FB.cnf Error... FB.CNF 1a.tmp Fbconf.dat FBconf.datU Page U NEntry Date Description Credit Debit Balance NEntry Date Description Amount Total NEntry Date Description Credit Debit NEntry Number Date Description Credit Debit Balance NEntry Number Date Description Credit Debit NEntry Number Date Description Amount Total U Tax Deductible Outstanding Transactions ATM Transactions Service Charges Account Credits Interest Payments Finance Charges Account Payments Account Deposits Checking Account # Page NEntry Number Date Description Credit Debit Balance NEntry Number Date Description Credit Debit NEntry Number Date Description Amount Total Charge Account # Savings Account # NEntry Date Description Credit Debit Balance NEntry Date Description Amount Total NEntry Date Description Credit Debit U (Continue) Page Note: U Note: U Tax Deductible Outstanding Transactions ATM Transactions Service Charges Account Credits Interest Payments Finance Charges Account Payments Account Deposits (Continue) Total Outstanding Credits $ Total Outstanding Debits $ List Complete Total Outstanding Credits $ Total Outstanding Debits $ List Complete HP Laser Jet U - U p "4"C"M"x" #>#c# $>$S$q$ $1%9%g% &,&4&D& *_*n* +b+x+}+ ,/,4,L,d,l,q, ---2-D-I-d-l-t-y- .).1.6.B.].f.n.s.~. /#/./F/S/_/ 0!0H0q0 131<1D1I1R1m1 1*222J2e2n2z2 Select type of Transaction: U Select type of Transaction: U Select type of Transaction: U U Any Comments or Notes (Y/N) ? Note ;Hit F10 When Done Esc = Abort Cursor Keys : TCatP. TcatB.0 Error ... Could Not open New Category file !! 0 Check your Disk Space ..... U 6 /Is transaction a withdrawal or deposit (W/D) ? &Enter date of transaction :&Enter reason for withdrawal :&Enter reason for transaction :&Enter amount of withdrawal :&Enter amount of transaction :&Enter expense category :%Is transaction tax deductible (Y/N) ? &Enter date of withdrawal :&Enter reason for withdrawal :&Enter amount of withdrawal :&Enter expense category :%Is transaction tax deductible (Y/N) ? &Enter date of service charge :&Enter reason for service charge :&Enter amount of service charge : interest payment finance charge Enter date of : Enter amount of : Finance Charge &Enter date item purchased :&Enter item purchased :&Enter amount of purchase :&Enter expense category :%Is transaction tax deductible (Y/N) ? Payment#Enter date payment made :#Enter amount of payment : Cash Advance&Enter date of cash advance :&Enter amount of cash advance :&Enter expense category :%Is transaction tax deductible (Y/N) ? Credit...&Enter date account credited :&Enter amount credited to account : No Outstanding << Year End Closeout >>U TCatP. TcatB.U 6]C]^] ^!^c^ _,_1_L_ ` `!`)` `AaPa [ Command ] Search Edit Purge Quit Cursor Keys : - Error... No Transaction Amount Entered !! Hit "F10" When Done Error... TcatP. TcatB.U 7>U Change Void Notes Quit Cursor Keys : [ Edit ] [> N Entry Number Date Description Can Cat Ded Amount U Rebuilding Index Files U J W m E M ] e o t !#!1!G!Q!\!j!z! 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"Enter year you want to search For All Accounts"Enter month you want to search U ) 1 : F1 - Help !F2 -- Account Listing To Printer F3 -- Account Listing to CRT F4 -- Display an Entry or Check F5 -- List Notes "ON" F6 -- List Notes "OFF"U Checking Account # Charge Account # Savings Account # Account Maintenance Account Reports/Graphs Account Listings2 Run "Fix Data Files" to re-build merged reports <1rC<5w? <6rB<9w> D Y z Cash Flow Report Merged Cash Flow Report 2Do you want a Personal or Business Report (P/B) ? "Enter year you want to search Personal Accounts Business Accounts Date: Cash Flow Report for -CExpense Category | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun |A Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Total | Avg | List Complete .DAT Error...