_________________________________ | PC-IBM CHEAT ZONE (c) | | v.1.34 05 April 1994 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ USEFUL RESOURCES by The Wild Ghost Inc. Cheats for 104 games of PC's world AN ITALIAN PRODUCTION: THE MOST COMPLETE LIST (I KNOW) IN THE WORLD! BEWARE IMITATIONS !!!! ALL THE GAMES IN THIS LIST ARE AVAILABLE FOR THE PC-IBM THE CHEATS WITH LABEL *TESTED* HAVE BEEN TESTED BY THE AUTHOR ITSELF THE CHEATS WICH HAVE IN FIRST LINE THE PHRASE "ORIGINAL" WAS DISCOVERED BY AUTHOR'S TEAM INDIPENDENTLY. _ORIGINAL____________________________________________________________________ ANOTHER WORLD *TESTED* The password in exact order are: LDKD HTDC CLLD LBKG XDDJ FXLC KRFK KLFB HBHK BRTD TFBB TXHF <-- these 2 parts there weren't on Amiga CKJL LFCK To insert them, press C at any time. _____________________________________________________________________________ ARCHIPELAGOS Solve Arcipelago 1. Press RETURN to select an arcipelago, type 8421 and press RETURN. Press RETURN again and you'll be able to choose any arcipelago from 1 to 9999. _____________________________________________________________________________ ARKANOID Pause the game with Space Bar and type DSIMAGIC. Then press Space Bar again. Pick up the falling block and with keys... C - the ball will stay with you D - the ball will become three balls E - you'll be larger L - Laser P - Extra life S - Slow the ball _____________________________________________________________________________ ATOMINO Here are the codes: Level Code ------- ------ 10 SIGMA 20 LIBELLE 30 HEROLD 40 HARALD 50 URAL 60 BOJE 70 TRIUMPH 80 GOETHE 90 HUSTEN 100 DIESES _____________________________________________________________________________ BABY JO The passwords are: LEVEL 2 (CAVES) - YOUPI LEVEL 3 (PICNIC) - GLOUP LEVEL 4 (HOME) - MUMMY _____________________________________________________________________________ BART SIMPSONS VS. SPACE MUTANTS In the title screen type COWABUNGA for infinite lifes. _____________________________________________________________________________ BATMAN In title screen type JAMMMM and you'll have infinite lifes. Moreover with F10 you'll jump to next level. _____________________________________________________________________________ BATTLE ISLE The codes are: One Player Two Players ------------ ------------- FIRST CONRA GHOST PHASE GAMMA EXOTY MARSS MOUNT EAGLE FIGHT METAN RUSTY FOTON FIFTH POLAR VESUV TIGER MAGIC SNAKE SPACE ZENIT VALEY DONNN TESTY VESTA TERRA OXXID SLAVE DEMON NEVER GIANT RIVER EUROP STORM _____________________________________________________________________________ BBS JANE SEYMOUR Here the codes: 1 - BBS 2 - JANE 3 - SEYMOUR 4 - BY 5 - DOCTOR 6 - DINOSAUR 7 - AND 8 - GREMLIN 9 - GRAEME 10 - ROB _____________________________________________________________________________ BOMBUZAL *TESTED* The codes are: ROSS RATT LISA SINK DAVE BIKE IRON BIRD LEAD TAPE WEED VASE RING PILL GIRL SPOT GOLD PALM OPAL LOCK SONG SAFE FIRE WORM LAMP TREE SINK For particular effects try: NOSE EYES HAIR SIGN MYTH. _____________________________________________________________________________ BUDOKHAN Move the pointer down to the right of the screen Dojo and press B. You'll play ARKANOID-like game!!!. _____________________________________________________________________________ CARRIER COMMAND Type THE BEST IS YET TO BE and press + on the numeric keypad to become invincible. _____________________________________________________________________________ CIVILIZATION In the first versions you can see the whole map and destroy all enemies keeping pressed SHIFT and typing: 1234567890QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKL _____________________________________________________________________________ COMMANDER KEEN Keep pressed the letters G O D and you'll be able to walk trough enemies and walls. With the stick you'll can jump higher. _____________________________________________________________________________ DOOM (Both Shareware and Commercial Versions) *TESTED* If you have problems with this great game follow the instructions: * Press TAB to see the Level Map. * From here you can insert some codes: IDDT A first time you'll see the whole map of current Level. IDDT A second time you'll see all objects, monsters and secret passages. IDKFA You'll get ALL arms with max ammo!!!! IDDQD You'll have endless health (go and blast, dude!!!). May the GOD be with you, and defeat the DEVIL!!! _____________________________________________________________________________ DRAGON'S LAIR I Load the game typing GAME; when the bidge's monster get you (first screen), press ESC and you'll see the final sequence!!! The right moves to end this game are: Act 1: RIGHT Act 2: DOWN.UP.UP.LEFT Act 3: RIGHT.LEFT Act 4: UP.UP Act 5: FIRE.FIRE Act 6: LEFT Act 7: RIGHT.RIGHT.RIGHT.RIGHT Act 8: LEFT.LEFT Act 8a: RIGHT Act 8b: LEFT.RIGHT.DOWN.FIRE Act 9: RIGHT.DOWN.FIRE Act 10: FIRE.RIGHT Act 10a: UP Act 10b: LEFT Act 11: DOWN Act 12: RIGHT Act 13: RIGHT Act 14: UP.LEFT Act 15: RIGHT Act 16: FIRE Act 17: RIGHT.UP.LEFT.RIGHT Act 18: UP Act 19: RIGHT.LEFT Act 19a: UP Act 19b: RIGHT Act 20: UP Act 21: UP.FIRE _____________________________________________________________________________ DRAGON'S LAIR III: THE CURSE OF MORDREAD To end this games follow these moves: Act 1 - UP.FIRE.FIRE.RIGHT.FIRE Act 2 - FIRE.LEFT.LEFT.UP.DOWN.FIRE.RIGHT.FIRE.LEFT.FIRE.UP.RIGHT.LEFT Act 3 - FIRE.LEFT.UP.RIGHT.LEFT.FIRE Act 4 - UP.LEFT.DOWN.RIGHT.RIGHT.DOWN.FIRE.UP.RIGHT.DOWN.RIGHT.FIRE.FIRE.FIRE Act 5 - LEFT.FIRE.DOWN.RIGHT.RIGHT.UP.FIRE.UP.FIRE Act 6 - FIRE.DOWN.FIRE.FIRE.LEFT.UP.UP.RIGHT.UP.RIGHT.RIGHT.UP.RIGHT.RIGHT. DOWN.LEFT.DOWN.RIGHT.RIGHT.FIRE _____________________________________________________________________________ DRAKKHEN When you make a character, name it "31415927" ( Pi-Greco ). Then type "SUPERVISOR". During the game, with F10 you'll get Hits e Magic Points. With F8 and clicking in the lower right corner of the dialog window you'll get more power and you'll jump to level 14. _____________________________________________________________________________ DUKE NUKEM Keep pressed [PAGE DOWN] and [BACKSPACE], and Duke will get all the keys and maximum fire power. _ORIGINAL____________________________________________________________________ DYNABLASTER *TESTED* Here are the code for ALL levels (tremendous!!!): 1.1 Inizio 3.6 UWVKOOSK 6.2 UCHHVTTN 8.5 UWYFQSGP 1.2 UBFLIQVV 3.7 MKNAOIEK 6.3 UCHHVMTU 8.6 MBEAQEKE 1.3 UBFLOJVG 3.8 MKHAOSYL 6.4 UCLHVLGN 8.7 UOAONMLH 1.4 MXKWOLYK 4.1 UBCZVQLG 6.5 MBLNGHNA 8.8 UXYFNNGU last level!! 