TITLE: "Unrecoverable Application Error" Appears Using PackRat Macro PRODUCT: Ami Pro 2.0 DATE: 16-Oct-1991 PROBLEM: Attempting to use the macro supplied with PackRat that accesses PackRat data from Ami Pro results in the error "Unrecoverable Application Error, Terminating Current Application". SOLUTION: Due to the changes that have been made to the Ami Pro release 2.0 program, an updated Ami Pro macro for use with PackRat and an updated Ami Pro program file must be obtained. These files can be obtained electronically from the Lotus Development Corporation Word Processing Division bulletin board, 404-851-1371 or from library 3 of the LotusWP forum on CompuServe. Download the files PAKMAC.ZIP and MACDLL.ZIP from either location. The files can be obtained on disk by contacting Lotus Development Corporation Word Processing Division's Customer Service Department at 404-256-2272. Ask for the Ami Pro 2.0 PackRat macro files (files obtained from the Customer Service Department are not in ZIP format). HOW TO INSTALL THE UPDATED PACKRAT MACRO FILES 1. Copy the files PACKRAT.SMM and PACKRAT3.DLG to the directory containing Ami Pro macro files (this is usually C:\AMIPRO\MACROS) by typing at a DOS prompt: COPY X:\PACKRAT.SMM Y:\PATH\DIRNAME and press ENTER. COPY X:\PACKRAT3.DLG Y:\PATH\DIRNAME and press ENTER. X:\ should be the drive and path where the updated PACKRAT.SMM and PACKRAT3.DLG files are located (for example, if the files are located on a disk in drive A, this would be A:\). Y:\PATH\DIRNAME should be the correct drive and complete path to the directory containing Ami Pro macro files (C:\AMIPRO\MACROS, for example). NOTE: Do not rename the file PACKRAT3.DLG to another file name. The macro refers specifically to the file name PACKRAT3.DLG. 2. Copy the file AMIMACRO.DLL to the directory where the Ami Pro program is installed (this is usually C:\AMIPRO) by typing at a DOS prompt: COPY X:\AMIMACRO.DLL Y:\PATH and press ENTER. X:\ should be the drive and path where the updated AMIMACRO.DLL file is located (for example, if the file is located on a disk in drive A, this would be A:\). Y:\PATH should be the correct drive and complete path to the directory containing Ami Pro program files (C:\AMIPRO, for example). 3. Copy the file PACKRAT.SAM to the directory containing Ami Pro documents (this is usually C:\AMIPRO\DOCS) by typing at the DOS prompt: COPY X:\PACKRAT.SAM Y:\PATH\DIRNAME and press ENTER. X:\ should be the drive and path where the file PACKRAT.SAM is located (for example, if the file is located on a disk in drive A, this would be A:\). Y:\PATH\DIRNAME should be the correct drive and complete path to the directory containing Ami Pro document files (C:\AMIPRO\DOCS, for example). PACKRAT.SAM is an Ami Pro text file which explains the features of the new PackRat macro. 4. If the previous Ami Pro macro for Packrat was renamed to AUTOEXEC.SMM, delete this file by typing at a DOS prompt: DEL Y:\PATH\DIRNAME\AUTOEXEC.SMM and press ENTER. Y:\PATH\DIRNAME should be the complete path to the directory where the AUTOEXEC.SMM macro is located. 5. To automatically load the PackRat macro, an option in Ami Pro's User Setup can be set to load the macro every time Ami Pro is loaded: a. Load Ami Pro. b. Choose Tools / User Setup. c. Under Run Macros, specify the macro name PACKRAT.SMM in the edit box for Program load. d. Put an X in the Program load option. e. Choose OK. f. Exit and reload Ami Pro. g. Upon loading Ami Pro, a menu item named Packrat is added to the main Ami Pro menu bar. Choose the Packrat menu item to access the macro's functions. 6. To load the macro manually: a. Load Ami Pro. b. Choose Tools / Macros / Playback. c. Select the macro file name PACKRAT.SMM and choose OK. d. The macro adds a menu item named Packrat to the main Ami Pro menu bar. Choose the Packrat menu item to access the macro's functions.