$Unique_ID{COW01737} $Pretitle{239} $Title{Indonesia Bibliography. Chapters 3 and 4} $Subtitle{} $Author{Riga Adiwoso-Suprapto} $Affiliation{HQ, Department of the Army} $Subject{economic indonesia hong kong review eastern far indonesian asia new} $Date{1982} $Log{} Country: Indonesia Book: Indonesia, A Country Study Author: Riga Adiwoso-Suprapto Affiliation: HQ, Department of the Army Date: 1982 Bibliography. Chapters 3 and 4 Chapter 3 Anderson, A. Grant. "The Rural Market in West Java," Economic Development and Cultural Change, 28, No. 4, 753-77. Asia Yearbook 1975. Hong Kong: Far Eastern Economic Review, 1975. Asia Yearbook 1976. Hong Kong: Far Eastern Economic Review, 1976. Asia Yearbook 1977. Hong Kong: Far Eastern Economic Review, 1977. Asia Yearbook 1978. Hong Kong: Far Eastern Economic Review, 1978. Asia Yearbook 1979. Hong Kong: Far Eastern Economic Review, 1979. Asia Yearbook 1980. Hong Kong: Far Eastern Economic Review, 1980. Asia Yearbook 1981. Hong Kong: Far Eastern Economic Review, 1981. Asia Yearbook 1982. Hong Kong: Far Eastern Economic Review, 1982. Awanohara, Susumu. "Austerity, for Now," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], January 15, 1982, 44-46. _____. "A Controlled Float with Emphasis on Control," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], March 26, 1982, 91-92. _____. "Crying over Spilt Milk," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], January 1-7, 1982, 47-49. _____. "The Gurus of Growth," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], June 11, 1982, 110-11. _____. "Jakarta Trims the Trees," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], March 19, 1982, 76-79. Awanohara, Susumu, and Manggi Habir. "From Virtue to Necessity," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], September 24, 1982, 119-21. _____. "Wanted: Inspired Juggling of the Policy Options," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], September 24, 1982, 121-24. Blance of Payments Yearbook, 1980, 31. Washington: International Monetary Fund, December 1980. Bank Indonesia Report for the Financial Year 1980/81. Jakarta: Bank Indonesia, 1981. "Bapak Bappenas," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], June 11, 1982, 110-12. Birowo, Achmad T., and Gary E. Hansen. "Agricultural and Rural Development: An Overview." Pages 1-27 in Gary E. Hansen (ed.), Agricultural and Rural Development in Indonesia. Boulder: Westview Press, 1981. Booth Anne, and Peter McCawley. "Fiscal Policy." Pages 126-61 in Anne Booth and Peter McCawley (eds.), The Indonesian Economy During the Soeharto Era. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1981. _____. "The Indonesian Economy since the Mid-Sixties." Pages 1-22 in Anne Booth and Peter McCawley (eds.), The Indonesian Economy During the Soeharto Era. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1981. Booth, Anne, and R.M. Sundrum. "Income Distribution." Pages 181-217 in Anne Booth and Peter McCawley (eds.), The Indonesian Economy During the Soeharto Era. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1981. Campbell, Colin, "Plight of Landless Farmers Getting Worse in Java," New York Times, August 15, 1982, A7. Collier, William. "Agricultural Evolution in Java," Pages 147-73 in Gary E. Hansen (ed.), Agricultural and Rural Development in Indonesia. Boulder: Westview Press, 1981. Cowper, Richard. "Fall in Oil Income Jeopardizes Indonesia's Growth," Financial Times [London], June 8, 1982, 4. Critchfield, Richard. The Changing Peasant: Part IX, The Urban Migrant. (American Universities Field Staff. Fieldstaff Reports. Asia, No. 7.) Hanover, New Hampshire: AUFS, 1982. Dapice, David O. "An Overview of the Indonesian Economy." Pages 3-55 in Gustav F. Papanek (ed.), The Indonesian Economy. New York: Praeger, 1980. Dapice, David O., and Donald Snodgrass. "Employment in Manufacturing, 1970-1977: A Comment," Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies [Canberra], 15, No. 3, November 1979, 