$Unique_ID{COW01772} $Pretitle{354C} $Title{Indian Ocean Countries Bibliography. Maldives} $Subtitle{} $Author{Melinda W. Cooke} $Affiliation{HQ, Department of the Army} $Subject{maldives asia economic ed london new washington world } $Date{1983} $Log{} Country: Indian Ocean Countries Book: Indian Ocean Countries, An Area Study: Strategic Considerations Author: Melinda W. Cooke Affiliation: HQ, Department of the Army Date: 1983 Bibliography. Maldives Asia 1980 Yearbook. (Ed., Donald Wise.) Hong Kong: Far Eastern Economic Review, 1980. Asia 1981 Yearbook. (Ed., Donald Wise.) Hong Kong: Far Eastern Economic Review, 1981. The Europa Year Book, 1980, II, London: Europa Publications, 1980. Far Eastern Economic Review. Asia 1982 Yearbook. Hong Kong: 1982. Farmer, B.H. "Maldives: Physical and Social Geography." Pages 749-54 in The Far East and Australasia 1980-81. London: Europa Publications, 1980. Gupta, Ranjan. The Indian Ocean: A Political Geography. New Delhi: Marwah Publications, 1979. Maldives. National Planning Agency. Report on the Survey of Island Women of the Nations. New York: Worldmark Press, Harper and Row, 1967. "Maldives." Pages 230-32 in Graham Hancock (ed.), Asia and Pacific 1981. Essex, England: World of Information, 1981. "Maldives Islands." Pages 221-24 in Louis Barron (ed.), Worldmark Encyclopedia. Male: Government of Maldives in collaboration with the Overseas Education Fund, U.S.A., 1980. Maloney, Clarence. "The Maldives: New Stresses in an Old Nation," Asian Survey, 16, No. 7, July 1976, 654-71. Mukerjee, Dilip. "Maldives Diversifies Contacts with Big Neighbors," Pacific Community [Tokyo], 6, No. 4, July 1975, 595-607. Navaratne, Gamini. "In the Maldive Islands a Bloodless Coup May Alter the Indian Ocean Defense Situation," Commonwealth [London], XVIII, No. 3, June/July 1975, 18-19. Phadnis, Urmila, and Ela Dutt Luithui. "The Maldives Enter World Politics," Asian Affairs, 8, No. 3, January/February 1981, 166-79. The Statesman's Year-Book 1981-82. (Ed., John Paxton.) London: Macmillan, 1981. U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Directorate of Intelligence. Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments. Washington: 1982. U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. National Foreign Assessment Center. World Factbook, 1981. Washington: GPO, 1981. U.S. Department of State. Bureau of Intelligence and Research. Office of the Geographer. Maritime Boundary: India-Maldives and Maldives' Claimed "Economic Zone". (Limits in the Seas series, No. 78.) Washington: 1978. U.S. Department of State. Bureau of Public Affairs. Background Notes: Maldives. (Department of State Publication, No. 8026.) Washington: GPO, 1981. World Bank. South Asia Regional Office. The Maldives: An Introductory Economic Report. (World Bank Country Study.) Washington: December 1980. (Various issues of the following publications were also used in the preparation of this chapter: Asian Recorder [New Delhi], May 1971-March 1980; Keesing's Contemporary Archives [London], March 1971-January 1981; and New York Times, April 1971-May 1981.)