1.5 MKZLOGAK 4.2 UAGKVJZE 6.5 MAWCGHKT 8.8 UUYFNNUG 1.6 MXFWOGYK 4.3 UBHZVQUT 6.6 UKHHWQUV 8.8 UKBONNGU 1.7 UOFLHMEU 4.3 MUCEENKC 6.7 MUBCPOKC 8.8 MCCAQINK 1.8 UXYWHNVH 4.4 UWNKVSLV 6.8 MWECGBPU 2.1 MOZLEETN 4.5 MXEEELNY 7.1 MBANWTNA 2.2 UKRLWGVK 4.6 MCOAGPET 7.2 UUVKMIKN 2.3 MCYLBBTP 4.7 UAEKVGTA 7.3 UWVKITNG 2.4 MXVEEOYH 4.8 UXYVNOHH 7.4 UOZZMQKN 2.5 MXVEEIAH 5.1 MKZNTNLH 7.5 UCZZILKU 2.6 UAGKVEEN 5.2 MCONSQEP 7.6 UBHZILNK 2.7 MXCEEOEK 5.3 MUCCTNYN 7.7 UUGKMJKA 2.8 UUNKWWEP 5.4 MKHNTGVH 7.8 UUKKMSKZ 3.1 MUVEOSTP 5.4 MUVCTGEP 8.1 UCZOQBHA 3.2 UAGKOPEN 5.5 MBANSPCY 8.1 MAOEIIVC 3.3 MXCEOEEK 5.6 UUVVMPTA 8.2 UWVFQBPV 3.4 UOCZHBEN 5.7 UXKVMEAL 8.3 UXOFNLGP 3.5 UCZZOORU 5.8 MUECMEYC 8.4 UBBOQIGS _____________________________________________________________________________ EYE OF HORUS In title screen type SPAM to get endless lifes. You'll be able to use elevators without the right keys!!! _____________________________________________________________________________ ELF Pause the game with P and then type HIGHLANDER. Press P again and the followin keys will be available: I Endless lifes E To get the machine M To get end-level monster S To play next level _____________________________________________________________________________ ELITE To get 256 missiles. If you have never got missiles, buy ONE missile, go out space station, poit your ID to station, but do not fire. Land, sell the missile, go out again, and press M. Ok, dude!!! _____________________________________________________________________________ ELITE II To get muuuuuch money... Get a passanger and then try trading your ship with one less expensive. If you have one passanger, you can't do that, but you'll get the difference, just clicking on 'BUY'... _____________________________________________________________________________ ELVIRA: MISTRESS OF THE DARK When you die (and the blood appear on the screen), wait until you'll be asked for playing again. Take away the floppy and choose YES. You'll play from the point of your death!!! _ORIGINAL____________________________________________________________________ ELVIRA ][ : THE ARCADE GAME *TESTED* To get more lifes, just change, in SETUP.FOP, byte number 9: for example put 09 and you'll get 3 + 2 x 09 = 21 lifes. _ORIGINAL____________________________________________________________________ E-MOTION *TESTED* If you want to see all levels, just use this tip imported from Amiga: type MOONUNIT when Einstein is on the screen and then, during the game, use F1 and F2. ____________________________________________________________________________ EPIC *TESTED* The Passwords for all the 9 missions are: Mission 1: AURIGA Mission 2: CEPHEUS Mission 3: APUS Mission 4: MUSCA Mission 5: PYXIS Mission 6: CETUS Mission 7: FORNAX Mission 8: CAELUM Mission 9: CORVUS _____________________________________________________________________________ F-29 RETALIATOR *TESTED* Call yourself THE DIDY MAN. You'll get more weapons and you can press RETURN to land. Moreover try to sign as CIARAN... _ORIGINAL____________________________________________________________________ FALCON 3.0 *TESTED* Pause the game with P, press TAB and then T. You'll be in the TRANSPORTER ROOM. You'll be asked for NS (Nord-South) and EW (East-West) coordinates. If you don't know your exact destination, type D and move with cursor keys. To resume playing press P again. From analysis of the EXE file, there exists a CHEAT ROOM. If you find it, let me know !!! _____________________________________________________________________________ FALCON AT Press [Ctrl], [Shift] and [X] when flying and you'll get fuel and armour!!! _____________________________________________________________________________ FANTASY WORLD DIZZY In the high-score sign yourself as IMMORTAL and you'll get endless lifes. _____________________________________________________________________________ FIGHTER BOMBER Click on "user mission" and press "select". As your name type one of the following: Sleeper for OPERATION SLEEPER Farmhous for OPERATION FARM HOUSE Bridgeen for OPERATION BRIDGE END Strikefo for OPERATION STRIKE FORCE Spearchu for OPERATION SPEAR CHUCK Navarron for OPERATION NAVARRONE Samsmash for OPERATION SAM SMASHER Axeattac for OPERATION AXE ATTAC Tentbust for OPERATION TENT BUSTER Cookhous for OPERATION COOK HOUSE Bigbird for OPERATION BIG BIRD Molestra for OPERATION MOLE STRANG Ammodump for OPERATION AMMO DUMP Brokenar for OPERATION BROKEN ARROW Bigchief for OPERATION BIG CHIEF Finalfro for OPERATION FINAL FRONT _ORIGINAL____________________________________________________________________ FLASHBACK *TESTED* FRENCH VERSION LEVEL DIFFICULT ------------- ----------- nø EASY NORMAL EXPERT --- ------ ------ ------ 1 JAGUAR BANTHA TOHOLD 2 COMBEL SHIVA PICOLO 3 ANTIC KASYYK FUGU 4 NOLAN SARLAC CAPSUL 5 ARTHUR MAENOC ZZZAP 6 SHIRYU SULUST MANIAC 7 RENDER NEPTUN NO WAY End BELUGA BELUGA BELUGA _____________________________________________________________________________ GOBLIINS! *TESTED* The passwords for all the 22 levels are: Level 1 No Password Level 2 VQVQFDE Level 3 ICIGCAA Level 4 ECPQPCC Level 5 FTWKFEN Level 6 HQWFTFW Level 7 DWNDGBW Level 8 JCJCJHM Level 9 ICVGCGT Level 10 LQPCUJV Level 11 HNWVGKB Level 12 FTQKVLE Level 13 DCPLQMH Level 14 EWDGPNL Level 15 TCNGTOV Level 16 TCVQRPM Level 17 IQDNKQO Level 18 KKKPURE Level 19 NGOGKSP Level 20 NNGWTTO Level 21 LGWFGUS Level 22 TQNGFVC ____________________________________________________________________________ GODS This program give the password in dependence of your system. So the following passwords may not be useful to you. 1) No Password 2) OLT 3) UME 4) KDY _____________________________________________________________________________ GOLDEN AXE *TESTED* When the skeleton appears to choose players, press the level number which you want to