$Unique_ID{COW02342} $Pretitle{245} $Title{Malaysia Travel Formalities} $Subtitle{} $Author{Embassy of Malaysia, Washington DC} $Affiliation{Embassy of Malaysia, Washington DC} $Subject{malaysia customs federation goods articles exceeding possession immigration malaysian valid} $Date{1990} $Log{Table 9.*0234201.tab } Country: Malaysia Book: Malaysia in Brief Author: Embassy of Malaysia, Washington DC Affiliation: Embassy of Malaysia, Washington DC Date: 1990 Travel Formalities IMMIGRATION REQUIREMENTS For immigration purposes, Malaysia is divided into three regions, namely:- (a) Peninsular Malaysia viz: Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang Darul Makmur, Pulau Pinang, Perak, Perlis, Selangor Darul Ehsan and Terengganu. (b) Sabah and (c) Sarawak PASSPORT All travellers entering Malaysia should be in possession of national passports or other internationally recognised travel documents endorsed valid for travel to Malaysia. These passports or travel documents must be valid at least six months beyond the period of stay required in Malaysia. Those who are in possession of passports which are not recognised by Malaysia must apply for a Document in lieu of a Passport. This is issued by Malaysian missions abroad and the fee is M $10.00 payable in the local currency equivalent. However, they must have valid passports or other forms of travel documents to ensure re-entry into their own countries of domicile. EXEMPTION FROM THE NEED TO HOLD A PASSPORT Certain classes of persons are exempted from the need to be in possession of a passport to enter Malaysia:- (a) Members of the Royal Malaysian Armed Forces travelling on duty; (b) Members of any visiting forces within the meaning of any law for the time being in force regulating visiting forces present in the Federation; (c) Any person whose age does not exceed fifteen years if his name is endorsed on, and he is accompanying an adult in possession of a valid passport, and such endorsement has been authorised by or on behalf of the authority issuing such passport; (d) The master and any person carried in a vessel or aircraft as a bona fide member of the staff employed in the operation or service of such vessel or aircraft and, if such vessel has articles; entered on such articles; (e) Muslim pilgrims returning to Malaysia in possession of valid Pilgrims Passports as issued in Malaysia; (f) Any person who, entering Malaysia, is in possession of a valid Certificate of Status issued by the Malaysian Immigration Department; (g) Any person entering Malaysia by land from Thailand and in possession of a valid Border Pass; and (h) Any person entering Malaysia by land from Indonesia and in possession of a valid Border Pass. VISA REQUIREMENTS No visa is required for the purpose of entry into Malaysia in respect of Commonwealth Citizens (save for Indian nationals), British Protected Persons and Citizens of the Republic of Ireland. Visas are required by all aliens (i.e. persons who are not Citizens of Malaysia, who are not Commonwealth Citizens, who are not British Protected Persons or Citizens of the Republic of Ireland; and Indian nationals) except the nationals of countries which have entered into Partial or Total Visa Abolition Agreements with Malaysia in which case they will be allowed entry according to the provisions of the agreements made: (i) Countries with which Malaysia has Total Visa Abolition Agreements, whose citizens do not need a visa to enter Malaysia are: Liechtenstein, Netherlands, San Marino and Switzerland. (ii) Countries with which Malaysia has Partial Visa Abolition Agreements, whose citizens do not require a visa for a visit not exceeding three months for social or business purposes, are: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Federal Republic of Germany, Finland, France, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Norway, Republic of Korea, Sweden, Tunisia and United States of America. Citizens of countries with which Malaysia does not have visa abolition agreements may enter the country for social or business visits without a visa for periods as specified below: (i) Visa-free visit not exceeding 7 days: Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Democratic Republic of Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics and Yugoslavia. (ii) Visa-free visit not exceeding 14 days: All other aliens except those from Albania, Cuba, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Kampuchea, Laos, People's Republic of China and Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Citizens of Israel and South Africa are not allowed to enter the country.) (iii) Visa-free visit not exceeding 1 month: Asean countries - Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand. APPLICATION FOR VISAS Application for visas for the purpose of entry into Malaysia should be made well ahead of time at the nearest Malaysian mission abroad. In countries where Malaysian missions have not been established, applications should be made to the nearest British High Commission, Embassy or Consulate. Applications should indicate clearly to which of the territories (namely, Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah or Sarawak) they wish to proceed. Application for visas should be