$Unique_ID{COW03176} $Pretitle{384} $Title{Singapore Chapter 4B. Financial Incentives} $Subtitle{} $Author{Ministry of Communications and Information} $Affiliation{Embassy of Singapore, Washington DC} $Subject{development technology training industrial sisir centre local industry assistance quality} $Date{1990} $Log{Chemical Lab*0317602.scf } Country: Singapore Book: Singapore, Facts and Pictures 1990 Author: Ministry of Communications and Information Affiliation: Embassy of Singapore, Washington DC Date: 1990 Chapter 4B. Financial Incentives In 1989, $31.1 million of Investment Allowance was granted to 328 SME projects. Eight SMEs were given pioneer status and another $9 million in double tax deduction credits were approved for 566 applications by SMEs. Grants amounting to $20.7 million were given to 8,450 SME projects under the EDB's Small Industry Technical Assistance Scheme, Business Development Scheme and Product Development Assistance Scheme; TDB's Market Development Assistance Scheme; NCB's Software Development Assistance Scheme; Singapore Science Council's Research Development Assistance Scheme; and NPB's Skill Development Fund. Furthermore, loans amounting to $271 million were extended to 1,352 projects under the Small Industry Finance Scheme. An additional $31 million was approved for 150 SME projects under the Extended Automation Leasing Scheme. SME Development Measures The public and private sector network to provide SME development assistance has been further expanded with the establishment of the Enterprise Promotion Centre (EPC). Responding to the call to help SMEs, three local chambers of commerce and four industry associations, with the help of EDB, set up EPCs in their premises to provide information and first-line consultancy, as well as the Government assistance schemes to SMEs. A Centre for Entrepreneurship, to research into entrepreneurial behaviours, local enterprise development and nurturing an enterprise culture, is being set up by the Nanyang Technological Institute with EDB's assistance. The universities and polytechnics are also working with the EDB towards forging closer ties with industry. The EDB has also initiated a combined public and private sector effort to formulate an SME Retail Plan to revitalise and help accelerate the development of SME retailers. Four additional MNC partners and 43 SMEs joined the programme in 1989, bringing the total number of MNC partners to 24 and SMEs receiving focused assistance to 104. Industrial Training Programmes EDB's role in manpower training dates back to the early 1970s when Singapore began to move into skills-intensive industries. The first joint-industry-Government training centres were set up with leading international companies to produce a critical core of skilled precision engineering craftsmen vital to the development of the industry. In the early 1980s, Singapore entered into the next phase of development and emphasis was placed on promoting technology-intensive and higher value-added industries. To meet the specialist manpower needs of these emerging activities, the EDB established institutes of technology in co-operation with the governments of Japan, Germany and France. EDB's manpower development programmes focus on four main areas, namely, precision engineering, factory automation, mechatronics and industrial electronics. Combined intake for 1989 totalled 1,455 and combined output was 1,074. Institutes for Technologist, Technician and Craftsman Training [See Chemical Lab: Courtesy Embassy of Singapore, Washington DC.] Five training institutions have been set up jointly with foreign governments or with leading international companies noted for the excellence of their training systems. The five institutions are the French-Singapore Technical Institute, the Precision Engineering Institute and the Philips-Government Training Centre. The French-Singapore Institute provides training in electronics engineering, with special emphasis on industrial electronics, instrumentation, control engineering, automation and computer and microprocessor applications. The institute admits, respectively, GCE "A" and "O" level holders for two and three-year full-time diploma courses. The German-Singapore Institute provides training in various aspects of production and automation technology, with special emphasis on design, industrial automation, cutting technology and CNC techniques. The institute admits GCE "A" level holders and craftsmen to its two-year full-time diploma course and "O" level holders to a three-year course. The Japan-Singapore Institute (JSTI) accepts GCE "O" level holders for a two-year Industrial Technician Certificate Course. The JSTI specialises in providing training in mechatronics-a hybrid field of electronic and mechanical technologies-which it pioneered in 1983. The Precision Engineering Institute (PEI) and the Philips-Government Training Centre provide training in precision engineering skills. They admit GCE "O" level school-leavers as apprentices for two years of intensive in-centre training followed by another two years of on-the-job attachment to selected companies for skills consolidation. Craftsmen certificates are awarded on completion of the four-year programme. The PEI was established in October 1988 as a result of the upgrading of the former Brown-Boveri Government Training Centre and the absorption of Tata-Government Training Centre. Within the PEI, the Nixdorf-EDB Centre for Advanced Tool and Die-Making offers a one-year NTC-1 programme in tool and die-making. A third one-year advanced craftsman training programme in tool and die-making at NTC-1 level was conducted at the Precision Engineering Institute for 19 participants in 1989. Plans were finalised during the year to expand the Precision Engineering