$Unique_ID{COW02431} $Pretitle{431} $Title{Monaco The Place of the Principality of Monaco in the International Community} $Subtitle{} $Author{Tourist and Convention Board} $Affiliation{Embassy of Monaco, Washington DC} $Subject{international de monaco tel monte-carlo } $Date{1990} $Log{View of the Coast*0243101.scf } Country: Monaco Book: The Principality of Monaco: an Independent Sovereign State Author: Tourist and Convention Board Affiliation: Embassy of Monaco, Washington DC Date: 1990 The Place of the Principality of Monaco in the International Community [See View of the Coast: Courtesy Embassy of Monaco, Washington DC.] As an independent sovereign State, the Principality has developed its relationships with the international community, and is today a member of various international organizations. United Nations Agencies United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (U.N.E.S.C.O) World Health Organization (W.H.O.) Universal Postal Union (U.P.U.) International Atomic Energy Agency (I.A.E.A.) International Telecommunications Union (I.T.U.) General Council of Fisheries for the Mediterranean (F.A.O.) World Copyright Organization (W.C.O.) Intergovernmental Organizations International Bureau of Exhibitions International Hydrographic Bureau (formed in 1921 its headquarters are in Monaco: 7 Av. Pres. JF. Kennedy, Tel. 93 50 65 87) International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea (I.C.S.E.M.S.) (formed in 1919 ist headquarters are in Monaco: 16, Boulevard de Suisse, Tel. 93 30 38 79) RA.MO.GE Agreement of 1976 (Centre Scientifique de Monaco, 16, Boulevard de Suisse, Tel. 93 30 33 71) Non-governmental Organizations International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) International Red Cross Committee (Croix-Rouge Monegasque: 27, Bd de Suisse, Monte-Carlo, Tel. 93 50 67 01) International Association of French-speaking Congress Towns International Geodesic and Geophysical Union International Council of Scientific Unions Union of International Associations International Association of Congress Halls European Federation of Congress Towns International Theatre Institute European Tourism Commission International Academy of Tourism (4, Rue des Iris, Monte-Carlo, Tel. 93 30 97 68). International Communications General information concerning the Principality of Monaco is put out by the Centre de Presse (2a, Bd des Moulins, Monte-Carlo. Tel. 93 30 42 27), There are also two broadcasting stations: Radio Monte Carlo(R.M.C.) La Maison de la Radio (16, Bd Princesse Charlotte, Monte-Carlo, Tel. 93 50 52 52) houses studios and an important library of recordings and there are two radio transmitters: - one on the Plateau de Fontbonne, altitude 800 metres, broadcasting on the shortwave band in 24 foreign languages on the medium waveband (205 m - 146 KC) and on frequency modulation. - on the Plateau du Col de la Madone, altitude 1,000 metres, broadcasting on the longwave band (1400 m - 218 KC). Tele Monte Carlo (T.M.C.) (16, Bd Princesse Charlotte, Monte-Carlo, Tel. 93 50 59 40 - UHF channel 30 VHF channel 8) Inaugurated on 20th November 1854, Tele Monte Carlo uses the French system for its transmissions in French and the European system for its broadcasts in Italian. The transmitters are located on the summit of Mont Agel.