=======OPERATION DANTE: HAZMAT PROC MISSION BRIEFING========================= Title : HazMat23.Wad (for DOOM 2) Hazmat Proc 2.3: Author : Jonathan Daggar Email Address : bp036@freenet.hsc.colorado.edu =======WARNING=================================================WARNING======= DO NOT TRY TO SAVE THE GAME WHILE PLAYING THIS LEVEL. For some reason, the game locks up. Even the sound locks, leaving an ugly buzzing in your speakers. I don't know what goes wrong, and maybe a version higher than 1.66 will work, but I make no promises. While it does lock up your system, it won't do any permanent damage. After you push the reset button, all should be well. If it isn't, then see the legaleze section below. =======WARNING=================================================WARNING======= DESCRIPTION: : A return to Phobos base: General Union Aerospace's Hazardous Materials Processing Center (HAZMAT PROC). Big, complex deathmatch level. No dead ends, all weapons, lots of ammo. Primarily for deathmatch, try playing in teams; there's a lot of passages that can only open from one side-- opportunities for daring rescues. If you're only playing two players, it might take a while to hunt down your opponent. (see narrative further on down for more info.) THANKS TO : Erwin Tang, for his demonstrative .WAD file on how to create windows without courtyards, a technique which saw major use in this level. Dan Teeter-- I borrowed the waterfall and cave wall textures from his Surreal2.wad-- an excellent one-player wad. To all the folks who wrote the wad hackers and utilities that made this entire waste of time possible. And of course to Burnt Ants, who, when the level was about 5% done, gave me the brilliant advice, "might be good if you put some monsters in it." =======PLAY INFORMATION====================================================== Map # : Map 1, Doom2 Single Player : Yes, but not for the faint of heart. Cooperative 2-4 Player : Very well thank you. Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes, that's what it's made for. (especially good for team play). Difficulty Settings : No. New Stuff : See below. Demos Replaced : No, you'll have to figure it out yourself. Play time : I got through it in a little under half an hour, but I know where all the stuff is. =======PERMISSIONS / LEGALESE================================================ ====== You may freely distribute this level IF ====== A) this text file is included with it. B) The level and this file are left unchanged. You may create any derivitive works from this that you want, but you must rename them and give me credit for my work. Anyone who cares to may use the graphics, sound or whatever else in this level to create new levels, modify existing levels or whatever. Go nuts. BUT any new information created must be renamed and credit given to me, dammit. And if you use the Waterfall or cave wall texture, you have to credit Dan Teeter AND me, creating a sort of textural chain letter. ========DISCLAIMERS========================================================== This add-on for Doom2 is not supported in any way by ID Software! ======= CAVEAT: USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. I make no promises about the condition of these files. They were in fine shape when they left my hands, but I cannot answer for what became of them in the time when they left me to when you got your paws on them. If you have any problems with it, contact me and I will try to assist you, but I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE INCURRED BY THE USE OF THESE FILES**. (**The fact that an average citizen can spew out such legalese stands as stark evidence of the need for Tort law reform.) ======CONSTRUCTION=========================================================== Base : New level from scratch. Build Time : Unknown. I've been tinkering with it on and off since July 94. Editors used : Doomcad 4.3, Wad 1 to 2 b, Doomcad 5.0, Dmgraph 1.1, Dmaud 1.1, Waded 1.23, Deu 2 (The heretical version), and W.A.R.M. 1.1 & 1.3-- Wad Auxilliary Resource Manipulator. (Talk about stretching for an acronym). =======WHERE TO GET THIS WAD================================================= FTP: ftp.cdrom.com, although you probably already figured this out. ======NEW STUFF============================================================== SOUNDS: The teleport sound was replaced with a small a very quiet half second chime sound, borrowed from Pink Floyd's "A New Machine, Part ][". SPRITES: The flash seen during a teleport was replaced with, well, nothing. I wanted to make the teleports almost unnoticable because A) I wanted to make secret passages that could shuttle the player around and make it seem like a continuous passage. B) I wanted to make