Getting a Perfect Score

Hint 1 of 17:
Here are the important facts:

Hint 2 of 17:
1) Tuttle's house was searched.

Hint 3 of 17:
2) Tuttle had information on shady business deals.

Hint 4 of 17:
3) Tuttle sent out an envelope smelling like lilacs.

Hint 5 of 17:
4) Chinaberry was found on Tuttle's cup and pipe.

Hint 6 of 17:
5) Livingston and Swathmore were friends.

Hint 7 of 17:
6) Swathmore hid some envelopes from his secretary.

Hint 8 of 17:
7) Tuttle had records on a few trust accounts.

Hint 9 of 17:
8) A letter was mailed to Heathcliff.

Hint 10 of 17:
Here is where you need to go: (I indicates Irregulars)

Hint 11 of 17:
1) Melvin Tuttle

Hint 12 of 17:
2) Virginia Monroe

Hint 13 of 17:
3) August Heathcliff (I)

Hint 14 of 17:
4) H. R. Murray

Hint 15 of 17:
5) Bell's Baths (I)