Institute to cater for increased demand for tool and die-makers. Units For Specialised Training in New Application Technologies Various specialised training units have been set up within EDB training institutions in co-operation with leading international companies under a transnational concept. They are co-ordinated by the Applied Technology Group of the EDB. ATG offers modular courses in new application technologies for working engineers and technologists under its Continual Upgrading Training (CUT) Programme which currently focuses on the following areas: CAD/CAM Industrial Robotics/Factory Automation, CNC Technology/Advanced Metrology, Electronic Design/CAE, including IC and PCB Design, and Expert Systems Development. In addition to short modular courses, new full-time specialist programmes to develop Factory-Automation Oriented Electronics (FA-tronics) Technologists and Surface Mount Technology (SMT) personnel were organised by ATG jointly with other EDB institutions during the year. In 1989, 1,057 participants attended the various courses offered by the ATG. Jurong Town Corporation The Jurong Town Corporation (JTC), a statutory board, was established in 1968. It develops and manages industrial estates, allocates prepared industrial land sites with infrastructure on lease terms from 30 to 60 years; constructs standard and flatted factory buildings and provides port and bulk cargo handling facilities at the Jurong Industrial Port as well as engineering and logistic back-up for the Asia-Pacific offshore oil industry at the Jurong Marine Base. The corporation manages 24 industrial estates, of which Jurong, with 4,600 ha of developed land, is the largest. Altogether some 5,020 companies can be found in the estates. Some 270,000 workers, representing about 73 per cent of the manufacturing workforce, are employed by these companies. Gross fixed assets amounting to $23 billion are invested in these estates. Another seven estates are being planned. JTC's industrial estates are designed to be self-contained urban centres. The corporation adopts the highest standards of town planning, engineering and real estate management to help promote the growth and prosperity of industries. Manufacturers, who wish to set up their operations in Singapore, have a wide range of industrial facilities to choose from: (i) Prepared industrial LAND-for companies that want to build their own purpose-built factories. (ii) Ready-built, single-storey STANDARD FACTORIES-for quick start-up of operations. These come in various models and are designed for small to medium-sized industries as well as for warehousing. (iii) Multi-storey FLATTED FACTORIES-located near population centres are suitable for light, non-pollutive industries. JTC has drawn up development programmes to promote new investments by high technology and skill-intensive industries. These programmes include the development of the 108-ha Singapore Science Park at Kent Ridge to stimulate research and innovation in the manufacturing sector; the reservation of new reclaimed land for high valued-added industries; the development of business parks to help companies integrate their various activities with their manufacturing operations; the development of warehousing facilities near heavy industrial users to maximise efficient use of factory space and the redevelopment and upgrading of old industrial estates. Technical institutes have also been set up in and around Jurong to impart the latest technological knowhow to workers. The corporation operates the Jurong Industrial Port for handling raw materials and finished products, with cargo unloading facilities which include a 900-tonne per hour continuous unloader. It also runs the Jurong Marine Base which functions as a logistics and supply base for offshore oil exploration. Warehousing facilities are available in both. Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research The Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research (SISIR) is the national standards body, and a research and development organisation dedicated to assist industries in Singapore. Established in 1973 as a statutory board, SISIR works closely with industries to improve their international competitiveness through quality and industrial technology. SISIR has a multi-disciplinary team of engineers, applied scientists and technologists to help local companies identify problem areas in industry, improve processes and develop new products. Its close links with local and overseas learning institutions, R&D houses, standards and certification authorities also enables SISIR to play a leading role in the promotion and transfer of technology to local industries. Materials Technology Centre Local manufacturing companies can get help from the centre in the selection, evaluation and application of materials - for metals, plastics and chemicals. With its team of multidisciplinary specialists and a comprehensive array of analytical and process facilities, the centre is able to provide high-level technical support to industry to evaluate and diagnose failures, improve and optimise manufacturing processes, develop new materials applications and undertake applied R&D projects. As a step further to help upgrade local industries, the centre also provides technical consultancy, training and assistance. Metals Technology Department Specialised technical assistance is provided to the metal manufacturing and processing industries in materials selection and development, process optimisation and process troubleshooting. Plastics Technology Department SISIR assists the plastics industry in process optimisation, recommends suitable materials, designs and develops new plastic products. It also provides link-up with R&D institutions overseas to source technology for local