================================================================ Title : DAMNATION ALLEY Filename : damn1.wad Author : Emilio Galasso Email Address : egala@msi.net, bo958@torfree.net Description : This is an outdoor "City" Level designed for Deathmatch with a few things in mind: a. Variety. I wanted a level that lacked the typical mirror symmetry of many WADs. Almost all the buildings are unique and offer interesting locations to earn your frags. Players are drawn to different elevations for more interesting attacks. b. Open Areas with Easy Access. I prefer the open outdoor "wargame" feel to a DeathMatch level as opposed to maze-like levels. For the most part, doors just get in the way of a fast paced DeathMatch game. Thus, doors were used sparingly. Windows are passable, making for great last-minute escape routes (as well as to jump through to surprise your opponent). The outdoors are well lit so you can see your opponents. Indoors tends to be a little darker, but not pitch black. Lots of room to maneuvre as well so you'll have to earn your kill! d. Size. Big enough for four players, but not large enough to prevent 2 players from never seeing one another. There are plenty of windows and the area is quite open, so even two players should have little trouble finding one another. c. Looks. You'll be looking at the level quite a bit during a DeathMatch level so it might as well look good. I spent quite a bit of time ensuring all the textures were mapped properly (where possible). There's a lot of construction detail as well, which explains the large size of this SINGLE level WAD. Additional Credits to : Derek L. for Beta Testing, offering suggestions, and providing the SoundTrack :^) Tim C. for also Beta Testing, and providing me with a name for the level during my mental block Additional Notes : If you play the level or distribute the level, please drop me a line. I'd like to hear your comments and suggestions, and I'd also like to know how many people actually play my WAD. This level is a collaboration of many ideas from other smaller incomplete levels that I worked on in the past. Finally I finished one! :^) ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Map 1 Single Player : Yes. Only on Ultra Violent or Nightmare. This is really only meant as practice. You can exit the level at almost any time. Even if you plan to play DeathMatch, make sure to give single player a try... it's amazing how much more intelligent the monsters seem when they have room to move, and interesting places to wander into! Cooperative 2-4 Player : It's set up, but it would only be a big blood-fest. Again, make sure you select Ultra Violent or Nightmare. Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes! This level originally had no other purpose! Difficulty Settings : No. I just placed the monsters on the Ultra Violent level so they don't annoy those who want to take a look at the level before playing DeathMatch. It's a pain having to WARP with NOMONSTERS all the time. Just select Ultra UltraViolent if you want monsters. New Sounds : No New Graphics : No, except for the Title Screen, small Doom logo, and the level name on the statistics screen at the end of the level. New Music : Yes, DASBOOT.MID This can't be from the movie?!? Nonetheless, it's a cool moody-techno tune. Makes for a hyper battle! Demos Replaced : No. The level is big enough as it is ;^) * Construction * Base : This level was designed entirely from scratch. Build time : On and off over a couple of weeks. Editor(s) used : All the level editing was done with DoomCAD v5.1 but I used DeepBSP for for the Node Building (this is an excellent and FAST Node Builder). I also used WinTex v3.4 and WadMaster v.9 to insert the graphics replacement and music. Known Bugs : If you stand behind the Tower in the SE corner (the one with the MegaSphere in the caged area) and look NW, you may get a tiny bit of that HOM-like effect happening because of two many linedefs in your line of sight. You rarely encounter it because it only happens in a small region behind the tower. The effect occurs along the city's outer wall and in one of of the surrounding buildings' windows. You probably won't get the chance to stand there long anyway! * Copyright / Permissions * I would prefer it that this level not be used as a base for other levels. If you do plan to build on it, a note in e-mail would be nice and perhaps a copy of the WAD so I can also try out your modifications. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format via BBS, Diskette, CD, or any other medium you can imagine, as long as this file is included. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com (hopefully!) I plan to send it up where I can. Or you can contact me via E-Mail and I can arrange to send it to you, or tell you where I have managed to send it up.