To play this wad you simply need either two players with nothing better to do, or a group of four players who really want to see some action. This wad is based around the popular games capture the flag and qzar in that there are bases and hidden items..... When you (on cooperative) start you will notice that next to you there is a replica of your own self. If you shoot this replica you yourself will get damaged, thus making the key to survival to be that of protecting your other self. The strategy comes into play since all four players have replicas... (player one and player three are grouped as team mates... and thus player two and four are teamed up.) The clones which you must guard or seek out are hidden in two large forts which either team must infiltrate. There are hundreds of strategies and hundreds of tactics... you could be defensive and wait... you could send out patrols... you could snipe your enemies clones... or you could just charge em with yourself and your teammate and leave your fort open to attack... Any way you do it the object is to hit those clones... since when you hit the clones your enemy will die...!!!!! watch out for bfg shots. if the clone sees you when the bfg hits a wall anywhere by that clones owner in the game it will hit you... requirements are that you play in the cooperative game mode, but dont worry, there are plenty of weapons everywhere... Finally the if you hit f12 then you can see what your partner, and your two enemies are seeing and doing at the present time... this level gives a real meaning to fear since your actions are now public!!!!!! heheheh well good luck... The Prophet... Changes from F-12.wad to Ultima.wad.... -ultima is the best wad in the world ... -well i think that i fixed the damn regenerating clones... there is a long, i mean really long, hallway for each team that contains the clones.... the hallways have switchbacks and a clone around each switchback.... there are about twenty switchbacks for each hallway... (you really have to see this to understand it.) but anyway to stop from people killing all of the twenty or so clones in their enemies hallway (located at their base's heart) all at once... there is a transporter that only works once at each switchback... that takes you back to your own base.... when you run out of clones and switchbacks you will have to start over... dont worry this takes a minimum of about ten minutes... (thats without people shooting at you... or any care at all as to killing the clones...) -the two forts are identified as green and red... and the textures for each fort is colored accordingly.... this is just like the game qzar... so if you start in a red looking area.. you are the red team.. and vice versa for green -hundreds of cosmetic and texture changes as well as many modifications to the maps layout and to items... -level finally designed around deathmatch... but not recommended since it isnt nearly as fun as coop clone-wars.... your clones do not appear in deathmatch -new sounds were added... plus an overall background music -three demos were recorded... one showing how to get from the green base to the red base, another showing how to get from the red base to the green base, and the last is a two player coop fight between ALLFATHER and THE PROPHET... use f12 to switch between characters..... man... what a pain in the ass... i hope this one pays off.... please distribute this file with this txt file if this does end up working...... The Prophet... F-12.wad-----> Ultima.wad Nameless One BBS