play... _____________________________________________________________________________ GREMLINS II When on the screen appear the programmers names type AMBLIN and you'll be very, very, very .... _____________________________________________________________________________ HARE RAISING HAVOC (ROGER RABBIT II) *TESTED* To jump to next level keep pressed [Alt], [Ctrl] and then press [F5]!!! _____________________________________________________________________________ HELTER SKELTER Here are the codes for some level: 11 - SPIN 21 - FLIP 31 - BALL 41 - GOAL 51 - LEFT 61 - TWIN 71 - PLAY _____________________________________________________________________________ HISTORYLINE 1914-18 A lot of codes are: PULSE GOOSE SPORT BIMBO TEMPO BARON BUMMM LEVEL TOXIN PRINC CLEAN XENON SIGNS HOUSE SIGMA SEVEN ZOMBI MOVES BLADE ZORRO STONE MOSEL ORDER SODOM _____________________________________________________________________________ HOSTAGE To become Captain or Commander try: HPETS or EDUAB. _____________________________________________________________________________ INDIANA JONES AND THE FATE OF ATLANTIS (ADVENTURE) Just press INS during the fight to defeat your enemy. _____________________________________________________________________________ INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE In the title screen type IEHOVAH and then press L to jump level, or 1 or 2 to advance in respective level. _ORIGINAL____________________________________________________________________ JAMES POND II: OPERATION ROBOCOD *TESTED* Launch the program in this way: ROBOCOD /RECXX where XX is the level number you want to play (i.e. 02). _ORIGINAL____________________________________________________________________ KING OF THE BEACH *TESTED* The passwords for all the levels are: 1) SIDEOUT 2) GEKKO 3) TOPFLITE 4) SUNDEVIL Try too: 1) LOGIC ON ( LOGIC OFF ) 2) CHEAT ON ( CHEAT OFF ) _____________________________________________________________________________ LEISURE SUIT LARRY ]I[ *TESTED* After the questions press CTRL, ALT and X and you'll be able to choose the game level. _____________________________________________________________________________ LEMMINGS THE CODES --------- FUN LEVEL: TRICKY LEVEL: TAXING LEVEL: MAYHEM LEVEL: 1: AREYOUNUTS 1: HBANLMFPDV 1: MFIBAJLNFS 1: NHMFHFALHV 2: IJJLDNCCCN 2: BINCMFHQDO 2: FIBIJLMOFL 2: HMFHFINMHO 3: OHNLHCADCN 3: BAJHLDIBEO 3: IBANLMFPFY 3: MFHFAJLNHX 4: HNLHCIOECW 4: IJHLDIBCEX 4: BINLMFIQFR 4: FHFIJLMOHQ 5: LDLCAJNFCK 5: NHLDIBADEU 5: FAJHLDHBGT 5: HFANLMFPHN 6: DLCIJNLGCT 6: HLDIBINEEN 6: IJHLDHFCGM 6: FINLMFHQHW 7: HCANNNLHCW 7: LDIBAJLFEW 7: NHLDHFADGJ 7: FAJHLDIBIW 8: CINNLDLICJ 8: DIBIJLLGEP 8: HLDHFINEGS 8: IJHLDIFCIP 9: CEKHMDLJCO 9: IBANLLDHEM 9: LDHFAJLFGL 9: NHLDIFADIM 10:MKHMDLCKCX 10:BINLLDIIEV 10:DHFIJLLGGV 10:HLDIFINEIV 11:NHMLHCALCT 11:BAJHMDIJEX 11:HFANLLDHGR 11:LDIFAJLFIO 12:HMDLCIOMCJ 12:IJHMDIBKEQ 12:FINLLDHIGK 12:DIFIJLLGIX 13:MDLCAKLNCS 13:NHMDIBALEN 13:FAJHMDHJGM 13:IFANLLDHIM 14:LHCIKLOOCR 14:HMDIBINMEW 14:IJHMDHFKGV 14:FINLLDIIIN 15:HCEONOLPCU 15:MDIBAJLNEP 15:NHMDHFALGS 15:FAJHMDIJIP 16:CMOLMDLQCV 16:DIBIJLMOEY 16:HMDHFINMGL 16:IJHMDIFKIY 17:CAJHLFLBOT 17:IBANLMDPEV 17:MDHFAJLNGV 17:NHMDIFALIV 18:IJHLNHBCOP 18:BINLMDIQEO 18:DHFIJLMOGN 18:HMDIFINMIO 19:OHLFHBADDV 19:BAJHLFIBFR 19:HFANLMDPGK 19:MDIFAJLNIX 20:JLNACIOEDJ 20:IJHLFIBCFK 20:FINLMDHQGT 20:DIFIJLMOIQ 21:NNHCAKLFDS 21:NHLFIBADFX 21:FAJHLFHBHW 21:IFANLMDPIN 22:NHCMJLNGDO 22:HLFIBINEFQ 22:IJHLFHFCHP 22:FINLMDIQIW 23:HCAOLLNHDW 23:LFIBAJLFFJ 23:NHLFHFADHM 23:FAJHLFIBJJ 24:BINLLFHIDV 24:FIBIJLLGFS 24:HLFHFINEHV 24:IJHLFIFCJS 25:BAJHMFHJDX 25:IBANLLFHFP 25:LFHFAJLFHO 25:NHLFIFADJP 26:IJHMFLCKDV 26:BINLLFIIFY 26:FHFIJLLGHX 26:HLFIFINEJY 27:NHMFHBALON 27:BAJHMFIJFK 27:HFANLLFHHV 27:LFIFAJLFJR 28:HMNHCINMDP 28:IJHMFIBKFT 28:FINLLFHIHN 28:FIFIJLLGJK 29:MFHBAJLNDP 29:NHMFIBALFQ 29:FAJHMFHJHP 29:IFANLLFHJX 30:FHBIJLMODY 30:HMFIBINMFJ 30:IJHMFHFKHY 30:FINLLFIIJQ _____________________________________________________________________________ LEMMINGS II *TESTED* Edit the file L2.INI and add a line at the end with (with right spaces) CHEAT = 1 Load the game and, in the PREFS, you'll be able to choose any level. _____________________________________________________________________________ LETHAL WEAPON *TESTED* Here are the codes: CODES DESCRIPTION ------ ----------- ASCUOL ORMEKE Ended 1ø Level LBTBRO SYCRTP Ended 1ø and 2ø Levels STLOPR UYMTYP Ended 1ø,2ø and 3ø Levels, 4ø Available LMOUTS Ended the 4 Levels, Final Battle. To insert these codes you must go in Computer room... _____________________________________________________________________________ LHX ATTACK CHOPPER During the flight press [Ctrl] and [R]. You'll get fuel and missiles!!! _____________________________________________________________________________ LIGHTSPEED For more power in the file LIGHTSPD.EXE change the hex string E9 BE 03 A1 F3 in 90 90 90 A1 F3. _____________________________________________________________________________ LOGICAL Here are the Password for level 20-40. But if you have non time to wast, in the title screen type ELOWANTS followed by the number of the wanted level. Insert the password THE FINAL CUT or ABRAKADABRA for the Construction Kit. 20 OTHER THINGS 27 FALCONS FLIGHT 34 VENI VIDI VICI 21 BE HONEST 28 BLUE ANGEL 35 WE LIKE IT 22 BLUE IN VIOLET 29 FAR THUNDER 36 FOREVER HERE 23 THREE PATHS 30 A SIMPLE ONE 37 WONDERLAND 24 DANGEROUS 31 BLUE VELVET 38 THE SNARE 25 THE WANDERER 32 PARADISE 1 39 CURE IT 26 SECRET CHAMBER 33 CLASSIC ART 40 SUN IS SHINING _____________________________________________________________________________ LOST VIKINGS *TESTED* Here are the codes... GR8T TLPT GRND LLM0 FL0T TRSS PRHS CVRN BBLS VLCN QCKS PHR0 CIR0 SPKS JMNN TTRS JLLY PLNG BTRY JNKR CBLT H0PP SMRT V8TR NFL8 WKYY CMB0 8BLL TRDR FNTM WRLR TRPD TFFF FRGT 4RN4 MSTR _____________________________________________________________________________ MAGIC POCKETS *TESTED* Press [F2] and then: WORLD 1 - Caves WORLD 2 - Jungle WORLD 3 - Lakes WORLD 4 - Mountains 1) 1053 6) 5284 11) 3505 18) 8498 2) 3425 7) 4757 12) 0692 19) 4370 3) 8282 8) 2818 13) 1786 20) 3541 4) 4476 9) 1960 14) 9877 21) 2823 5) 7766 10) 6331 15) 7962 22) 1286 16) 4125 23) 