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(Various issues of the following periodicals were also used in the preparation of this book: Asian Recorder [New Delhi], January 1955-August 1976; Asia Research Bulletin [Singapore], June 1971-September 1976; Business Asia [Hong Kong], January 1955-August 1976; Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], August 9, 1974-October 1, 1976; Foreign Broadcast Information Service Daily Report: Asia and Pacific [Washington], January 1972-August 1976; Keesing's Contemporary Archives [London], January 1955-August 1976; National Pioneer: The Singapore Armed Forces Journal [Singapore], 1973-1974; Singapore Police Journal [Singapore], January 1972-December 1974; Standard Chartered Review [London], August-October 1976; and Straits Times [Kuala Lumpur] August 1972-June 1976.)