made in the application form (IMM. 47) which is obtainable at Malaysian Missions. Three copies of the application forms are required to be completed and should be submitted with three copies of recent photographs of the applicant. Fees will be charged for the visas issued and the rate applicable can be obtained at the Malaysian Missions. TRAVEL BETWEEN THE MALAYSIAN TERRITORIES An alien intending to visit any part of Malaysia is required to be in possession of only one visa, provided he travels direct from one part of the country to another. Visit passes issued for entry into Peninsular Malaysia are not valid for entry into Sabah and Sarawak. Fresh visit passes must be obtained on arrival at the point of entry in those States. However, subject to conditions stipulated, visit passes issued by the Immigration authorities in Sabah and Sarawak are valid for any part of Malaysia. IMMIGRATION ENTRY/EXIT CONTROL All visitors to Malaysia are required on arrival at any entry point to complete a disembarkation/embarkation card. Citizens and non-citizens who are permanent residents of Malaysia and in possession of valid Re-entry Permits are exempted from the need to fill the card. All visitors on departure are required to hand over the embarkation card to the immigration authorities at the exit point. IDENTITY CARDS Visitors staying in Malaysia for more than one year are required to obtain a National Registration Identity Card from the nearest Registration Office. IMMIGRATION OFFICES Director-General of Immigration, Department of Immigration Malaysia, Block I, Level 2-7, Jalan Damansutra, Damansara Town Centre, Damansara Heights, 50550 Kuala Lumpur. Tel: 03-2555077 Director of Immigration Sarawak, Kuching. Tel: 082-20895 Director of Immigration Sabah, 88550 Kota Kinabalu. Tel: 088-52277 MALAYSIAN CUSTOMS REQUIREMENTS ARRIVING PASSENGERS All arriving passengers in the Federation of Malaysia are required by law to declare goods including valuables in their possession to Customs. The declaration is to be made orally to the Officer of Customs concerned at the point of entry. A false or incomplete declaration constitutes an offence and may result in heavy penalities imposed including the forefeiture of any articles not declared. DUTY/TAX LIABILITY All non-commercial goods other than motor vehicles, liquor, cigarettes, imported by passengers, unless exempted are liable to an import duty of 50%. In addition, they are liable to surtax and sales tax. GOODS EXEMPTED Exemption from customs duty and sales is not automatically granted to all arriving passengers but subject to compliance with the conditions applicable to the relevant exemption. The following exemptions are granted to arriving passengers under the prevailing Customs Duty and Sales Tax Exemption Order. 1. USED PERSONAL AND PORTABLE ARTICLES OTHER THAN HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS CONDITIONS: (i) the articles are imported on his person or in his baggage; (ii) that the articles have been in the regular and private use of the person for such period prior to their importation as the proper Officer of Customs may in each case, require; (iii) that the articles are imported for his regular and private use. 2. GOODS EXEMPTED (a) wine, spirits or malt liquor, not exceeding 1 litre in all; (b) tobacco, not exceeding 225 grams (equivalent to 200 cigarettes); (c) matches, not exceeding 100 sticks; (d) cosmetics, perfumery, soaps, and dentifrices in open containers to total value not exceeding M $200.00; (e) wearing apparels, not exceeding 3 pieces; (f) footwear, not exceeding 1 pair; (g) portable electronically and battery-operated appliances for personal care and hygiene and not exceeding 1 unit each; (h) dutiable food preparations to a total value not exceeding M $75.00; (i) souvenirs and gifts to a total value not exceeding M $200.00; CONDITIONS: (i) that the articles are imported on or with the person or in the baggage of the importer; (ii) that the importer satisfies the proper Officer of Customs that he is either:- (a) not normally resident in the Federation and intends to visit the Federation for a period of not less than 72 hours; (b) normally resident in the Federation and is returning after an absence from the Federation of not less than 72 hours. (iii) that in respect of items (a) to (h), the articles are his property and are for his personal use; (iv) that in respect of items (a) to (i), in respect of goods exempted, if the importer imports in excess of the quantity of goods exempted, he shall be liable to duty on the excess only. 3. USED HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS OF ANY PERSON TRANSFERRING HIS RESIDENCE TO THE FEDERATION OF MALAYSIA CONDITIONS: That the importer satisfies the proper Officer Of Customs that:- (i) he is the owner of the household effects in question; (ii) they have been in his possession and use for a period of not less than 3 months; (iii) he will not dispose any of them within 3 months from the date of import; (iv) he is changing his place of residence to a place outside the Federation to a place within the Federation. CONCESSION FOR PURCHASING OF DUTY-FREE GOODS Tourists travelling from overseas and staying in the Federation of Malaysia may in addition to