TITLE: How to Paste Link to an Ami Pro Table PRODUCT: Ami Pro 2.0 DATE: 22-Nov-1991 PROBLEM: Pasting copied data from a 123 for Windows worksheet will automatically create an Ami Pro table, however a DDE paste link results in the data being pasted with columns separated by tabs. A table is not created. How can 123 for Windows data be DDE paste linked into an automatically created table? SOLUTION: The paste and paste link functions of Ami Pro bring in different formats from the Windows Clipboard. A workaround is to perform a regular paste to create the table, the perform a paste link to establish the DDE link. HOW TO PASTE LINK 123 DATA INTO AN AUTOMATICALLY CREATED TABLE 1. In 123 select the desired range and choose Edit / Copy. NOTE: You must be using a NAMED 123 worksheet, otherwise the Paste Link option in Ami Pro will be grayed out and unavailable. 2. In Ami Pro choose Edit / Paste. This will automatically create a table with the correct number of columns and rows to match the pasted data. 3. Put the insertion point into cell A1 of the Ami Pro table. 4. Choose Edit / Paste Link. The same data appears in the table, but this time it is DDE linked. Modified Ami Pro program files are available which enhance the DDE link procedure to automatically create a table when 123 for Windows text is paste linked (accomplished by importing Rich Text Format from the Windows Clipboard when it is present). Call the Lotus WPD Customer Service Department at 404- 256-2272 and request the modified program files that automatically create a table with a Paste Link from a 123 worksheet.