03 August, 1990 The enclosed files are: hg.icn for Harvard Graphics pcw.icn for PC-Write lotus.icn for Lotus Acsess System 123.icn for Lotus 1-2-3 gt.icn for Graphtool ibm.icn for an IBM mainframe terminal emulator of your choice (e.g. 3270) tk.icn for TK! Solver readme.txt You are reading it now These icons are only compatible with Windows 3.0. To change an existing icon to one of the above, follow the procedure given by the Windows 3.0 manual or posted on many BBS'. The above icons are hereby placed in the shareware domain. Feel free to distribute them but please do not alter them. Any questions or comments are appreciated. No money is solicited, however, if you find these icons useful and you are using them on a daily basis, donations of $4.00 are accepted. If you want to have costumized icons but do not have the time to bother with them, do not hesitate to contact me. Good luck and have fun! Erno Sajo, Compuserve: 72330,3101