6067 17) 2219 _____________________________________________________________________________ NICKY BOOM Passwords: 1) MEDIT 2) KRATTY 3) MIRTES 4) ARRAX 5) JANIR 6) TRINOS 7) SIXAN _____________________________________________________________________________ PGA TOUR GOLF When is playing the computer, press [F7] adn then [F8] to make him fail. _ORIGINAL____________________________________________________________________ PINBALL FANTASIES *TESTED* Chose the flipper you want to play: after it is loaded, type CHEAT to be sure that there are some cheats and then: TECH Informations about the program. GREET Greetings. TSP Message to TSP. ROBBAN Message to Robban. STEIN Message to Stein. SNAIL ???? JOHAN DANIEL The Programmers!!! GABRIEL EARTHQUAKE TILT DISABLED! EXTRA BALLS +2 BALLS TO PLAY (i.e. 3+2 or 5+2=7)!!! FAIR PLAY Reset all Cheats... _ORIGINAL____________________________________________________________________ PIPE DREAM for Windows ( Microsoft Entertainment Pack 2 ) *TESTED* Level Password ________________________ Level 5 plam Level 9 zami Level 13 poom Level 17 dink Level 21 spoo Level 25 bork Level 29 tarr Level 33 fooz _____________________________________________________________________________ PIPEMANIA Here are some codes: GRIP,TICK,DOCK,OOZE,BLOB,BALL,WILD. _____________________________________________________________________________ POPULOUS Here are SOME (?!?!?) codes: 001 Hutoutord 201 Burhiped 351 Douquelas 002 Josamar 202 Morouham 352 Shiume 003 Timuslug 203 Nimaord 353 Hurtpeold 004 Caldiehill 204 Biluscon 354 Josozboy 005 Scoquemet 205 Ringinhill 355 Timwildor 006 Swauer 206 Weavloptory 356 Calingpal 007 Killpeing 207 Alptmed 357 Scoihole 008 Eoaozord 208 Badpeed 358 Swacelas 009 Burwilcon 209 Immozham 359 Killmpal 010 Moringhill 210 Hobwilond 360 Eoahippil 011 Nimihill 211 Buginglow 361 Burnoutjob 012 Bilcemet 212 Shadoill 362 Morador 013 Ringmped 213 Cormetory 363 Nimuspal 014 Weavhipham 214 Binmpend 364 Bildiepert 015 Alpoutond 215 Sadhipme 365 Ringlopout 016 Badacon 216 Lowoutold 366 Weavtal 017 Immusill 217 Qazaond 367 alppepil 018 Hobdietory 218 Vrygblow 368 Badozlob 019 Bugqueend 219 Mininick 369 Immwillin 020 Shadted 220 Hamlophole 370 Hobingdon 021 Corpeham 221 Futtend 371 Bugipert 022 Binozond 222 Suzpeme 372 Shadmeout 023 Sadwillow 223 Douozoid 373 Cormpt 024 Lowingick 224 Shiwilboy 374 Binhipbar 025 Quazitory 225 Hurtogodor 375 Sadouter 026 Verymeend 226 Josoick 376 Lowalin 027 Minmpme 227 Timmehole 377 Qazusdon 028 Hamhipold 228 Calmplas 378 Veryinmar 029 Futoutboy 229 Scohipal 379 Minloplug 030 Suzalow 230 Swaoutpil 380 Hamtt 031 Donnsick 231 Killeboy 381 Futpebar 032 Shidiehole 232 Eoagbdor 382 Suzozer 033 Hurtloplas 233 Burinpal 383 Douwiling 034 Jostme 234 Morloppert 384 Shiingord 035 Timpeold 235 Nimtlas 385 Hurtomar 036 Calozboy 236 Billimpal 386 Josmelug 037 Scowildor 237 Ringeapil 387 Timmphill 038 Swaingpal 238 Weavikejob 388 Calhipmet 039 Killohole 239 Alpogolin 389 Scoouted 040 Eoamelas 240 Badopal 390 Swaaing 041 Burmpal 241 Immmepert 391 Killgbord 042 Morhippil 242 Hobmpout 392 Eoaincon 043 Nimoutjob 243 Bughipt 393 Burlopill 044 Bilador 244 Shadqazbar 394 Morthill 045 Ringgbpal 245 Corejob 395 Nimpemet 046 Weavinpert 246 Bingblin 396 Bilozed 047 Alplopout 247 Sadindon 397 Ringikeham 048 Baotal 248 Lowlopmar 398 Weavogoond 049 Immepepil 249 Qazout 399 Alpocon 050 Hobozjob 250 Veryoxt 400 Badmeill 051 Bugwillin 251 Mineabar 401 Immmptory 052 Shadugodon 252 Hamikeer 402 Hobhipend 053 Coropert 253 Futogoing 403 Bugoutme 054 Binmeout 254 Suzodon 404 Shadeham 055 Sadmpt 255 Doumear 405 Corgbond 056 Lowhipbar 256 Shimplug 406 Bininlow 057 Quazouter 257 Huttkopill 407 Sadlopick 058 Veryelin 258 Josqazmet 408 Lowttory 059 Mingbdon 259 Timeer 409 Qazpeend 060 Haminmar 260 Calgbing 410 Veryame 061 Futloplug 261 Scoinord 411 Minikeold 062 Suztt 262 Swalopcon 412 Hamogoboy 063 Doupebar 263 Killylug 413 Futolow 064 Skiozer 264 Eoaoxhill 414 Suzmeick 065 Hurtikeing 265 Bureamet 415 Doumphole 066 Josogoord 266 Morikeed 416 Shihiplas 067 Timomar 267 Nimogoham 417 Hurtqazal 068 Calmelug 268 Biloord 418 Joseold 069 Scomphill 269 Ringdecon 419 Timgbhole 070 Swahipmet 270 Weavdiill 420 Calindor 071 Killquazed 271 Alpkoptory 421 Scoloppal 072 Eoaeing 272 Badqazend 422 Swathole 073 Burgbord 273 Immeed 423 Killoxlas 074 Morincon 274 Hobgbham 424 Eoaeaal 075 Nimlopill 275 Buginond 425 Burikepil 076 Bilthill 276 Shadsodlow 426 Morogojob 077 Ringoxmet 277 Coryill 427 Nimodor 078 Weaveaed 278 Binoxtory 428 Bilmepal 079 Alpikeham 279 Sadeaend 429 Ringdipert 080 Badogoond 280 Lowikeme 430 Weavkopout 081 Immocon 281 Qazogoold 431 Alpqazt 082 Hobmeill 282 Veryound 432 Badepil 083 Bugmptory 283 Mindelow 433 Immgbjob 084 Shadkopend 284 Hamdiick 434 Hobinlin 085 Carquazme 285 Futkophole 435 Buglopdon 086 Bineham 286 Suzqazlas 436 Shadypert 087 Sagdgbond 287 Doueme 437 Coroxout 088 Lowinlow 288 Shigbold 438 Bineat 089 Qazlopick 289 Hurtasboy 439 Sadikebar 090 Veryytory 290 Jossoddor 440 Lowogoer 091 Minoxend 291 Timyick 441 Qazolin 092 Hameame 292 Caloxhole 442 Verydedon 093 Futikeold 293 Scoealas 443 Mindimar 094 Suzogoboy 294 Swaikeal 444 Hamkoplug 095 Douolow 295 Killquepil 445 Futqazhill 096 Shimeick 296 Eoauboy 446 Suzebar 097 Hurtdihole 297 Burdedor 447 Dougber 098 Joskoplas 298 Mordipal 448 Shiining 099 Timqazal 299 Nimkoppert 449 Hurtsodord 100 Caleold 300 Bilquazout 450 Josymar 101 Scogbboy 301 Ringial 451 Timoxlug 102 Swaindor 302 Weavcepil 452 Caleahill 103 Killsodpal 303 Alpasjob 453 Scoikemet 104 Eoayhole 304 Badsodlin 454 Swaogoed 105 Buroxlas 305 Immypal 455 Killuing 106 Moreaal 306 Hoboxpert 456 Eoadeord 107 Nimikepil 307 Bugeaout 457 Burdicon 108 Bilogojob 308 Shaddiet 458 Morkopill 109 Ringudor 309 Corquebar 459 Nimqaztory 110 Weavdepal 310 Binujob 460 Bilemet 111 Alpdipert 311 Saddelin 461 Ringceed 112 Badkopout 312 Lowdicon 462 Weavasham 113 Immqazt 313 Qazkopmar 463 Alpsodond 114 Hobepil 314 Veryinglug 464 Badycon 115 Buggbjob 315 Minit 465 Immoxil 116 Shadaslim 316 Hamcebar 466 Hobeatory 117 Corsodon 317 Futaser 467 Bugikeend 118 Binypert 318 Suzsoding 468 Shadqueme 119 Sadoxout 319 Douydon 469 Coruham 120 Loweat 320 Shioxmar 470 Bindeond 121 Qazikebar 321 Hurtuslug 