$Unique_ID{COW01573} $Pretitle{364} $Title{Haiti Glossary} $Subtitle{} $Author{Thomas E. Weil} $Affiliation{HQ, Department of the Army} $Subject{ } $Date{1973} $Log{} Country: Haiti Book: Haiti, a Country Study Author: Thomas E. Weil Affiliation: HQ, Department of the Army Date: 1973 Glossary baccalaureat-Certificate of completion of four-year upper cycle in secondary school. bamboche-Secular celebration or spree. bocor-Voodoo sorcerer. cacoism-Involvement of peasant guerrillas in revolutionary activities. CAMEP-Centrale Autonome Metropolitaine d'Eau Potable (Autonomous Metropolitan Potable Water Center). Responsible for water supply in Port-au-Prince metropolitan area. COALEP-Cooperative pour l'Alimentation en Eau Potable Pour les Comunite du Arrier-Pays (Cooperative for Potable Water Supply to Communities of the Interior). Provides water-supply installations for areas not able to finance the resulting services. combite(s)-A working party of rural neighbors summoned by farmers for tasks such as working in fields during peak periods or constructing a house. Work is followed by feasting and dancing. Creole-Language that arose as a pidginized form of French maritime and West African dialects during the colonial period; is spoken by all Haitians and is the only language of the peasant masses. creolized French-French influenced by Creole. cult of the dead-Complex of voodoo beliefs and practices honoring the dead. gourde-Monetary unit. Symbol is G. Official rate in 1972 was 5 gourdes equal US$1. This rate had been in effect for more than thirty years. gros habitant(s)-Haitian term for wealthy and powerful peasant. houngan(s)-Voodoo priest. loa (pl., loa)-Anthropomorphic spirits or gods in voodoo; of Haitian or African origin and subordinate to Christian God. mambo(s)-Voodoo priestess. meringue-A popular dance. negritude-Glorification of Afro-Haitian heritage. rara-A band of musicians that performs during latter part of Lent. SHRH-Service Hydraulique du Republique d'Haiti (Hydraulic Service of the Republic of Haiti). An agency of the Secretariat of State for Public Works, Transportation and Communications, which is generally responsible for public water supply. ville(s) de province-Provincial town. Any urban center other than Port-au Prince.