$Unique_ID{COW04183} $Pretitle{267} $Title{Zaire Glossary} $Subtitle{} $Author{Eugene K. Keefe} $Affiliation{HQ, Department of the Army} $Subject{value bank world zaire equaled lineages } $Date{1978} $Log{} Country: Zaire Book: Zaire, A Country Study Author: Eugene K. Keefe Affiliation: HQ, Department of the Army Date: 1978 Glossary clan-A descent group (q.v.) the members of which are putatively descended from a common ancestor; often comprises a number of lineages (q.v.). cuvette-French, basin. Commonly used in work on Zaire in most languages to refer to the comparatively low area (average elevation about 400 meters) constituting about a third of Zaire's area and lying south of the great curve of the Zaire River. The natural vegetation of the entire area is either rain forest or mixed rain forest and swamp. descent group-A unit the members of which are actually or putatively descended from a common ancestor, in principle either exclusively through males (patrilineal) or through females (matrilineal). The basic units are referred to as clans (q.v.) or lineages (q.v.). evolue-A French term (lit., developed) used before independence to refer to those Africans more or less dissociated from traditional institutions, often with some postprimary education and speaking French. Such persons usually held white-collar jobs and were primarily urban, but some (e.g., government-appointed chiefs and notables) were not. FAZ-Forces Armees Zairoises (Armed Forces of Zaire). Overall title for the army, navy, air force, and gendarmerie-all of which are supervised by the Department of National Defense and directly subordinate to the president, who is commander in chief. GDP-Gross Domestic Product. The total value of goods and services produced within a country's borders during a fixed period, usually one year. Obtained by adding the value contributed by each sector of the economy in the form of compensation of employees, profits, and depreciation (consumption of capital). Subsistence production is included and consists of the imputed value of production by the farm family for its own use and the imputed rental value of owner-occupied dwellings. In countries lacking sophisticated data-gathering techniques the total value of GDP is often estimated. GDP differs from Gross National Product (GNP) in that it includes the value of net-factor payments (interest, profits, and salary remittances) to non-residents. interlacustrine area-roughly the zone lying between the eastern shores of lakes Idi Amin Dada, Mobutu Sese Seko, Kivu, and the northern end of Lake Tanganyika on the one hand and the northern, western, and southwestern shores of Lake Victoria on the other. Locus of the group of indigenous states, large and small, inhabited by peoples collectively called the interlacustrine Bantu. lineage-A descent group (q.v.) the members of which can, in principle, trace their descent through males from a common male ancestor or through females from a common female ancestor. Lineages of great generational depth may include others of lesser depth. In such systems lineages of greater depth are likely to have different political, social, and economic functions than lineages of lesser depth. World Bank-Name commonly used for the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), which is part of the World Bank Group (q.v.). World Bank Group-Consists of the World Bank (q.v.) and its two financial affiliates, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the International Development Association (IDA). IFC works with the private sector in developing countries. IDA operates in the same sectors and with the same policies as the World Bank but provides credits only to the poorer developing countries and on easier terms than conventional World Bank loans. zaire-Zairian currency unit, introduced on June 24, 1967, replacing the Congolese franc; Z1 consists of 100 makuta (singular, likuta), designated by the symbol k. From June 24, 1967, through March 11, 1976, Z1 equaled US$2. On March 12, 1976, the zaire was pegged to the Special Drawing Right (SDR) thereby establishing an effective value of Z1 equaled US$1.15 or US$1 equaled Z0.87. The rate between zaire and dollar was subject to market forces thereafter, and in May 1978 US$1 equaled Z0.81 or Z1 equaled US$1.235. Zairianization-The policy, announced in late 1973, requiring the transfer of foreign enterprises in agriculture, commerce, and transport to Zairians. The inefficient management of the enterprises thus transferred led to a partial retrocession of ownership to original holders beginning in 1975.