471 Saddilow 122 Veryqueer 322 Josdiehill 472 Lowkopick 123 Minulin 323 Timquemet 473 Qazqazhole 124 Hamdedon 324 Caluer 474 Veryiend 125 Futdimar 325 Scodeing 475 Minceme 126 Suzkoplug 326 Swadiord 476 Hamasold 127 Douqazhill 327 Killwilcon 477 Futsodboy 128 Shiebar 328 Eoaingill 478 Suzylow 129 Hurtceer 329 Burihill 479 Douoxick 130 Josesing 330 Morcemet 480 Shieahole 131 Timsodard 331 Nimased 481 Hurtdielad 132 Calymar 332 Bilsodham 482 Josqueal 133 Scooxlug 333 Ringoutond 483 Timuold 134 Swaeahill 334 Weavacon 484 Caldeboy 135 Killdiemet 335 Alpusill 485 Scodidor 136 Eaoqueed 336 Baddietory 486 Swakoppal 137 Buruing 337 Immqueend 487 Killingpert 138 Mordeord 338 Hobued 488 Eoailas 139 Nimdocon 339 Budgeham 489 Burceal 140 Bilkopill 340 Shadozond 490 Moraspil 141 Ringingtory 341 Corwillow 491 Nimsodjob 142 Weavimet 342 Biningick 492 Bilydor 143 Alpceed 343 Saditory 493 Ringapal 144 Badasham 344 Lowceend 494 Weavuspert 145 Immsodond 345 Qazasme 495 Alpdieout 146 Hobycon 346 Veryhipold 496 Badquet 147 Bugoxill 347 Minoutboy 497 Immupil 148 Shadustory 348 Hamalow 498 Hobdejob 149 Cordieend 349 Futusik 499 Bugdilen 150 Binqueme 350 Suzdiehole 500 Shadwildon 151 Saduham 152 Lowdeond 153 Quazdilow 154 Verywilick 155 Mininghole 156 Hamiend 157 Futceme 158 Suzasold 159 Dousodboy 160 Shiylow 161 Hurtaik 162 Josushole 163 Timdielas 164 Calqueal 165 Scouold 166 Swadeboy 167 Killozdor 168 Eoawilpal 169 Buringpert 170 Marilas 171 Nimceal 172 Bilaspil 173 Ringhipjob 174 Weavoutlin 175 Alpapal 176 Baduspert 177 Immdieout 178 Hobquert 179 Bugupil 180 Shadpejob 181 Corozlin 182 Binwildon 183 Sadingmar 184 Lowiout 185 Qazcet 186 Verympbar 187 Minhiper 188 Hamouting 189 Futadon 190 Suzusmar 191 Doudielug 192 Shiquehill 193 Hurttbar 194 Jospeer 195 Timozing 196 Calwilord 197 Scoringcon 198 Swailug 199 Killmehill 200 Eoampmet To play world 999, just enter KILLUSPAL. _____________________________________________________________________________ POPULOUS ][ *TESTED* Here are some codes: DEUS LEVEL CODE ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ Epimetheus 31 SOERAB Pan 57 NETTAK Prometheus 89 TIADAG Persephone 112 PEUGAC Asclepius 151 SILDAD Dionysus 161 MONEAC Hermes 207 LEHEAK Iapetus 234 ALAAAK Nike 279 SIABAB Demeter 320 DONEAG Hebe 339 NETIAC Eilethya 377 NEPIAB Meti 400 QUABAC Aphrodite 417 MOLLAK Eos 473 TIALAF Selene 504 PIATAK Helious 526 UGSOAG Styx 563 TIMEAD Hyperion 578 LOLOAF Artemis 619 UNTIAD Athena 650 UMSIAC Apollo 700 INCCAK Hephaestus 715 EMEMAT Ares 737 MOLOAB Uranus 791 SIALAF Gaea 820 EGHOAT Oceanus 840 OPITAF Hestia 884 EGADAC Hera 896 DOLOAF Poseidon 929 MOAKAB Hades 979 NEHOAD Zeus 999 WOITAB To get endless power try ADKIWCKBCNZETIWX or ADKIUCKBZNZEFIWX. _____________________________________________________________________________ PREHISTORIK To get endless power, change, in the file PREHISTO.EXE (or HISTORIK.EXE), the string 9A 98 0A in 9A 98 FF. _____________________________________________________________________________ PRINCE OF PERSIA *TESTED* Load the game with PRINCE MEGAHIT During the game, use the following keys: '+' ( on numeric keypad ) to raise time. '-' ( on numeric keypad ) to lower time. 'K' to kill enemies on the screen. 'R' to resurrect. SHIFT+I to invert the screen (funky!). SHIFT+T to get more energy. SHIFT+W to fly when falling. SHIFT+B to light off the flames. SHIFT+C to get debug codes. SHIFT+L to jump to next level. SHIFT+N to scroll the screen down. SHIFT+H to scroll the screen left. SHIFT+J to scroll the screen right. _____________________________________________________________________________ PUSHOVER *TESTED* Here are the codes for ALL the 100 Levels!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ LEVEL 1 00512 LEVEL 2 01536 LEVEL 3 01024 LEVEL 4 03072 LEVEL 5 03584 LEVEL 6 02560 LEVEL 7 02048 LEVEL 8 06144 LEVEL 9 06656 LEVEL 10 07680 LEVEL 11 07168 LEVEL 12 05122 LEVEL 13 05634 LEVEL 14 04610 LEVEL 15 04098 LEVEL 16 12290 LEVEL 17 12802 LEVEL 18 13826 LEVEL 19 13314 LEVEL 20 15362 LEVEL 21 15878 LEVEL 22 14854 LEVEL 23 14342 LEVEL 24 10246 LEVEL 25 10758 LEVEL 26 11782 LEVEL 27 11270 LEVEL 28 09222 LEVEL 29 09734 LEVEL 30 08718 LEVEL 31 08206 LEVEL 32 24590 LEVEL 33 25102 LEVEL 34 26126 LEVEL 35 25614 LEVEL 36 27662 LEVEL 37 28174 LEVEL 38 27150 LEVEL 39 26638 LEVEL 40 30734 LEVEL 41 31246 LEVEL 42 32270 LEVEL 43 31758 LEVEL 44 29726 LEVEL 45 30238 LEVEL 46 29214 LEVEL 47 28702 LEVEL 48 20510 LEVEL 49 21022 LEVEL 50 22046 LEVEL 51 21534 LEVEL 52 23582 LEVEL 53 24094 LEVEL 54 23070 LEVEL 55 22558 LEVEL 56 18494 LEVEL 57 19006 LEVEL 58 20030 LEVEL 59 19518 LEVEL 60 17470 LEVEL 61 17982 LEVEL 62 16958 LEVEL 63 16510 LEVEL 64 16511 LEVEL 65 17023 LEVEL 66 18047 LEVEL 67 17535 LEVEL 68 19583 LEVEL 69 20095 LEVEL 70 19071 LEVEL 71 18559 LEVEL 72 22655 LEVEL 73 23167 LEVEL 74 24191 LEVEL 75 23679 LEVEL 76 21631 LEVEL 77 22143 LEVEL 78 21247 LEVEL 79 20735 LEVEL 80 28927 LEVEL 81 29439 LEVEL 82 30463 LEVEL 83 29951 LEVEL 84 31999 LEVEL 85 32511 LEVEL 86 31487 LEVEL 87 30975 LEVEL 88 26879 LEVEL 89 27647 LEVEL 90 28671 LEVEL 91 28159 LEVEL 92 26111 LEVEL 93 26623 LEVEL 94 25599 LEVEL 95 25087 LEVEL 96 08703 LEVEL 97 09215 LEVEL 98 10239 LEVEL 99 09727 LEVEL 100 44543 _____________________________________________________________________________ PUZZNIC Here are some password for the advanced levels: 48 ICHI NICH 55 RIMA SITA 49 IGAN BARD 56 THAN KYDU 50 PASS WORD 57 MAID OOKA 51 MINA SAMA 58 IAGE ITAD 52 ND.D KAGE 59 AKIM ASHI 53 DE.N ANID 60 TEAR IGAT 54 HASH IAGA _____________________________________________________________________________ RAILROAD TYCOON Press SHIFT + 4 to get much money. _____________________________________________________________________________ REBEL ASSAULT Here are some codes: FALCON ANOAT YUZZEM DAGOBAH ORGANA (Final Sequence) _____________________________________________________________________________ REX NEBULAR AND THE COSMIC GENDER BENDER *TESTED* Select "Credits" and watch all the names of the programmers. Do not touch anything and wait until the end. Go to Main Menu: choose "Quotes" and have fun!!! _____________________________________________________________________________ RICK DANGEROUS Sign as POOKY in