$Unique_ID{COW02645} $Pretitle{357} $Title{Nigeria Appendix. Tables, Part 1} $Subtitle{} $Author{Robert Rinehart} $Affiliation{HQ, Department of the Army} $Subject{table years selected millions } $Date{1981} $Log{Table 1.*0264501.tab Table 2.*0264502.tab Table 3.*0264503.tab Table 4.*0264504.tab Table 5.*0264505.tab Table 6.*0264506.tab Table 7.*0264507.tab Table 8.*0264508.tab Table 9.*0264509.tab } Country: Nigeria Book: Nigeria, A Country Study Author: Robert Rinehart Affiliation: HQ, Department of the Army Date: 1981 Appendix. Tables, Part 1 Table 1 Metric Conversion Coefficients 2 Censuses and Estimates of the Nigerian Population 3 Major Ethnolinguistic Categories 4 Gross Domestic Product by Industrial Origin at Current Prices, Fiscal Years 1973-74 to 1978-79 5 Estimated Production of Principal Food and Commercial Crops, 1977-80 6 Principal Commodity Exports by Volume and Value, Selected Years, 1965-79 7 Federal Government Recurrent Revenue, Selected Fiscal Years, 1970-71 to 1979-80 8 Imports by Standard International Trade Classification (S.I.T.C.), Selected Years, 1971-79 9 Source of Non-Petroleum Imports, Selected Years, 1974-79 [See Table 1.: Metric Conversion Coefficients] [See Table 2.: Censuses and Estimates of the Nigerian Population (in millions)] [See Table 3.: Major Ethnolinguistic Categories (in percent of total population)] [See Table 4.: Gross Domestic Product by Industrial Origin at Current Prices, Fiscal Years 1973-74 to 1978-79 (in millions of naira)] [See Table 5.: Estimated Production of Principal Food and Commercial Crops, 1977-80 (in thousands of tons)] [See Table 6.: Principal Commodity Exports by Volume and Value, Selected Years, 1965-79 (in thousands of tons and millions of naira)] [See Table 7.: Federal Government Recurrent Revenue, Selected Fiscal Years 1970-71 to 1979-80 (in millions of naira and percent)] [See Table 8.: Imports by Standard International Trade Classification (S.I.T.C.), Selected Years, 1971-79 (in millions of naira)] [See Table 9.: Source of Non-Petroleum Imports, Selected Years, 1974-79 (in percent)]