TITLE: "Unrecoverable Application Error" and Termination to DOS PRODUCT: Ami Pro 2.0 DATE: 15-Oct-1991 PROBLEM: The Windows message "Unrecoverable Application Error, Terminating Current Application" appears while using Ami Pro release 2.0, then Ami Pro and Windows terminate to the DOS prompt. At other times the message "Cannot Write To Drive X" appears. SOLUTION: A customer report indicates that having a permanent Windows Swapfile on a SCSI hard drive may result in the above two errors. The customer report indicates that deleting the permanent Windows Swapfile eliminated both errors. Information gathered from other sources indicates that customers experiencing file corruption on SCSI drives when using Windows in 386 enhanced mode should refer to the hard drive's documentation for instructions on configuring the drive to use standard DMA channels and not the manufacturer's proprietary transfer method (make sure the drive meets the industry standard Virtual DMA Services), and on configuring the drive for double buffering. SCSI drives that are using Direct Memory Access (DMA) with Windows require additional configuration in the Windows SYSTEM.INI file. Using Windows Notepad or the Windows System Configuration Editor (SYSEDIT.EXE located in the SYSTEM directory beneath the Windows program directory), open the SYSTEM.INI file. Search for the section titled [386Enh]. Add the following line to this section: VirtualHDIRQ=FALSE This information has not been confirmed by the Word Processing Division of Lotus Development Corporation.