$Unique_ID{COW02065} $Pretitle{234} $Title{Jordan Bibliography. Chapters 3 and 4} $Subtitle{} $Author{Harold D. Nelson} $Affiliation{HQ, Department of the Army} $Subject{jordan east london middle washington times new york development economic} $Date{1979} $Log{} Country: Jordan Book: Jordan, A Country Study Author: Harold D. Nelson Affiliation: HQ, Department of the Army Date: 1979 Bibliography. Chapters 3 and 4 Chapter 3 Aresvik, Oddvar. The Agricultural Development of Jordan. New York: Praeger, 1976. Balance of Payments Yearbook, Vol. 29. Washington: International Monetary Fund, March 1978. Beaumont, Peter, Gerald H. Black, and J. Malcolm Wagstaff. The Middle East: A Geographical Study. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1976. Chernush, Kay. "Jordan: Life from the Dead Sea," Agenda, I, No. 1, January 1978, 12-15. Cooper, Charles A. and Sydney S. Alexander (eds.). Economic Development and Population Growth in the Middle East. New York: North-Holland, 1971. El-Hindi, Adnam. Reforms in Jordan's Budget System. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Syracuse, 1976. Ann Arbor: Xerox University Microfilms. DBJ77-09919. "Financial Times Survey: Jordan," Financial Times [London], May 25, 1978, 33-36. "Financial Times Survey: Jordan," Financial Times [London], May 25, 1979, 31-35. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The Economic Development of Jordan. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1957. _____. World Debt Tables-Supplements. (EC-167/78/5-3.) Washington: December 1978. International Monetary Fund. 29th Annual Report: Exchange Restrictions. Washington: 1979. Jallad, Saleh. The Role of Banks and Other Intermediaries in the Economic Development of Jordan. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Notre Dame, 1977. Ann Arbor: Xerox University Microfilms. DBJ77-27100. "Jordan." Pages 451-473 in The Middle East and North Africa, 1978-79. (25th ed.) London: Europa Publications, 1978. Jordan. Central Bank of Jordan. Fourteenth Annual Report, 1977. Amman: 1978. _____. Monthly Statistical Bulletin [Amman], 15, No. 4, April 1979. Jordan. Department of Statistics. Agricultural Statistical Yearbook and Agricultural Sample Survey, 1978. Amman: 1979. _____. National Accounts 1967-73. Amman: 1976. _____. Statistical Yearbook, 1977. 28, Amman: 1978. Jordan. Industrial Development Bank. The Small-Scale Handicraft Industries. Amman: 1976. Jordan. Jordan Development Board. The Seven Year Program for Economic Development 1964-70. Amman: 1965. Jordan. National Planning Council. The Economic Development of Jordan. Amman: 1975. _____. Jordan Development Plan 1973-75. Amman: 1973. Khouri, Rami G. "Jordan." Pages 231-237 in Michael Field (ed.), Middle East Annual Review. Essex: World of Information, 1978. Kurtzig, Charles P. Jordan's Agricultural Economy in Brief. (No. 326) Washington: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, 1972. Mazur, Michael P. "Economic Development of Jordan." Pages 209-279 in Charles A. Cooper and Sidney S. Alexander (eds.), Economic Development and Population Growth in the Middle East. New York: American Elsevier Publishing, 1972. _____. Economic Growth and Development in Jordan. Boulder: Westview Press, 1979. Nelson, Bryan. Azraq: Desert Oasis. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1975. Sayigh, Yusif A. The Determinants of Arab Economic Development. London: Croom Helm, 1978. _____. Economies of the Arab World: Development Since 1945, I. London: Croom Helm, 1978. Sinai, Anne and Allen Pollack (eds.). The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the West Bank. New York: American Academic Association for Peace in the Middle East, 1977. Sutcliffe, Claud R. "The East Ghor Canal Project: A Case Study of Refugee Resettlement, 1961-66," Middle East Journal, 27, No. 4, Autumn 1973, 471-482. U.S. Agency for International Development. Office of Planning and Budgeting, Bureau for Program and Policy Coordination. U.S. Overseas Loans and Grants and Assistance from International Organizations: Obligations and Loan Authorizations, July 1, 1945-September 30, 1978. Washington: 1978. U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. National Basic Intelligence Factbook. (GC BIF 79-002.) Washington: July 1979. U.S. Congress. 