industry. Chemical Technology Department The department carries out R&D and consultancy work in chemical technology for industry. Projects covered chemical synthesis and formulation, chemical engineering systems design and chemical process development. SISIR's extensive range of facilities is available for the chemical analysis of various types of products such as electronic materials and components, petrochemicals, industrial chemicals, minerals, building minerals and formulated products. Surface Technology Department SISIR is equipped with sophisticated facilities to help industries study surfaces and identifies problems such as lubrication/friction, corrosion, microcontamination, adhesion and electrical contact faults. Assistance on finishing and coating technology is also extended to companies dealing with electroplating, paints, metals and plastic moulding. Product and Process Technology Centre The centre provides basic infrastructural support in process development, promotes and disseminates technology in design and development, food technology, product evaluation and electronics testing. Design and Development Centre DDC provides assistance in product design, process control, automatic inspection and development of specialised test and automation equipment. It offers a wide range of prototype development facilities which include prototype workshops and Computer Aided Design/Engineering (CAD/CAE) systems for mechanical and electronics design. Food Technology Department SISIR's food technology programme helps to upgrade local manufacturers through new food product development, packaging development, and incorporation of modern food processing technology. This will enable them to be more competitive in the local and export markets. The recent expansion in facilities will further enhance food technology services to the industry. Electrotechnology Department Testing and evaluation on a wide range of electrical products are carried out by SISIR to support local manufacturers in export as well as product design and development. It also undertakes consultancy services in field investigation, reliability and environmental evaluation, and setting up of test facilities for quality control under SISIR's certification schemes. Electronics Test Centre Local electronics companies and International Procurement Offices (IPOs) can obtain technical support from the centre to verify product quality, solve production problems, plan and develop new products to ensure that export market standards are met. Services include reliability and environmental testing, performance evaluation of passive and active components and highly sophisticated failure analysis of electronic products. Mechanical Technology Department SISIR supports the local industry by providing mechanical and structural evaluation to ensure the quality and performance of products. Products evaluated include mechanical systems, consumer products, textiles, building materials and safety equipment. SISIR also assists the industry in product development through finite element analysis, fracture mechanics, testing and computer modelling. Standards and Quality Assurance Division SISIR is the national standards and certification authority. It offers several programmes to help local industry, particularly local small and medium enterprises (SMEs), upgrade quality and meet customers' requirements. In addition, SISIR maintains and disseminates the national measurement standards. Standardisation and Certification SISIR provides the Secretariat for the Singapore Standards Council and co-ordinates the national standardisation activities. It publishes the Singapore Standards and promotes its adoption by trade and industry. Through its membership in the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), SISIR also helps industries to keep abreast of technological changes and developments in the world so as to remain competitive. SISIR also administers the Good Manufacturing Practice Scheme and the SISIR Certification Mark Scheme. They are awarded to local manufacturers whose quality assurance systems and products comply respectively with the ISO 9000 series of quality systems standards and the relevant Singapore Standards. Quality Systems SISIR actively promotes total quality control practice among local manufacturing firms. This includes in-plant quality campaigns, promotional talks, seminars, formulating quality promotion strategies, consultancy and training on quality assurance. Laboratory Accreditation SISIR administers the Singapore Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (SINGLAS) to accredit laboratories for testing, calibration and related services. In addition, SISIR provides training and technical assistance to help laboratories upgrade their technical capabilities. Export Technical Assistance SISIR helps local manufacturing companies to obtain certification or approval of their products by overseas authorities, as a means to gain a competitive edge in world markets. Services include information and advice on certification requirements and application procedures, liaison with the overseas authorities concerned, product testing and factory assessment prior to formal application. Metrology SISIR's metrology programme establishes and maintains the national physical standards of measurement based on the International System of Units (SI Units). With its well equipped laboratories, it provides calibration services to industry, trade and Government. Information Technology Evaluation Centre The centre provides IT evaluation services through quality advisory and consultancy to ensure that software systems meet clients' defined needs. The services provided included auditing, developing standards, training and setting up a quality information system.