$Unique_ID{COW02563} $Pretitle{235D} $Title{Nepal Bibliography. Front Matter} $Subtitle{} $Author{George L. Harris} $Affiliation{HQ, Department of the Army} $Subject{nepal kathmandu economic washington asian development survey international government gpo} $Date{1973} $Log{} Country: Nepal Book: Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim, An Area Study: Nepal Author: George L. Harris Affiliation: HQ, Department of the Army Date: 1973 Bibliography. Front Matter Adhikavyi, Amesh P. Some Aspects of the Nepalese Economy. Kathmandu: Ratna Pustak Bhandar, 1971. Baidya, Huta Ram. A Peep into Nepal. Kathmandu: Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, 1970. Bernstein, Jeremy. The Wildest Dreams of Kew: A Profile of Nepal. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1970. Bhasin, Avtar Singh (ed.). Documents on Nepal's Relations with India and China, 1949-1966. Bombay: Academic Books, 1970. Bista, Dor Bakadur. People of Nepal. Kathmandu: Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, 1967. Caplan, Lionel. Land and Social Change in Nepal. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1969. Chandramohan, A. T. "Things to Come," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], XLIV, No. 11, June 11, 1964, 531-532. Chauhan, R. S. Political Development in Nepal, 1950-70. New Delhi: Associated Publishing House, 1971. The Colombo Plan. Fourteenth Annual Report of the Consultative Committee. Karachi: n.pub., November 1966. The Colombo Plan: Seventeenth Annual Report of the Consultative Committee. Ottawa: Queen's Printer for Canada, October 1969. The Colombo Plan: Eighteenth Annual Report of the Consultative Committee. Colombo: Colombo Plan Bureau, February, 1971. Direction of Trade Annual, 1964-68. Washington: International Monetary Fund, 1969. Direction of Trade Annual, 1966-70. Washington: International Monetary Fund, 1971. Gaige, Frederick H. "Nepal: Compromise and Liberalization," Asian Survey, IX, No. 2, February 1969, 94-98. _____. "Nepal: More Problems with India," Asian Survey, XI, No. 2, February 1971, 172-176. _____. "Nepal: The Search for a National Consensus," Asian Survey, X, No. 2, February 1970, 100-106. Gupta, Anirudha. Politics in Nepal: A Study of Post-Rana Political Developments and Party Politics. Bombay: Allied Publishers, 1964. International Financial Statistics: 1971 Supplement. Washington: International Monetary Fund, 1971. International Yearbook of Education, 1969, XXXI. Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1970. Joshi, Bhuwan Lal, and Rose, Leo E. Democratic Innovations in Nepal: A Case Study of Political Acculturation. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1966. Klieforth, Alexander A. The Modernization of Nepal: An Evaluation of the Prospect. (Senior Seminar in Foreign Policy, Ninth Session, Foreign Service Institute.) Washington: Foreign Service Institute, 1967. Kozicki, Richard J. "Nepal and Israel: Uniqueness in Asian Relations," Asian Survey, X, No. 5, May 1969, 331-342. McDougal, Charles. Village and Household Economy in Far Western Nepal. Kathmandu: Tribhuvan University, 1968. Malik, Harji. "Nepal's Monarchy Boat Rocked by Winds of Change," Christian Science Monitor, October 19, 1972, 4. Mathema, Pushpa Ram Bhahta. Agricultural Development in Nepal. (2d. ed.). Kathmandu: Jaya Shree, 1969. Mihaly, E. B. Foreign Aid and Politics in Nepal: A Case Study. New York: Oxford University Press, 1965. Mobility of Agricultural Labour in Nepal. Kathmandu: His Majesty's Government, 1967. Narayan, Agarwal Shriman. India and Nepal: An Exercise in Open Diplomacy. Bombay: Popular Prakashan, 1970. Nepal. The Third Plan, 1965-70. Kathmandu: His Majesty's Government, 1965. Nepal. Ministry of Economic Planning. Economic Affairs Report: Special Five Year Plan Issue. Kathmandu: His Majesty's Government, March, 1965. Nepal. Ministry of Finance. Budget Speech of the Fiscal Year 1972/73. Kathmandu: His Majesty's Government, 1972. Nepal. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. Department of Information. Facts About Nepal. Kathmandu: His Majesty's Government, 1970. Nepal. National Planning Commission. Fourth Plan (1970-1975). Kathmandu: His Majesty's Government, July 1970. Nepal Rastra Bank. Annual Report, 1969/70. Kathmandu: 1971. _____. Annual Report, 1970/71. Kathmandu: 1972. Nepal and the Colombo Plan: A Review on the Occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Colombo Plan. Kathmandu: His Majesty's Government, 1971. Nepal Industrial Digest, [Kathmandu], X, No. 1, 1971, entire issue. Nepal in Maps. Kathmandu: His Majesty's Government, 1966. "Nepal: Revaluation, but No Re-evaluation," Asian Survey, VII, No. 2, February 1967, 97-100. Pant, Yadav Prasad. Economic Development of Nepal. (2d ed.) Allahabad: Kitab Mahal, 1968. _____. "Nepal's Recent