*Actual Vs Budgeted Personal Expense Report Expense Category Total Average Budgeted Difference HP Laser JetU & + ` Account Status Report Date Account Opened : Date Last Updated : Account Used For : Total Account Entries : Account Summary %Earliest Outstanding Transaction :%Last Check Number Written :&Total Outstanding Credits :$&Total Outstanding Debits :$&Account Balance :$ Personal Use Business UseU < W n Re-Balancing Account U Page U N Entry Date Description Amount Cancelled(Y/N) U No Outstanding Reconcile Account Cancelled ' A L Q w Hit Any Key To ContinueU Budget Modification U Budgeting Pay Period U Is the above Correct (Y/N) ? U Total Income Paycheck Deductions $ Fixed Expenses $ ----------- Disposable Income+ Your fixed expenses exceeds your income ! + The budget process is unable to continue. Hit Any Key To ContinueU DFor the first round of variable expense inputs, don`t pinch yourself"in your estimates (within reason).; Let the computer help you to refine your budget later on. U *Your budget for the first round totaled $ This compares to a#discretionary "monthly" income of $ The difference $5has been prorated over all variable expense accounts.U xxxxxx U " FastBucks Recursive Budget Model Enter Year for Budget [ .datU Enter Year for Budget File < .. Not Found ! U =1| Income | Expense | Percent | Account | Total |1| Period | Annual | Period | Annual | Income |U Enter Your Name : Family Budget for | Income | 100.00 | | Salary/Wages # | Other Income # | Paycheck Deductions | Fixed Expenses | Variable ExpensesU 0.00 Expense Category Fixed Monthly Expenses : Hit "F10" when done Is the above Correct (Y/N) ? U Income number Salary/Wages --- $ Other Income --- $ Paycheck Deductions For Income # --- $ Hit "F10" When done Is the above Correct (Y/N) ? U ;Hit F10 When Done Esc = Abort Cursor Keys : xxxxxx U ) Account Type Count Total Disposable Income Variable Expenses : Frozen Expenses : U *You have exceeded your spendable income by ** (All remaining accounts will be Frozen !. Are You Sure (Y/N) ? The value for : has been changed to and the difference has been prorated %over all remaining variable accounts.U Are You Sure (Y/N) ? The account has been frozen atU ' Change Freeze Next Last Up Down Recap U ;Hit F10 When Done Esc = Abort Cursor Keys : .Are you sure you want to abort budget (Y/N) ? ?Are you sure you want to "Freeze" all remaining accounts (Y/N) U +F+N+[+`+e+ ,2,=,F,c,s,~, -(-5-:-?-k- .*.5.K.S.[.f.|. .&/;s;x; <<>>G>|> ?/?4?9?B?S?X?]?n? @3@8@=@T@f@k@p@ AGATApA CHCQC D$D)D.D=DFDTD~D D%ETEYE^EzE FDFUF G*GCGLGTGfGkGpGuG H"H*H2H7H[M[z[ ]&]>]`] ^'^B^L^V^`^q^ a(a-a6a?aQaka{a b+b0b9bBbRb_bdbibqbzb c"d2dOdZdwd e!eNeSeXeaesexe}e eOf_fdfmfuf h%h*h/hRhdhihnh i$i)i4i=iOiTiYibi j%k-kWkaklk k.l]l m%mFmwm n:oWohoro|o pBpkp qKqUq^qcq r'rFr[r tDtWthtyt~t vPvyv vXw{w x(xQxVx[x y6y;yJyWy_y {P|Y|^|m|z| }"}'}6}I} ~@~o~ CSH$ FastBucks "Delete Account" Utility 9 ***** Warning ****** Warning ***** Warning ******* will be completely removed From your Data files ........ Type REMOVE THIS FILE if you want to proceed..... acts.datU $ FastBucks "Delete Account" Utility U FB.dta" FastBucks Account Initialization Acts.dat Error.... Can't open file Acts.dat ' Check your Data-Path definition checking charge savings Enter account name : account number : Enter initial account balance : Enter date account opened : Is the above Correct (Y/N) ? 0Is account for Personal or Business use (P/B) ? <<< INITIAL BALANCE >>> No Outstanding accounts are full !!!4Do you wish to initalize any other accounts (Y/N) ? U Error... U TCatP. TCatB. q Payment Fixing Year No Outstanding << Year End Closeout >> Balance = $'Data Files and Index Files Updated for U Page: Date: Account Balance Report Account Account Name Balance TotalU Account Balance Report ASSET ACCOUNTS: Checking Savings LIABILITY ACCOUNTS: Charge CASH ACCOUNTS: Cash List CompleteU J Change Quit Cursor Keys Esc= AbortU ( FastBucks "Edit Account" Selection Menu ... More ... acts.dat ' FastBucks "Edit Account Name" Utility 0 @ U K h v ~ %!B!U!]!n! "-"="B"G"t" #)#.#3#c#o# $<$N$[$h$m$r$ %O%|% %)&V&s& '''C'`'s'~' ( (%(7(<(N(S(X(](f(u(~( ),)1)6)H)M)R)d)i)n)x)}) *&*5*C*H*]*l*t*~* + +*+/+D+N+\+l+v+ ,!,1,;,E,T,i,t, .2.D.Q.V.[.`.h.q. /(/1/=N=[=`=e=o=w=|= >7>u> >P?