high-scores and you'll begin from the last level reached. _ORIGINAL____________________________________________________________________ RISKY WOODS *TESTED* In the title screen (where apear the phrase "PRESS BUTTON TO START") type MRSPIMRSP adn will appear "CHEAT KEYS ACTIVE [F1-F4]". Now in the game press F1 To raise Energy adn lifes F2 To get more money. F3 To get more time. F4 To end current level. _____________________________________________________________________________ ROCK'N'ROLL Here there is a trick a little hard.... As your name type RAINBOW ARTS and then type the level number followed by XX, followed by the sum of the ciphers of the level number four times, followed by XX and by the level number mirrored. I.e. for the 13ø level you have to type: 13XX4444XX31 _____________________________________________________________________________ ROBOCOP Pause the game and type BEST KEPT SECRET to become a very Robocop. _____________________________________________________________________________ SIMCITY For more money, hold pressed SHIFT and type FUNDS. You'll obtain 10.000$. _____________________________________________________________________________ SLEEPWALKER *TESTED* In the title screen type DINGADINGDANGMYDANGALONGLINGLONG During the game press RETURN to jump to next level adn TAB to increase the spleep. _____________________________________________________________________________ SPACE ACE In the title screen type DODEMODEXTER and you'll see the entire game solved. _ORIGINAL____________________________________________________________________ SPACE ACE II *TESTED* Press S or L to save or load a game The program write a file (SA2.SAV) of 5 bytes: --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! ! ! ! offset ! size (byte) ! what does ! range ! ! ! ! ! ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! ! ! ! 0 ! 2 ! Number of game act ! 8-????? ! ! 2 ! 2 ! Points ! 0-65535 ! ! 4 ! 1 ! Lifes ! 1-255 ! ! ! ! ! ! --------------------------------------------------------------------- And now the complete solve: Act 1 - FIRE, FIRE Act 2 - UP Act 3 - FIRE Act 4 - UP, FIRE Act 5 - FIRE, LEFT Act 6 - RIGHT, UP, UP, LEFT Act 7 - UP, RIGHT Act 8 - RIGHT Act 9 - DOWN, FIRE, DOWN, RIGHT Act 10 - FIRE Act 11 - LEFT, LEFT, FIRE Act 12 - RIGHT Act 13 - FIRE Act 14 - LEFT,LEFT Act 15 - LEFT, RIGHT Act 16 - RIGHT, UP Act 17 - DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, UP Act 18 - FIRE, RIGHT, FIRE, RIGHT Act 19 - LEFT, RIGHT Act 20 - RIGHT, UP Act 21 - RIGHT, UP, LEFT, UP Act 22 - LEFT Act 23 - LEFT, RIGHT Act 24 - FIRE _____________________________________________________________________________ SPELLCRAFT In the first missions, prepare large amounts of magic things, but not select the BOOK OF SPELLS and press ESC. You'll obtain all GRATIS!!! _____________________________________________________________________________ STARRAY In the screen with options type "MASM 5.1" adn you'll get endless lifes. _____________________________________________________________________________ STELLAR 7 In each level there is a large rock wich must be hit until his explosion. The rock will reveal a door to next level !!! _____________________________________________________________________________ STREET FIGHTER II Load the game with SF2 /updownmove (the screen will scroll up too) SF2 /vesa105 (you'll play in 1024x768x256 colors !!!) _ORIGINAL____________________________________________________________________ SYNDICATE *TESTED* As Company, call yourself: COOPER TEAM You'll be the BEST !!! NUK THEM Dead agents will resurrect !!! ROB A BANK 10.000.000$!!! WATCH THE CLOCK Increase time. TO THE TOP You can choose any mission !!! DO IT AGAIN Unknown effect (?????????) _____________________________________________________________________________ TEENAGE HERO MUTANT TURTLES In the streets press the keys A, S, D, F and G . In this way you can walk on the water and across the rocks!!! _____________________________________________________________________________ TEST DRIVE III: THE PASSION Edit TD3.EXE and -change the string 88 3E C9 18 88 1E CA 18 in 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90. -change the string FE 0E 82 09 74 in 90 90 90 90 90. _____________________________________________________________________________ THE BLUES BROTHERS In the title screen type HOULQ and you'll be able to play any level by writing his number followed by Space Bar!!! _ORIGINAL____________________________________________________________________ THE HUMANS *TESTED* Here are the codes: 1: DARWIN 2: ANDIE PANDY 3: GET A LIFE 4: CARLOS 5: HOWIE 6: MOOBLE 7: CSL 8: THE HUMBLE ONE 9: PIXIE 10: MILESTONE 11: WAR WAR WAR 12: J MCKINNON 13: UNLUCKY 14: BLUE MONKEY 15: RED DWARF 16: BAD TASTE 17: THE KITCHEN 18: CJ 19: SORT IT OUT 20: SMART 21: VILLA3BORO2 22: EARLY MORNING 23: BORO4LEEDS1 24: EASY LIFE 25: JIMS TIES 26: PARKVIEW 27: NICENEASY 28: GREEN CARD 29: COOKIE 30: MALCY MALC 31: RAVING BURK 32: YOU GOT IT 33: SGNIMMEL 34: MINISTRY 35: MAD FREDDY 36: BIZARRE 37: FREE SCOTLAND 38: APPLE JUICE 39: PAYDAY 40: BANANNA MOON 41: BONUS 42: BOUNCING 43: NO MONEY 44: A S F 45: VISION 46: SISTERS 47: FAST FASHION 48: CARGO 49: RAB C NESBITT 50: RANGERS 51: RAINBOW 52: DOODY 53: MIGHTY BAZ 54: TIRED 55: CONSOLIDATED 56: STAY HAPPY 57: AMERICA 58: ANOTHER DAY 59: ISOLATION 60: PROMISED LAND 61: DAEMONSLATE 62: BIG RAB 63: MIAMI VICE 64: MARGARET M 65: A34732473 66: HELP ME 67: THE EXILES 68: EIGHTLANDS 69: WINE AND DINE 70: NIN 71: TECHNOPHOBE 72: GETTING THERE 73: TIME IS 74: RUNNING OUT 75: LORDS OF CHAOS 76: NOW ITS DONE 77: IM OUT OF HERE 78: HERES TO A 79: BETTER LIFE 80: BYE BYE BYE _____________________________________________________________________________ THE IMMORTAL *TESTED* Here are the codes: Livello 2 757fc10006f70 Livello 3 6e1ec21000e10 Livello 4 465fa31001eb0 Livello 5 d4bfd41000eb0 Livello 6 bcfef51010a41 Livello 7 6b10fb1010ac1 Livello 8 e590d710178c1 _ORIGINAL____________________________________________________________________ THE INCREDIBLE MACHINE *TESTED* Here are ALL the codes: 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ / BASEBALL COUNTDOWN COMPACT DISK SIERRA BEAR PSALMS SHAVER LAKE DYNAMIX