127-31. Dick, H.W. "Urban Public Transport: Jakarta, Surabaya, and Malang, Part I," Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies [Canberra], 17, No. 1, March 1981, 66-82. _____. "Urban Public Transport: Jakarta, Surabaya, and Malang, Part II," Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies [Canberra], 17, No. 2, July 1981, 72-88. Direction of Trade Statistics Yearbook, 1980. Washington: International Monetary Fund, 1980. Direction of Trade Statistics Yearbook, 1982. Washington: International Monetary Fund, 1982 Drilon, J.D., Jr., et al. The Indonesian Corn Commodity System. (Harvard-SEARCA Project 928-B, Southeast Asian Corn Commodity Systems.) n. pl.: Southeast Asian Regional Conter for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture, c. 1974. Gillis, Stephen Malcom. Tax and Investment Policies for Hard Minerals: Public and Multinational Enterprises in Indonesia. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Ballinger, 1980. Glassburner, Bruce. The Economy of Indonesia: Selected Readings. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1971. _____. "Political Economy and the Soeharto Regime," Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies [Canberra], 14, No. 3, November 1978, 24-51. _____. "Showcase State: The Illusion of Indonesia's 'Accelerated Modernization'," Economic Development and Cultural Change, 25, No. 2, January 1977, 383-86. Government Finance Statistics Yearbook, 1982, 6. Washington: International Monetary Fund, 1982. Gregory, Ann, and Alice B. Lentz (eds.). Country Risk Analysis: Indonesia. (Paper presented at seminar for the Fund for Multinational Management Education, American Indonesian Chamber of Commerce, May 6, 1981.) New York: Fund for Multinational Management Education. American Indonesian Chamber of Commerce, June 1981. Grenville, Stephen. "Monetary Policy and the Formal Financial Sector." Pages 102-25 in Anne Booth and Peter McCawley (eds.), The Indonesian Economy During the Soeharto Era. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1981. Hainsworth, Geoffrey B. "Dilemmas of Development in Indonesia," Current History, 79, No. 461, December 1980, 189-93. Hanna, Williard A. Two Ordinary Ways of Life in Indonesia. (American Universities Field Staff. Fieldstaff Reports. Asia, No. 25.) Hanover, New Hampshire: AUFS, 1981. Harris, Donald S. Indonesia. (Country Labor Profile, U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of International Labor Affairs.) Washington: GPO, 1979. Heneveld, Ward. "The Distribution of Development Funds: New School Building in East Java," Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies [Canberra], 14, No. 1, March 1978, 63-79. Heri, Akhmadi. Breaking the Chains of Oppression of the Indonesian People: Defense Statement at His Trial on Charges of Insulting the Head of State. (Modern Indonesia Project, Translation series, No. 59.) Ithaca: Cornell University, 1981. Hughes, G.A. and I. Islam. "Inequality in Indonesia: A Decomposition Analysis," Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies [Canberra], 17, No. 2, July 1981, 42-71. Indonesia. Biro Pusat Statistik (Central Bureau of Statistics). Buku saku statistik Indonesia 1970 and 1971 (Statistical Pocketbook of Indonesia). Jakarta: 1971. _____. Buku saku statistik Indonesia 1979/80 (Statistical Pocketbook of Indonesia.) Jakarta: 1980. _____. Indikator ekonomi: buletin statistik bulanan (Economic Indicators: Monthly Bulletin of Statistics) [Jakarta], April 1982. _____. Produksi tanaman bahan makanan di Indonesia, 1979 (Production of Food Crops in Indonesia, 1979). Jakarta: 1980. _____. Tabel Input-Output Indonesia, 1975, IIB (Input-Output Table for Indonesia). Jakarta: 1980. Indonesia 1980: An Official Handbook. Jakarta: Department of Information, Directorate for Foreign Information Services, 1981. "Indonesia's Major Economic Sectors: Oil and Natural Gas," Focus on Indonesia, February 1982, 7-17. International Financial Statistics Yearbook, 1982. Washington: International Monetary Fund, 1982. International Monetary Fund. Balance of Payments Statistics, 33, No. 7, July 1982. International Petroleum Encyclopedia, 1981. Tulsa: Penwell, 1981. Jones, Clayton, et al. "Asia's Economic Dragons: Indonesia," Christian Science Monitor, August 17, 1982, B1-B6. Jones, Gavin W. "Labour Force Developments since 1961." Pages 218-61 in Anne Booth and Peter McCawley (eds.), The Indonesian Economy During the Soeharto Era. