$Unique_ID{COW03824} $Pretitle{297} $Title{Uruguay Statistical Profile of Uruguay} $Subtitle{} $Author{Central Intelligence Agency} $Affiliation{United States Government} $Subject{km rate government new billion est national brazil growth million} $Date{1990} $Log{National Anthem*75400010.aud Map of Uruguay*0382401.scf Flag of Uruguay*0382402.scf } Country: Uruguay Book: CIA World Factbook Author: Central Intelligence Agency Affiliation: United States Government Date: 1990 [Hear National Anthem] [See Map of Uruguay] [See Flag of Uruguay] Statistical Profile of Uruguay Geography Total area: 176,220 km2; land area: 173,620 km2 Comparative area: slightly smaller than Washington State Land boundaries: 1,564 km total; Argentina 579 km, Brazil 985 km Coastline: 660 km Maritime claims: Continental shelf: 200 meters or to depth of exploitation Territorial sea: 200 nm (overflight and navigation permitted beyond 12 nm) Disputes: short section of boundary with Argentina is in dispute; two short sections of the boundary with Brazil are in dispute (Arroyo de la Invernada area of the Rio Quarai and the islands at the confluence of the Rio Quarai and the Uruguay) Climate: warm temperate; freezing temperatures almost unknown Terrain: mostly rolling plains and low hills; fertile coastal lowland Natural resources: soil, hydropower potential, minor minerals Land use: 8% arable land; NEGL% permanent crops; 78% meadows and pastures; 4% forest and woodland; 10% other; includes 1% irrigated Environment: subject to seasonally high winds, droughts, floods People Population: 2,988,813 (July 1989), growth rate 0.4% (1989) Birth rate: 17 births/1,000 population (1989) Death rate: 10 deaths/1,000 population (1989) Net migration rate: - 2 migrants/1,000 population (1989) Infant mortality rate: 34 deaths/1,000 live births (1989) Life expectancy at birth: 68 years male, 75 years female (1989) Total fertility rate: 2.3 children born/woman (1989) Nationality: noun--Uruguayan(s); adjective--Uruguayan Ethnic divisions: 88% white, 8% mestizo, 4% black Religion: 66% Roman Catholic (less than half adult population attends church regularly), 2% Protestant, 2% Jewish, 30% nonprofessing or other Language: Spanish Literacy: 94% Labor force: 1,300,000; 25% government, 19% manufacturing, 11% agriculture, 12% commerce, 12% utilities, construction, transport, and communications, 21% other services (1988 est.) Organized labor: Interunion Workers' Assembly/National Workers' Confederation (PIT/CNT) Labor Federation Government Long-form name: Oriental Republic of Uruguay Type: republic Capital: Montevideo Administrative divisions: 19 departments (departamentos, singular--departamento); Artigas, Canelones, Cerro Largo, Colonia, Durazno, Flores, Florida, Lavalleja, Maldonado, Montevideo, Paysandu, Rio Negro, Rivera, Rocha, Salto, San Jose, Soriano, Tacuarembo, Treinta y Tres Independence: 25 August 1828 (from Brazil) Constitution: 27 November 1966, effective February 1967, suspended 27 June 1973, new constitution rejected by referendum 30 November 1980 Legal system: based on Spanish civil law system; accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction National holiday: Independence Day, 25 August (1828) Branches: executive, headed by president; bicameral National Congress (Senate and House of Deputies); national judiciary headed by Court of Justice Leaders: Julio M. SANGUINETTI, President (since March 1985); Enrique E. TARIGO, Vice President (since March 1985) Suffrage: universal over age 18 Elections: held every five years; last held November 1984; next scheduled for November 1989 Political parties and leaders: National (Blanco) Party, Roberto Rubio; Colorado Party, Enrique Tarigo; Broad Front Coalition, Liber Seregni; Communist Party, Jaime Perez; Civic Union, Humberto Ciganda; Government of the People (List 99), Hugo Batalla; National Liberation Movement (MLN) or Tupamaros, Raul Sendic Antonaccio Voting strength: (1984 elections) 41% Colorado, 35% Blanco, 22% Broad Front, 2% Civic Union Communists: 50,000 Member of: CCC, FAO, G-77, GATT, Group of Eight, IADB, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, IDB--Inter-American