$Unique_ID{COW04180} $Pretitle{267} $Title{Zaire Bibliography. Chapters 1 and 2} $Subtitle{} $Author{Eugene K. Keefe} $Affiliation{HQ, Department of the Army} $Subject{congo press london african university africa history de zaire du} $Date{1978} $Log{} Country: Zaire Book: Zaire, A Country Study Author: Eugene K. Keefe Affiliation: HQ, Department of the Army Date: 1978 Bibliography. Chapters 1 and 2 Chapter 1 Anstey, Roger. "Belgian rule in the Congo and the aspirations of the evolue class." Pages 194-225 in L.H. Gann and Peter Duignan (eds.), Colonialism in Africa, 1870-1960: Vol. II, The History and Politics of Colonialism 1914-1960. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970. _____. Britain and the Congo in the Nineteenth Century. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1962. _____. King Leopold's Legacy: The Congo Under Belgian Rule, 1908-1960. London: Oxford University Press, 1966. Archer, Jules. Congo: The Birth of a New Nation. New York: Julian Messner, 1970. Axelson, Sigbert. 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"The End of Red Rubber," Journal of African History [London], 16, No. 1, 1975, 73-88. Hempstone, Smith. Rebels, Mercenaries, and Dividends: The Katanga Story. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1962. Hennessy, M.N. Congo: A Brief History and Appraisal. London: Pall Mall Press, 1961. Hiernaux, Jean. "Bantu Expansion: The Evidence from Physical Anthropology Confronted with Linguistic and Archaeological Evidence," Journal of African History [London], 9, No. 4, 1968, 505-516. Hinde, Sidney Langford. The Fall of the Congo Arabs. New York: Thomas Whittaker, 1897. Hoskyns, Catherine. The Congo Since Independence, January 1960-December 1961. London: Oxford University Press, 1965. Jadin, Louis. Rivalites luso-neerlandaises au Sohio, Congo, 1600-1675. Tentatives missionaires des recollets flamands et tribulations des capucins italiens, 1670-1675. (Bulletin de l'Institut historique belge de Rome.) Brussels: n.pub., 1966. Jewsiewicki, B. "The Great Depression and the Making of the Colonial Economic System in the Belgian Congo," African Economic History, Vol. 4, Autumn 1977, 153-176. Jewsiewicki, Bogumil. "Notes sur l'histoire socio-economique du Congo (1880-1960)," Etudes d'Histoire Africaine [Louvain], 3, No. 9, 1972, 209-241. Kanza, Thomas. Conflict in the Congo: The Rise and Fall of Lumumba. (Penguin African Library). Baltimore: Penguin, 1972. Kimambo, Isaria. "The Rise of the Congolese State Systems." Pages 29-48 in T.O. Ranger (ed.), Aspects of Central African History. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 1968. Kitchen, Helen (ed.). Footnotes to the Congo Story. New York: Walker, 1960. Lefever, Ernest W., and Wynfred Joshua. United Nations Peacekeeping in the Congo: 1960-1964, an Analysis of Political, Executive and Military Contest, I. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1966. Legum, Colin. Congo Disaster. Baltimore: Penguin, 1961. Lemarchand, Rene. Political Awakening in the Belgian Congo. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1964. Louis, William Roger. "The Philosophical Diplomatist: Sir Arthur Hardinge and King Leopold's Congo." Pages 1402-1430 in Bulletin des Seances. Brussels: Academie Royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer, 1965. Louis, William Roger, and Jean Stengers. E.D. Morel's History of the Congo Reform Movement. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1968. Lumumba, Patrice. Congo, My Country. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1962. Markowitz, M.D. Cross and Sword: The Political Role of Christian Missions in the Belgian Congo, 1908-1960. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1973. Martelli, George. Leopold to Lumumba: A History of the Belgian Congo, 1877-1960. London: Chapman and Hall, 1962. Masaie, John. "African Politics in Congo-Kinshasa to Independence." Pages 249-272 in T.O. Ranger (ed.), Aspects of Central African History. