================================================================ Title : Houses 1.1 Filename : HOUSES11.WAD Author : Michael Lundy Email Address : Misc. Author Info : First person ever who knew how to align textures in Deathmatch levels. Description : 14 deathmatch levels. The first 9 are house related. This WAD changed a lot since the last release (You will take you longer to find funky music.) Additional Credits to : Authors of: MYHOUSE.WAD TNPLHOME.WAD BLOTWALZ.WAD (by Tom Walz) PPALACE.WAD PUEBLO.WAD TOWNHOUS.WAD Mansion (KR-3.WAD) MUD3.WAD HOUSE.WAD (If you think this sucks, you should check out the original.) AYRTON_2.WAD RAVEN1.WAD THEFRAY.WAD DETH2.WAD (I think I found this one in BLOTWALZ.) G-50 New York Subway Chook v2.2 Cringe (I hope it's okay to include your music in my WAD.) VAMUS1.WAD Butt-head for DOOM (Push a wall and find out.) Ozzy Osbourne (Da da da - da da dana!) Nine Inch Nails TRINITY2 ...And anything else I left out. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : MAP01 through MAP14 Single Player : Yes. Some levels are self-playable. Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes, just get DEU and ADE2 to stop questioning me on that. Deathmatch 2-4 Player : I'm not even going to answer this one. Difficulty Settings : Some of these levels may have them. New Sounds : Yes. From Cringe, BESTIAL.WAD, MEGADETH.WAD, Blood on the Walz, and Halls of Death. New Graphics : Some. They were collected from Chook v2.2, Cringe, and Halls od Death. New Music : Yes. Check out level 3, Beavis and Butt-head watchers; It comes from one of Beavis & Butt-head's favorite music artists. Demos Replaced : All. I'm amazed I made it past level 8 on demo #3 and level 3 on demo #1. * Disclaimer on demos: These demos were made with DOOM 2 1.666, not 1.7 * Construction * Base : Modified Levels. I took levels with poor alignment and bad texture choices and gave them really cool textures. Build Time : 3 hours per every messed up level. Not all of them were messed up. Editor(s) used : DEU 5.21, DEU-II 5.21, DEUTEX 3.1, WADED 1.71 beta, ADE2 Known Bugs : One HOM effect on level 2 when you are walking around the pool. I can't fix this. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels as long as you credit me in your work. I think I did a lot of the work for future authors, though. Distrubute this freely; it's freeware. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/doom/newstuff/houses11.zip * * * WARNING: This file might get moved. That's what happened to my 1.0 version of Houses. If this was moved, I think you should search for: ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/doom/levels/doom2/deathmatch/houses11.zip BBS numbers: none. Other: It would suck to upload to the Delphi.