$Unique_ID{COW03056} $Pretitle{437} $Title{San Marino Statistical Profile of San Marino} $Subtitle{} $Author{Central Intelligence Agency} $Affiliation{United States Government} $Subject{marino san rate italian italy na general members party state} $Date{1990} $Log{National Anthem*70500010.aud Map of San Marino*0305601.scf Flag of San Marino*0305602.scf } Country: San Marino Book: CIA World Factbook Author: Central Intelligence Agency Affiliation: United States Government Date: 1990 [Hear National Anthem] [See Map of San Marino] [See Flag of San Marino] Statistical Profile of San Marino Geography Total area: 60 km2; land area: 60 km2 Comparative area: about 0.3 times the size of Washington, DC Land boundary: 39 km with Italy Coastline: none--landlocked Maritime claims: none--landlocked Climate: Mediterranean; mild to cool winters; warm, sunny summers Terrain: rugged mountains Natural resources: building stones Land use: 17% arable land; 0% permanent crops; 0% meadows and pastures; 0% forest and woodland; 83% other Environment: dominated by the Appenines Note: landlocked; world's smallest republic; enclave of Italy People Population: 22,980 (July 1989), growth rate 0.6% (1989) Birth rate: 8 births/1,000 population (1989) Death rate: 7 deaths/1,000 population (1989) Net migration rate: 5 migrants/1,000 population (1989) Infant mortality rate: 9 deaths/1,000 live births (1989) Life expectancy at birth: 74 years male, 79 years female (1989) Total fertility rate: 1.3 children born/woman (1989) Nationality: noun--Sanmarinese (sing. and pl.); adjective--Sanmarinese Ethnic divisions: Sanmarinese, Italian Religion: Roman Catholic Language: Italian Literacy: 97% Labor force: about 4,300 Organized labor: Democratic Federation of Sanmarinese Workers (affiliated with ICFTU) has about 1,800 members; Communist-dominated General Federation of Labor, 1,400 members Government Long-form name: Republic of San Marino Type: republic Capital: San Marino Administrative divisions: 9 municipalities (castelli, singular--castello); Acquaviva, Borgo Maggiore, Chiesanuova, Domagnano, Faetano, Fiorentino, Monte Giardino, San Marino, Serravalle Independence: 301 (by tradition) Constitution: 8 October 1600; electoral law of 1926 serves some of the functions of a constitution Legal system: based on civil law system with Italian law influences; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction National holiday: Anniversary of the Foundation of the Republic, 3 September Branches: the Grand and General Council is the legislative body elected by popular vote; its 60 members serve five-year terms; Council in turn elects two captains-regent who exercise executive power for term of six months, the Congress of State, whose members head government administrative departments, and the Council of Twelve, the supreme judicial body; actual executive power is wielded by the secretary of state for foreign affairs and the secretary of state for internal affairs Leaders: Gabriele GATTI (Christian Democrat), Secretary of State for Foreign and Political Affairs and for Information (since July 1986); Alvaro SELVA (Communist), Secretary of State for Internal Affairs and Justice (since July 1978); Clara BOSCAGLIA (Christian Democrat), Secretary of State for Finance and Budget (since May 1988) Suffrage: universal Elections: election of members to the Grand and General Council required at least every five years; last election held 29 May 1988 Political parties and leaders: Christian Democratic Party (DCS), Gabriele Gatti; Communist Party (PCS), Gilberto Ghiotti; Socialist Unity Party (PSU), Emilio Della Balda and Patrizia Busignani; San Marino Socialist Party (PSS), Antonio Volpinari; San Marino Social Democratic Party (PSDS), Augusto Casali; San Marino Republican Party (PRS), Cristoforo Buscarini Voting strength: (1988 election) DCS 27 seats, PCS 18 seats, PSU 8 seats, PSS 7 seats Communists: about 300 members; the PCS, in conjunction with the PSS, PSU, and PSDS, has led the government since 1978 Other political parties or pressure groups: political parties influenced by policies of their counterparts in Italy Member of: ICJ, International Institute for Unification of Private Law, International Relief Union, ITU, IRC, UNESCO, UPU, WFTU, WHO, WTO; observer status in NAM Diplomatic representation: none; US--no mission in San Marino, but the Consul General in Florence (Italy) is accredited to San Marino; Consul General Diane DILLARD; Consulate General at 38 Lungarno Amerigo Vespucci, Florence, Italy; telephone 298-276 Flag: two equal horizontal bands of white (top) and light blue with the national coat of arms superimposed in the center; the coat of arms has a shield (featuring three towers on three peaks) flanked by a wreath, below a crown and above a scroll bearing the word LIBERTAS (Liberty) Economy Overview: The economy relies heavily on the tourist industry as a source of revenue. More than 2 million tourists visit each year, contributing about 60% to GDP. The sale of postage stamps to foreign collectors is another important income producer. The manufacturing sector employs nearly 40% of the labor force and agriculture less than 4%. GDP: $NA, per capita $NA; real growth rate NA% Inflation rate (consumer prices): 6.4% (1986) Unemployment rate: 6.5% (1985) Budget: $99.2 million (1983); largest share of revenue is from the sale of postage stamps to collectors and payments by the Italian Government in exchange for a monopoly in retailing tobacco, gasoline, and a few other goods; remittances from Sanmarinese abroad also represent an important net foreign exchange inflow Exports: trade data are included with the statistics for Italy; commodity trade consists primarily of exchanging building stone, lime, wood, chestnuts, wheat, wine, baked goods, hides, and ceramics for a wide variety of consumer manufactures Imports: see Exports External debt: $NA Industrial production: growth rate NA% Electricity: supplied by Italy Industries: wine, olive oil, cement, leather, textile, tourist Agriculture: wheat, grapes, other grains, fruits, vegetables, animal feedstuffs, cheese, livestock hides Aid: NA Currency: Italian lira (plural--lire); 1 Italian lira (Lit) = 100 centesimi; also mints its own coins Exchange rates: Italian lire (Lit) per US$1--1,344.2 (January 1989), 1,301.6 (1988), 1,296.1 (1987), 1,490.8 (1986), 1,909.4 (1985) Fiscal year: calendar year Communications Highways: 104 km Telecommunications: automatic telephone system; 11,700 telephones; stations--no AM, no FM, no TV; radio relay and cable links into Italian networks; no communication satellite facilities Defense Forces Branches: public security or police force of less than 50 people Military manpower: all fit men ages 16-60 constitute a militia that can serve as an army Military budget: NA