TITLE: "Failure to Read SCRIPT.INS" Occurs During Installation PRODUCT: Ami Pro 2.0 DATE: 28-Oct-1991 PROBLEM: The message "Failure to Read PATHNAME\SCRIPT.INS" or "Failure to Read PATHNAME\TSNI.EXE" occurs during installation of Ami Pro. The installation does not continue after the error appears. SOLUTION: The Ami Pro installation program copies certain installation files to the location that is being used for TEMP, then reads these files during the remainder of the installation. The above error indicates that the installation program is unable to place or read files at the TEMP location because the directory specified for TEMP is not valid, the drive specified for TEMP has insufficient available space, or some program is preventing this procedure from taking place. The TEMP variable should be set to a valid directory name on a drive with available disk space and resident programs should be eliminated during the Ami Pro installation. SIMPLIFYING THE AUTOEXEC.BAT AND CONFIG.SYS FILES Reduce the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files to only devices and commands necessary for basic operation of the computer and running Windows. This can be accomplished by typing REM at the beginning of lines that should be eliminated, or by renaming AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS to other file names and creating new files with only the necessary commands. It is important to eliminate all resident programs (including virus scanning programs) temporarily while Ami Pro is being installed. After the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files are simplified, reboot the computer. When Ami Pro is successfully installed, the original contents of these files can be restored, then reboot the PC. HOW TO DETERMINE WHERE TEMP IS LOCATED 1. Exit Windows completely to the DOS prompt. 2. At the DOS prompt type: SET and press ENTER. 3. Look at the list of environment variables on the screen for a TEMP= line. If TEMP= is listed, the drive and/or directory name following the equal sign (=) is the location of the TEMP directory. Skip to the section titled HOW TO DETERMINE IF THE TEMP DIRECTORY IS VALID. If there is no TEMP= line, TEMP is located at the root of the first accessible hard drive on the computer (this is usually C:\). NOTE: If TEMP is not listed in the SET variables, it is advisable to establish a directory for TEMP rather than having TEMP default to the root of drive C. Follow the steps in the section titled HOW TO ESTABLISH A TEMP DIRECTORY. HOW TO ESTABLISH A TEMP DIRECTORY (follow this section only if TEMP is not listed as a SET variable) 1. Decide which drive and directory should be specified for TEMP. If possible, use the drive with the most available disk space. Windows and Windows programs (including Ami Pro) use the TEMP directory for temporary file storage during operation. The amount of space required for such temporary files is highly variable, however, the drive on which TEMP is located should contain a minimum of 2MB of available disk space at all times. It is generally better to use a directory name for TEMP which is not being used to store other files. 2. To make the TEMP variable active every time the computer is booted, edit the AUTOEXEC.BAT file to contain the appropriate SET command: SET TEMP=X:\DIRNAME (where X:\DIRNAME is the desired drive and directory name). AUTOEXEC.BAT can be edited with any ASCII file editor, including the Windows programs, NOTEPAD, and SYSEDIT (System Configuration Editor). 3. Reboot the computer so that the SET command added to AUTOEXEC.BAT is implemented. HOW TO DETERMINE IF THE TEMP DIRECTORY IS VALID 1. Access the drive where the TEMP directory is located by typing the letter of the drive followed by a colon (:). For example, if the TEMP variable is located on drive C, type at the DOS prompt: C: and press ENTER. 2. Change to the TEMP directory by typing at a DOS prompt: CD \DIRNAME and press ENTER (where DIRNAME is the name of the TEMP directory). If the system returns to a DOS prompt, the directory is valid. Skip to the section titled HOW TO DETERMINE IF THE TEMP DRIVE CONTAINS SUFFICIENT DISK SPACE. If the message "Invalid Directory" appears, the directory does not exist. In this case, it will be necessary to create the directory: a. At a DOS prompt type MD \DIRNAME and press ENTER (where DIRNAME is the name of the TEMP directory). b. To verify that the directory was successfully created, repeat Step 2 above. Once it is verified that the TEMP directory is valid, follow the steps in the section titled HOW TO DETERMINE IF THE TEMP DRIVE CONTAINS SUFFICIENT DISK SPACE. HOW TO DETERMINE IF THE TEMP DRIVE CONTAINS SUFFICIENT DISK SPACE 1. Access the drive containing the TEMP directory by typing the drive letter followed by a colon (:). For example, if the TEMP directory is located on drive C, type at the DOS prompt: C: and press ENTER. 2. At the DOS prompt type DIR and press ENTER. At the end of the file list, a number for bytes free will appear. This number represents the amount of disk space that is currently available. During installation, Ami Pro needs approximately 124,000 bytes of available space at the TEMP location for working files that are temporarily copied to the TEMP directory. It is also possible that an additional 1.26MB of free disk space at the TEMP location may be needed during installation of Ami Pro if there is insufficient memory to hold files which are uncompressed from the program disks. For general usage (Windows and Windows programs store files temporarily in the TEMP directory during operation), the TEMP drive should have a minimum of 2MB available space at all times. It may be necessary, however, during the operation of programs which use the TEMP location for temporary file storage, that the amount of space required may be much higher than 2MB. Due to the complexity of files (containing graphics, for example) and the number of programs running under Windows that use the TEMP directory for temporary file storage, temporary space requirements may be much more than 2MB. After establishing a valid location for the TEMP variable which has sufficient disk space and reducing the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files to basic commands, reinstall Ami Pro. If the same error appears, contact the Technical Support Department of Lotus Development Corporation's Word Processing Division at 404-256-2272.