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1981. Khong, C.O. "Foreign Company-Host Government Relations: A Study of the Indonesian Petroleum Industry," ODI Review [London], 2, 1980, 49-75. Kikuchi, Masao. "Changes in Rice Harvesting Systems in the Philippines and Indonesia: Village Structure and Choice of Contractual Arrangements," The Developing Economies [Tokyo], 19, No. 4, December 1981, 291-304. Lee S.Y., and Y.C. Jao. Financial Structures and Monetary Policies in Southeast Asia. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1982. McCawley, Peter. "The Growth of the Industrial Sector." Pages 62-101 in Anne Booth and Peter McCawley (eds.), The Indonesian Economy During the Soeharto Era. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1981. _____. "Rural Electrification in Indonesia-Is It Time?" Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies [Canberra], 14, No. 2, July 1978, 34-69. McCawley, Peter, and Maree Tait. "Employment in Manufacturing, 1970-1977: A Reply," Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies [Canberra], 15, No. 3, November 1979, 132-44. _____. "New Data on Employment in Manufacturing: 1970-1977," Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies [Canberra], 15, No. 1, March 1979, 125-36. Manguno, Joseph P. "Jakarta Oil Output Cut May Force Changes in Budget, Minister Says," Asian Wall Street Journal [Hong Kong], March 25, 1982, 1. _____. "Jakarta's Export Policy Is Barrier to Free Trade, U.S. Official Says," Asian Wall Street Journal [Hong Kong], April 8, 1982. 1, 7. Mears, Leon A., and Sidik Moeljono. "Food Policy." Pages 23-61 in Anne Booth and Peter McCawley (eds.), The Indonesian Economy During the Soeharto Era. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1981. Meijer, Willem. "Lowland Forestry Management." Pages 295-306 in Gary E. Hansen (ed.), Agricultural and Rural Development in Indonesia. Boulder: Westview Press, 1981. Nayoan, G.A.S. "Offshore Hydrocarbon Potential of Indonesia," Energy [Oxford], 6, No. 11, November 1981, 1225-46. Nota keuangan dan rancangan anggaran pendapatan dan belanja negara: tahun 1982/83. Jakarta: Bank Indonesia, 1982. Palmer, Ingrid. The Indonesian Economy since 1965: A Case Study of Political Economy. London: 1978. Panglaykim, J. "Economic Cooperation: Indonesian-Japanese Joint Ventures," Asian Survey, 18, No. 2, February 1978, 247-60. _____. "Indonesia's Economic Dimensions and Resilience," Asia Pacific Community [Tokyo], No. 15, Winter 1982, 76-82. Papanek, Gustav F. (ed.). The Indonesian Economy. New York: Praeger, 1980. Poffenberger, Mark, and Mary S. Zurbuchen. "The Economics of Village Bali: Three Perspectives," Economic Development and Cultural Change, 29, No. 1, October 1980, 91-133. Riva, Joseph P., Jr. "Petroleum Prospects of Indonesia," Oil and Gas Journal, No. 80, March 8, 1982, 306-16. Robison, Richard. "Toward a Class Analysis of the Indonesian Military Bureaucratic State," Indonesia, No. 25, April 1978, 17-39. Sacerdoti, Guy. "Acrobatic Technocrats Star in an Indonesian Balancing Act," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], May 16, 1980, 44-48. _____. "Boom Time in Indonesia," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], July 17, 1981, 44-50. _____. "The Members of the Wedding: A Guest-List Symbolises Indonesia's Unique Marriage of Political Attitudes," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], July 24, 1981, 28-30. _____. "Running to Stand