it easier to double back and destroy any monster/player on the landing pad. Also, a new title screen, help screen and a slightly modified menu logo. TEXTURES: Four new ones to create an animated waterfall. I borrowed them from Dan Teeter's SURREAL2.WAD-- a very cool one-player wad. Also borrowed from SURREAL2, a cave wall texture. ======PHOBOS REVISITED======================================================= (Any good wadfile should have some sort of plot behind it-- this was the one that unfolded in my mind while I was waiting for the nodes to build.) SETTING: Mars, Cleanup operation after Doom 2. FADE IN: (Briefing room, Operation Dante field headquarters. Final briefing before mission to secure the UAC Hazardous Materials Processing Center (HAZMAT PROC) on Phobos.) Overfed General drones: "...and it seems the Sergeant's little blitzkrieg overlooked HAZMAT PROC. Only a few subjects outside HAZMAT escaped, and those soon suffered from PTSC." (Private in back raises hand.) "...Postdimensional Travel Spontaneous Combustion. Hasn't anyone read the briefing?" (awkward silence, a roomful of marines suddenly fascinated with their shoelaces.) "Well, when you run into an Lazarus Incendiarus and don't have a clue what to do, don't come crying to me. Moving on. We want all targets taken alive for research, so we'll send one unit in with tranquilizer guns. You will neutralize all targets then secure the area until science vessel Sulaco arrives." (Same cadet as previously raises his hand.) "Yes?" PRIVATE: "Uhhh, won't this be a bit dangerous, sir?" GENERAL: Not at all! Not at all! Ever since the Fiora incident, we've developed entirely new quarantine procedures. We've got everything under control." (A couple of sergeants in the back mutter something about not taking any vacations in Australia.) "So, prepare for departure. Launch at twenty-seven-hundred hours." *** FADE TO: (A few marines running like hell through the halls of a horribly modern building, in the modern style of harboring a deep loathing of any aesthetic principle. They come up to a door, open it and charge for a landing craft in the courtyard outside. They reach the craft and close the door behind them.) FIRST MARINE: (catching his breath) Report. SECOND MARINE: The door's secure, sir. (Checking instruments), no human life signs from HAZMAT-- no one else from the assault team left. FIRST MARINE: Christ, they're _all_ dead? (Second marine, still checking instruments, absent-mindedly nods.) Did the, uh, they, see us? SECOND MARINE: Don't think they saw us. We lost 'em in the holding tanks. 'Course, I had to lock all the doors behind us. We'll have a hell of a time getting back in. THIRD MARINE: Why the hell would want to get back in? Let's resign our commissions and let some other fools try this one. FIRST MARINE: (Fiddling with controls) Because one of the bastards sabotaged the lander. Leiutenent, contact HQ and advise them of our situation. Tell'em to get us the hell out of here. TWO HOURS LATER... SECOND MARINE: Okay, The Sulaco's in orbit. The lander is down. THIRD MARINE: Where the hell is it? I don't see it anywhere. SECOND MARINE (checking sensors): Uhhh, three hundred meters Southeast of us. THIRD MARINE: Why'd they put it there? That's in that damned south courtyard. We'll have to go to hell and back to get there. FIRST MARINE: (suddenly looking much older) Because it isn't meant for us. They're gonna blow the hatch from remote, wait for something to crawl in there, then call it back. THIRD MARINE: F*ck! SECOND MARINE: No they won't. I've got their signal jammed. It'll only work from manual controls. If we can get there, we can get out. THIRD MARINE: But didn't you lock all the doors behind us?! SECOND MARINE: Sh*t! FIRST MARINE: (sighs) Well, let's get back in there and find our way to that courtyard. THIRD MARINE: And what'll we keep those bastards away with?! These tranquilizers aren't worth the powder to blow 'em to hell. FIRST MARINE: _Someone_ didn't read the mission briefing. Secret Operations was using this place as a hidden weapons cache. I've met a gew S.O. guys and trust me, they couldn't have hidden them that well. SECOND MARINE: What about obtaining specimens? THIRD MARINE: F**k that! FIRST MARINE: For once, I agree with Bob. In fact, I think the guy who took out the rest of the moon base had it right. Terminate targets with extreme prejudice. Kill 'em all, if possible. But our first goal is to get to the lander. 2nd & 3rd: Yes, sir. FIRST MARINE: Let's go, people. FADE TO BLACK. (There. You're psyched. Now go. Charge. Bonzai. Remember the Alamo, and how much they charged you to rent a damned Ford Escort.) ==========EOF================================================================