$Unique_ID{COW03309} $Pretitle{286} $Title{Somalia Bibliography. Chapters 3 and 4} $Subtitle{} $Author{Frederick Ehrenreich} $Affiliation{HQ, Department of the Army} $Subject{somalia africa london new january horn mogadishu economic international foreign} $Date{1981} $Log{} Country: Somalia Book: Somalia, A Country Study Author: Frederick Ehrenreich Affiliation: HQ, Department of the Army Date: 1981 Bibliography. Chapters 3 and 4 Chapter 3 Africa South of the Sahara 1980-81. (10th ed.) London: Europa Publications, 1980. Buzan, Barbara (ed.). "Somali Democratic Republic," World Aviation Directory, No. 82, Summer 1981, April 1981, 1420. Central Bank of Somalia. Annual Report and Statement of Accounts 1976: 16th Financial Year, 1 Jan.-31 Dec. 1976. Mogadishu: n.d. _____. Annual Report and Statement of Accounts 1977: 17th Financial Year, 1 Jan.-31 Dec. 1977. Mogadishu: n.d. _____. Annual Report and Statement of Accounts 1978: 18th Financial Year, 1 Jan.-31 Dec. 1978. Mogadishu: n.d. _____. Annual Report and Statement of Accounts 1979: 19th Financial Year, 1 Jan.-31 Dec. 1979. Mogadishu: n.d. Cowell, Alan. "Somalis, Enfeebled by Hunger, Still Export Food," New York Times, September 25, 1981, A2. The Economist Intelligence Unit, Ltd. Quarterly Economic Review of Uganda, Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti: Annual Supplement 1979. London: 1979. _____. Quarterly Economic Review of Uganda, Ethiopia, Somalia: Annual Supplement 1978. London: 1978. Federal Republic of Germany. Statistiches Bundesamt. Landerkurzbericht: Somalia 1980. (Statistik des Auslandes.) Wiesbaden: September 1980. Food and Agriculture Organization. Agricultural and Water Surveys: Somalia. Final Report, I. Rome: FAO, 1967. _____. FAO Production Yearbook 1979, 33. Rome: FAO, 1980. Ganzglass, Martin R. "Somali Democratic Republic," In Albert P. Blaustein and Gisbert H. Flanz (eds.), Constitutions of the Countries of the World. Dobbs Ferry, New York: Oceana Publications, 1979. Geshekter, Charles L. "Socio-Economic Developments in Somalia," Horn of Africa, 2, No. 2, April-June 1979, 24-36. Hancock, Graham. "Somalia." Pages 329-33, 347 in Graham Hancock (ed.), Africa Guide 1981. Essex, England: World of Information, 1980. _____. Somalia Planning for a Rainy Day," Middle East Economic Digest [London], 23, No. 50, December 14, 1979, 11-12, 18. Harrison, Charles. "Somalia: Huge Sugar Project on Schedule" African Business [London], No. 27, November 1980, 24. International Labour Office. Jobs and Skills Programme for Africa. Economic Transformation in a Socialist Framework: An Employment and Basic Needs Oriented Development Strategy for Somalia. Addis Ababa: ILO, 1977. International Labour Organisation. Labour Administration: Somalia-Project Findings and Recommendations. Geneva: ILO, 1977. International Monetary Fund. Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions, 1981. Washington: IMF, 1981. _____. Government Finance Statistics Yearbook, V. Washington: IMF, 1981. Konczacki, Z.A. The Economics of Pastoralism: A Case Study of Sub-Saharan Africa. London: Frank Cass, 1978. Laitin, David D. "Somalia's Military Government and Scientific Socialism." Pages 174-206 in Carl G. Rosberg and Thomas M. Callaghy (eds.), Socialism in Sub-Saharan Africa: A New Assessment. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979. Lavrencic, Karl. "Somalia: Living Without Russia," Africa: An International Business, Economic and Political Magazine [London], No. 83, July 1978, 40-41. _____. "Spotlight on Somalia," Africa: An International Business, Economic and Political Magazine [London], No. 50, October 1975, 95-109. Miller, Norman N. The Other Somalia. Part I: Illicit Trade and the Hidden Economy. (American University Field Staff. Fieldstaff Reports. Africa Series, No. 29.) Hanover, New Hampshire: AUFS, May 1981. _____. The Other Somalia. Part II: Foreign Aid and Local Politics (American Universities Field Staff. Fieldstaff Reports. Africa Series, No. 30.) Hanover, New