FISH TANK RHEUMATISM MACHINE DALE NIGHT HARPSICORD DISK CHESTERTON GAMES MARKET SHUTTLE SIZE WESTERN DESK SATURN IRELAND LOG HOME MYRTLE KING WORD GRAPHICS QUATERNION DRAGON BRIEF KNUTH AQUARIUM ANTS HOT DOG DONALD SHOE 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ FLOWER ADHESION HYDROPLANE PHILARMONIC STORE SPECTRA PALM ANGULAR CLARE INDUCTION SOMBRERO ZIPPER KERRY POLARIZATION JOIST UMPIRE FLANGE OVERJOY ASTRONAUT RECOVER SEASON DISCURSIVE MARIONETTE SHADOW TRIBOLOGY CROSS OSMIUM IONIZE ABRASIVE CHOCOLATE ASSURANCE QUAKE DEFORMATION PLATO CALULATOR OCTOBER ELASTIC WELLSPRING SUPERIOR BILATERAL 81-86 ^^^^^ LYRIC NEEDLE THEORY LOBSTER SAMURAI SPLICE Last level (87ø) has a lot of passwords: GOLF --> RHOMBUS OLIVE POLYNOMIALS PARAMETRIC SOLAR SYSTEM MARBLE HEAVY REPUBLIC QUATRAIN TYRANNOSAUR SULFURIC DOPA MINARET DOVETAIL JASMINE WRANGLE KUDOS CULDESAC YODEL XYLOPHONE _____________________________________________________________________________ THE MANAGER Loaded the game, move the cursor on the flag under MAIN MENU (down to the right in PREFERENCES MENU). Press A (or D): will appear a white line on the screen. In the TRANSFER MARKET you'll have a budget of 49.999.999 ML. _ORIGINAL____________________________________________________________________ THE ROCKETEER *TESTED* Here are the passwords for all the five episodes: 1) PILOT 2) SHOOTOUT 3) CHASE 4) RESCUE 5) BANSHEES ____________________________________________________________________________ THE SECRET OF MONKEY ISLAND I & II *TESTED* During the game press ALT+W (CRTL+W in the first episode) to "win" . ____________________________________________________________________________ THE SIMPSONS During the presentation type COWABUNGA-EATMYSHORTS and then in the game press F to jump levels. _____________________________________________________________________________ THE VIKING CHILD *TESTED* 1) NUGGETS - Forest. 2) BOUNCING - Lanbridge. 3) BUSTFOOT - Labirinth. 4) REDDWARF - Desert. _____________________________________________________________________________ THEXDER I Press CAPS LOCK and begin the game. Then press ESC, Y and ESC again. You'll have full energy!!! _ORIGINAL____________________________________________________________________ UGH! *TESTED* Here are ALL the codes of this game: One player game (69 Levels) CAVITY FIRSTCOMMUNION FIGURATIVETHEATRE BURNTOFFERINGS MYSTERIUMINQUITATIS DREAMFORMOTHER UNCERTAINJOURNEY SPIRITUALCRAMP ROMEOSDISTRESS RESURRECTION PRAYER DEATHWISH DOGS DESPERATEHELL AWAKEATTHEWALL SLEEPWALK THEDROWNING THEBLUEHOUR ASEVENINGFALLS ANDROGYNOUSNOISE HANDPERMEATES ELECTRADESCENDING CERVIXCOUCH THISGLASSHOUSE FLEEINGSOMNAMBULIST THESOMNOLENTPERSUIT ASHES ASHESPARTII WHENIWASBED LAMENTOVERTHESHADOWS FACE THELUXURYOFTEARS OFTHEWOUND BELIEVERSOFTHEUNPURE OUVERTURE WINDKISSEDPICTURES THELAKEOFFIRE BLASTOFTHEBOUGH AMATERASU THEABSOLUTE LACRIMACHRISTI BTWEENYOUTH AFTERTHERAIN WILLOTHEWISP TALESOFINNOCENCE STRAPPINGMEDOWN THEDANZIGWALTZ CHIMEREDESIDELA SILENTTHUNDER STRANGEFORTUNE VENTRILOQUIST GLOOMYSUNDAY THEDEATHOFJOSEF SONGOFSOLOMON SICKOFLOVE VANITY FOURHORSEMEN 1983 OMEGADAWN ARINGINGINTHEIREARS THEGOLDENAGE ALPHASUNSET SPILTBLOOD RAWWAR REFLECTIONS CHURCHOFNORETURN WHATSTHEVERDICT ZEROSEX THISISHERESY. Two players game (81 Levels) ALONEINTOTHEALONE ONLYSHADOWSOFHOOKS CHRISTSFIRSTHOWLING FIELDSOFRAPE GREATBLACKTIME MALDORORESTMORT ADAYNDOGLAND EXTRAECCLASIAM NULLASALUS THESHELLSHAVECRACKED FROMBROKENCROSS STPETERSKEYALLBLOODY BENEDICTION BLESSING NORTH BLACKSUNBLOODYMOON OHCOALBLACKSMITH PANZERRUNE BLACKFLOWERSPLEASE THEFINALCHURCH THESUMMEROFLOVE HEYHOTHENODDYOH BEAUSOLEIL SCARLETWOMAN THESTAIRSONG HULLOANGEL SINCEYESTERDAY VALEDICTION MALEDICTION DOGUN FOREVERCHANGING THEBALLADOF THEPALECHRIST CHRISTANDTHE PALEQUEENS MIGHTYINSORROW THEREDFACEOFGOD THEBREATHAND PAINOFGOD THATSALLFOLKS HAPPYBIRTHDAY THEBIRDSHAVE STOPPEDSINGING KHORBAINYESDMIGS LAMENTFORHER THEDEATHOFTHECORN ASONFFORDOUGLAS AFTERHESDEAD TERRAGITTERRAM BE HOOVES HORSEY THEYRETURNEDTO THEIRHEARTH FALLING THEDREAMOFSHADOW OFSMOKE PASSINGHORSES ANYWAYPEOPLEDIE TOBLACKENEDEARTH OHMERRYGOROUND CROWLEYMASSUNVEILED PAPERBACKHONEY THEFALLOF CHRISTOPHERROBIN ABEGINNING THEDESCENTOFLONG SATANANDBABYLON ASADNESSSONG INTHEHEARTOFTHEWOOD ANDWHATIFOUNDTHERE MARYWAITSINSILENCE ASILENCESONG ALAMENTFORMYSUZANNE RIVERDEADBANK ALLTHESTARSAREDEAD ROSYSTARTEARS FROMHEAVEN WHENTHEMAYRAINCOMES THUNDERPERFECTMIND ASADSADNESSSONG. _____________________________________________________________________________ ULTIMA VI *TESTED* Choose TALK TO IOLO; type SPAM (return), SPAM (return), SPAM (return), HUMBUG (return). You'll enter in the editor. There are 3 commands that are available in . 213 - Gem + string of numbers 2 numbers: karma, 4 numbers: time, 3 numbers: coordinates, 3 numbers: second coordinates, 1 number : floor. 214 - Teleport: i.e. for the Shrine of Spirituality, you must write: 017 016 1 215 - 1 hour of time passed. Some coordinates for 214 are: PAWS - 173 272 0 MINOC - 254 063 0 by the sundial SUTEX - 315 3D6 0 on the docks SEWERS - 062 07B 2 near the campfires PIRATES TR - 09B 0D8 4 the treasure room LYCAEUM - 376 1BB 0 SINGULARITY- 080 02E 5 altar of MONDAIN - 043 00C 4 statue of MINAX - 0BB 00B 4 statue of EXODUS - 053 0DC 3 statue of HYTHLOTH - 0DC 0DB 5 entrance on gargoyle plane HYTHLOTH - 3B4 3A2 0 entrance on human plane LENS MAKER - 3BB 195 0 human lens maker near Lycaeum _____________________________________________________________________________ ULTIMA VII *TESTED* To load program type: ULTIMA7 ABCD[ALT+255] During the game press F2 for the control screen and F3 for a special map of Britannia: click where you want be teleported. _____________________________________________________________________________ VETTE To turn easy just press K. _____________________________________________________________________________ VIRUS Press [Enter] on numeric Keypad and then [P]. Keep pressed [Enter] and type: F Full of fuel L Extra life C Special Effects ON/OFF N Return to the game _____________________________________________________________________________ WEIRD DREAMS In the room with the mirrors, go to the right mirror and type ...