$Unique_ID{COW02675} $Pretitle{281} $Title{North Korea Bibliography. Chapters 1 and 2} $Subtitle{} $Author{Stephan B. Wickman} $Affiliation{HQ, Department of the Army} $Subject{korea korean seoul p'yongyang jprs university press kim studies north} $Date{1981} $Log{} Country: North Korea Book: North Korea, A Country Study Author: Stephan B. Wickman Affiliation: HQ, Department of the Army Date: 1981 Bibliography. Chapters 1 and 2 Chapter 1 An Outline of Korean Culture. P'yongyang: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1979. Baik, Bong. Minjok ui t'aeyang Kim Il Sung changgun, I and II. P'yongyang: Inmin Ch'ulp'ansa, 1968. _____. Minjok ui t'aeyang Kim Il Sung changgun, III. P'yongyang: Inmin Kwahaksa, 1971. Bradbury, John. "Sino-Soviet Competition in North Korea," China Quarterly [London], April-June 1961, 15-28. Brun, Ellen, and Jacques Hersh. Socialist Korea: A Case Study in the Strategy of Economic Development. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1977. Carrier, Fred J. 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"Art Propaganda Squads Inspire Workers in Labor," Korea Central News Agency, P'yongyang, February 4, 1980. (JPRS 75155, No. 65, February 19, 1980, 75-76.) "Communist Moral Indoctrination Proposed," Nodong chongnyon, P'yongyang, March 27, 1980. (JPRS 75843, No. 83, June 9, 1980, 39-43.) "DPRK Gives Priority to Public Health, Korean Central News Agency, P'yongyang, April 30, 1980. (JPRS 75669, No. 79, May 9, 1980, 26.) "FRG Journal: North Korea Held under Perfect Control," Der Spiegel, Hamburg, July 21, 1980. (JPRS 76224, No. 95, August 13, 1980, 68-74.) "Happy Life of People Noted," Korea Central News Agency, P'yongyang, October 6, 1980. (JPRS 76673, No. 107, October 22, 1980, 42-45.) "Historical Background of DPRK-PRC Territorial Dispute Described," Pukhan, Seoul, May 1979. (JPRS 73964, No. 34, August 6, 1979, 43-51.) "History of Cinematic Arts Outlined," Nodong sinmun. P'yongyang, December 8, 1979. (JPRS 75085, No. 64, February 7, 1980, 55-61.) "'KCNA' Reviews New Novels of Year," Korea Central News Agency P'yongyang, December 31, 1979. (JPRS 74997, No. 62, January 24, 1980, 71.) "'KCNA' Views Film Production 'Tale of Chun-hyang'," Korea Central News Agency, P'yongyang, June 30, 1980. (JPRS 76050, No. 91, July 15, 1980, 59, 60.) "Kim Il Sung Termed Model for Revering Elders," Nodong chongnyon, P'yongyang, May 22, 1980. (JPRS 76367, No. 100, September 4, 1980, 11-15.) "Life Span Doubled," Korea Central News Agency, P'yongyang, April 26, 1980. (JPRS 75669, No. 79, May 9, 1980, 29.) "List of North Korea's Scientific Research Organizations Compiled," Kita Chosen kenkyu, Tokyo, February 1980. (JPRS 75758, No. 81, May 23, 1980, 64-75.) "Medical Facilities, Institutions in North Korea Outlined," Kita Chosen kenkyu, Tokyo, May 1980. (JPRS 76128, No. 93, July 29, 1980, 20-23.) "Party Center Calls for Popularization of Arts," Nodong chongnyon, P'yongyang, January 5, 1980. (JPRS 75364, No. 69, March 24, 1980, 62-64.) "The Reactionary Nature of Modern Bourgeois Philosophy that Distorts the Inherent Characteristics of Man," Kulloja, P'yongyang, June 1979. (JPRS 74106, No. 38, August 29, 1979, 101-109.) "Recreation of Peasants," Korea Central News Agency, P'yongyang, January 30, 1980. (JPRS 75233, No. 66, February 29, 1980, 50.) "Thought Remolding Termed Key to Loyalty," Nodong sinmun, P'yongyang, March 2, 1980. (JPRS 75790, No. 82, May 30, 1980, 29-33.) "To Put Forward the Question of Independent Social Beings is a Basic Demand of the Communist Anthropology," Kulloja, P'yongyang, October 1979. (JPRS 74949, No. 61, January 17, 1980, 50-60.) "'Trud' Cites Soviet Reporter's Account of Visit to DPRK," TRUD, Moscow, July 6, 1979. (JPRS 73921, No. 33, July 27, 1979, 69-72.) "Various Estimated DPRK Population Figures Compared," Kita Chosen kenkyu, Tokyo, December 1979. (JPRS 75313, No. 67, March 14, 1980, 70-76.) "Yi Dynasty Roots of Authoritarianism Traced," Sindonga, Seoul, May 1980. (JPRS 76005, No. 89, July 8, 1980, 57-67.) U.S. Department of Commerce. Office of Technical Services. Joint Publications Research Service-JPRS (Washington). The following items are from the JPRS series: Translations on North Korea. "Combining School Education with Social Education is a Superior Educational Method in Line with the Intrinsic Nature of the Socialist System," Kulloja, P'yongyang, March 1978. (JPRS 71343, No. 597, June 23, 1978, 44-54.) "DPRK College Admissions Procedure Explained," Kita Chosen kenkyu, Tokyo, March 1978. (JPRS 71271, No. 595, June 9, 1978, 78-80.) "DPRK Emphasizes English Teaching," Vantage Point, Seoul, March 1979. (JPRS 73512, No. 21, May 22, 1979, 26-27.) "DPRK Emphasizing Agricultural Training and Education," Korea Today, P'yongyang, March 1979. (JPRS 73512, No. 21, May 22, 1979, 28-31.) "1st June Anniversary of Law on Nursing, Educating Children," Korea Central News Agency, P'yongyang, June 2, 1979. (JPRS 73704, No. 25, June 18, 1979, 26-27.) "Health Services for People in DPRK," Korea Central News Agency, P'yongyang, May 2, 1979. (JPRS 73448, No. 20, May 14, 1979, 27-28.) "Japanese Reporter Gives Impression of Recent Visit to DPRK," Kyodo, Tokyo, May 24, 1979. (JPRS 73704, No. 25, June 18, 1979, 22-25.) "Outline of Natural and Economic Geography," Pukhan, Seoul, July-November 1977. (JPRS 70596, No. 645, January 17, 1979, 43.) "Tongil Ilbo Examines North Korean Population Trends," Pukhan, Seoul, January 1978. (JPRS 70784, No. 579, March 15, 1978, 13-21.) Wagner, E.W. "The Civil Service Exam Process as Social Leaven-The Case of the Northern Provinces in the Yi Dynasty," Korea Journal [Seoul], 17, No. 1, January 1977, 22-27. The World Bank. World Development Report. Washington: 1980. Yim, Seong-hi, "Changing Patterns in the Family Structure." Pages 32-43 in Kim, C.I. Eugene, and Chee, Ch'angboh (eds.), Aspects of Social Changes in Korea. Kalamazoo, Michigan: The Korea Research and Publications, 1969. "Zai So Chosen Min Toji," Kita Chosen kenkyu [Tokyo], VII, No. 71, June 1980, 54-57.