Hampshire: AUFS, May 1981. "Somalia: Current Plan Geared to Self-Sufficiency," The Arab Economist [Beirut], XIII, No. 136, January 1981, 28-30. "Somalia 1981: A Comprehensive Programme for Development." Pages 334-46 in Graham Hancock (ed.), Africa Guide 1981. Essex, England: World of Information, 1980. Somalia. Ministry of Information and National Guidance. Revolutionary Somalia. Mogadishu: October 1978. _____. Somalia's Five-Year Plan (1974-1978); An Outline of the Economic Programme. Mogadishu: June 1974 Somalia. Ministry of National Planning. Somalia: Country Programme for the 1980s for Presentation to the United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (May 25-June 5, 1981). Mogadishu: January 1981. Somalia. Ministry of Planning and Co-ordination. Five Year Development Programme 1974-1978. Mogadishu: 1974. Somalia. Planning and Coordinating Committee for Economic and Social Development. First Five Year Plan (1963-1967). Mogadishu: July 1963. Somalia. State Planning Commission. Central Statistical Department. Koobaha Staatistikada 1978. (Statistical Abstract.) July 1979. _____. Sahanka Tacabdhalka Warshadaha 1975. (Industrial Production Survey.) Mogadishu: September 1977. _____. Sahanka Tacabdhalka Warshadaha 1978. (Industrial Production Survey.) Mogadishu: October 1979. Somalia. State Planning Commission. Foreign Trade Returns, Year 1978. n.pl.: October 1979. _____. Three Year Plan 1979-1981. Mogadishu: 1979. Somalia. State Planning Commission. Planning Department. Public Sector Investment Programme for 1978; Implementation of Investment Programme for 1977; Assessment of Five Year Development Programme 1974-1978. Mogadishu: April 1978. Swift, Jeremy. "The Development of Livestock Trading in a Nomad Pastoral Economy: The Somali Case." Pages 447-65 in Pastoral Production and Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979. _____. "Pastoral Development in Somalia: Herding Cooperatives as a Strategy Against Desertification and Famine." Pages 275-305 in Michael H. Glantz (ed.), Desertification: Environmental Degradation In and Around Arid Lands. Boulder: Westview Press, 1977. U.S. Department of State. Agency for International Development. Bureau for Private and Development Cooperation. Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance. Somalia: A Country Profile. (Prepared by Evaluation Technologies, Inc.) Washington: January 1980. U.S. Department of State. Agency for International Development. Somalia Mission. "Settling the Nomads: AID, Somalia Cooperate in Building Permanent Farming Villages," Agenda, March 1979, 16-19. U.S. Department of State. Embassy in Mogadishu. Foreign Economic Trends and Their Implications for the United States: Somalia. (International Marketing Information series.) Washington: GPO, January 1981. (Various issues of the following periodicals were also used in the preparation of this chapter: Africa: An International Business, Economic and Political Magazine [London], March 1976-April 1981; Africa Research Bulletin (Economic, Financial and Technical Series) [Exeter], January 1976-October 1981; African Business [London], November 1978-September 1981; Heegan [Mogadishu], No. 1, July 1978-No. 140, January 1981; Middle East Economic Digest [London], June 1971-October 1981; Quarterly Economic Review: Uganda, Ethiopia, Somalia, No. 1-No. 3, 1976; Quarterly Economic Review of Uganda, Ethiopia, Somalia [London], 4th Quarter 1976-2nd Quarter 1978; Quarterly Economic Review of Uganda, Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti [London], 3d Quarter 1978-4th Quarter 1979; Joint Publications Research Service (JPRS), Sub-Saharan Africa Report Nos. 2165-2489, October 1979-September 1981; and United States Joint Publications Research Service (JPRS), Translations on Sub-Saharan Africa, Nos. 1811-2050, October 1977-January 1979.) Chapter 4 Amnesty International Report 1980. London: Amnesty International Publications, 1980. Ayoob, Mohammed. "The Horn of Africa." Pages 136-70 in Mohammed Ayoob (ed.), Conflict and Intervention in the Third World. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1980. Bell, Steven. "Realignment in the Horn: The Soviet Advantage" International Security, 4, No. 2, Fall 1979, 69-90. Bereket Habte Selassie. Conflict and Intervention in the Horn of Africa. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1980. Cahill, Kevin M. Somalia: A Perspective. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1980. Davidson, Basil. "Somalia in 1975: Some Notes and Impressions," Issue, V, No. 1, Spring 1975, 19-26. Decraene, Philippe. "Notes sur la voie socialiste somalienne," Revue francaise d'etudes politiques africaines [Paris], No. 137, May 1977, 54-78. Ganzglass, Martin R. "Somali Democratic Republic." Pages 1-28 in Albert P. Blaustein and Gisbert H. Flanz (eds.), Constitutions of the Countries of the World. Dobbs Ferry, New York: Oceana Publications, 1979. Gorelick, Robert E. "Pan-Somali-ism vs. Territorial Integrity," Horn of Africa, 3, No. 4, 1980/81, 31-45. Hancock, Graham. "Somalia." Pages 278-93 in Richard Synge (ed.), Africa Guide 1978. Essex, England: Africa Guide Co., 1977. _____. "Somalia's Single Party Government," African Development [London], 10, No. 9, September 1976, 934-35. Hassan, Mohamoud. "Status of Human Rights in Somalia," Horn of Africa, 3, No. 2, 1980, 3-11. Herzog, Jorge. "La politique exterieure des dirigeants somaliens," Revue francaise d'etudes politiques africaines [Paris], Nos. 165 and 166, September-October 1979, 45-60. Jowitt, Kenneth. "Scientific Socialist Regimes in Africa: Political Differentiation, Avoidance, and Unawareness." Pages 133-73 in Carl G. Rosberg and Thomas M. Callaghy (eds.), Socialism in Sub-Saharan Africa: A New Assessment. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979. Laitin, David D. "The Political Economy of Military Rule in Somalia," The Journal of Modern African Studies [Cambridge, England], 14, No. 3, September 1976, 449-68. _____. "Somalia's Military Government and Scientific Socialism." Pages 174-206 in Carl G. Rosberg and Thomas M. Callaghy (eds.), Socialism in Sub-Saharan Africa: A New Assessment. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979. Latremoliere, Jacques. "La Somalie a-t-elle choisi son camp?" Marches tropicaux et mediterraneens [Paris], 36, No. 1797, April 18, 1980, 911-13. Legum, Colin (ed.). Africa Contemporary Record: Annual Survey and Documents, 1977-78. New York: Africana Publishing, 1978. _____. Africa Contemporary Record: Annual Survey and Documents, 1978-79. New York: Africana Publishing, 1979. _____. Africa Contemporary Record: Annual Survey and Documents, 1979-80. New York: Africana Publishing, 1980. Legum, Colin, and Bill Lee. The Horn of Africa in Continuing Crisis. New York: Africana Publishing, 1979. Lewis, I.M. A Modern History of Somalia: Nation and State in the Horn of Africa. London: Longman, 1980. _____. "The Nation, State, and Politics in Somalia." Pages 285-306 in David R. Smock and Kwamena Bentsi-Enchill (eds.), The Search for National Integration in Africa. New York: Free Press, 1975. _____. "Somalia." Pages 884-88 in Africa South of the Sahara 1980-81. London: Europa Publications, 1980. _____. "Somali Democratic Republic." Pages 640-60 in Bogdan Szajkowski (ed.), Marxist Governments: A World Survey, Vol. 3. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981. Mayall, James. "The Battle for the Horn: Somali Irredentism and International Diplomacy," The World Today [London], 34, No. 9, September 1978, 336-45. Miller, Norman N. The Other Somalia. Part II: Foreign Aid and Local Politics. (American Universities Field Staff. Fieldstaff Reports. Africa Series, No. 30.) Hanover, New Hampshire: AUFS, May 1981. Muhammad, Haji N.A. Noor. The Legal System of the Somali Democratic Republic. (Legal Systems of Africa series.) Charlottesville, Virginia: Michie, 1972. Ng'weno, Hilary. "Somalia's Five-Pointed Star and Kenya," Africa [London], No. 80, April 1978, 