$Unique_ID{COW02062} $Pretitle{234} $Title{Jordan Appendix C. Text of Peace Agreement Between Egypt and Israel} $Subtitle{} $Author{Harold D. Nelson} $Affiliation{HQ, Department of the Army} $Subject{united agreement states israel nations line parties area emergency forces} $Date{1979} $Log{} Country: Jordan Book: Jordan, A Country Study Author: Harold D. Nelson Affiliation: HQ, Department of the Army Date: 1979 Appendix C. Text of Peace Agreement Between Egypt and Israel The Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Government of Israel have agreed that: ARTICLE I The conflict between them and in the Middle East shall not be resolved by military force but by peaceful means. The Agreement concluded by the Parties January 18, 1974, within the framework of the Geneva Peace Conference, constituted a first step towards a just and durable peace according to the provisions of Security Council Resolution 338 of October 22, 1973. They are determined to reach a final and just peace settlement by means of negotiations called for by Security Council Resolution 338, this Agreement being a significant step towards that end. ARTICLE II The Parties hereby undertake not to resort to the threat or use of force or military blockade against each other. ARTICLE III The Parties shall continue scrupulously to observe the cease fire on land, sea and air and to refrain from all military or para-military actions against each other. The Parties also confirm that the obligations contained in the Annex and, when concluded, the Protocol shall be an integral part of this Agreement. ARTICLE IV A. The military forces of the Parties shall be deployed in accordance with the following principles: (1) All Israeli forces shall be deployed east of the lines designated as Lines J and M on the attached map. (2) All Egyptian forces shall be deployed west of the line designated as Line E on the attached map. (3) The area between the lines designated on the attached map as Lines E and F and the area between the lines designated on the attached map as Lines J and K shall be limited in armament and forces. (4) The limitations on armaments and forces in the areas described by paragraph (3) above shall be agreed as described in the attached Annex. (5) The zone between the lines designated on the attached map as Lines E and J, will be a buffer zone. In this zone the United Nations Emergency Force will continue to perform its functions as under the Egyptian-Israeli Agreement on January 18, 1974. (6) In the area south from Line E and west from Line M, as defined in the attached map, there will be no military forces, as specified in the attached Annex. B. The details concerning the new lines, the redeployment of the forces and its timing, the limitation on armaments and forces, aerial reconnaissance, the operation of the early warning and surveillance installations and the use of the roads, the United Nations functions and other arrangements will all be in accordance with the provisions of the Annex and map which are an integral part of this Agreement and of the Protocol which is to result from negotiations pursuant to the Annex and which, when concluded, shall become an integral part of this Agreement. ARTICLE V The United Nations Emergency Force is essential and shall continue its functions and its mandate shall be extended annually. ARTICLE VI The Parties hereby establish a Joint Commission for the duration of this Agreement. It will function under the aegis of the Chief Coordinator of the United Nations Peacekeeping Missions in the Middle East in order to consider any problem arising from this Agreement and to assist the United Nations Emergency Force in the execution of its mandate. The Joint Commission shall function in accordance with procedures established in the Protocol. ARTICLE VII Non-military cargoes destined for or coming from Israel shall be permitted through the Suez Canal. ARTICLE VIII This Agreement is regarded by the Parties as a significant step towards a just and lasting peace. It is not a final peace agreement. The Parties shall continue their efforts to negotiate a final peace agreement within the framework of the Geneva Peace Conference in accordance with Security Council Resolution 338. ARTICLE IX This Agreement shall enter into force upon signature of the Protocol and remain in force until superseded by a new agreement. Done at Geneva on the 4th day of September 1975, in four original copies. For the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt For the Government of Israel Major General TAHA AL MAGDOUB Ambassador MORDECHAI GAZIT AHMED OSMAN Major GENERAL HERZL SHAFIR Witness Lt. General ENSIO SIILASVUO Chief, UNEF in the Middle East ANNEX TO THE AGREEMENT Within 5 days after the signature of the Egypt-Israel Agreement, representatives of the two Parties shall meet in the Military Working Group of the Middle East Peace Conference at Geneva to begin preparation of a detailed Protocol for the implementation of the Agreement. The Working Group will complete the Protocol within 2 weeks. In order to facilitate preparation of the Protocol and implementation of the Agreement, and to assist in maintaining the scrupulous observance of the cease fire and other elements of the Agreement, the two Parties have agreed on the following principles, which are an integral part of the Agreement, as guidelines for the Working Group. 1. Definitions of Lines and Areas The deployment lines, areas of limited forces and armaments, Buffer Zones, the area south from Line E and west from Line M, other designated areas, road sections for common use and other features referred to in Article IV of the Agreement shall be as indicated on the attached map (1:100,000-U.S. Edition). 2. Buffer Zones (a) Access to the Buffer Zones will be controlled by the United Nations Emergency Force, according to procedures to be worked out by the Working Group and the United Nations Emergency Force. (b) Aircraft of either Party will be permitted to fly freely up to the forward line of that Party. Reconnaissance aircraft of either Party may fly up to the middle line of the Buffer Zone between E and J on an agreed schedule. (c) In the Buffer Zone, between Lines E and J, there will be established under Article IV of the Agreement an Early Warning System entrusted to United States civilian personnel as detailed in a separate proposal, which is a part of this Agreement. (d) Authorized personnel shall have access to the Buffer Zone for transit to and from the Early Warning System; the manner in which this is carried out shall be worked out by the Working Group and the United Nations Emergency Force. 