Trade Policy," Asian Survey, IV, No. 7, July 1964, 947-958. _____. Planning for Prosperity: A Study in Nepal's Experience. Kathmandu: Sahayogi Prakashan, 1969. _____. Problems in Fiscal and Monetary Policy: A Case Study of Nepal. Bombay: Verry, 1970. Pant, Yadav Prasad, and Jain, S. C. Agricultural Development in Nepal. Bombay: Vora, 1969. _____. Long Term Planning for Agriculture in Nepal. New Delhi: Vikas Publications, 1972. Parker, John B., Jr. "Nepal Diversifies Farm Production and Trade," Foreign Agriculture, VIII, No. 16, April 20, 1970, 10-11. Polsky, Anthony. "Himalayan Battleground," Far Eastern Economic Review, [Hong Kong], LXI, No. 37, September 12, 1968, 511-514. Rahul, Ram. "The Development Program in the Himalayas," Asian Survey, VIII, No. 8, August 1968, 666-667. Rana, Pashupati S. Trade and Transit: Nepal's Problems with Her Southern Neighbour. Kathmandu: Center for Economic Development and Administration, 1970. Regmi, Mahesh C. Land Tenure and Taxation in Nepal. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1967. Report to His Majesty's Government of Nepal on the Organization and Development of Industrial Vocational Training. Geneva: International Labor Organization, 1969. Report to His Majesty's Government on the Establishment of a Manpower Assessment and Planning Programme. Geneva: International Labor Organization, 1968. Rose, Leo E. "Communism Under High Atmospheric Conditions: The Party in Nepal." Pages 363-390 in Robert A. Scalapino (ed.), The Communist Revolution in Asia. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1969. _____. "Nepal in 1965: Focus on Land Reform," Asian Survey, VI, No. 2, February 1966, 86-89. _____. Nepal: Strategy for Survival. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971. _____. "Nepal: Under Same Management, Business as Usual," Asian Survey, V, No. 2, February 1968, 74-78. Rose, Leo E., and Fisher, Margaret W. The Politics of Nepal: Persistence and Change in an Asian Monarchy. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1970. Scalapino, Robert A. (ed.). The Communist Revolution in Asia. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1969. Shaha, Richikesh. "Nepal: Reflections on Issues and Events of 1971," Asian Survey, XII, No. 2, February 1972, 116-120. Shreshtha, Badri Prasad. The Economy of Nepal: A Study in Problems and Processes of Industrialization. Bombay: Vora, 1967. Shreshtha, S. H. Modern Geography of Nepal. Kathmandu: Education Enterprise, 1968. Sinha, B. K. Cooperative Development in Nepal. Allahabad: Kitab Mahal, 1966. Thapa, Netra Bahadur. Geography of Nepal: Physical, Economic, Cultural, and Regional. Bombay: Orient Longmans, 1969. Twenty Years of Nepalese-American Cooperation: A Summary of American Aid to Nepal, 1951-1971. Kathmandu: U.S. Aid Mission to Nepal, 1971. United Nations. Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East. Economic Survey of Asia and the Far East, 1969. Bangkok: UN, 1970. _____. Economic Survey of Asia and the Far East, 1970. Bangkok: UN, 1971. United Nations. Food and Agriculture Organization. Jute Cultivation, Marketing, and Industry. Rome: 1969. U.S. Department of Commerce. Economic Trends: Nepal. (ET 70-21.) Washington: GPO, April 1970. _____. Economic Trends: Nepal. (ET 71-053.) Washington: GPO, July 1971. U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of International Commerce. "Basic Data on the Economy of Nepal." Overseas, (OBR 68-86.) Washington: GPO, September, 1968. U.S. Department of State. Background Notes: Kingdom of Nepal. Washington: GPO, May 1971. U.S. Department of State. Agency for International Development. Development and Humanitarian Assistance. (FY 1973 Program Presentation to the Congress). Washington: GPO, 1972. _____. Economic Growth Trends: Near East and South Asia. Washington: GPO, May 1972. _____. Field Budget Submission FY 1974: Nepal. Washington: GPO, August 1972. _____. International Development and Humanitarian Assistance Act. Program and Project Data. Presentation to the Congress-FY 1972. Washington: GPO, 1971. _____. Proposed FY 1971 Program: Program Presentation to the Congress. Washington: GPO, 1970. U.S. Department of State. Embassy in Kathmandu. Post Report: Nepal. Washington: GPO, November 1971. World Bank Atlas: Population, Per Capita Product and Growth Rates. Washington: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 1972. Various issues of the following periodicals were also used in the preparation of this section: Asian Recorder [New Delhi], January 1, 1964- October 31, 1972; Economist Intelligence Unit, Quarterly Economic Review, India-Nepal [London], January 1964-September 1972; Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], January 1, 1964-September 30, 1972; and Keesings Contemporary Archives [London], January 1, 1964-October 30, 1972.