CRT Multimedia - EasyTutor Learn Internet 97 Release 1.1 -------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to EasyTutor Learn Internet 97. This program is suitable for Windows 95 and Windows NT systems. To install on Windows NT systems : 1) Select File from the Program Manager menu. 2) Select Run from the File menu. 3) Enter D:\SETUP.EXE where D is the CD-ROM drive. To install on Windows 95 systems : 1) the program will run automatically using the Windows 95 auto-run feature. 2) if you have disabled the auto-run feature select the 32BITVER folder on the CD and double-click on the SETUP.EXE program. Free Third Party Internet Software on the CD -------------------------------------------- The following software has been bundled on this CD : * Internet Explorer 3 release. * Internet Assistant for Word. * Internet Assistant for PowerPoint. * Internet Assistant for Excel. * NetComplete suite of internet tools, includes NetScape Navigator. * America Online. * Compuserve WinCim. The third party software bundled on the CD can be installed using either of the following methods: Install using the Third Party software installer provided on the CD: * This can be found at the following location: CD:\SOFTWARE\TPSETUP.EXE. * Locate TPSETUP.EXE on the CD using Windows Explorer. * double click on it to run it. * Click on the button that corresponds to the third party application that you wish to install. Install from within EasyTutor Learn 97: * You will find a number of modules available to you via the modules machine when you run the application. * Some of these modules screens describe what the third party software bundled on the CD is for. On some of these screens you will find a label entitled "Install xxxxxxxx', click on this and it will kick of the installation program for the appropriate piece of software. If you have any problems installing or using any of the above software then please contact the respective software providers. Their contact information can be found within their on-line documentation. Updating Your CD from the Internet ---------------------------------- EasyTutor Learn Internet 97 is a hybrid CD-ROM product. Not only do you get all the information provided on the CD, but, you can update it by connecting to the Internet and downloading information from CRT Multimedia's Web Site. This information will be updated monthly or as important events are happening. You use the CRT Link machine to update your CD with up to date information from the Internet. If you have your Internet connection set up properly, simply click on the 'Update' button and sit back while your CD is updated. If you have problems connecting to the Internet via the CRT Link machine then refer to the following file for detailed technical information: CD:\CONNECT.DOC Please read this file thoroughly and try everything it suggests before contacting CRT Multimedia for technical support. Unfortunatly, we will not be able to help with technical support on issues such as connecting to a Service Provider, third party software and setting up your modem. It clearly states in CONNECT.DOC who you should contact for technical support at each stage during the configuration of your computer. The CRT Link machine works on Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.x. At present it does not work on Windows NT 3.5x. However, if Microsoft add Dial-Up Networking support to Windows NT 3.5x it will work. Other Titles available from CRT Multimedia ------------------------------------------ How To Computers EasyTutor Learn Windows 95 EasyTutor Get Connected 96 EasyTutor Learn Office 95 EasyTutor Learn Word 95 EasyTutor Learn Computing EasyTutor Learn Windows NT 4 For further information contact: Sales & Marketing CRT Multimedia Ltd The Westway Centre 78 Wood Lane LONDON W12 7RH Email: Compuserve: 100072,2051 Internet: s& Web Site: Tel: 0181-743-9900 Fax: 0181-740-0020