Development Bank, IFAD, IFC, ILO, IMF, IMO, INTELSAT, INTERPOL, IRC, ITU, LAIA, OAS, PAHO, SELA, UN, UNESCO, UPU, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WSG Diplomatic representation: Ambassador Hector LUISI; Chancery at 1918 F Street NW, Washington DC 20006; telephone (202) 331-1313 through 1316; there are Uruguayan Consulates General in Los Angeles, Miami, and New York, and a Consulate in New Orleans; US--Ambassador Malcolm R. WILKEY; Embassy at Lauro Muller 1776, Montevideo (mailing address is APO Miami 34035); telephone [598] (2) 40-90-51 Flag: nine equal horizontal stripes of white (top and bottom) alternating with blue; there is a white square in the upper hoist-side corner with a yellow sun bearing a human face known as the Sun of May and 16 rays alternately triangular and wavy Economy Overview: The economy is slowly recovering from the deep recession of 1981-84. In 1986 real GDP grew by 6.6% and by 4.9% in 1987. The recovery was led by growth in the agriculture and fishing sectors, agriculture alone contributing 20% to GDP, employing about 20% of the labor force, and generating a large proportion of export earnings. Raising livestock, particularly cattle and sheep, is the major agricultural activity. In 1988, despite healthy exports and an improved current account, domestic growth slowed because of government concentration on the external sector, adverse weather conditions, and prolonged strikes. High inflation rates of nearly 70%, a large domestic debt, and frequent strikes remain major economic problems for the government. GDP: $7.5 billion, per capita $2,530; real growth rate 1% (1988 est.) Inflation rate (consumer prices): 69% (1988) Unemployment rate: 9.0% (1988 est.) Budget: revenues $1.2 billion; expenditures $1.3 billion, including capital expenditures of $93.3 million (1987) Exports: $1.3 billion (f.o.b., 1988 est.); commodities--hides and leather goods 17%, beef 10%, wool 9%, fish 7%, rice 4%; partners--Brazil 17%, US 15%, FRG 10%, Argentina 10% (1987) Imports: $1.1 billion (f.o.b., 1988 est.); commodities--fuels and lubricants 15%, metals, machinery, transportation equipment, industrial chemicals; partners--Brazil 24%, Argentina 14%, US 8%, FRG 8% (1987) External debt: $6 billion (1988) Industrial production: growth rate 1.5% (1988 est.) Electricity: 1,889,000 kW capacity; 4,204 million kWh produced, 1,410 kWh per capita (1988) Industries: meat processing, wool and hides, sugar, textiles, footwear, leather apparel, tires, cement, fishing, petroleum refining, wine Agriculture: large areas devoted to extensive livestock grazing; wheat, rice, corn, sorghum; self-sufficient in most basic foodstuffs Aid: US commitments, including Ex-Im (FY70-87), $105 million; Western (non-US) countries, ODA and OOF bilateral commitments (1970-86), $233 million; Communist countries (1970-87), $69 million Currency: new Uruguayan peso (plural--pesos); 1 new Uruguayan peso (N$Ur) = 100 centesimos Exchange rates: new Uruguayan pesos (N$Ur) per US $1--460.68 (January 1989), 359.39 (1988), 226.67 (1987), 151.99 (1986), 101.43 (1985) Fiscal year: calendar year Communications Railroads: 3,000 km, all 1.435-meter standard gauge and government owned Highways: 49,900 km total; 6,700 km paved, 3,000 km gravel, 40,200 km earth Inland waterways: 1,600 km; used by coastal and shallow-draft river craft Ports: Montevideo, Punta del Este Merchant marine: 6 ships (1,000 GRT or over) totaling 70,499 GRT/123,229 DWT; includes 2 cargo, 3 petroleum, oils, and lubricants (POL) tanker, 1 container; note--in addition, 2 naval tankers are sometimes used commercially Civil air: 14 major transport aircraft Airports: 95 total, 92 usable; 16 with permanent-surface runways; 2 with runways 2,440-3,659 m; 15 with runways 1,220-2,439 m Telecommunications: most modern facilities concentrated in Montevideo; new nationwide radio relay network; 337,000 telephones; stations--99 AM, no FM, 26 TV, 9 shortwave; 2 Atlantic Ocean INTELSAT satellite stations Defense Forces Branches: Army, Navy, Air Force Military manpower: males 15-49, 703,187; 573,756 fit for military service; no conscription Military budget: NA