Still," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], August 28, 1981, 78-79. _____. "Suharto's Barrel of Goodies," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], January 9, 1981, 45-47. _____. "Suharto's Clean Sweep," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], April 24, 1981, 74-75. Scanlan, A.F.G. (ed.). B.P. Statistical Review of World Energy 1981. London: British Petroleum, 1981. Seavoy, Ronald E. "Social Restraints on Food Production in Indonesian Subsistence Culture," Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 8, No. 1, March 1977, 15-30. Sherman, George. "What 'Green Desert'? The Ecology of Batak Grassland Farming," Indonesia, No. 29, April 1980, 112-48. Siddique, Sharon, and Leo Suryadinata. "Bumiputra and Pribumi: Economic Nationalism (Indiginism) in Malaysia and Indonesia," Pacific Affairs [Vancouver], 54, No. 4, Winter 1981-82, 662-87. Skully, Michael T. "Commercial Banking in Indonesia: An Examination of Its Development and Present Structure," Asian Survey, 22, No. 9, September 1982, 874-93. United States. Comptroller General. Cooperation in Agricultural Assistance: An Elusive Goal in Indonesia. (ID-80-29.) Washington: General Accounting Office, 1980. United States. Department of Commerce. International Trade Administration. Marketing in Indonesia. (Overseas Business Reports, OBR 81-11.) Washington: GPO, May 1981. Weinstein, Franklin B. Indonesian Foreign Policy and the Dilemma of Dependence: From Sukarno to Suharto. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1976. White, Benjamin. "Population, Involution, and Employment in Rural Java," Pages 130-46 in Gary E. Hansen (ed.), Agricultural and Rural Development in Indonesia. Boulder: Westview Press, 1981. "White Book of the 1978 Student's Struggle," Indonesia, No. 25, April 1978, 151-82. Widjaja, Albert. "Multinational Corporations and Indonesia," Asia Pacific Community [Tokyo], No. 8, Spring 1980, 44-57. Wong, John. ASEAN Economies in Perspective: A Comparative Study of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. Philadelphia: Institute for the Study of Human Issues, 1979. World Bank. World Development Report, 1982. New York: Oxford University Press, 1982. World Bank. Economic Analysis and Projections Department. External Debt Division. World Debt Tables. Washington: 1981. Wu, John C. "The Mineral Industry of Indonesia." Pages 471-87 in Minerals Yearbook 1978-79. Washington: GPO, 1981. 1979 Yearbook of International Trade Statistics, 1. New York: United Nations, Department of International Economic and Social Affairs Statistical Office, 1979. 1980 Yearbook of International Trade Statistics, 1. New York: United Nations, Department of International Economic and Social Affairs Statistical Office, 1980. (Various issues of the following publications were also used in the preparation of this chapter: Asian Wall Street Journal [Hong Kong], October 1980-October 1982; Balance of Payments Statistics, January 1980-June 1982; Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies [Canberra], January 1972-March 1982; Business Asia [Hong Kong], January 1974-October 1982; Business Times [Kuala Lumpur], January 1980-June 1981; Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], January 1976-October 1982; Financial Times [London], January 1979-October 1982; Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: Asia and Pacific, January 1977-October 1982; IMF Survey, January 1975-October 1982; Indikator ekonomi: buletin statistik bulanan [Economic Indicators: Monthly Bulletin of Statistics] [Jakarta], June 1981-April 1982; Indonesian Development News [Jakarta], January 1977-June 1982; International Energy Statistical Review, January-August 1982; International Financial Statistics, January-October 1982; Joint Publications Research Service, South and East Asia Report, January 1980-September 1982; and United States Bureau of Mines, Minerals Yearbook.) Chapter 4 "Adam Malik Looks at Key Questions in His Country's Political Future," Christian