_? @*@F@P@k@u@ @OATAcAkAuAzA B-B2B7BEBPB B/CoC FaGsG H-H2HAHIHSHXHnH I&I5IGILIQIcIhImI J\JzJ K"K7K?KGKTKcKnK L L%L7LLLTL\LiL M&M.M6M;M@M]NiNqNvN O&O+O0OBOGOLO P&P.P6PNPSPXP Q/Q4Q9QiQqQyQ RZRjRtR~R SOSkS T0T8T@TYT^TcT U*U2U:U?UDUlUqUvU VOV_ViVsV}V WDW`W W%X-X5X:X?XZXbXjX Y$Y)Y9Y>YCY`YeYjY|Y Y Z'ZBZJZRZjZoZtZ [*[2[K[P[U[ \"\=\E\M\R\W\t\y\~\ ]:]Z] ] ^@^X^p^ b.b@b d4d]d f@f{f f/gXg g3h8h=hZh_hdhvh{h i isixi}i j:j?jDjVj[j`j|j j)k.kBkJkmkvk l7lJl]l l" FastBucks Account Selection Menu ... More ... Error... Not Found ! ! U ; Printer can only Print 80 columns per line , Some reports ; will not print properly ................................. Hit Any Key to ContinueU # User Defined Printer Installation CThe following questions are used to format the set-up for a printerC"Not Listed". Please consult your printer manual for the properBnumeric values for character string that sets printer to 80 column and 132 column print modes#..... Hit any key to continue .... OEnter decimal values for character string that sets printer to 80 column mode : Character # PEnter decimal values for character string that sets printer to 132 column mode : User Defined::80 column Characters 132 column characters Is the above Correct (Y/N) ? Enter Name of Printer U PgDn for More Printers U PgDn/PgUp for More Printers U PgUp for More Printers U Printer Installation,Select Item with Cursor Keys then Hit Return Page 1 User Installed Cursor Keys : Fixed Monthly Expenses Variable Monthly Expenses ***** Personal Expenses *****4Do you want to change any personal expenses (Y/N) ? ;Hit F10 When Done Esc = Abort Cursor Keys : ***** Business Expenses *****4Do you want to change any Business expenses (Y/N) ? $ l Drive/Filepath Set-up B-Enter Drive you wish to use for datafiles : < Enter Pathname Fbucks\FBdata Datafile Path = Is the above Correct (Y/N) ? U #This Copy of FastBucks Home Finance Registered To: IS NOT REGISTEREDECopyright (c) 1987,1988,1989 Software Expressions all rights reservedU Account Manager Global Reports--Graphs Utilities Home Budget Model Financial Calculations FastBucks Home Finance Program Version 4.10 Serial Number 1. --- Checking Account 2. --- Charge Account 3. --- Savings Account 4. --- Cash Account 5. --- Account Balances 6. --- Cash Flow Report 7. --- Category Graphs 8. --- Cash Flow Graphs 9. --- Start New Account A. --- Delete An Account B. --- Fix Data Files C. --- Edit Account Name D. --- Create New Budget E. --- Update Old Budget F. --- Print Old Budget G. --- Investments H. --- Depreciation I. --- LoansECopyright (c) 1987,1988,1989 Software Expressions all rights reserved <5r,<8w( -K-P-[-m- .$.>.F.N.S.\.d.|. 171D1j1o1 102=2Z2e2{2 2$3J3O3 4-424D4d4i4 5L6Q6c6 7&7+7=7c7h7m7r7{7 ;+;0;;;M;m;r;}; <0=8===^=p=u= >(>7> >%?=?B?V?e? @!@e@n@ A$ADAIA(B0B5BFBXB]B B/C`C D5D@DEDWD\DmDrD E#E0E5ETEhE F!F,FAFNFZF_F G4HXHcHuH I-I2IoIzI I[J`JU N Entry Number Date Description Can Cat Ded Amount U ' 5 E S c q Country : ,=Please select either 3 or 5 disk size for shipment (3/5) : JDo you want program updates for one year for an additional $17.25 (Y/N) ? BAny comments or suggestions for improvements to FastBucks (Y/N) ? Comments: Hit "F10" When Done %Make Check or Money Order payable to:'Software Expressions or Dennis C. Lozen - | Mail to: Software Expressions Serial Number: | | P.O. Box 301002 Version Number:#| Houston,Texas 77230-1002*| Enclosed is my check or money order for $65.00 $47.75 U.S. funds for the FastBucks | | operator manual serialized diskette set and % and program updates for one year. | a 3 1/2" diskette. 5 1/4" diskettes. )| Ship FastBucks Home Finance Manager on | Ship To : | | Comments:0TEXAS RESIDENTS PLEASE ADD APPROPRIATE SALES TAX&Thank You for Registering FastBucks...&Your Support is really appreciated... No Printer Installed Send Order to:# Software Expressions P.O. Box 301002' Houston,Texas 77230-1002 Please Enter Serial Number: With your order to 9insure proper credit for rebate to the registered owner this copy was created from.9Any Comments or suggestions for improvements to FastBucks would be appreciated.....$Thank you for registering Fastbucks.#Your support is really appreciated.U Enter expense Category Fixed Monthly Expenses Variable Monthly Expenses Acts.dat Error.... Can't open file Acts.dat ' Check your Data-Path definition U Account Name Account Number << Year End Closeout >> No OutstandingU $ Transaction date out of sequence! $ Re-Sorting Data files ........ U . Error... Not Found !! U TCatP. TcatB. Error... Not Found !! U 6