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 1968. Miller, Joseph C. "Nzinga of Matamba in a New Perspective," Journal of African History [London], 16, No. 2, 1975, 201-216. _____. "Requiem for the 'Jaga.'" Cahiers d'Etudes Africaines [Paris], XIII, No. 1, 1973, 121-149. Morel, E.D. Red Rubber: The Story of the Rubber Slave Trade Which Flourished on the Congo for Twenty Years, 1890-1910. New York: B.W. Huebsch, 1919. Nkrumah, Kwame. Challenge of the Congo. New York: International Publishers, 1967. Okuma, Washington. Lumumba's Congo. New York: Obolensky, 1963. Oliver, Roland. "The Problem of the Bantu Expansion," Journal of African History [London], 7, No. 3, 1966, 361-376. Patrice Lumumba. (Panaf Great Lives.) London: Panaf Books, 1973. Peemans, Jean-Philippe. "Capital accumulation in the Congo under colonialism: the role of the state." Pages 165-212 in Peter Duignan and L.H. Gann (eds.), Colonialism in Africa, 1870-1960: Vol. IV, The Economics of Colonialism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975. _____. Diffusion du progres economique et convergence des prix: Le cas Congo-Belgique, 1900-1960; La formation de systeme des prix et salaires dans une economie dualiste. Louvain: Editions Nauwelaerts, 1968. Posnansky, Merrick. "Bantu Genesis-Archeological Reflexions," Journal of African History [London], 9, No. 1, 1968, 1-12. Randles, W.G.L. L'ancien royaume du Congo des origines a la fin du XIXe siecle. The Hauge: Mouton, 1968. Ranger, T.O. (ed.). Aspects of Central African History. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 1968. Rome, Jean-Francois de. La fondation de la mission des Capuciors au royaume du Congo (1648). (Trans. and ed., Francois Bontinck.) Louvain: Editions Nauwelaerts, 1964. Shaloff, Stanley. Reform in Leopold's Congo. Richmond, Virginia: John Knox Press, 1970. Singleton, Seth. "Conflict Resolution in Africa: The Congo and the Rules of the Game," Pan-African Journal [Nairobi], VIII, No. 1, Spring 1975, 1-18. Slade, Ruth. King Leopold's Congo: Aspects of the Development of Race Relations in the Congo Independent State. London: Oxford University Press, 1962. Slade, Ruth, with Marjory Taylor. The Belgian Congo. London: Oxford University Press, 1961. Stanley, Henry M. In Darkest Africa. Vol. I. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1890. Stengers, Jean. "The Congo Free State and the Belgian Congo." Pages 261-292 in L.H. Gann and Peter Duignan (eds.), Colonialism in Africa, 1870-1960, I. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969. Thornton, John. "Demography and History in the Kingdom of Kongo, 1550-1750," Journal of African History [London], XVIII, No. 4, 1977, 507-530. Turner, Thomas "Peasant Rebellion and its Suppression in Sankuru, Zaire," Pan-African Journal [Nairobi], VII, No. 3, Fall 1974, 193-215. Vansina, Jan. Kingdoms of the Savanna. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1968. _____. "More on the Invasions of Kongo and Angola by the Jaga and the Lunda," Journal of African History [London], 7, No. 3, 1966, 421-430. _____. The Tio Kingdom of the Middle Congo, 1880-1892. London: Oxford University Press, 1973. Wack, Henry Wellington. The Story of the Congo Free State: Social, Political, and Economic Aspects of the Belgian System of Government in Central Africa. New York: G.P. Putman's Sons, 1905. Weiss, Herbert. Political Protest in the Congo: The Parti Solidaire Africain during the Independence Struggle. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1967. Wilson, Anne. "Long Distance Trade and the Luba Lomami Empire," Journal of African History [London], 13, No. 4, 1972, 575-590. Wrigley, C.C. "Myths of the Savanna," Journal of African History [London], 15, No. 1, 1974, 131-135. Young, Crawford. Politics in the Congo. Decolonization and Independence. