TITLE: Copying Master Document Results in Source/Destination Message PRODUCT: Ami Pro 2.0 DATE: 05-Nov-1991 PROBLEM: Copying a master document source file results in the message "Source and destination files are the same". SOLUTION: The above error results from specifying Yes to the message "FILENAME is a master document. Would you like to also copy the included files" when the included files would be copied to their original location. For example, the file BOOK.SAM in C:\AMIPRO\DOCS has the files CHAP1.SAM and CHAP2.SAM also located in C:\AMIPRO\DOCS as included master document files. You use File Management to copy BOOK.SAM to another file name in C:\AMIPRO\DOCS, and specify Yes to copy the included master document files. The program detects that it would be copying the included files to their original location (for example, copy C:\AMIPRO\DOCS\CHAP1.SAM to C:\AMIPRO\DOCS\CHAP1.SAM which would be copying a file onto itself and is not an allowable DOS function). To avoid the above message, specify No to "FILENAME is a master document. Would you like to also copy the included files". Since the included files already exist in the original location, there is no need to copy over them. NOTE: If the included master document files are being copied to another directory where the included files are already located, but the directory is not the original location of the included files, a message will appear telling you the file(s) exist and asking if the file(s) should be overwritten. For example BOOK.SAM is located in C:\AMIPRO\DOCS and BOOK.SAM's included files are located in C:\AMIPRO\DOCS. Copies of the included files are already located in C:\AMIPRO\CHAP and file management is being used to copy BOOK.SAM to C:\AMIPRO\CHAP. A message will appear for each included file asking if you want to overwrite the copy that already exists in C:\AMIPRO\CHAP.