TITLE: Changing the Size of Ami Pro's SmartIcons PRODUCT: Ami Pro 2.0 DATE: 23-Oct-1991 PROBLEM: How can the SmartIcons be reduced in size in 1024 X 768 mode so that more icons can be displayed? SOLUTION: Ami Pro release 2.0 uses the following files to control sizing of the SmartIcons: When in standard VGA or 800 X 600 mode-AMIICNV.DLL When in 1024 X 768 mode-AMIICN8.DLL When Windows is displayed in 800 X 600 mode, the same icon images that are used in standard VGA are scaled down slightly smaller to match the higher resolution mode. Since scaling the same icon images in 1024 X 768 would make the SmartIcons too small for many customers to comfortably use, the program uses a larger icon image that scales in 1024 X 768 mode to approximately the same size that appears in standard VGA mode. It is possible to get smaller SmartIcons in 1024 X 768 or larger icon files in standard VGA and 800 X 600 modes by changing the contents of the DLL file that controls the size of the icons for each resolution. NOTE: By increasing the size of the icons in VGA or 800 X 600 resolutions, fewer icons will be available on the icon bar. HOW TO GET SMALLER SMARTICONS IN 1024 X 768 MODE 1. Obtain a formatted disk that has at least 166,480 bytes of available disk space. This disk will be used to store a back up copy of the files AMIICNV.DLL and AMIICN8.DLL. 2. Exit Windows completely to the DOS prompt. 3. Access the drive where Ami Pro is installed by typing the drive letter followed by a colon (:). For example, if Ami Pro is installed on drive C, type at the DOS prompt: C: and press ENTER. 4. Change to the directory where Ami Pro is installed by typing at the DOS prompt: CD \DIRNAME and press ENTER. DIRNAME should be the correct path to the Ami Pro program directory (this is usually \AMIPRO). 5. Insert the formatted disk in a floppy drive. 6. At the DOS prompt type (X:\ should be the drive containing the formatted disk): COPY AMIICNV.DLL X:\ and press ENTER. COPY AMIICN8.DLL X:\ and press ENTER. 7. At the DOS prompt type: COPY AMIICNV.DLL AMIICN8.DLL and press ENTER. 8. Load Windows and Ami Pro. The SmartIcons now display smaller than the standard VGA icon sizing. HOW TO GET LARGER ICONS IN STANDARD VGA OR 800 X 600 MODE 1. Obtain a formatted disk that has at least 166,480 bytes of available disk space. This disk will be used to store a back up copy of the files AMIICNV.DLL and AMIICN8.DLL. 2. Exit Windows completely to the DOS prompt. 3. Access the drive where Ami Pro is installed by typing the drive letter followed by a colon (:). For example, if Ami Pro is installed on drive C, type at the DOS prompt: C: and press ENTER. 4. Change to the directory where Ami Pro is installed by typing at the DOS prompt: CD \DIRNAME and press ENTER. DIRNAME should be the correct path to the Ami Pro program directory (this is usually \AMIPRO). 5. Insert the formatted disk in a floppy drive. 6. At the DOS prompt type (X:\ should be the drive containing the formatted disk): COPY AMIICNV.DLL X:\ and press ENTER. COPY AMIICN8.DLL X:\ and press ENTER. 7. At the DOS prompt type: COPY AMIICN8.DLL AMIICNV.DLL and press ENTER. 8. Load Windows and Ami Pro. The SmartIcons now display larger than the standard VGA icon sizing. If you want to get back to larger SmartIcons in 1024 X 768 mode, copy the file AMIICN8.DLL from the floppy disk copy made in Step 6 above to the Ami Pro program directory. If you want to get back to the smaller icons in standard VGA or 800 X 600 mode, copy the file AMIICNV.DLL from the floppy disk copy made in Step 6 above to the Ami Pro program directory.