96th, 1st Session. House of Representatives. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East. Hearings on Economic and Military Aid Programs in Europe and the Middle East: Foreign Assistance Legislation for FY 1980-81 (part 3). Washington: GPO, 1979. U.S. Embassy in Amman. Annual Economic Trends Report-Jordan. (Department of State Airgram, A-22.) Amman: May 29, 1979. (Various issues of the following periodicals were also used in the preparation of this chapter: Al-Urdun [Washington], December 1976-April 1979; Arab Economist [Beirut], January 1978-September 1979; Arab Report [London], January 1979-September 1979; Financial Times [London], January 1977-September 1979; Joint Publications Research Service [Washington], January 1975-September 1979; Jordan Information Bureau [Washington], Fall 1976-Winter 1979; Middle East Economic Digest [London], January 1976-August 1979; New York Times, January 1978-September 1979; and Washington Post, January 1979-September 1979. Chapter 4 Adams, Michael. "The Arab-Israeli Confrontation 1967-78." Pages 35-51 in The Middle East and North Africa 1978-79. London: Europa Publications, 1978. Altman, Israel. "The Palestine Liberation Organization." Pages 181-208 in Colin Legum and Haim Shaked (eds.), Middle East Contemporary Survey 1976-77. London: Holmes and Meier, 1978. Andelman, David A. "Kreisky, Brandt, Arafat End Talks; Express Concern at Israel's Policies," New York Times, July 9, 1979, A3. Aruri, Naseer H. Jordan: A Study in Political Development (1921-1965). The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1972. Bailey, Clinton. "Changing Attitudes toward Jordan in the West Bank," Middle East Journal, 32, No. 2, Spring 1978, 155-166. Blitzer, Wolf I. (ed.). Myths and Facts 1976: A Concise Record of the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Washington: Near East Research, 1976. Claiborne, William. "Dayan Indicates Israel is Altering Policy on PLO," Washington Post, September 28, 1979, A29. _____. "Israelis warn Jordan About Permitting Guerrillas to Use Its Territory," Washington Post, April 16, 1979, A21. Claiborne, William and Edward Cody. "Sadat, Begin Set own Pace in West Bank Autonomy Talks," Washington Post, September 14, 1979, A22. Cody, Edward. "Jordan Skeptical About Progress on Middle East," Washington Post, August 4, 1979, A20. _____. "Palestinians feel their Voice is Finally Being Heard," Washington Post, September 4, 1979, A16. Dann, Uriel. "Regime and Opposition in Jordan Since 1949." Pages 145-181 in Menahem Milson (ed.), Society and Political Structure in the Arab World. New York: Humanities Press, 1973. Dishon, Daniel (with the assistance of Varda Ben-Ziv). "Inter-Arab Relations." Pages 147-178 in Colin Legum and Haim Shaked (eds.), Middle East Contemporary Survey, 1976-77. London: Holmes and Meier, 1978. "Documents on Palestine." Pages 54-72 in The Middle East and North Africa 1978-79. London: Europa Publications, 1978. Dorsey, James. "Is the PLO Moving Away from Terrorism?" Christian Science Monitor, July 31, 1979, 13. _____. "PLO Cooling Terrorism: Arafat Agrees to Halt-Except in Occupied Areas," Christian Science Monitor, July 19, 1979, 3. Gerson, Allan. Israel, The West Bank and International Law. London: Frank Cass, 1978. Gubser, Peter. Politics and Change in Al-Karak, Jordan: A Study of a Small Arab Town and its District. New York: Oxford University Press, 1973. Hoagland, Jim. "U.S. Rethinking Palestinian Strategy in face of Arab Initiative," Washington Post, August 1, 1979, A18. Howard, Norman F. "Jordan: The Price of Moderation," Current History, 68, No. 402, February 1975, 61-65, 84. Howe, Marvine. "Arabs Believe Israel Will Refuse to Join Geneva Talks," New York Times, October 4, 1977, 3. _____. "Jordan Says It Will Make Peace with Israel, but Not a Separate One," New York Times, August 15, 1977, 2. _____. "P.L.O. is Driving Hard for Worldwide Recognition," New York Times, July 31, 1979, 2. Hussaini, Hatem I. and Fathalla El-Boghdady (eds.). The Palestinians: Selected Essays. Washington: Palestine Information Office, n.d. "Jordan: Amman-the New Financial Centre?" Events [Beirut], No. 51, September 8, 1978, 38. "Jordan: Profits Blow into the New Banks of Jordan," Events [Beirut], No. 63, February 23, 1979, 38. "Jordan: Stability in a Turbulent Region," Events [Beirut], No. 47, July 14, 1978, 26. Keatley, Robert. "Seeking Peace in the Middle East," Wall Street Journal, September 29, 1977, 20. Kelidar, Abbas. "The Palestine Guerrilla Movement," World Today [London], 29, No. 10, October 1973, 412-420. Khalidi, Walid. "Thinking the Unthinkable: A Sovereign Palestinian State." Foreign Affairs, 56, No. 4, July 1978, 695-713.. Khouri, Rami G. "Jordan." Pages 321-237 in Michael Field (ed.), Middle East Annual Review. Essex: World of Information, 1978. _____. "Jordan Examines Power Options," Financial Times [London]. May 1, 1979, 6. _____. "Mideast Talks: Pressure Mounts on PLO to Join," Financial Times [London], October 2, 1979, 4. Lee, William. "Baghdad Aftermath: Jordan-Tension in the Air," Arab Report [London], No. 7, April 25, 1979, 1. Lewis, Bernard. The Palestinians and the PLO: A Historical Approach. (A Commentary Report.) New York: Commentary Magazine, 1975. Lippman, Thomas W. "Hussein Weathers Political Storms," Washington Post, April 28, 1979, A20. _____. "Jordan, Israel Have Common Aim Along Frontier," Washington Post, April 29, 1979, A13. Marder, Murrey. "Israel Again Rejects U.S. Plan for Talks with Palestinians," Washington Post, September 16, 1977, 20. Markham, James M. "U.S.-P.L.O. Dialogue: Changes Seem to Ebb." New York Times, August 26, 1977, 3. McBee, Susanna. "The Thorny Diplomatic Path to Peace in the Middle East," Washington Post, October 10, 1977, 10. McDermott, Anthony. "Cracks in the Arab Front for Punishing Egypt," Financial Times [London], April 11, 1979, 4. _____. "Jordan: A Need to Make Choices," Financial Times [London], May 25, 1979, 33. _____. "Jordan: Economy Depends on Outside Forces," Financial Times [London], May 25, 1979, 32. _____. "Jordan: Firm in the Hands of Hussein," Financial Times [London], May 25, 1978, 33. _____. "Palestine Peace Hopes: Shadow and Substance," Financial Times [London], December 23, 1977, 4. _____. "Tense Border and Regional Affairs," Financial Times [London], May 25, 1978, 35. Monroe, Elizabeth. "The West Bank: Palestinian or Israeli?" Middle East Journal, 31, No. 4, Autumn 1977, 397-412. Morris, Jason. "Israel Trie to Keep the Lid on its Dispute with U.S.," Christian Science Monitor, August 6, 1979, 3. _____. "Palestinian Autonomy," Christian Science Monitor, March 29, 1979, 5. Moseley, Ray. "Better Armed Arabs Can't Beat Israel," Chicago Tribune, September 18, 1977, 8, 21. Muslith, Muhammad Y. "Moderates and Rejectionists Within the Palestine Liberation Organization," Middle East Journal, 30, No. 2, Spring 1976, 127-140. "Occupied Territories: The Economic Realities of Israeli Occupation," Events [Beirut], No. 65, March 23, 1979, 40. "Palestine Organizations-Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)." Pages 73-78 in The Middle East and North Africa 1978-79. London: Europa Publications, 1978. Plascov, Avi. "The Palestinian Predicament After Camp David," World Today [London], 34, No. 12, December 1978, 467-471. Price, David Lynn. Jordan and Palestinains: The PLO's Prospects. London: Institute for the Study of Conflict, 1975. Reich, Bernard. "The Continued Quest for Peace: The United States and the Middle East." Pages 21-31 in Colin Legum and Haim Shaked (eds.), Middle East Contemporary Survey 1976-77. London: Holmes and Meier, 1978. Rekhess, Elie and Dan Avidan. "The West Bank and Gaza Strip." Pages 209-223 in Colin Legum and Haim Shaked (eds.), Middle East Contemporary Survey 1976-77. London: Holmes and Meier, 1978. Rouleau, Eric. "Jordan After the Middle East Treaty: PLO Makes a Comeback," Manchester Guardian Weekly [London], 120, No. 17, April 22, 1979, 11-12. Rubin, Trudy. "Is Anyone Listening? West Bank and Gaza May Produce Few Willing to Participate in Negotiations," Christian Science Monitor, March 29, 1979, 5. Salah, Peter