---... (SOS) Now pressing + on numeric Keypad you'll have endless lifes. _____________________________________________________________________________ WING COMMANDER I & ][ *TESTED* This cheat is valid for the Data Disks too. To load games type WC1, WC2, SO1, etc. followed by a Space, Origin, another Space and then -k (i.e. WC2 Origin -k ). During the game you'll have much energy and, pressing ALT and DEL you'll destroy enemies in your sight. _ORIGINAL____________________________________________________________________ WOLFEINTSEIN 3D ( Only Shareware Version ) *TESTED* To load tis game type: WOLF3D -NEXT In the game type: TAB+ENTER+CONTROL You'll enter in DEBUG MODE Then press: TAB+W Next Level. TAB+E End of current level. TAB+I New look. TAB+G God mode ON/OFF. TAB+S Slow-motion ON/OFF. TAB+C Informations. TAB+F Coordinates. TAB+B Change colours. TAB+N Clipping ON/OFF. TAB+T Show: -Pages of wall, sprite or sound -Type memory -If object in memory of the main -Number of hit -Addres of memory -Image of the wall, sprite or waveform of sound Press: ENTER to load object in main memory W first wall S first sprite D first suond I info on first sound. TAB+O Show map. TAB+P Pause. TAB+H Auto death. TAB+X Extra stuff. TAB+V Cange velocity. TAB+M Show memory use. TAB+Q MEDITATION !!!. ____________________________________________________________________________ XENON ][ MEGABLAST To get endless lifes press F7 after choosen graphic card and then I during the game. _____________________________________________________________________________ ZANY GOLF In last level, search for a mouse. At a time his eyes will appear red, and in this moment you must launch the ball in the hole to play a secret level!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ====================================END====================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you found or know about Cheats which are not in this list, please post information to my friend: DARK PHOENIX C.so Rosselli 92 10129 TORINO ITALY or, if you have access to INTERNET, you can E-mail them to me: ghi@dm.unito.it The Wild Ghost Inc. (... in this way you will be registered and will receive directly through Internet new versions of this list!!!) In any way, you will receive greetings in future versions... WRITE TO ME AND SEND SUGGESTION FOR A BETTER SERVICE!!! IF THERE EXIST OTHER LISTS OF THIS TYPE IN THE WORLD, LET ME KNOW !!! Co-ordinator unique : THE WILD GHOST Inc. Collaborators ancient : DARK PHOENIX, IL GRECO, LUKE, MARIO. Friends : KASTORE. Thanks to : DARK PHOENIX ( for ANOTHER WORLD, ELVIRA ][, E-MOTION, RISKY WOODS, FLASHBACK, JAMES POND II ), IL GRECO ( for ARCHIPELAGOS, FIGHTER BOMBER, RAILROAD TY- COON, XENON ][, DYNABLASTER ), ALL JOURNALS (ITALIAN AND NOT) _____________________________________________________________________________ WHAT'S NEWS V.1.04 Added cheats of 5 games: GOBLIINS! SPACE ACE ][ SPELLCRAFT ULTIMA VII ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ V.1.05 Enlarged cheats of 1 game: F-29 RETALIATOR Added cheats of 2 games: PUSHOVER WOLFEINSTEIN 3D ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ V.1.10 Enlarged cheats of 5 games: PUSHOVER RAILROAD TYCOON SPACE ACE II THE ROCKETEER WOLFEINSTEIN 3D Added cheats of 3 games: BABY JO LEMMINGS POPULOUS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ V.1.12 Added cheats of 4 games: BART SIMPSON VS. SPACE MUTANTS THE SECRET OF MONKEY ISLAND II REX NEBULAR RISKY WOODS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ V.1.14 Enlarged cheats of 5 games: GODS POPULOUS PRINCE OF PERSIA RISKY WOODS THE SECRET OF MONKEY ISLAND I & II Added cheats of 32 games: ARKANOID BATMAN BATTLE ISLE BBS JANE SEYMOUR CARRIER COMMAND CIVILIZATION COMMANDER KEEN DRAGON'S LAIR III DUKE NUKEM DYNABLASTER ELITE FALCON AT FANTASY WORLD DIZZY HARE RISING HAVOC HELTER SKELTER INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE LHX ATTACK CHOPPER LIGHTSPEED LOGICAL MAGIC POCKETS PIPEMANIA PREHISTORIK PUZZNIC RICK DANGEROUS ROCK'N'ROLL ROBOCOP SIMCITY SPACE ACE TEST DRIVE III THE BLUES BROTHERS VIRUS ZANY GOLF ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ V.1.16 Added cheats of 1 game: UGH! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ V.1.18 Added cheats of 3 games: FALCON 3.0 LETHAL WEAPON THE INCREDIBLE MACHINE Enlarged cheats of 2 games: BOMBUZAL UGH! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ V.1.20 Added cheats of 4 games: ELF FLASHBACK SLEEPWALKER THE HUMANS Enlarged cheats of 1 game: LETHAL WEAPON ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ V.1.22 Added cheats of 2 games: INDIANA JONES AND THE FATE OF ATLANTIS NICKY BOOM ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ V.1.24 Added cheats of 3 games: ATOMINO STARRAY WEIRD DREAMS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ V.1.30 Added cheats of 5 games: HISTORYLINE 1914-18 JAMES POND II: OPERATION ROBOCOD LEMMINGS II LOST VIKINGS SYNDICATE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ V.1.32 Added cheats of 6 games: ELITE II GREMLINS II PGA TOUR GOLF REBEL ASSAULT STREET FIGHTER II THE MANAGER Enlarged cheats of 1 game: SYNDICATE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ V.1.34 Added cheats of 2 games: DOOM PINBALL FANTASIES _____________________________________________________________________________ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ PUBBLIC DOMAIN LIST. VERY IMPORTANT: ALL IN THIS FILE IS COPYRIGHTED AND SO CANNOT BE USED FOR PERSONAL LUCRE AND REPRODUCED COMPLETELY OR IN A PART IN ANY WAY WITH- OUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE AUTHORS. THE ONLY DISTRIBUTION WAY PERMISSED IS FOR INFORMATION WITHOUT ANY CHANGE. PERMISSION OF DISTRIBUTION IS ALLOWED TO BBS GIVING WRITTEN NOTIFICATION TO DARK PHOENIX OR E-MAIL TO ME (REQUESTED ONLY IN THE CASE THAT THIS FILE WASN'T POSTED BY ME). ALSO AVAILABLE IN ITALIAN LANGUAGE (CONTACT THE AUTHOR). PLEASE EXCUSE MY ENGLISH WRITING, I AM ITALIAN. LONG LIFE TO INTERNET. MAKE FREE INFORMATIONS TO ALL!!!! ENJOY GAMES, BUT BUY REGULAR COPIES !!!! The Wild Ghost Inc. _____________________________________________________________________________ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^