TITLE: Including the Source Master Document File PRODUCT: Ami Pro 2.0 DATE: 05-Nov-1991 PROBLEM: The source document for a master document does not print as part of the master document. If the source document needs to print as part of the master document, can the source be an included file in the master document? SOLUTION: The correct way to include all files that should be a part of master document is to use a document that is NOT part of the master document files as the source where all included files are listed. If you have already included the source document name in the master document, use the following procedure: 1. Open the original source file in which the master document files were included. 2. Choose File / Master Document. 3. Select an included master document file and choose Remove. 4. Repeat Step 3 for each included file. 5. Choose OK. 6. Choose File / Close. 7. Answer Yes to save changes in the file. 8. Choose File / New to create a new document for use as the master document source file. This file will not contain any text. It will be used only as a source for specifying the master document files. 9. With the new source document the active window, choose File / Master Document. 10. Select the original source file name (file opened in Step 1 above) and choose Include. 11. Include each file which should be a part of the master document by selecting the file name, then choosing Include. 12. Choose OK. 13. Choose File Save, specify a new file name, then choose OK. Now the original document you typed is part of the master document.