TITLE: How to Copy Single Files From Program Disks PRODUCT: Ami Pro 2.0 DATE: 11-Oct-1991 PROBLEM: A single file has been accidentally deleted from the Ami Pro program directory. The file name cannot be located on the original program disks. How can files be copied from the program disks? SOLUTION: In order to reduce the number of floppy disks required to store the program files, most of the Ami Pro program files are compressed into a specific format by a compression utility. The compressed files have an extension to the file name of .CMZ. Each .CMZ file consists of one or more files that are compressed to a size smaller than the original file size. During the Ami Pro installation, a process is initiated which decompresses the individual files within the .CMZ files. Outside of the installation program, however, individual files cannot be decompressed except through the use of a special utility. This utility, DECOMP.EXE, is not provided with the Ami Pro program, but can be obtained from the Word Processing Division of Lotus Development Corporation. The utility program can be obtained electronically from the Lotus Development Word Processing Division bulletin board at 404-851-1371 or from the LotusWP forum on CompuServe in library 2. Download DECOMP.ZIP from either location. The program can be obtained on disk by requesting the DECOMP program from the Customer Service Department at 404-256-2272. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THE DECOMP PROGRAM 1. The DECOMP program is composed of two files, DECOMP.EXE and COMPRESS.DLL. Copy these files to your hard drive. 2. A Windows icon can be created to quickly run the program: a. Move to the program group where the DECOMP icon should be located (the program group for Lotus Applications would be a good location). b. In the Windows Program Manager, choose File / New. c. Select Program Item. d. For the Command Line type: X:\PATHNAME\DECOMP.EXE (where X:\PATHNAME is the path to the location of the DECOMP.EXE and COMPRESS.DLL files). For example, if the files are located in C:\UTILITY, type C:\UTILITY\DECOMP.EXE. e. Choose OK. 3. Run DECOMP from the newly created icon. 4. Type in the desired destination path (location on the hard drive where the files will be copied) in the Destination Path edit box. 5. Double click on the drive containing the Ami Pro program disk. NOTE: A mouse is required. The .CMZ files located on the disk will be listed in the Archives list box. 6. Select the desired .CMZ file with one click and the individual file names in the compressed file will be listed in the Files list box. 7. Select the desired file name from the Files list box that should be decompressed and copied to the hard drive. NOTE: Choosing (-ALL-) will select all files in the specified .CMZ file for decompression. 8. Choose ADD. 9. Repeat Steps 6-8 until all files that should be copied to the hard drive are listed under Files to Decompress. NOTE: Individual files can be selected from any .CMZ file on the current disk, but you will be able to copy from only one program disk and to only one destination at a time. 10. Choose Decompress. The files listed under Files to Decompress will be decompressed and copied to the location specified in Destination path. 11. After the files are decompressed and copied, choose Yes to decompress and copy other files or No to exit DECOMP. If Yes is chosen, repeat Steps 5- 11. A different disk can be used and/or a different destination path can be specified. NOTE: You can exit at any time from within the DECOMP program by choosing Exit.