Science Monitor, August 17, 1982, B6. Asia Yearbook 1978. Hong Kong: Far Eastern Economic Review, 1978. Asia Yearbook 1979. Hong Kong: Far Eastern Economic Review, 1979. Asia Yearbook 1982. Hong Kong: Far Eastern Economic Review, 1982. Awanohara, Susumu. "Indonesia: Patchwork Politics," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], April 2, 1982, 24, 26. _____. "Making It Legal," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], August 27, 1982, 20-21. _____. "Ready for a More Prominent Role," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], August 13, 1982, 54-55. _____. "A Scenario for Spying," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], February 12, 1982, 14-15. Ayoob, Mohammed (ed.). The Politics of Islamic Reassertion. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981. Britton, Peter. "Indonesia's Neo-Colonial Armed Forces, " Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, 7, No. 3, July-September 1975, 14-21. Campbell, Colin. "Indonesia Shifts Security Emphasis," New York Times, August 5, 1982, A1. _____. "Three Cambodian Groups Forming Coalition," New York Times, June 21, 1982, A3. _____. "U.S. and Indonesia, Long Close, Drift Apart on Several Issues," New York Times, July 28, 1982, A8. Cowper, Richard. "Soviet Spies Pose Dilemma for Indonesia," Financial Times [London], February 23, 1982, 4. _____. "Why Indonesia Fears Orthodox Islam Opposition," Financial Times [London], February 8, 1982, 4. Crouch, Harold A. The Army and Politics in Indonesia. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1978. _____. "Patrimonialism and Military Rule in Indonesia," World Politics, 31, No. 4, July 1979, 571-87. Davies, Derek. "A Javanese Dilemma," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], May 21, 1982, 34-36. "Dispute in Indonesian Democracy Party," Kompas, Jakarta, October 23, 1979. Translated by Joint Publications Research Service (Washington). JPRS 74860, No. 861, January 3, 1980. "Election Committee Announces Final Results," Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: Asia and Pacific, 4, No. 116 (FBIS-APA-82-116), June 16, 1982, N1-N2. Emmerson, Donald K. "The Bureaucracy in the Political Context: Weakness in Strength." In Karl D. Jackson and Lucian W. Pye (eds.), Political Power and Communication in Indonesia. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1978. _____. Indonesia's Elite: Political Culture and Cultural Politics. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1976. Fryer, Donald W., and James C. Jackson. Indonesia. London: Ernest Benn, 1977. "General Speaks on Presidential Succession," Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: Asia and Pacific, 4, No. 096 (FBIS-APA-79-096), May 17, 1979, N1-N2. "Golkar Holds 'Grand Conference' 18-20 October," Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: Asia and Pacific, 4, No. 209 (FBIS-APA-79-209), October 26, 1979, N3-N5. Grant, Ronald M. "Indonesia 1978: A Third Term for President Suharto," Asian Survey, 19, No. 2, February 1979, 141-46. Gregory, Ann, and Alice B. Lentz (eds.). Country Risk Analysis: Indonesia. (Paper presented at seminar for the Fund for Multinational Management Education, American Indonesian Chamber of Commerce, May 6, 1981.) New York: Fund for Multinational Management Education, American Indonesian Chamber of Commerce, June 1981. Gunn, Geoffrey C. "Ideology and the Concept of Government in the Indonesian New Order," Asian Survey, 19, No. 8 August 1979, 751-69. Haar, B. Ter. Adat Law in Indonesia. New York: Institute of Pacific Relations, 1948. Hansen, Gary E. "Indonesia 1974: A Momentous year," Asian Survey, 15, No. 2, February 1975, 148-57. Hein, Gordon R. "Indonesia in 1981: Countdown to the General Elections," Asian Survey, 22, No. 2, February 1982, 200-11. Heri, Akhmadi. Breaking the Chains of Oppression of the Indonesian People: Defense Statement at His Trial on Charges of Insulting the Head of State. (Modern Indonesia