41-44. Nouaille-Degorce, Brigitte. "Evolution comparee des regimes militaires somalien et soudanaise," Revue francaise d'etudes politiques africaines [Paris], Nos. 161 and 162, May-June 1979, 64-107. Rajab, Ahmed. "Somalia: New Constitution, Old Powers," New African [London], No. 146, October 1979, 59-60. "Reconciliation Moves in the Horn," Africa [London], No. 118, June 1981, 62-66. Samuels, Michael A., et al. (eds.). White Paper: The Horn of Africa. (Special Supplement, The Washington Review of Strategic and International Studies.) Washington: Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, 1978. Sheik-Abdi, Abdi. "Ideology and Leadership in Somalia," Journal of Modern African Studies [Cambridge, England], 19, No. 1, March 1981, 163-72. _____. "Somalia: A Litmus Paper for U.S. Foreign Policy in the 1980s?" Horn of Africa, 3, No. 2, 34-43. Siad Barre, Mohamed. My Country and My People-Selected Speeches of Major-General Mohamed Siad Barre 1969-1974. Mogadishu: Ministry of Information and National Guidance, 1974. "Somalia: A Political Rebirth?" Africa [London], No. 103, March 1980, 31-32. Spencer, John H. Ethiopia, the Horn of Africa, and U.S. Policy (Foreign Policy Report series.) Cambridge, Massachusetts: Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, September 1977. Thurston, Raymond L. "The United States, Somalia, and the Crisis in the Horn," Horn of Africa, 1, No. 2, April-June 1978, 11-20. U.S. Congress. 96th, 2d Session. House of Representatives. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee on Africa. Reprogramming of Military Aid to Somalia. Washington: GPO, 1980. U.S. Congress. 97th, 1st Session. House of Representatives. Committee on Foreign Affairs. U.S. Security Interests in the Persian Gulf. (Report of a staff study mission to the Persian Gulf, Middle East, and Horn of Africa, October 21-November 13, 1980.) Washington: GPO, 1981. U.S. Congress, 97th, 1st Session. House of Representatives. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Foreign Assistance Legislation for Fiscal Year 1982, Part 8. (Hearings before the Subcommittee on Africa, March 19-April 27, 1981.) Washington: GPO, 1981. U.S. Department of State. Background Notes: Djibouti. Washington: GPO, March 1979. _____. Background Notes: Somalia. Washington: GPO, January 1981. _____. Country Reports on Human Rights Practices. (Report submitted to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives and Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, February 2, 1981.) Washington: GPO, 1981. U.S. Department of State. Bureau of Public Affairs. Indian Ocean/Persian Gulf: U.S. Security Framework. (Current Policy series, No. 221.) Washington: 1980. Valenta, Jiri. "Soviet-Cuban Intervention in the Horn of Africa: Impact and Lessons," Journal of International Affairs, 34, No. 2, Fall-Winter 1980/81, 353-68. Walmsley, Anne. "Nuruddin Farah and Somalia," Index on Censorship [London], 10, No. 2, April 1981, 17-19. Yodfat, Aryeh Y. "The Soviet Union and the Horn of Africa," Northeast African Studies, 2, No. 2, Fall 1980, 65-75. (Various issues of the following periodicals were also used in the preparation of this chapter: Africa [London], January 1978-September 1981; Africa Research Bulletin [Exeter, England], January 1978-September 1981; Christian Science Monitor, January 1978-October 1981; Economist [London], January 1977-September 1981; Financial Times [London], January 1978-October 1981; Foreign Broadcast Information Service Daily Report, Middle East and Africa, January 1978-October 1981; Heegan [Mogadishu], January 1979-June 1981; Jeune Afrique [Paris], January 1980-August 1981; Joint Publications Research Service: Sub-Saharan Africa, January 1978-October 1981; Middle East Economic Digest [London], January 1978-October 1981; New African [London], July 1978-September 1981; New York Times, January 1978-October 1981; SONNA: Weekly News Bulletin of Somali National News Agency [Mogadishu], July 1979-June 1981; and Washington Post, January 1978-October 1981.)