the exemptions stipulated under (1) and (2) purchase duty-free items from Duty-Free Shops at George Town, Pulau Pinang, and at Kuala Lumpur City, the capital of Malaysia. Worthy of note is the fact that films, cameras, watches, gas lighters and fountain pens are not subject to customs duty in the Federation of Malaysia. TEMPORARY VISITORS DEPOSITS Any bona fide traveller or other visitor to the Federation Of Malaysia, who wishes to bring in dutiable goods temporarily which otherwise do not qualify for exemption, may deposit a sum equivalent to the customs duty with the Customs authority and obtain a refund when the goods are taken out of the Federation Of Malaysia. The goods must be re-exported within 3 months of the date of import. This facility is available at all main points of entry. The facility, however, does not extend to commercial goods such as samples etc. IMPORT/EXPORT OF CURRENCY There is no restriction for the importation and exportation of currency, Malaysian or foreign, by visitors coming into or going out of the Federation Of Malaysia. IMPORTATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES Motor vehicles registered in foreign countries are permitted to be brought into the Federation Of Malaysia to be used in Malaysia by visitors or tourists without payment of customs duty for up to 3 months. If the vehicles are not exported before then, customs duty and sales tax will have to be paid. The vehicles must also be covered by an International Circulation Permit under the Road Transport Regulations in order to enjoy this facility. PROHIBITIONS TOTALLY PROHIBITED IMPORTS: (i) dangerous drugs, under the Dangerous Drugs Act, such as opium, "ganja", heroin, morphine, etc. (The trafficking of illegal Drugs is a serious offence in Malaysia. And the penalty of such an offence is death.); (ii) indecent or obscene articles, publications, films, video tapes etc; (iii) prejudicial publications (all printed materials including gramophone records, cassettes and tapes); (iv) daggers, flick knives; (v) broadcast receivers, capable of receiving radio communication within the ranges (68-87) MHz and (108-174) HMz except those designed to receive meteorological broadcasts at spot frequencies: (vi) sodium arseniate; (vii) rank xerox 6,500 Colour Copier; (viii) all goods originating from South Africa and Israel. GOODS THAT MAY NOT BE IMPORTED EXCEPT UNDER IMPORT LICENCE (1) gold with the exception of: (i) gold jewellery and ornaments; (ii) gold coins issued by the Central Bank of Malaysia, and a piece each of other types of gold coin, gold medallion, and gold bar or wafer, the weight of which is 100 grammes or less, imported by a traveller on the person; (2) diamonds and diamond-set jewellery (other than a reasonable quantity of articles of personal jewellery imported bona fide as part of the personal baggage of a person arriving in the Federation of Malaysia from a place outside the Federation and intended solely for the personal use of such person); (3) imitation arms including toy guns and toy pistols; (4) imitation hand grenades; (5) bullet-proof vests, steel helmets and other articles of clothing intended as protection against attack; (6) plants and parts of plants including seeds from which further plants might be propagated; (7) any piece of equipment, apparatus, appliances, or any other device capable of producing the sound of siren or any sound resembling that of a siren irrespective of its mode of operation; (8) radio transmitters or combination of transmitters and receivers (transceivers) operating in the Citizen's Band 26.95 MHz - 27.28 MHZ popularly known as Citizen's Band Radios; (9) radio communication apparatus capable of being used for telecommunication in the band 30MHz - 30 GHz except that designed for used in the broadcasting service; (10) apparatus such as scrambler, speech inverter or on-line cypher equipment when connected to telecommunication system is capable or rearranging signs, signals, writing, sounds or intelligence for the purpose of secrecy; (11) soil and pests which include live insects, rats, snails, cultures of plant disease causing organisms. The following articles when imported will require a Permit or Licence from the relevant authorities who are responsible for their control:- [See Table 9.: Permit and Licensing Authorities] IMPORT/EXPORT LICENCES Import/Export Licence for goods which are conditionally prohibited under the Customs Import/Export Prohibited Order are issued by the Domestic Trade Division of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Government Offices Complex, Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur. Form J.K. 69 must be completed to obtain an Import licence and Form No. 2 for an Export Licence. CUSTOMS OFFICES Further information on Customs duty and on matters related to Customs may be obtained by enquiring at any Customs point of entry or at the following:- (i) Director-General, Royal Customs and Excise Department, 6th Floor, Block 11, Government Offices Complex, Jalan Duta, 50596 Kuala Lumpur. (ii) Customs Advisor, Malaysian High Commission, 45, Belgrave Square, London, S.W. I X 8QT Tel: No. (01) 499-7388. (iii) Customs Advisor, Embassy of Malaysia, 414A, Avenue de Tervueran 1150 Brussels.