and Mohammad Huneidi. "The Jordanian Perception of the Conflict," Middle East Review, Nos. 5 and 6 (special issue), Fall 1975, 45-53. Schissell, Howard. "AR Interview: Crown Prince Hasan of Jordan," Arab Report [London], No. 11, June 20, 1979, 11-12. Seale, Patrick. "The Egypt Treaty and its Implications," World Today [London], 35, No. 5, May 1979, 189-196. Sharaf, Abdul Hamid. "Achieving Mideast Peace," New York Times, September 26, 1979, A25. "Should U.S. Deal with the PLO? Pro-Con Debate," U.S. News and World Report, LXXXVII, No. 10, September 3, 1979, 17-18. Sinai, Anne and Allen Pollack (eds.). The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the West Bank: A Handbook. New York: American Academic Association for Peace in the Middle East, 1977. Susser, Asher, "Jordan." Pages 474-491 in Colin Legum and Haim Shaked (eds.), Middle East Contemporary Survey 1976-77. London: Holmes and Meier, 1978. Tarbush, Susannah. "Palestinian Groups: The Divided Front," Middle East Economic Digest [London], 22, No. 39, September 29, 1978, 6-9. Temko, Ned. "Egyptian and Saudi Moderates Try US-PLO Match-making," Christian Science Monitor, June 26, 1979, 6. _____. "Hussein in Another Tight Corner," Christian Science Monitor, April 25, 1979, 7. _____. "Mideast is Abuzz over PLO Role," Christian Science Monitor, July 10, 1979, 4. _____. "Palestinian Assassination Highlights Split: Moderates Face Fire for Supporting Gaza Plans," Christian Science Monitor, June 7, 1979, 4. _____. "Palestinians Prepared to Wait Out Israelis," Christian Science Monitor, June 12, 1979, 6. _____. PLO Weighs Move Toward Tacit Recognition of Israel," Christian Science Monitor, July 24, 1979, 1. _____. "The Struggle for Palestine: Caught Between Two Nationalisms," Christian Science Monitor, June 6, 1979, 13. _____. "The Struggle for Palestine: PLO-Saber Rattling As a Way of Life," Christian Science Monitor, June 8, 1979, 13. U.S. Department of Commerce. Office of Technical Services. Joint Publications Research Service-JPRS (Washington). The following items are from the JPRS series: Translations on Near East and North Africa. "Jordan: The Recent Events in Jordan-their Meaning and Scope," Al-Hurriyah, Beirut, April 23, 1979. (JPRS 073626, No. 1975, June 6, 1979.) "Keen Debate Between King Husayn and the Professors of the University of Jordan," Al-Hurriyah, Beirut, June 26, 1978. (JPRS 71762, No. 1835, August 28, 1979.) "West Bank Research Documents Refute Israeli Land Policies," Jordan Times, Amman, May 23, 1979, p. 1, 4. (JPRS 73605, No. 1973, June 4, 1979.) "What is in the East Bank? The 'Alternative Government' Rises up and the King goes far Away," Al-Nahar Al-Arabi wa Al-Duwali, Paris, April 16-22, 1979. (JPRS 73626, No. 1975, June 6, 1979.) U.S. Department of State. Bureau of Public Affairs. The Middle East 1978-79: Forces of Change. (Current Policy No. 77.) Washington: July 26, 1979. Waines, David. A Sentence of Exile: The Palestine/Israel Conflict 1897-1977. Wilmette: Medina Press, 1977. Watson, Douglas. "Jordan, PLO Ease Their Long Hostility," Baltimore Sun, November 29, 1978, 2. Wren, Christopher S. "Man on the Spot: Sadat's Peace Becomes Hussein's Trial," New York Times Magazine, April 8, 1979, 17-19, 64-65. ______. "P.L.O.'s Talks with Jordan Provoke Hot Debate," New York Times, January 15, 1979, A2. Yaniv, A. P.L.O. (Palestine Liberation Organization): A Profile. Jerusalem: Israel Universities' Study Group for Middle Eastern Affairs, September 1974. Yodfat, Aryeh. Arab Politics in the Soviet Mirror. Jerusalem: Israel Universities' Press, 1973. (Various issues of the following periodicals were also used in the preparation of this chapter: Arab Report [London], January 1979-September 1979; Arab Report and Record [London], February 1970-December 1978; Foreign Broadcast Information Service Daily Reports: Middle East and North Africa [Washington], January 1979-September 1979; Keesing's Contemporary Archives [London], January 1975-August 1979; Middle East Economic Digest [London], January 1975-August 1979; New York Times, January 1978-September 1979; and Washington Post, January 1978-September 1979.)