TITLE: Opening a Document in Multiple Windows PRODUCT: Ami Pro 2.0 DATE: 25-Sep-1991 PROBLEM: What protection against overwriting editing changes are provided for a document that is open in multiple windows during a session of Ami Pro? SOLUTION: A file can be opened multiple times in Ami Pro under the Multiple Document Interface (MDI). Editing changes, however, can be saved only in the first window in which a file is opened. All other windows in which the same file is opened are read only and editing changes cannot be saved from those windows. A read only indication will display in the title bar of all windows in which a read only copy of a file is opened. RECOMMENDATION: To edit a document that is opened in multiple windows, place the insertion point in the window that does not indicate "Read Only". If text is typed into a window that is titled Read Only, the editing can be saved to a different file name by using the File / Save As function.