP (there is a space after the P in TEMP). When there is a space after the TEMP variable name, some Windows applications (such as Notepad, for example) may not be able to print because the menu option for Print is grayed out (unavailable). Other applications may not load at all. The File / Print option in Ami Pro will be black (available), however, printing a document may result in either a "Cannot Print" message or a "System Error Divide By Zero Error" message. If there is a space after the TEMP directory name, the above problems will probably be resolved by removing the space. HOW TO CORRECT THE TEMP VARIABLE LINE 1. Determine where the TEMP variable is being set. This is normally done via the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, but it can be done in a batch file (for example, a batch file that loads Windows may issue a SET TEMP before the command to load Windows). These instructions assume that TEMP is being set in AUTOEXEC.BAT. If TEMP is being set in another file, modify the other file. 2. At the Windows Program Manager choose File / Run. 3. For the Command Line option type SYSEDIT.EXE and choose OK. NOTE: If a "Cannot Find File..." message appears, type the full path to the location of the file SYSEDIT.EXE. If such a message appears, SYSEDIT.EXE has probably been moved from the default location of the SYSTEM directory beneath the Windows program directory. 4. In the System Configuration Editor (SYSEDIT) choose Window and select the line referring to AUTOEXEC.BAT to make AUTOEXEC.BAT the active window. 5. Place the insertion point at the beginning of the line that starts with SET TEMP=. 6. Press END to move the insertion point to the end of the line. 7. If the insertion point moves 1 position beyond the last text character on the line (a space exists after last character), touch BACKSPACE to remove the space. 8. Choose File / Save to save the change. 9. Press ALT + F4 to close the editor. 10. Exit Windows completely to the DOS prompt. 11. Reboot the computer so that the change made to AUTOEXEC.BAT file will be implemented. 12. Load Windows and Ami Pro. 13. Repeat the File / Print command. If the the Divide By Zero or Cannot Print messages are not resolved by following the above steps or if there is not an extra space after the TEMP variable directory name, call the Lotus Development Corporation Word Processing Division Technical Support Department at 404-256-2272.