3. Area South of Line E and West of Line M (a) In this area, the United Nations Emergency Force will assure that there are no military or para-military forces of any kind, military fortifications and military installations; it will establish checkpoints and have the freedom of movement necessary to perform this function. (b) Egyptian civilians and third-country civilian oil field personnel shall have the right to enter, exit from, work, and live in the above indicated area, except for Buffer Zones 2A, 2B and the United Nations Posts. Egyptian civilian police shall be allowed in the area to perform normal civil police functions among the civilian population in such numbers and with such weapons and equipment as shall be provided for in the Protocol. (c) Entry to and exit from the area, by land, by air or by sea, shall be only through the United Nations Emergency Force checkpoints. The United Nations Emergency Force shall also establish checkpoints along the road, the dividing line and at other points, with the precise locations and number to be included in the Protocol. (d) Access to the airspace and the coastal area shall be limited to unarmed Egyptian civilian vessels and unarmed civilian helicopters and transport planes involved in the civilian activities of the area as agreed by the Working Group. (e) Israel undertakes to leave intact all currently existing civilian installations and infrastructures. (f) Procedures for use of the common sections of the coastal road along the Gulf of Suez shall be determined by the Working Group and detailed in the Protocol. 4. Aerial Surveillance There shall be a continuation of aerial reconnaissance missions by the United States over the areas covered by the Agreement (the area between Lines F and K), following the same procedures already in practice. The missions will ordinarily be carried out at a frequency of one mission every 7-10 days, with either Party or the United Nations Emergency Force empowered to request an earlier mission. The United States Government will make the mission results available expeditiously to Israel, Egypt and the Chief Coordinator of the United Nations Peacekeeping Missions in the Middle East. 5. Limitation of Forces and Armaments (a) Within the Areas of Limited Forces and Armaments (the areas between Lines J and K and Lines E and F) the major limitations shall be as follows: (l) Eight (8) standard infantry battalions. (2) Seventy-five (75) tanks. (3) Seventy-two (72) artillery pieces, including heavy mortars (i.e., with caliber larger than 120 mm.), whose range shall not exceed twelve (12) km. (4) The total number of personnel shall not exceed eight thousand (8,000). (5) Both Parties agree not to station or locate in the area weapons which can reach the line of the other side. (6) Both Parties agree that in the areas between lines J and K, and between Line A (of the Disengagement Agreement of January 18, 1974) and Line E, they will construct no new fortifications or installations for forces of a size greater than that agreed herein. (b) The major limitations beyond the Areas of Limited Forces and Armament will be: (1) Neither side will station nor locate any weapon in areas from which they can reach the other line. (2) The Parties will not place anti-aircraft missiles within an area of ten (10 kilometres east of Line K and west of Line F, respectively. (c) The United Nations Emergency Force will conduct inspections in order to ensure the maintenance of the agreed limitations within these areas. 6. Process of Implementation The detailed implementation and timing of the redeployment of forces turnover of oil fields, and other arrangements called for by the Agreement, Annex and Protocol shall be determined by the Working Group, which will agree on the stages of this process, including the phased movement of Egyptian troops to Line E and Israeli troops to Line J. The first phase will be the transfer of the oil fields and installations to Egypt. This process will begin within two weeks from the signature of the Protocol with the introduction of the necessary technicians, and it will be completed no later than eight weeks after it begins. The details of the phasing will be worked out in the Military Working Group. Implementation of the redeployment shall be completed within 5 months after signature of the Protocol. For the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt For the Government of Israel Major General TAHA AL MAGDOUB Ambassador MORDECHAI GAZIT AHMED OSMAN Major General HERZL SHAFIR Witness Lt. General ENSIO SIILASVUO Chief, UNEF in the Middle East PROPOSAL In connection with the Early Warning System referred to in Article IV of the Agreement between Egypt and Israel concluded on this date and as an integral part of that Agreement, (hereafter referred to as the Basic Agreement), the United States proposes the following: 1. The Early Warning System to be established in accordance with Article IV in the area shown on the map attached to the Basic Agreement will be entrusted to the United States. It shall have the following elements: a. There shall be two surveillance stations to provide strategic early warning, one operated by Egyptian and one operated by Israeli personnel. Their locations are shown on the map attached to the Basic Agreement. Each station shall be manned by not more than 250 technical and administrative personnel. They shall perform the functions of visual and electronic surveillance only within their stations. b. In support of these stations, to provide tactical early warning and to verify access to them, three watch stations shall be established by the United States in the Mitla and Giddi Passes as will be shown on the map attached to the Basic Agreement. These stations shall be operated by United States civilian personnel. In support of these stations, there shall be established three unmanned electronic sensor fields at both ends of each Pass and in the general vicinity of each station and the roads leading to and from those stations. 