TITLE: Printing Files With Graphics Results in a UAE PRODUCT: Ami Pro 2.0 DATE: 14-Nov-1991 PROBLEM: An Unrecoverable Application Error (UAE) termination occurs at some point while printing files containing graphics. SOLUTION: On rare occasions, an Unrecoverable Application Error (UAE) may occur while printing a file containing one or more graphic images. There are two possible resolutions. The first involves deselecting Ami Pro's background printing option (AmiPrint), the second involves removing and reinstalling the printer driver being used. HOW TO TURN OFF AMI PRO'S PRINT IN BACKGROUND (AMIPRINT) OPTION 1. Load Ami Pro. 2. Choose Tools / User Setup. 3. Choose Options. 4. Remove the X from the Print in background Speed option. 5. Choose OK. 6. Choose OK. 7. Reprint the file containing the graphic images. If the UAE still occurs during the process of printing, it may be necessary to remove the printer driver being used and reinstall the driver. HOW TO REMOVE AND REINSTALL THE PRINTER DRIVER BEING USED 1. Locate the program disks that were used to install the Windows 3.X program being used. 2. Exit Ami Pro to the Windows Program Manager. 3. Run the Windows Control Panel (there is usually an icon for the Control Panel in one of the Program Manager groups). 4. Choose the Printers option in the Control Panel by selecting the Printers icon. 5. Under Installed Printers, select the name of the printer being used. 6. Choose Configure. 7. Choose Remove. 8. Choose Yes to confirm removing the printer. 9. Choose OK. 10. Close the Control Panel by pressing ALT + F4. 11. Run the Windows File Manager (there is usually an icon for the File Manager in one of the Program Manager groups). 12. In the File Manager, access the SYSTEM directory beneath the directory where the Windows program files are located (usually C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM). 13. Select the file name of the printer driver that was deleted from the Control Panel in Step 5 and any associated Help file. NOTE: If the file name of the printer driver file is not known, view the Windows WIN.INI file by running the Windows file SYSEDIT.EXE (normally located in the Windows SYSTEM directory). This program is a utility for viewing and editing certain Windows and system files. The names of all Windows printer drivers can be found under the DEVICES section of the WIN.INI file. An example of this section might look like: [devices] PostScript Printer=PSCRIPT,LPT2: Canon LBP III=LBP83137,LPT1: HP LaserJet III=HPPCL5A,COM1: In this example, the name of the PostScript printer driver is PSCRIPT, the Canon LBP III printer driver name is LBP83137, and the name of the HP LaserJet III printer driver is HPPCL5A. The actual DOS file name for each printer driver has an extension of .DRV. For example, the file name for the HP LaserJet III printer drive is HPPCL5A.DRV. Associated Help files will generally have the same name as the printer driver with an extension of .HLP. The HP LaserJet III printer driver help file, for example, is named HPPCL5A.HLP. 14. In the File Manager, choose File / Delete to delete the printer driver file and any associated Help file. 15. Choose Delete to delete the selected files. If the File Manager presents another prompt to verify deletion of the files, choose Yes. 16. Exit the File Manager by pressing ALT + F4, then choose OK. 17. Run the Control Panel. 18. Choose the Printers icon. 19. Choose Add Printer. 20. Select the name of the printer to install in the List of Printers list box. 21. Choose Install. 22. Insert the Windows program disk containing the printer driver into a floppy drive and specify the appropriate drive letter in the Control Panel - Printers dialog box. 23. Choose OK. 24. Choose Configure. 25. Select the desired port name under Ports. 26. Choose Setup and make any desired Setup changes. 27. Choose OK. 28. Choose OK. 29. If necessary, change the printer's status from inactive to active. NOTE: If there is another printer connected to the same port which is active, it will become inactive when the newly installed printer is made active. 30. Choose OK. 31. Close the Control Panel by pressing ALT + F4. 32. Reload Ami Pro and attempt to print the file containing graphic images again in Ami Pro. Modified Ami Pro files are available which will address most (if not all) cases where printing files with graphics results in a UAE if Ami Pro's background printing option is enabled. Contact Lotus Word Processing Division Customer Service at 404-256-2272 and request the modified Ami Pro files that allow printing graphics with the AmiPrint print in background option enabled. Using these modified files, however, won't guarantee compatibility with all graphics files (even with supported graphic types, there is sometimes unusual formatting). If you are still not able to print graphics after obtaining the modified program files, contact Lotus WPD technical support at 404-256-2272.