Project, Translation series , No. 59.) Ithaca: Cornell University, 1981. Hindley, Donald. "Indonesia 1971: Pantjasila Democracy and the Second Parliamentary Elections," Asian Survey, 12, No. 1, January 1972, 56-68. "Increasing Public Legal Consciousness in Indonesia," Indonesia Today [Jakarta], 8, No. 3, September 1981, 19-21. "Indonesia: Cleaning Up the Crime-fighters," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], October 6, 1978, 31-32. "Indonesia: The Distinguished Dissident," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], August 22, 1980, 22-26. "Indonesia: Measuring Policy Against the Ideological Foundations," Christian Science Monitor, August 17, 1982, B5. "Indonesian Communist Party Marks 59th Anniversary," Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: Asia and Pacific, 4, No. 131 (FBIS-APA-79-131), July 6, 1979, N1-N6. "Indonesia's Foreign Minister on Kampuchean Conflict," Asian Wall Street Journal [Hong Kong], May 17, 1982, 4. Jackson, Karl D. Traditional Authority, Islam, and Rebellion: A Study of Indonesian Political Behavior. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1980. Jackson, Karl D., and Lucian W. Pye (eds.). Political Power and Communications in Indonesia. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1978. Jenkins, David. "The Aging of the New Order," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], June 27, 1980, 22-24. _____. "Answering Questions on Corruption," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], October 15, 1976, 32. _____. "An Anti-Chinese Rampage," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], May 2, 1980, 24-25. "A Blow to the Achilles Heel," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], May 30, 1980, 22-23. _____. "China's Secret Wooing of Jakarta," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], February 15, 1980, 16-17. _____. "Cutting Headmen Down to Size," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], November 9, 1979, 28-29. _____. "Farewell to a Pioneer," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], March 28, 1980, 28. _____. "A Gathering Storm on Campus," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], March 7, 1980, 38-39. _____. "General Jusuf: A Man from the Past Leads the March to the Future," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], March 2, 1979, 18-22. _____. "Islam: The Symbolic Issue," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], May 13, 1977, 8-11. _____. "The Jakarta Solution: A million Chinese May Be Granted Citizenship under a Bold New Plan Being Debated," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], September 21, 1979, 38-40. _____. "The Mirror on the Wall," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], February 27, 1981, 19, 21. _____. "A New Order in the Army," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], December 21, 1979, 28-32. _____. "A Question Mark over the Army," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], January 11, 1980, 21-22. _____. "A Show of Official Restraint," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], April 25, 1980, 34-35. _____. "Suharto: A Decade of Deeds and Dilemmas," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], August 20, 1976, 18-22. _____. "The Tale of P4-and How P7 Irked P3," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], July 24, 1981, 31-32. Jorgensen-Dahl, Arnfinn. "ASEAN 1867-1976: Development or Stagnation?" Pacific Community [Tokyo], 7, No. 4, July 1976, 519-35. Jusuf, Wanandi. "Southeast Asia: Perspectives from ASEAN-Conflict and Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region: An Indonesian Perspective," Asian Survey, 22, No. 6, June 1982, 503-15. Lev, Daniel S. "Judicial Authority and the Struggle for an Indonesian Rechtsstaat," Law and Society Review, 13, No. 1, Fall 1978, 37-71. Liddle, R. William. "Indonesia 1977: The New Order's Second Parliamentary Election," Asian Survey, 18, No. 2, February 