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1965. _____. The Politics of Cultural Pluralism. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1976. Chapter 2 Adelman, Kenneth. "The Political Party in Zaire as a Religious Surrogate," Africa Today, 23, No. 4, October/December 1976, 47-58. Adelman, Kenneth L. "Zaire's Year of Crisis," African Affairs [London], 77, No. 306, January 1978, 36-44. Adelman, Kenneth Lee. "The Church-State Conflict in Zaire: 1969-1974," African Studies Review, XVIII, No. 1, April 1975, 102-116. Chome, J. L'ascension de Mobutu. Paris: Maspero, 1972. Cornevin, Robert. "La politique exterieure du Zaire." Revue Francaise d'Etudes Politiques [Paris], No. 79, July 1972, 261-274. De Boeck, A. "Droit penal et conscience sociale; tolerance d'une partie de la population zairoise de certaines infractions," Revue Juridique du Zaire [Lubumbashi], 50, No. 1/2, January-August 1974, 1-9. Durieux, R. "Nouvelle Reforme Constitutionelle au Zaire," Revue Juridique et Politique [Paris], 29, No. 2, April 1975, 163-181. Gatarayiha, Majinya, Kangafu Gudumbagana, de Lannoy D. Aspects de la reforme administrative au Zaire. L'administration et la politique de 1965-1975. (Les Cahiers du CEDAF, No. 4-5.) Brussels: Centre d'Etude et de Documentation Africaines, 1976. Goovaerts, Leo. L'eglise et l'etat au Zaire a l'epreuve de l'authenticite," Cultures et Developpements [Louvain], VII, No. 2, 1975, 243-282. Gould, David J. "Local Administration in Zaire and Underdevelopment," The Journal of Modern African Studies [Cambridge, England], 15, No. 3, 1977, 349-378. _____. "Disorganization Theory and Underdevelopment Administration; 'Organization' in the Framework of Zairian National 'Development.'" (Paper presented at the Joint Meeting of the African Studies Association and the Latin American Studies Association, November 2-5, 1977.) Houston: November 2-5, 1977. _____. "From Development Administration to Underdevelopment Administration: A Study of Zairian Administration in the Light of the Current Paradigmatic Crisis." (Paper presented at the American Society for Public Administration, March 30-April 2, 1977.) Atlanta: 1977. _____. "The Role of Dependent Public Administration in Underdevelopment and its Impact on Decision-Making and Administrative Reform in Local Zairian Administration." (Paper presented at the 19th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, November 3-6, 1976.) Boston: 1976. Gould, David J., and Ghifem J. Katuala. "Bureaucracy and Underdevelopment: Constraints on Decision-Making and Administrative Reform in Zairian Local Administration." (Paper presented at the 18th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, October 29-November 1, 1975.) San Francisco: 1975. Gould, David J., and Mushi-Mugumorhagerwa. "La multirationalite et le sous-developpement: ecologie du processus decisionnel dans l'administration locale zairoise," Canadian Journal of Political Science [Montreal], 10, No. 2, June 1977, 261-286. Kengo-wa-Dondo. "L'organisation et le fonctionnement de la justice dans la IIme Republique," Revue Juridique du Zaire [Lubumbashi], No. 3, 1973. _____. "Le pouvoir judiciaire sous la deuxieme Republique Zairoise," Studia Diplomatica [Brussels], XXV, No. 4, 1975, 501-27. Legum, Colin (ed.). Africa Contemporary Record: Annual Survey and Documents, 1969-1970. Exeter: Africa Research, 1970. _____. Africa Contemporary Record: Annual Survey and Documents, 1970-1971. London: Rex Collings, 1971. _____. Africa Contemporary Record: Annual Survey and Documents, 1971-1972. London: Rex Collings, 1972. _____. Africa Contemporary Record: Annual Survey and Documents, 1972-1973. New York: Africana Publishing, 1973. _____. Africa Contemporary Record: Annual Survey and Documents, 1973-1974. New York: Africana Publishing, 1974. _____. Africa Contemporary Record: Annual Survey and Documents, 1974-1975. New York: Africana Publishing, 1975. _____. Africa Contemporary Record: Annual Survey and Documents, 1975-1976. New York: Africana Publishing, 1976. _____. Africa Contemporary Record: Annual Survey and Documents, 1976-1977. New York: Africana Publishing, 1977. McLennan, Barbara N. Comparative Political Systems. North Scituate, Massachusetts: Duxbury Press, 1975. "Manifeste du Mouvement Populaire de la Revolution," Etudes Congolaises [Kinshasa], X, No. 3, May-June 1967, 66-79. Manning, Robert. "The United States Zaire Connection," African Development [London], 9, No. 12, December 1975, 16-17. Mbemba Mulopo Misekele. "Le Bureau Politique du M.P.R. dans la constitution du 15 Aout, 1975," Etudes Zairoises [Kinshasa], No. 2, May-June 1975, 3-11. Merriam, A.P. "Politics and Change in a Zairian Village," Africa-Tervuren [Tervuren, Belgium], 21, No. 1/2, 1975, 18-22. Mpinga-Kasenda. L'administration publique du Zaire: l'impact du milieu socio-politique sur sa structure et son fonctionnement. Paris: A. Pedone, 1973. Mpoy-Kamulayi. "La repression du detournement des deniers publics au Zaire: commentaire de la loi No. 73/017 du 5 Janvier 1975," Etudes Zairoises [Kinshasa], No. 3, July-September 1975, 27-52. Naipul, V.S. "A New King for the Congo," New York Review of Books, June 26, 1975, 19-25. Nguza Karl-i-Bond. "Dix ans de pouvoir idees-forces du Mobutisme," Studia Diplomatica [Brussels], XXIX, No. 1, 1976, 3-39. Nzongola Ntalaja. "Urban Administration in Zaire: A Study of Kananga, 1971-73." Unpublished Ph.D. thesis. Madison: University of Wisconsin, 1975. Odier, Jeannick. "La politique etrangere de Mobutu," Revue Francaise d'Etudes Politiques Africaines [Paris], No. 120, December 1975, 25-41. Rimlinger, Gaston V. "Administrative Training and Modernization in Zaire," Journal of Development Studies [London], 12, No. 4, July 1976, 365-382. Turner, Thomas. "Chiefs, Bureaucrats, and the MPR of Zaire." (Paper presented at the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, October 29-November 1, 1975.) San Francisco: 1975. _____. "Peasant Rebellion and its Suppression in Sankuru, Zaire," Pan-African Journal [Nairobi], VII, No. 3, Fall 1974, 193-215. Tutashinda, N. "Les mystifications de l'authenticite," Pensees [Paris], 175, May-June 1974. Uba, Sam. "Church and State," Africa: An International Business, Economic, and Political Monthly [London], No. 10, June 1972, 11-13. Vanderlinden, Jacques. La Republique du Zaire. Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1975. Vieux, Serge. L'Administration Zairoise. Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1974. Willame, Jean C. "Les clefs de la politique zairoise," Revue Nouvelle [Brussels], LXII, No. 12, December 1975, 528-533. _____. Patrimonialism and Political Change in the Congo. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1972. Willame, Jean C., and Jean-Philippe Peemans. "L'etat fort et la croissance economique," Revue Nouvelle [Brussels], LXII, No. 12, December 1975. Young, Crawford, "Ethnic Politics in Zaire." Pages 163-215 in Crawford Young (ed.), The Politics of Cultural Pluralism. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1976. _____. "Ethnic Politics in Zaire." (Paper presented at the Joint Meeting of the African Studies Association and the Latin American Studies Association, November 2-5, 1977.) Houston: 1977. (Various issues of the following periodicals were also used in the preparation of this chapter: African Research Bulletin [Exeter, England], 1965-78; Jeune Afrique [Paris], January 1970-April 1978; New York Times, January 1977-May 1978; Remarques Africaines [Brussels], January 1970-April 1978; and Zaire [Kinshasa], January 1975-March 1977.