2. The United States civilian personnel shall perform the following duties in connection with the operation and maintenance of these stations: a. At the two surveillance stations described in paragraph 1 a. above, United States civilian personnel will verify the nature of the operations of the stations and all movement into and out of each station and will immediately report any detected divergency from its authorized role of visual and electronic surveillance to the Parties to the Basic Agreement and to the United Nations Emergency Force. b. At each watch station described in paragraph 1 b. above, the United States civilian personnel will immediately report to the Parties to the Basic Agreement and to the United Nations Emergency Force any movement of armed forces, other than the United Nations Emergency Force, into either Pass and any observed preparations for such movement. c. The total number of United States civilian personnel assigned to functions under this Proposal shall not exceed 200. Only civilian personnel shall be assigned to functions under this Proposal. 3. No arms shall be maintained at the stations and other facilities covered by this Proposal, except for small arms required for their protection. 4. The United States personnel serving the Early Warning System shall be allowed to move freely within the area of the system. 5. The United States and its personnel shall be entitled to have such support facilities as are reasonably necessary to perform their functions. 6. The United States personnel shall be immune from local criminal, civil, tax and customs jurisdiction and may be accorded any other specific privileges and immunities provided for in the United Nations Emergency Force Agreement of February 13, 1957. 7. The United States affirms that it will continue to perform the functions described above for the duration of the Basic Agreement. 8. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Proposal, the United States may withdraw its personnel only if it concludes that their safety is jeopardized or that continuation of their role is no longer necessary. In the latter case the Parties to the Basic Agreement will be informed in advance in order to give them the opportunity to make alternative arrangements. If both Parties to the Basic Agreement request the United States to conclude its role under this Proposal, the United States will consider such requests conclusive. 9. Technical problems including the location of the watch stations will be worked out through consultation with the United States. HENRY A. KISSINGER Secretary of State ADDENDUM TO APPENDIX A Separate Agreements and Assurances [Sections 1 (b) and 2 (a), (b), and (c) of the Proposal (q.v.) provide for the operation of various visual and electronic surveillance equipment by 200 United States civilians. The Department of State therefore sought-and eventually received-Congressional approval for the implementation of this part of the Proposal. During his appearances before the Congressional committees that conducted hearings on what was termed the "Early Warning System in Sinai," Secretary of State Kissinger provided the committees with the texts of two separate memoranda of agreement between Israel and the United States, of a separate assurance by the United States to Israel, and of a separate assurance by the United States to Egypt. Copies of these secret documents were printed by the Washington Post on September 16, 1975, and by the New York Times the next day. On October 3, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee-despite objections by the Department of State-made the documents public and printed the texts in one of its official reports of the hearings before the Committee (U.S. Congress. Ninety-fourth Congress, First Session. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. Memoranda of Agreements Between the Governments of Israel and the United States, October 6 & 7, 1975. Washington: GPO, 1975). Subsequently, the texts were published in the Congressional Record. The following paraphrases those documents.] Agreements with and Assurances to Israel The agreements and assurances focus on Israel's present and future military requirements, including possible emergency logistics and supply; Israel's possible future oil needs; a continuation of the historical commitment by the United States to Israel's sovereignty and security; the general principle of freedom of navigation on the high seas and through straits connecting international waters; the Geneva Peace Conference and the role of the Palestine Liberation Organization; and the continuation of United States economic, technical, and military aid and assistance to Israel. The executive branch of the United States government agreed to seek Congressional funding for a continuation of military and economic assistance to Israel and to consider making advanced weapons available to Israel, including such items as the F-16 aircraft and Pershing ground-to-ground missles with conventional warheads. The United States agreed that should Israel be unable to purchase oil to meet its domestic requirements, the United States would attempt to make such purchases on Israel's behalf and if necessary to assist in securing transport. Israel and the United States agreed that the next Egypt-Israel agreement should be a final peace agreement. The United States agreed neither to recognize nor to negotiate with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) until the PLO accepts the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338, which acceptance would in turn be a tacit recognition of Israel's right to exist. Israel and the United States further agreed that the Geneva Peace Conference will be reconvened at a date acceptable both to Israel and the United States. The United States also agreed to oppose, and if necessary to veto, any attempt in the Security Council to revise Security Council Resolutions 242 and 388 or the terms of reference of the Geneva Peace Conference in a manner that would alter their original purpose. Assurances to Egypt In its assurances to the government of Egypt, the United States agreed to make a serious effort to initiate negotiations between Israel and Syria. Should Israel violate the Egypt-Israel Agreement, the United States stated that it would consult with Egypt as to what course of action the United States might take. The United States agreed to provide Egypt with technical assistance for an early warning station and reaffirmed its intention to provide economic assistance to Egypt, subject to Congressional approval and funding.