1978, 175-85. Lipsky, Seth, and Raphael Pura. "Indonesia: Testing Time for the 'New Order'," Foreign Affairs, 57, No. 1, Fall 1978, 186-202. McBeth, John. "None for All, All for None: The Three Unlikely Coalition Leaders Meet on Cambodian Soil," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], July 16, 1982, 8-10. MacDougall, John A. "Patterns of Military Control in the Indonesian Higher Central Bureaucracy," Indonesia, No. 33, April 1982, 89-121. _____. "The Technocratic Model of Modernization: The Case of Indonesia's New Order," Asian Survey, 16, No. 12, December 1976, 1166-82. Manguno, Joseph P. "Indonesian-Soviet Relations Sour over Broadcasts, Airport Scuffle," Asian Wall Street Journal [Hong Kong], February 3, 1982, 1. _____. "Suharto's Rule Faces Crucial Test in National Elections Next Month," Asian Wall Street Journal [Hong Kong], April 8, 1982, 1, 16. "Marching with Golkar," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], June 27, 1980, 24-27. "Minister of Religious Affairs Explains Role," Kompas, Jakarta, June 13, 1979. Translated by Joint Publications Research Service (Washington). JPRS 74105, No. 839, August 29, 1979. "Mochtar Gives Assessment of 1980 Foreign Policy," Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: Asia and Pacific, 4, No. 001, (FBIS-APA-81-001), January 2, 1981, N1-N5. Morfit, Michael. "Pancasila: The Indonesian State Ideology According to the New Order Government," Asian Survey, 21, No. 8, August 1981, 838-51. Moritz, Frederic A. "Noncommunist Screws are Tightened on Vietnam," Christian Science Monitor, July 14, 1982, 12. Morrison, Charles E., and Astri Suhrke. Strategies of Survival: The Foreign Policy Dilemmas of Smaller Asian States. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1978. Noer, Deliar. Administration of Islam in Indonesia. (Modern Indonesia Project, Monograph series, No. 58) Ithaca: Cornell University, 1978. "Observer Urges More Dynamic Foreign Policy," Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: Asia and Pacific, 4, No. 147 (FBIS-APA-82-147), July 30, 1982, N2. Oey Hong Lee (ed.). Indonesia after the 1971 Elections. (Hull Monographs on Southeast Asia, No. 5). London: Oxford University Press, 1974. Pauker, Guy J. "Indonesia in 1980: Regime Fatigue?" Asian Survey, 21, No. 2, February 1981, 232-44. _____. "Indonesia 1979: The Record of Three Decades," Asian Survey, 20, No. 2, February 1980, 123-34 Pringle, Robert. Indonesia and the Philippines: American Interests in Island Southeast Asia. New York: Columbia University Press, 1980. Quinn-Judge, Paul. "Indonesia's Rowdy Voting 'Festival': Suharto Holds Sway, but the Young Are Restless," Christian Science Monitor, May 10, 1982, 3. Rix, Alan G. "The Mitsugoro Project: Japanese Aid Policy and Indonesia," Pacific Affairs [Vancouver], 52, No. 1, Spring 1979, 42-63. Robison, Richard. "Culture, Politics, and Economy in the Political History of the New Order," Indonesia, No. 31, April 1981, 1-29. Rodgers, Peter. "New Riots for Old Reasons," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], December 5, 1980, 11-12. Sacerdoti, Guy. "Acrobatic Technocrats Star in an Indonesian Balancing Act," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], May 16, 1980, 44-48. _____. "The Berkeley Mafia Meets the Military," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], May 16, 1980, 49-50. _____. "Consensus Conundrums," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], August 21, 1981. 34-35. _____. "Defining the Limits of Criticism," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], July 25, 1980, 33. _____. "The Members of the Wedding: A Guest-List Symbolises Indonesia's Unique Marriage of Political Attitudes," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], July 24, 1981, 28-30. _____. "Questions over a Crackdown," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], November 7, 1980, 14. Shee, Poon-kim. "A Decade of ASEAN, 1967-1977," Asian Survey, 17, No. 8, August 1977, 753-70. Sievers, Allen M. The Mystical World of Indonesia: Culture and Economic Development in Conflict. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1974. Silverstein, Josef. "The Military and Foreign Policy in Burma and Indonesia," Asian Survey, 22, No. 3, March 1982, 278-91. "Soviet Diplomat Expelled: Consulate Closed," Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: Asia and Pacific, 4, No. 022 (FBIS-APA-82-022), February 9, 1982, N1-N3. "Suharto Addresses Parliament on Policy, Budget," Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: Asia and Pacific, 4, No. 007 (FBIS-APA-82-007), January 12, 1982, N1-N5. "Suharto: ASEAN Cornerstone of Foreign Policy," Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: Asia and Pacific, 4, No. 151 (FBIS-APA-81-151), August 6, 1981, N1-N2. "Suharto Delivers Independence Day Speech," Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: Asia and Pacific, 4, No. 162 (FBIS-APA-81-162), August 21, 1981, N1-N6. "Suharto Discusses Armed Forces' Dual Function," Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: Asia and Pacific, 4, No. 055 (FBIS-APA-81-055), March 23, 1981, N1. "Suharto Presents Independence Day Address," Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: Asia and Pacific, 4, No. 159 (FBIS-APA-82-159), August 17, 1982, N1-N5. "Suharto Presents Third 5-Year Plan, 1979-80 Budget," Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: Asia and Pacific, 4, No. 008 (FBIS-APA-79-008), January 11, 1979, N1-N7. "Suharto Speaks at Opening Session of Parliament," Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: Asia and Pacific, 4, No. 166 (FBIS-APA-80-166), August 25, 1980, N1-N18. "Suharto State Address at Opening Session of 1979-80 Parliament," Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: Asia and Pacific, 4, No. 177 (FBIS-APA-79-177), September 11, 1979, Supplement, 1-24. Sundhanssen, Ulf. "The Military in Research on Indonesian Politics," Journal of Asian Studies, 31, No. 2, February 1972, 355-65. _____. "Regime Crisis in Indonesia: Facts, Fiction, Predictions," Asian Survey, 21, No. 8, August 1981, 815-37. Tasker, Rodney. "Democracy and the New Order," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], January 5, 1979, 16-17. _____. "Old Fears Delay Friendship," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], December 15, 1978, 32-33. _____. "Trumped-up Trio: Compelled to Compromise, the Three Khmer Factions Set Up a Coalition," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], June 25, 1982, 8-10. United States. Department of State. Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 1981. (Report submitted to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, and the Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, February 1982.) Washington: GPO, February 1982. "U.S. Urged Not to Ignore Maoist Threat to Asia," Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: Asia and Pacific, 4, No. 145 (FBIS-APA-82-145), July 28, 1982, N1. Wain, Barry. "As Vote in Indonesia Nears, Lid is Lifted on Emotions," Asian Wall Street Journal [Hong Kong], May 3, 1982, 1. Weatherbee, Donald E. "The U.S. and Indonesia: New Realities in Southeast Asia," Strategic Review, 8, Fall 1980, 56-63. Weinstein, Franklin. Indonesian Foreign Policy and the Dilemma of Dependence: From Sukarno to Suharto. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1976. Yong Mun Cheong. Trends in Indonesia: Proceedings and Background Paper. Singapore: Singapore University Press, 1972. (Various issues of the following publications were also used in the preparation of this chapter: Asian Recorder [New Delhi], January 1974-February 1980; Asian Wall Street Journal [Hong Kong], January 1980-July 1982; Christian Science Monitor, January 1976-August 1982; Keesing's Contemporary Archives [London] March, 1956, January 1975-April 1982; New York Times, January 1975-September 1982; and Washington Post, January 1975-September 1982.)